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Messages - Kinder Graham

Pages: 1 ... 196197198 199200 ... 243
Serious / Re: Wait, didn't Germany take France in just two weeks?
« on: September 10, 2014, 08:34:47 AM »
Still basing things on race? toplel. Bet you think only blacks can be African-American, huh?

Obama has set up and is setting up a heavy internet surveillance.

DHS has special spy technology capable of seeing through walls and has vans cruising city streets, spying on Americans indiscriminately.

Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act into law, a bill granting him the power to detain for an unlimited time anyone he deems engaged in terrorism.  Given the DHS definition of terrorism, that could be anybody.  American citizens are not exempt

A fascist allows you to own your business, but tells you how to run it. So under President Obama, the government CONTROLS the economy through burdensome taxes and regulations, but does not OWN it. Because he controls the economy, he can take credit for anything that goes right. But because he doesn't own it, he can blame somebody else for anything that goes wrong.
Nope. They're black Americans. If anybody thinks that's racist they can kiss my ass. That African American bullshit is for people afraid of being labeled racist. They're not first generation immigrants, they've been there since the beginning.

You realize all these programs were STARTED by Bush, right? Dat selective memory.

As for the rest if what you said, it's too stupid to even try and pick apart. He isn't a fascist. He's the democratically elected president of America. Or do you seriously think there's some sort of conspiracy here with all the hatred he gets from ignorant motherfuckers like you and Republitards in office? Do you seriously think a black man is the one pulling all the strings in America? FUCKING LOL

You fascists are really something. You hate him because he's black, then act like HE'S the fascist and wants to make YOU a minority and destroy America. You're terrified that a black man is your president. Absolutely terrified, because you know what your ancestors have done to the blacks, and what you fuckers STILL do today. Good. You deserve to be afraid.
Yep, still basing everything on race.  fun fact #1: Obama is half-white. Fun-fact #2: I have black cousins. Fun-fact #3: 1.25 million whites were enslaved along the North African coast. Fun-Fact #4: I'm Irish and Irish people were sold into slavery and treated the same as blacks.

You're sounding like Tumblr militant-feminazi who spews idiotic rhetoric without using any common sense or factual information

And yes, I do know Bush started some and that's why I hate his guts equally as Obama's. I've said it countless times but your selective and delusional memory makes you forget. Here's another fun-fact: Obama has the power to stop the things Bush started and not do the things he's doing. But guess what? He continues to do so and should be held just as accountable

I fucking love how you still call me Republican when I'm not. How about you shut your Demtard mouth and break your party's tradioton and educate yourself for once?

Oh, the president isn't elected by the people. The president is elected by the Electoral College; they get together and cast votes on how becomes president. Some guy can win all the states when the people vote but the electors can pick the "loser" as president. Just another point that you're too ignorant

Serious / Re: Most overrated US President.
« on: September 10, 2014, 08:25:43 AM »
>calls reagan butcher
>obama increases drone strikes killing thousands of innocent people


OT: Lincoln, especially since people have this false idea that he carred about freeing the slaves. He didn;t and only resorted to it for the sole purpose of winning a war, and his initial plan was to send them all back to Liberia

The Flood / Re: Forum Game: Kill Comms Officer
« on: September 10, 2014, 08:23:29 AM »
*Revives Comms*
*feeds comms to hungry ant eaters*

The Flood / Re: Users that you think get too much shit from other people
« on: September 10, 2014, 08:22:11 AM »
Everyone gets a little too buttflustered at the anime guys and the shitposters.
Which is why I keep my shitposting in Anarchy, especially towards the end

The Flood / Re: I must sleep
« on: September 10, 2014, 06:21:16 AM »

The Super Porno Film Erotica Book

The Flood / Re: I am become Dingo
« on: September 10, 2014, 06:16:09 AM »
I am become hedgehog

Gib all toilet paper rolls!

Gaming / Re: Borderlands vs Destiny
« on: September 10, 2014, 06:11:32 AM »
.le edgy memay

Gaming / Re: Hey, you guys having fun with Destiny?
« on: September 10, 2014, 06:08:39 AM »
Didn't enjoy the beta, might get it next year when all the DLC is included.
Good luck with that. Only the first two expansion packs will be releasing this/next year. There's going to be 4 in total

4 DLCs for a '10 year game'?
And there will be a Destiny 2 and 3

Don't forget Destiny Future Future Warfare XD Deluxe edition
Do you want to go back in the crawl space?

Gaming / Re: Hype killed Destiny for #Density
« on: September 10, 2014, 06:07:40 AM »
I keep getting all of their stupid error messages about not being able to connect, so I have not experienced anything yet. Good game Bungie, I spent $60 on a title screen and error messages.
I was able to play perfectly last night for a few hours then went to bed ^-^

Gaming / Re: Hey, you guys having fun with Destiny?
« on: September 10, 2014, 06:06:17 AM »
Didn't enjoy the beta, might get it next year when all the DLC is included.
Good luck with that. Only the first two expansion packs will be releasing this/next year. There's going to be 4 in total

4 DLCs for a '10 year game'?
And there will be a Destiny 2 and 3

Gaming / Re: Hey, you guys having fun with Destiny?
« on: September 10, 2014, 06:05:27 AM »
I'm having a ball

The secret is to not get over-hyped. You start to have all these super high expectations and, yeah

Gaming / Re: Hey, you guys having fun with Destiny?
« on: September 10, 2014, 06:04:24 AM »
Didn't enjoy the beta, might get it next year when all the DLC is included.
Good luck with that. Only the first two expansion packs will be releasing this/next year. There's going to be 4 in total

The Flood / Re: Oh things are about to get spicy on the Sep7agon....
« on: September 09, 2014, 09:22:37 PM »


« on: September 09, 2014, 09:20:43 PM »
Definitely an 8.

Maybe a 9 when my braces come off.
[braces fetish intensifies]


He's Mexican

He fucking keeps Tru to himself

« on: September 09, 2014, 08:56:28 PM »
>mfw betacritic

The Flood / Re: I haven't masturbated in 3 days due to sheer lack of libido
« on: September 09, 2014, 08:49:39 PM »
I went about a week without fapping for the same reason. Then I got the urge back and I needed a bucket for my mess....or vien's tongue.......

Gaming / Re: Skyrim characters
« on: September 09, 2014, 08:47:31 PM »
This thread reminds me of the time I lured a giant to the gates of Whiterun had an epic batte with it. Then Lydia comes running from where I told her to stay and she got upped smashed wombo-combo rekt. Waited for like 10 minutes and she never came back and thought she died. Around 3 weeks pass IRL and suddenly she just comes running up to me. Like what the actual fuck

The Flood / Re: Noelle Quitonm - Married at last
« on: September 09, 2014, 08:44:26 PM »
Ask the magic conch.....

Gaming / Re: Should I get Destiny?
« on: September 09, 2014, 08:41:33 PM »
I have been getting a connection error all day. Nothing wrong on my end, my internet works perfectly. Good job Bungie.
1. Hyped game? Check
2. Millions of copies sold? Check
3. Millions of people trying to play at the same time? Check

Every major game release is going to have it's issues in the beginning. Betas are used to find some of these issues and fix them but some may not show up or were over looked. Imagine how worse it would be if no beta was made, then it would be an even bigger mess. Have not been on in a few hours, but the game was working fine for me earlier. May get on in a few to check it out

Gaming / Re: Desticle tears
« on: September 09, 2014, 08:33:51 PM »
>postal delivery

Well of course it's going to get damaged. Do people seriously think your packages are going to be handled with care? Very reason why I will very seldom buy something on the internet

The Flood / Re: Surgery Update
« on: September 09, 2014, 08:29:57 PM »
......can i pay you $50 for it?

The hell you going to do with that?
If you saw his threads in Anarchy before it closed you'd have some kind of idea.
dun get your jim jams all fim flammed

The Flood / Re: OMG TEH NEW IPHONE 6!
« on: September 09, 2014, 08:24:59 PM »
Oh Apple, selling outdated crap and suing companies after you steal their patented technologies. On top of this, they announce a smartwatch after Samsun has had one on the market for like 2 years now

The Flood / Re: Surgery Update
« on: September 09, 2014, 04:53:55 PM »

The Flood / Re: Surgery Update
« on: September 09, 2014, 04:41:03 PM »
......can i pay you $50 for it?

Gaming / Re: *shrieks* I GOT MUH GHOST EDITION! (Late-night review)
« on: September 09, 2014, 04:38:33 PM »
Just remember kids that it's 150 POUNDS here in the UK because Bungie are greedy bastards
your economi just suks

The Flood / Re: Favorite Type of Chips?
« on: September 09, 2014, 12:12:01 PM »
No 'chips' for me.
*grabs shotgun*
Get out you fucking Weeaboo.


I can't eat them because braces.

ewwwww, I hated braces. Had one time where a wire impaled my tongue and plenty of times getting hit in the mouth gym and getting all bloody

I never eat much anyway. And good, this means you don't like me because braces.
Nah, I actually have a brace fetish, when it's on somebody else XP

You're fucking kidding me.
You are.
You are right?
You fucking wish m80

The Flood / Re: Favorite Type of Chips?
« on: September 09, 2014, 12:09:54 PM »
No 'chips' for me.
*grabs shotgun*
Get out you fucking Weeaboo.


I can't eat them because braces.

ewwwww, I hated braces. Had one time where a wire impaled my tongue and plenty of times getting hit in the mouth gym and getting all bloody

I never eat much anyway. And good, this means you don't like me because braces.
Nah, I actually have a brace fetish, when it's on somebody else XP

The Flood / Re: Favorite Type of Chips?
« on: September 09, 2014, 12:05:47 PM »
No 'chips' for me.
*grabs shotgun*
Get out you fucking Weeaboo.


I can't eat them because braces.

ewwwww, I hated braces. Had one time where a wire impaled my tongue and plenty of times getting hit in the mouth gym and getting all bloody

The Flood / Re: Favorite Type of Chips?
« on: September 09, 2014, 12:03:21 PM »
I miss the salt-less BBQ chips Utz had :c

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