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Messages - Kinder Graham

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Serious / Re: Senator Tim Kaine attacks Syria strikes
« on: September 24, 2014, 08:23:39 AM »
only Congress has the power to approve war
But this isn't a war unless declared so.
It's the military attacking a group. That's war. Sugar coat it with all these fancy, pointless terms but at the end of the day war is war. People got bent out of shape when Bush did this but nobody is when Obama does it

The Flood / Re: 10 white power song that don't suck
« on: September 24, 2014, 08:22:05 AM »
>still thinking having southern pride is white power

People seriously make me laugh. I've seen and known blacks that display Confederate battle flags and have pride as a southerner. It's not about racism; it's a culturally identity of restricting an over-reaching national government that contradicts what the Constitution says. Being pride of heritage shouldn't be something negative, it should be a positive
Nah it's just racism.
Lol no it's not. Heritage, not hate. Does that mean the North is equally as racist and it's racist to sing the Star Spangled Banner and wave Old Glory around? After all, before the War of Northern Aggression, northern states had slavery also. And what about Lincoln? He wanted to deport the freed slaves initially. Plus freeing the salves was ONLY for the purpose of winning a war. He wasn't concerned about it till he realized the North had the possibility of loosing as the South only had to conduct a defensive campaign, not an offensive one

Serious / Senator Tim Kaine attacks Syria strikes
« on: September 24, 2014, 08:19:18 AM »

WASHINGTON -- As bombs dropped over Syria Monday evening, marking the beginning of a U.S.-led effort to eradicate the Islamic State in that country, most members of Congress were back at home.

The legislative branch adjourned its business at the end of last week to tend to elections. In doing so, it left unresolved the issue of authorizing the war that President Barack Obama would start days later. Congressional inaction didn't upend the White House's plans; the administration had already claimed it had legal authority to launch such strikes in Syria.

But by leaving town before the president started operations, lawmakers may have done serious harm to their own institution, Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) argued in an interview with The Huffington Post. Not only had they diminished the standing of Congress with respect to the executive branch, they also may have given unintended consent to a Dick Cheney-like vision of presidential war powers.

"[Congress has] sort of allowed the Cheney pre-emptive war doctrine to exist by another name," Kaine said. "In this instance, they allowed the president to say, 'ISIL [the Islamic State] is the bad guys, and I can go after them even though there has been testimony that they pose no imminent threat of attack on the United States.' If the president just gets to do this without Congress, then we will be embracing the Cheney pre-emptive war doctrine, which I think is just brutally wrong."

Kaine, one of the most outspoken advocates for passing a new authorization for use of military force, spoke just hours before word broke of the first airstrikes in Syria. He is slated to give a larger address on Tuesday at the Obama-allied Center for American Progress, speaking against the legal underpinnings for expanded military operations.

If you didn't catch it, Kaine is a Democrat Senator. He is right on his stances; we got so bent out of shape when Bush and Cheney did this but not a single word is being spoken when Obama does this. The Constitution CLEARLY states only Congress has the power to approve war, not the president. If we're going to look over this then might as fucking well just shred the damn Constitution

The Flood / Re: 10 white power song that don't suck
« on: September 24, 2014, 07:59:40 AM »
>still thinking having southern pride is white power

People seriously make me laugh. I've seen and known blacks that display Confederate battle flags and have pride as a southerner. It's not about racism; it's a culturally identity of restricting an over-reaching national government that contradicts what the Constitution says. Being pride of heritage shouldn't be something negative, it should be a positive

The Flood / Re: Do you jerk off to rule 34?
« on: September 24, 2014, 07:57:17 AM »
Wat dat mommy?
Naked cartoon characters and stuff. Like Cortana

The Flood / Re: Waffles are better than pancakes
« on: September 24, 2014, 05:58:57 AM »
Yes, waffles>>>>>>>>pancakes

Although I hate breakfast and typically just eat leftovers or a pizza hot pocket...........

This is why you leave the science to the scientists and the politics to the politicians.
I disagree. Politicians should be scientifically literate.
Politicians should also represent the people
I don't disagree. Does that mean they should parrot their constituents' dumbass thoughts that climate change isn't a very real and immediate threat, thus creating problems for the entire country?

How fucktards like this got onto this House committee is beyond me.
Missed my point lol

Politicians don't represent the people, despite their job to. Politicians should be educated, despite the contrary seen everyday where you sit and wonder if a rock would make more educated decisions
My apologies. You didn't really give me enough to go on. I assumed you were arguing that a representative should support their constituents, even if they are objectively incorrect and doing harm to the country.
Well it its the internet. If it were IRL then I would have said it in a sarcastic manner so it would be easier to pick up on >.>

Although, there's people that work in fields like coal mining and don't want the government to keep on making new laws on the industry and thus leaving them jobless and adding them to the staggering number of unemployed citizens. There should be a balance between wanting to preserve the environment regardless what science says and trying to basically shutdown entire industries

The Flood / Re: Do you jerk off to rule 34?
« on: September 23, 2014, 10:29:43 PM »
Yes. Favorites include Cortana and Korra >.>

This is why you leave the science to the scientists and the politics to the politicians.
I disagree. Politicians should be scientifically literate.
Politicians should also represent the people
I don't disagree. Does that mean they should parrot their constituents' dumbass thoughts that climate change isn't a very real and immediate threat, thus creating problems for the entire country?

How fucktards like this got onto this House committee is beyond me.
Missed my point lol

Politicians don't represent the people, despite their job to. Politicians should be educated, despite the contrary seen everyday where you sit and wonder if a rock would make more educated decisions

This is why you leave the science to the scientists and the politics to the politicians.
I disagree. Politicians should be scientifically literate.
Politicians should also represent the people

Serious / Re: Coach suspended for praying with students
« on: September 23, 2014, 10:03:37 PM »
What a joke of a country we live in.
bible stories instead of science.

What a shithole.

le eby maymay fedorable

Serious / Re: Coach suspended for praying with students
« on: September 23, 2014, 10:01:05 PM »
VIOLATEDschool policy when he DIRECTEDstudents to lead a prayer after a recent win.

Hm, I wonder what the problem could be......I don't see one

The Flood / Re: US man wakes up speaking Swedish
« on: September 23, 2014, 09:41:57 PM »
I smell Velox behind this....

The Flood / Re: How likely are you to die on this trip?
« on: September 23, 2014, 09:35:18 PM »

I'll just convert it over to something like euros or pounds

The Flood / Re: What is your opinion on friendship?
« on: September 23, 2014, 09:34:05 PM »
I like to avoid any sort of person bonding as much as possible

The Flood / iPhone69s+grande confirmed not for hipsters
« on: September 23, 2014, 09:32:35 PM »

Reports from consumers claim that storing an iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus can cause the body of the phone to warp.

This is according to, which claims some consumers have complained about the phone cases having bent after merely sitting in a pants pocket for an extended amount of time.

The author reported that his own iPhone 6 unit had experienced some warping, although it was significantly less than what others had experienced.

And yes, I did say iPhone69s+grande. Got a problem with it?

Serious / Re: Should AI be given equal rights?
« on: September 23, 2014, 09:05:03 PM »

They're robots for fucks sake.If they start to get all "pissy" then just wipe their memory and start them off as new basically. Robots only know what they are programmed to know, unless they some how obtain the level of self-awareness and perform actions that they were not programmed with or to do then all they will be are subjects to human control
What the fuck is wrong with you?
How about you go spread some mineral equal rights?

The Flood / Re: What would you do with the power to teleport?
« on: September 23, 2014, 07:33:17 PM »
Call NASA.
Make contract.
Obtain space suit.
Teleport around space.

How.... Nerdy

You're so fucking adorable

Cute Ossku

a-am i cute?......

Serious / Re: Should AI be given equal rights?
« on: September 23, 2014, 07:16:18 PM »

They're robots for fucks sake.If they start to get all "pissy" then just wipe their memory and start them off as new basically. Robots only know what they are programmed to know, unless they some how obtain the level of self-awareness and perform actions that they were not programmed with or to do then all they will be are subjects to human control

The Flood / Re: The death of /pol/
« on: September 23, 2014, 07:01:14 PM »
/pol/ is still up on 4chan though?

The Flood / Re: I'm on break at work
« on: September 23, 2014, 06:30:34 PM »
they're obviously niggers
How can they be Ryle?
Ryle is all. It's no mere person, it's what we're made of. We are Ryle

The Flood / Re: I'm on break at work
« on: September 23, 2014, 06:25:33 PM »
they're obviously niggers

The Flood / Re: What would you do with the power to teleport?
« on: September 23, 2014, 06:25:01 PM »
To a certain person
Someone really misses their sister.
where's tru-chan's sister? :c

I'll hunt her down and return her for him

The Flood / Re: What would you do with the power to teleport?
« on: September 23, 2014, 06:10:57 PM »
Teleport to Tru

We can go to the zoo, cinema, pier to fish, pier to eat fish n chips, the mall, the movie store, the park, carnival, big ben, the zoo, and mcdonalds

The Flood / Re: What would you do with the power to teleport?
« on: September 23, 2014, 06:02:37 PM »
Teleport to Tru

Serious / Re: 40 minute documentary on aliens, by Stephen Hawking
« on: September 23, 2014, 05:54:20 PM »
oh shit, is that smeagel?

The Flood / Re: Retarded logic behind the infamous cheese sammich
« on: September 23, 2014, 05:52:51 PM »
I don't understand why you have to pay to be fed in school. Like, fuck, what are these property taxes for? Footballs?
Pretty sure it is. My high school got like a $150M renovation budget about 2 years ago and the first thing they did was remodel the damn football field. And the funny thing is that our football team was the worse in the entire school district; the fucking school band and chess club has more trophies than them and my ROTC unit literally had to throw trophies out every year because we earned so many

On top of that, the school fucking not only cut drivers education, but cut sex education in favor of wasting money on the football team

Like shit

The Flood / Re: More philosophy class shenanigans
« on: September 23, 2014, 05:50:17 PM »
And tomorrow your teacher will be fired and the whole school will have to attend a lecture on respecting other's beliefs.

gg op, you just made a man loose his job

The Flood / Retarded logic behind the infamous cheese sammich
« on: September 23, 2014, 05:48:27 PM »
So for you Eurfags, Aussieshits, and for anybody else unaware, many muriclap schools have this thing where if you typically don't have money to pay for your school lunch then you will get a hamburger bun with a few slices of cheese on it and a milk for lunch. Schools have it where aside from bringing like $2 everyday, you can bring a check or a larger bill and have it placed on your account or there's an online deposit thing so parents can do it from home

Anyway, my brother today (after telling my parents he needed money multiple times) got this wonderful government cuisine. So here's the logic part: He didn't know until he got his tray with his GMO-induced lab "nutrients" till he went to the cashier. The old hag employed told him he didn't have any money on his account so it was taken from him and, get this:


If you're going to throw it in the damn trash can, why the fuck not just give it to him instead? Like damn

Well that's my daily rant about the inefficiency and stupidity of the government

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