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Messages - Kinder Graham

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Serious / Re: If you don't like "under God" don't say it
« on: September 27, 2014, 03:01:39 PM »
Nope, sorry. No freedom of speech in school.

Don't care about some Idaho court case.
>Idaho Court
>Ruling made by U.S Supreme Court


Fucking Google the case. Nobody can be this stupid. Please tell me this is just one big ruse because not even Camnator is this incoherent

Serious / Re: If you don't like "under God" don't say it
« on: September 27, 2014, 02:59:22 PM »
Nope, sorry. No freedom of speech in school.

Don't care about some Idaho court case.
>Idaho Court
>Ruling made by U.S Supreme Court


Serious / Re: Police officer kills Walmart shopper for holding a BB gun
« on: September 27, 2014, 02:57:48 PM »
What annoys me is that white folk can walk into supermarkets with fucking rifles and no one gives a shit

There's a difference between the way a gun is handled. Over the shoulder in your picture is not intimidating what so ever. The way the guy was holding it in the video and the caller claiming he was pointing it is intimidating
This is just one of many examples available if you Google search.

This is proper rifle handling It's slung over the shoulder and pointing down and not being waved around. Notice that one of them is black. This has nothing to do with race and it's kinda arrogant to make it about it. What this is about is proper gun handling and reporting to police with the truth
>Trying to justify the murder of an innocent person

Fuck me you never cease to amaze me
Exactly how is stating the differences of a person holding a gun justifying something? But the cops did nothing wrong. They got a FALSE report of a guy pointing and waving a gun. That's all they knew when they went it. They acted accordingly to training and protocol on the situation

You have a brain so please use it

Serious / Re: Police officer kills Walmart shopper for holding a BB gun
« on: September 27, 2014, 02:55:48 PM »
I don't see any problem here.

Well, the only problem was the guy calling and saying the other guy was waving around the gun when he actually wasn't. Police did nothing wrong as they got a call about a man pointing a gun at people, arrived, saw the supposed weapon, ordered him to drop it, he never dropped it, and was shot

Police are not some super-natural beings that know everything about a situation. They know as much as everybody else and what they are told about the situation at hand. Maybe if the caller didn't say the gun was being waved and pointed then this wouldn't have happened
There's this new thing called tazers and shooting people in the leg or arm. Lethal force is only appropriate if a civilian's (NOT a cop's) life is in immediate danger.
There's this thing called distance. A taser won't shoot that far. It only works at a couple of feet, like 2 feet. Lethal force IS appropriate if a cop's life is in danger and cops are civilians also and police departments are civilian agencies. Only people not civilians are military personnel
Did you not even watch the video, bro? They were extremely close to the guy. The simple fact of the matter is that the coo didn't even give the kid time to drop the BB gun. He came around the corner, yelled at him, and before the kid even knew what was going on, he was shot.
I did watch the video. No cop is coming to get that close to a guy who has been reported to be pointing a gun around and have an item that looks like a gun in his hands. That's fucking suicide. You wouldn't get up close to the guy if you were there, would you? Of course not
Yeah, I would. Part of being a cop is not being a coward. If the cop would've waited another ten seconds for the kid to register that there was a misunderstanding, he could've avoided murdering an innocent civilian. Don't forget that all the kid was doing was buying a BB gun that Walmart had plainly laid out for any and all to take.
Keeping your distance from a supposed armed subject is not being a coward, it's being smart and logical. Those 10 seconds is time wasted where an officer or a bystander could have gotten injured or killed by the guy. And as I said, cops are not all-knowing beings; they had no idea it was a BB gun and he was going to buy it. The department got a call saying the guy was pointing and waving a gun around and that's what the cops knew.

Want to be mad at somebody? Be mad at the caller for lying about what happened. He needs to be charged with involuntary manslaughter because his false call (illegal act) led to a person dying, something that never happens associated with the unlawful act

Serious / Re: If you don't like "under God" don't say it
« on: September 27, 2014, 02:50:33 PM »
You have no free speech when you are in school.
Yes, you do as said in Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District

"You suck Mr. Smith"
"1 weeks detention."
"You can't do that its my first amendment right!"
"Too bad, see you after school"
And saying "you suck Mr. Smith" in the middle of class is disruptive behavior

In the school context, the United States Supreme Court has identified three major relevant considerations:

- The extent to which the student speech in question poses a substantial threat of disruption (Tinker v. Des Moines Indep. Cmty. Sch. Dist.).

- Whether the speech is offensive to prevailing community standards (Bethel School District v. Fraser).

- Whether the speech, if allowed as part of a school activity or function, would be contrary to the basic educational mission of the school (Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier).

Serious / Re: Police officer kills Walmart shopper for holding a BB gun
« on: September 27, 2014, 02:43:28 PM »
I don't see any problem here.

Well, the only problem was the guy calling and saying the other guy was waving around the gun when he actually wasn't. Police did nothing wrong as they got a call about a man pointing a gun at people, arrived, saw the supposed weapon, ordered him to drop it, he never dropped it, and was shot

Police are not some super-natural beings that know everything about a situation. They know as much as everybody else and what they are told about the situation at hand. Maybe if the caller didn't say the gun was being waved and pointed then this wouldn't have happened
There's this new thing called tazers and shooting people in the leg or arm. Lethal force is only appropriate if a civilian's (NOT a cop's) life is in immediate danger.
There's this thing called distance. A taser won't shoot that far. It only works at a couple of feet, like 2 feet. Lethal force IS appropriate if a cop's life is in danger and cops are civilians also and police departments are civilian agencies. Only people not civilians are military personnel
Did you not even watch the video, bro? They were extremely close to the guy. The simple fact of the matter is that the coo didn't even give the kid time to drop the BB gun. He came around the corner, yelled at him, and before the kid even knew what was going on, he was shot.
I did watch the video. No cop is coming to get that close to a guy who has been reported to be pointing a gun around and have an item that looks like a gun in his hands. That's fucking suicide. You wouldn't get up close to the guy if you were there, would you? Of course not

Serious / Re: If you don't like "under God" don't say it
« on: September 27, 2014, 02:40:37 PM »
And that teacher will loose their job. 1st Amendment violation. Rights even apply to students

Just enforcing the school policy.

I still don't understand why atheists can't just stand for 50 seconds and not say it. Just stand, thats it. But then again 90% of atheists are miserable assholes so....
1st Amendment>>>>>>school policy

Why can't atheists just express their 1st amendment right and not stand?

Why can't they just stand and not say anything?

Kids in other countries would literally kill to be in the same seat as them, in America.
Because it's their 1st Amendment right to sit if they want to. For somebody all about MURICA FUK YEAH, you sure are having a difficult time understanding what the principle laws of American society are

Kids in other countries has nothing to deal with this. This is about a situation where a person's free speech is being violated to the point of punishment. This is no different than the shit countries like North Korea and China pull

Serious / Re: Police officer kills Walmart shopper for holding a BB gun
« on: September 27, 2014, 02:38:03 PM »
I don't see any problem here.

Well, the only problem was the guy calling and saying the other guy was waving around the gun when he actually wasn't. Police did nothing wrong as they got a call about a man pointing a gun at people, arrived, saw the supposed weapon, ordered him to drop it, he never dropped it, and was shot

Police are not some super-natural beings that know everything about a situation. They know as much as everybody else and what they are told about the situation at hand. Maybe if the caller didn't say the gun was being waved and pointed then this wouldn't have happened
There's this new thing called tazers and shooting people in the leg or arm. Lethal force is only appropriate if a civilian's (NOT a cop's) life is in immediate danger.
There's this thing called distance. A taser won't shoot that far. It only works at a couple of feet, like 2 feet. Lethal force IS appropriate if a cop's life is in danger and cops are civilians also and police departments are civilian agencies. Only people not civilians are military personnel

Serious / Re: Police officer kills Walmart shopper for holding a BB gun
« on: September 27, 2014, 02:34:21 PM »
What annoys me is that white folk can walk into supermarkets with fucking rifles and no one gives a shit

There's a difference between the way a gun is handled. Over the shoulder in your picture is not intimidating what so ever. The way the guy was holding it in the video and the caller claiming he was pointing it is intimidating
This is just one of many examples available if you Google search.

This is proper rifle handling It's slung over the shoulder and pointing down and not being waved around. Notice that one of them is black. This has nothing to do with race and it's kinda arrogant to make it about it. What this is about is proper gun handling and reporting to police with the truth

Serious / Re: Police officer kills Walmart shopper for holding a BB gun
« on: September 27, 2014, 02:31:48 PM »
I don't see any problem here.

Well, the only problem was the guy calling and saying the other guy was waving around the gun when he actually wasn't. Police did nothing wrong as they got a call about a man pointing a gun at people, arrived, saw the supposed weapon, ordered him to drop it, he never dropped it, and was shot

Police are not some super-natural beings that know everything about a situation. They know as much as everybody else and what they are told about the situation at hand. Maybe if the caller didn't say the gun was being waved and pointed then this wouldn't have happened

Serious / Re: Police officer kills Walmart shopper for holding a BB gun
« on: September 27, 2014, 02:28:38 PM »
What annoys me is that white folk can walk into supermarkets with fucking rifles and no one gives a shit

There's a difference between the way a gun is handled. Over the shoulder in your picture is not intimidating what so ever. The way the guy was holding it in the video and the caller claiming he was pointing it is intimidating

Serious / Re: If you don't like "under God" don't say it
« on: September 27, 2014, 02:24:10 PM »
And that teacher will loose their job. 1st Amendment violation. Rights even apply to students

Just enforcing the school policy.

I still don't understand why atheists can't just stand for 50 seconds and not say it. Just stand, thats it. But then again 90% of atheists are miserable assholes so....
1st Amendment>>>>>>school policy

Why can't atheists just express their 1st amendment right and not stand?

The Flood / Re: If you could be paid to shill, what would it be for?
« on: September 27, 2014, 02:22:48 PM »
Century Arms

Serious / Re: If you don't like "under God" don't say it
« on: September 27, 2014, 02:17:02 PM »
And that teacher will loose their job. 1st Amendment violation. Rights even apply to students

Serious / Re: Do you Support the Students Protesting in Colorado?
« on: September 27, 2014, 02:15:36 PM »
>respect for individual rights

Only thing that shouldn't be protested. Rest is all indoctrination by the government and putting an extreme bias on history which is not okay

Serious / Re: Senator Tim Kaine attacks Syria strikes
« on: September 24, 2014, 12:21:34 PM »
>congress refuses to act on things
>El Presidente utilizes military assets already operating in area to quell a growing potential threat and important issue of international affairs

I don't see a problem.
You forgot the part where he's black.
>still thinking the color of a person's skin has ANYTHING to do with politics

Fucking lol. This is EXACTLY why racism and division among people still exists to this day
It has everything to do with it, unfortunately. Only a racist would dislike Obama attacking ISIL. Especially when they wanted this a minute ago.

This is nothing but a political play.
I'll pary that you get over your draconian and archaic thinking
You see the thing is I like and support Obama and am not a racist.

If deflection is all you can come up with, I fear for your future my boy. :(
You see the thing is that I'm not a childish and ignorant idiot who associates not liking a person's political ideals and actions as being "hur racest"

If playing the race card is all you can do to try to prove a point, the I fear for not only your future bu the world's future as your actions are the ones that promote racism and racial division
There's nothing childish about it. On the contrary, the children are the ones hating on Obama for doing something the Middle Eastern governments fully support.

There is no other reason to dislike what Obama is doing right now unless you're racist. Unlike you, I don't live in a fantasy where racism only exists if a person calling out racists brings their racism up. THEY'RE being racist and taking actions against him. Me? I'm sitting here supporting Obama and calling out racists.

Please, provide a reason other than "HURR DURR MUH ARCHAIC DEFINITION OF WAR OH GOD IM SO FUCKING RETARDED", and I'll take you seriously.

Till then, I'm not Surprised Kinder, and I demand a refund for your predictable posts.
There is something very childish about it because instead of looking at things that matter, your looking at things that have no effect on a person's character and political standing. News flash, blacks don't have to be Democrat. I support not only black politicians but black activists who reside with various groups like Libertarian Party, Republican Party, the NRA, etc

There is a reason to dislike what Obama is doing: He's going around what the Constitution clearly states but your fucking archaic and piss-poor thinking makes you mentally challenged into thinking I'm just a racist, when I stated above I support blacks that are not Democrat. You're a fucking retarded fascist by saying that because I disagree with somebody then I'm automatically a racist. I guess you're a racist for not supporting Bush, huh?

You're a fucking retreaded piece of race baiting shit who has no linguistic and political common sense. Just your typical Space Shuttle Challenger exploding like a mentally challenged fucktard. But guess fucking what: The dictionary says war is what I defined; how about you stop trying to edit and censor things for your own damn benefit>
Can one Kinder project this much?

There's nothing wrong with what Obama's doing. It isn't war by today's standards, and the Middle East welcomes the airstrikes with open arms, especially Iran. If that doesn't convince you, nothing will. You'll sit here playing "choose the definition" to try and paint Obama as this dictator, where if he had waited for congress it would have taken months and you'd call him weak.

Reported for ad hominem. Enjoy your 3 month ban.
Can you not fucking read? Congress only has the power to conduct war. America attacking a group within a nation is the dictionary definition of war. Doesn't matter how much you want to sugar coat it because at the end of the day it's still war. And as I said, it's good that other countries are wanting our help but there's no Clause that gives exemption for to Congress if asked for support by the international community. I'm not painting him as a dictator, I'm painting him as a power of person violating the fucking law and putting him on the same damn scale as Bush and Cheney as not only war criminals, but violators of U.S law

You use ad hominem all the time, especially when using your piss-poor tactic of calling me a racist. If you get all pissy over people calling you out then don't do the damn thing yourself

The Flood / Re: 10 white power song that don't suck
« on: September 24, 2014, 12:11:18 PM »
>still thinking having southern pride is white power

People seriously make me laugh. I've seen and known blacks that display Confederate battle flags and have pride as a southerner. It's not about racism; it's a culturally identity of restricting an over-reaching national government that contradicts what the Constitution says. Being pride of heritage shouldn't be something negative, it should be a positive
Nah it's just racism.
Lol no it's not. Heritage, not hate. Does that mean the North is equally as racist and it's racist to sing the Star Spangled Banner and wave Old Glory around? After all, before the War of Northern Aggression, northern states had slavery also. And what about Lincoln? He wanted to deport the freed slaves initially. Plus freeing the salves was ONLY for the purpose of winning a war. He wasn't concerned about it till he realized the North had the possibility of loosing as the South only had to conduct a defensive campaign, not an offensive one

Stay mad, you brainwashed communist fucker

Serious / Re: Senator Tim Kaine attacks Syria strikes
« on: September 24, 2014, 12:09:37 PM »
>congress refuses to act on things
>El Presidente utilizes military assets already operating in area to quell a growing potential threat and important issue of international affairs

I don't see a problem.
You forgot the part where he's black.
>still thinking the color of a person's skin has ANYTHING to do with politics

Fucking lol. This is EXACTLY why racism and division among people still exists to this day
It has everything to do with it, unfortunately. Only a racist would dislike Obama attacking ISIL. Especially when they wanted this a minute ago.

This is nothing but a political play.
I'll pary that you get over your draconian and archaic thinking
You see the thing is I like and support Obama and am not a racist.

If deflection is all you can come up with, I fear for your future my boy. :(
You see the thing is that I'm not a childish and ignorant idiot who associates not liking a person's political ideals and actions as being "hur racest"

If playing the race card is all you can do to try to prove a point, the I fear for not only your future bu the world's future as your actions are the ones that promote racism and racial division
There's nothing childish about it. On the contrary, the children are the ones hating on Obama for doing something the Middle Eastern governments fully support.

There is no other reason to dislike what Obama is doing right now unless you're racist. Unlike you, I don't live in a fantasy where racism only exists if a person calling out racists brings their racism up. THEY'RE being racist and taking actions against him. Me? I'm sitting here supporting Obama and calling out racists.

Please, provide a reason other than "HURR DURR MUH ARCHAIC DEFINITION OF WAR OH GOD IM SO FUCKING RETARDED", and I'll take you seriously.

Till then, I'm not Surprised Kinder, and I demand a refund for your predictable posts.
There is something very childish about it because instead of looking at things that matter, your looking at things that have no effect on a person's character and political standing. News flash, blacks don't have to be Democrat. I support not only black politicians but black activists who reside with various groups like Libertarian Party, Republican Party, the NRA, etc

There is a reason to dislike what Obama is doing: He's going around what the Constitution clearly states but your fucking archaic and piss-poor thinking makes you mentally challenged into thinking I'm just a racist, when I stated above I support blacks that are not Democrat. You're a fucking retarded fascist by saying that because I disagree with somebody then I'm automatically a racist. I guess you're a racist for not supporting Bush, huh?

You're a fucking retreaded piece of race baiting shit who has no linguistic and political common sense. Just your typical Space Shuttle Challenger exploding like a mentally challenged fucktard. But guess fucking what: The dictionary says war is what I defined; how about you stop trying to edit and censor things for your own damn benefit>

Serious / Re: Senator Tim Kaine attacks Syria strikes
« on: September 24, 2014, 09:44:54 AM »
>congress refuses to act on things
>El Presidente utilizes military assets already operating in area to quell a growing potential threat and important issue of international affairs

I don't see a problem.
You forgot the part where he's black.
>still thinking the color of a person's skin has ANYTHING to do with politics

Fucking lol. This is EXACTLY why racism and division among people still exists to this day
It has everything to do with it, unfortunately. Only a racist would dislike Obama attacking ISIL. Especially when they wanted this a minute ago.

This is nothing but a political play.
I'll pary that you get over your draconian and archaic thinking
You see the thing is I like and support Obama and am not a racist.

If deflection is all you can come up with, I fear for your future my boy. :(
You see the thing is that I'm not a childish and ignorant idiot who associates not liking a person's political ideals and actions as being "hur racest"

If playing the race card is all you can do to try to prove a point, the I fear for not only your future bu the world's future as your actions are the ones that promote racism and racial division

Gaming / Re: Got a problem
« on: September 24, 2014, 09:29:24 AM »
lol newb

Serious / Re: Senator Tim Kaine attacks Syria strikes
« on: September 24, 2014, 09:27:16 AM »
>congress refuses to act on things
>El Presidente utilizes military assets already operating in area to quell a growing potential threat and important issue of international affairs

I don't see a problem.
You forgot the part where he's black.
>still thinking the color of a person's skin has ANYTHING to do with politics

Fucking lol. This is EXACTLY why racism and division among people still exists to this day
It has everything to do with it, unfortunately. Only a racist would dislike Obama attacking ISIL. Especially when they wanted this a minute ago.

This is nothing but a political play.
I'll pary that you get over your draconian and archaic thinking

Serious / Re: Senator Tim Kaine attacks Syria strikes
« on: September 24, 2014, 08:41:45 AM »
>congress refuses to act on things
>El Presidente utilizes military assets already operating in area to quell a growing potential threat and important issue of international affairs

I don't see a problem.
I do, especially when a Republican got a lot of public outcry over the same exact thing

Serious / Re: Senator Tim Kaine attacks Syria strikes
« on: September 24, 2014, 08:40:55 AM »
>congress refuses to act on things
>El Presidente utilizes military assets already operating in area to quell a growing potential threat and important issue of international affairs

I don't see a problem.
You forgot the part where he's black.
>still thinking the color of a person's skin has ANYTHING to do with politics

Fucking lol. This is EXACTLY why racism and division among people still exists to this day

Serious / Re: Senator Tim Kaine attacks Syria strikes
« on: September 24, 2014, 08:39:32 AM »
You don't seem to understand, Al Assad welcomes these airstrikes. Every government in the Middle East does. Getting technical about it and calling it a declaration of war to delay Obama to make him look like a "weak dictator" as you dumbshits like to say, is a cheap political tactic.

It isn't a war.
That's nice and all and good the international community is actually wanting the U.S help but the Constitution doesn't make mention that it's okay to bypass Congress if the international community is
wanting assistance. If Obama simply went to Congress then he would have got the go-ahead

The Flood / Re: UN Game VI
« on: September 24, 2014, 08:37:52 AM »
If we're starting back in the Iron Age then China isn't what it is, neither Russia and especially the U.S

This shit really rustles my jim jams as a history and geography type of person

Serious / Re: Senator Tim Kaine attacks Syria strikes
« on: September 24, 2014, 08:34:40 AM »
only Congress has the power to approve war
But this isn't a war unless declared so.
It's the military attacking a group. That's war. Sugar coat it with all these fancy, pointless terms but at the end of the day war is war. People got bent out of shape when Bush did this but nobody is when Obama does it
No, this is a conflict. The US hasn't declared war since 1941. A constitutional amendment may be in order if this is so important to most Americans.
a state of armed conflict between different nations or states or different groups within a nation or state.

As I said, calling this a "conflict" is just sugarcoating it. Bush called the unauthorized "conflicts" in Iraq and Afghanistan as such but received tremendous public outcry
You were talking about approving war, which is something else entirely. Are the hostilities between gangs in the US a war? Hostilities and armed violence between different groups within a nation? No, because it takes a competent organ or institution to declare war. You can keep resorting to populism and calling this a "war", but it technically isn't. And as I hope you know, law is all about the technicalities, which is exactly why Obama is allowed to do this.

Don't blame me, blame your constitution and how it's interpreted.
And this is a war

ISIS=group within a nation

U.S attacking ISIS is the definition of war.

Serious / Re: Senator Tim Kaine attacks Syria strikes
« on: September 24, 2014, 08:32:45 AM »
Except it isn't war. No nation has declared war on another nation. Especially when said nation is assisting these other nations by eradicating criminals.

Does a soldier formally declare war on your family if he murders one of your relatives? Are you all of a sudden a nation under attack from an occupying force when your relative was already killing your family members and this soldier is helping you under your request?
Except it is war.

a state of armed conflict between different nations or states or different groups within a nation or state.

Did you read? War is conflict between nations, states, groups, etc. The U.S military conducting operations against ISIS, a group withing Iraq and Syria, is in fact a war and Obama needs to get off his fucking high-horse and approach Congress to approve strikes

Did you get pissed off at Bush going into Iraq and Afghanistan without Congress approval? I bet you did

Serious / Re: Should AI be given equal rights?
« on: September 24, 2014, 08:29:52 AM »

They're robots for fucks sake.If they start to get all "pissy" then just wipe their memory and start them off as new basically. Robots only know what they are programmed to know, unless they some how obtain the level of self-awareness and perform actions that they were not programmed with or to do then all they will be are subjects to human control
What the fuck is wrong with you?
How about you go spread some mineral equal rights?
You should be shot.
You should be educated, idiot. Robots are not fucking alive. They are a hunk of metal and wires. Animals are living and deserve more rights. If you're actually supporting the idea to give pieces of metal rights then give rocks, sand, fire, etc equal rights

Serious / Re: Senator Tim Kaine attacks Syria strikes
« on: September 24, 2014, 08:27:42 AM »
only Congress has the power to approve war
But this isn't a war unless declared so.
It's the military attacking a group. That's war. Sugar coat it with all these fancy, pointless terms but at the end of the day war is war. People got bent out of shape when Bush did this but nobody is when Obama does it
No, this is a conflict. The US hasn't declared war since 1941. A constitutional amendment may be in order if this is so important to most Americans.
a state of armed conflict between different nations or states or different groups within a nation or state.

As I said, calling this a "conflict" is just sugarcoating it. Bush called the unauthorized "conflicts" in Iraq and Afghanistan as such but received tremendous public outcry

Serious / Re: Senator Tim Kaine attacks Syria strikes
« on: September 24, 2014, 08:24:13 AM »
Seeing how it isn't war and it's air strikes welcomed by the Syrian, Iraqi, and Iranian governments, Mr Kaine can go fuck himself with a broomstick.
t's the military attacking a group. That's war. Sugar coat it with all these fancy, pointless terms but at the end of the day war is war. People got bent out of shape when Bush did this but nobody is when Obama does it

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