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Messages - Kinder Graham

Pages: 1 ... 176177178 179180 ... 243
The Flood / Re: Two more weeks
« on: September 29, 2014, 04:40:57 PM »

In what sense? Here's a map of all countries part of the Anglo-sphere, with many of them being former British/American rule and influence. They all have substantial English/Anglo knowledge

Serious / Re: Should the District of Columbia become a State?
« on: September 29, 2014, 04:02:01 PM »
The US Constitution vests the Congress with the sole power to create and administer the capital in Section 8:

To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings;

The idea was to avoid making the US capital the pawn of any one state or the subject of any state's laws.

The U.S. Constitution requires that any new states formed from an existing state receive permission from the legislature. Since Maryland granted land to form the national capital and not a new state, some lawmakers have concluded that Maryland must also consent to the new state

Serious / Re: Is Iran a threat?
« on: September 29, 2014, 03:24:15 PM »
Only reason it's a "threat" is because it doesn't surrender to American imperialism
True, but that doesn't give the "government" the excuse to trample all over freedom and human rights, and threaten to destroy a country because it's full of Jews.
Freedom can't exist in the Middle-East till they get their shit together. You did say those countries are poor and uneducated and which are factors in breading extremism. Only way to keep extremism low and prevent groups from being formed is in the way of a government that is authoritarian. It's a necessary evil and will continue till society progresses over there

Israel also threatens to destroy Palestine 

Serious / Re: Dear Christians
« on: September 29, 2014, 02:49:48 PM »
Ever hear of this dude named Satan? He like, makes people do bad shit
And he's too strong for god to stop him?

Maybe you're worshipping the wrong eternal being, here.
God and Satan are at war with each other. Satan can turn good into bad and God can turn bad into good. Various methods of this are seen, such as a person falling to alcoholism and turning into a violent person or a person in jail that has killed people but finds the word of God and becomes a changed person
Is that why Moses ordered the slaughter of Midianites and, subsequently, the prisoners the Jews had captured?

Is that why God sent two bears to maul 42 children?
23 Then he went up from there to Bethel; and as he was going up by the way, young lads came out from the city and mocked him and said to him, “Go up, you baldhead; go up, you baldhead!” 24 When he looked behind him and saw them, he cursed them in the name of the LORD. Then two female bears came out of the woods and tore up forty-two lads of their number. 25 And he went from there to Mount Carmel, and from there he returned to Samaria.

First off, it wasn't children; they were young men. Hebrew for "lad" is Na'ar, which is a time in life ranging around 13-29 so not all nor any of them were children.

Secondly, the bears were sent because a man spreading the word of God was being attacked and ridiculed by these 42 people who were under the direction of Satan. If God had not intervened at the wish of one of the student's of the man, the group would have killed the man

Thirdly, who actually knows if 2 bears were sent? The moral of this story however shows that God does not take lightly people hindering his word by his followers and it's wrong to attack a person for faith

Serious / Re: Dear Christians
« on: September 29, 2014, 02:20:01 PM »
Ever hear of this dude named Satan? He like, makes people do bad shit
And he's too strong for god to stop him?

Maybe you're worshipping the wrong eternal being, here.
God and Satan are at war with each other. Satan can turn good into bad and God can turn bad into good. Various methods of this are seen, such as a person falling to alcoholism and turning into a violent person or a person in jail that has killed people but finds the word of God and becomes a changed person

Serious / Re: Holy shit look at this fucking cancer
« on: September 29, 2014, 02:14:09 PM »
Can you guys just drop the argument? I don't want to ban both of you.
Or you can ban Challenger. His constant derailment and personal attacks makes this place a shit hole. Every thread I post in, he has to get ass hurt and attack me
But the problem is when you attack him in retaliation. When you do that you become just as much in the wrong as him. I'm telling you if you would just let him attack you and not retaliate with an attack in return then he gets banned and you don't. That sounds pretty nice doesn't it?
Not really considering there's been times where he has attacked me, I don't respond, I report, and nothing happens

Serious / Re: Holy shit look at this fucking cancer
« on: September 29, 2014, 02:12:22 PM »

Gotta love how Kinder's trying to make himself look like the good guy so people stop hating him. A for effort.
Nah, you just have some unwarranted hate and false assumptions of me made up in your head

Bro, nobody hates you. You're just disgustingly uneducated and in severe denial of your racism.
I'm educated and far from racist. Making lies about people to feel better about your narcissism won't do jack shit. Instead of taking it out of me, I'm very sure Mr. P would love to have a guinea pig to practice in his field of study
You're uneducated and racist. It's just not even up for debate. The only person you can prove wrong is PSU, and that's not an achievement.

I'm not narcissistic. Again, you have no idea what that means further proving your ignorance. I don't take anything out on you, I prove you wrong and you lose your shit. Which is why when we have a conversation you get banned. Want to do a repeat performance?
Lol, I'm educated and not a racist. You're a narcissistic fuck who lives in a fantasy world where you're right and don't want to hear the facts. Get over yourself. You prove yourself to be an incoherent idiot by using ad hominem on me whenever I reply to a thread. Your stupidity derails said threads. You're a pathetic cancer to this forum
I haven't been using any ad hominem and I'm not a narcissist. All I get do is correct you.

Re read your post. You're the only one acting like a child hurling insults.
Yeah you have. You say untrue things, which is called libel meaning defamation of character. And you are a narcissist; you fail to understand that I'm not a racist and I am educated. You live in a fantasy world and refuse to believe reality, that's being narcissist

That's really pathetic from the guy who posts

LOLOLOLOLLOOOOOOOOOOL in nearly every thread

Serious / Re: Dear Christians
« on: September 29, 2014, 02:07:53 PM »
Ever hear of this dude named Satan? He like, makes people do bad shit

Serious / Re: Holy shit look at this fucking cancer
« on: September 29, 2014, 02:05:20 PM »
Can you guys just drop the argument? I don't want to ban both of you.
Or you can ban Challenger. His constant derailment and personal attacks makes this place a shit hole. Every thread I post in, he has to get ass hurt and attack me

Serious / Re: Is Iran a threat?
« on: September 29, 2014, 01:59:24 PM »
Only reason it's a "threat" is because it doesn't surrender to American imperialism

Serious / Re: Holy shit look at this fucking cancer
« on: September 29, 2014, 01:57:32 PM »

Gotta love how Kinder's trying to make himself look like the good guy so people stop hating him. A for effort.
Nah, you just have some unwarranted hate and false assumptions of me made up in your head

Bro, nobody hates you. You're just disgustingly uneducated and in severe denial of your racism.
I'm educated and far from racist. Making lies about people to feel better about your narcissism won't do jack shit. Instead of taking it out of me, I'm very sure Mr. P would love to have a guinea pig to practice in his field of study
You're uneducated and racist. It's just not even up for debate. The only person you can prove wrong is PSU, and that's not an achievement.

I'm not narcissistic. Again, you have no idea what that means further proving your ignorance. I don't take anything out on you, I prove you wrong and you lose your shit. Which is why when we have a conversation you get banned. Want to do a repeat performance?
Lol, I'm educated and not a racist. You're a narcissistic fuck who lives in a fantasy world where you're right and don't want to hear the facts. Get over yourself. You prove yourself to be an incoherent idiot by using ad hominem on me whenever I reply to a thread. Your stupidity derails said threads. You're a pathetic cancer to this forum

The Flood / Re: What a night. I think I might snap.
« on: September 29, 2014, 11:49:55 AM »
You best as hell fight the hardest for full custody. Make the point that you're the only one doing parenting and her disloyal behavior can have the possibilities of turning into child neglect

Serious / Re: So I'm proposing to my girlfriend tonight
« on: September 29, 2014, 11:32:33 AM »
Go on a triple date with Mr. and Mrs Charlie and Mr. and Mrs. Brute

Serious / Re: Occupy Hong Kong
« on: September 29, 2014, 11:30:21 AM »
It's a lose-lose-lose situation for China. Either they give up their jewel or slaughter the people which will lead to international condemnation 

Serious / Re: Holy shit look at this fucking cancer
« on: September 29, 2014, 11:25:39 AM »

Gotta love how Kinder's trying to make himself look like the good guy so people stop hating him. A for effort.
Nah, you just have some unwarranted hate and false assumptions of me made up in your head

Bro, nobody hates you. You're just disgustingly uneducated and in severe denial of your racism.
I'm educated and far from racist. Making lies about people to feel better about your narcissism won't do jack shit. Instead of taking it out of me, I'm very sure Mr. P would love to have a guinea pig to practice in his field of study

Serious / Re: Holy shit look at this fucking cancer
« on: September 29, 2014, 09:33:25 AM »
You would be that guy who has a meme as his profile picture...
Least I don't have a picture of a Chinese cartoon character as mine
Ugh, those people exist...
*cough*gaara*cough* mr-gets sniped

*cough cough cough*

Avatar =/= Chinese Cartoons. Get it right at least you scrublord.
Bra, look at Ba Sing Se. It's a representation of ancient Chinese cities back like during the Shang and Zhou Dynasty times; each area of the city is walled

No fookin shit m8, that doesn't make it a chinese cartoon/animu though.
It's like saying that because the water tribe portrays the inuits/eskimos it's an arctic cartoon.

It's a yank one, so suck it up.
But China controls the economy

Gaming / Re: Assassins Creed [Barbary Wars]
« on: September 29, 2014, 09:28:46 AM »
C-can we go back to actually assassinating people?
I would like that.
In Unity

Serious / Re: Holy shit look at this fucking cancer
« on: September 29, 2014, 08:55:39 AM »
If you ever want to lose faith in humanity, go read some patriotic right wing conservative pro-gun facebook pages. The sheer amount of hatred, ignorance and utter stupidity among those people is staggering.
>implying all conservative gun owners are like that
I'm not even going to bother asking why or how you came to the conclusion that by mentioning some Facebook groups I somehow meant that extended to every single conservative gun owner.

That aside, to illustrate my point and for everyone's enjoyment, I will spend the next couple of minutes quoting some posts made by your average member of the American Patriots Facebook group. Brace yourselves.

In response to an article on the Mexican border:
The AZZ in office doesn't want us protected this is the way all his terrorist Muslim buddies can come into this country. We have enough of these demanding Idiots in Michigan, and MN demanding everything.
Personally I believe that they should be executed on sight.... open season on illegals.
30 illegals per day? In due time there will be another 9-11, only on a more deadlier scale. I call upon every American to stock pile arms and ammo and be ready to fight these douchebags!
With no support from the Feds, and a military losing its grip, I won't be surprised to see a militia formed by regular folk. It's about time people start taking initiative and standing up for (their) country and constitution. Failing that, your wives, and daughters are fodder for pervs and head choppers.
Deport all muslims.

In response to an article about bringing guns to work and muslims at your work:

keep a squirt gun filled with pig blood,keep naked pics of women (any Muslim man sees a naked woman not his wife must kill 72 virgins
Shoot first then as questions later! Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6
They will have to have jihad work free companies in America now witch is really. A out rage because real American don't want them in the country in first place !!
I know every mooslime in the place, lock them out and never let them back in.
Find out who the muslims are, watch them closely and report anything strange. Oh, by the way keep a gun close by.
kill all Muslims and stop immigration of these animals.

And this was all taken from just the top comments on the first two news reports that didn't have to do with UFO sightings or ghosts. I cannot even comprehend how people can be this stupid and hateful.
Because the context of of some and the way it was used, I assumed you meant to pick any random group and it will be the same

As having multiple family members being immigrants, including a grandmother and an aunt (along with being Hispanic) while some of the comments are extreme with killing on sight and such, more needs to be done with the border and I think it would be fine for militia groups to start patrolling lands not owned by the government. And in fact, that's already happening; people are grouping up, going on on patrols, and if they encounter illegals crossing over they detain them and call a police agency. They only carry guns in case if they run across a group of illegals that may have the off shot chance of being armed themselves. Don't see any issue with that as long as they do it in a good acting manner

Those Muslim comments on the other hand are just pathetic

Serious / Re: Holy shit look at this fucking cancer
« on: September 29, 2014, 08:49:40 AM »
If you ever want to lose faith in humanity, go read some patriotic right wing conservative pro-gun facebook pages. The sheer amount of hatred, ignorance and utter stupidity among those people is staggering.
>implying all conservative gun owners are like that

go read some patriotic right wing conservative pro-gun facebook pages.

>implying all conservative gun owners are like that
The context of some can mean just pick a random group and you'll find it

Serious / Re: Holy shit look at this fucking cancer
« on: September 29, 2014, 08:48:41 AM »

Gotta love how Kinder's trying to make himself look like the good guy so people stop hating him. A for effort.
Nah, you just have some unwarranted hate and false assumptions of me made up in your head

Serious / Re: Holy shit look at this fucking cancer
« on: September 29, 2014, 05:56:16 AM »
If you ever want to lose faith in humanity, go read some patriotic right wing conservative pro-gun facebook pages. The sheer amount of hatred, ignorance and utter stupidity among those people is staggering.
>implying all conservative gun owners are like that

The Flood / Re: Bungie servers are down again?!
« on: September 29, 2014, 05:53:37 AM »

They might be getting ready for the Cryptarch patch and just tweaking a few issue
dont get me started on that cunt.
He won't be a cunt for long. All purples will either be legendary, exotic, motes of light, and strange coins from now on

The Flood / Re: Why is Sky World's bait so shit-tier?
« on: September 28, 2014, 11:50:06 PM »
Is Dustin even smart enough to use a proxy?

It might be Comms lol

Serious / Re: Name one thing atheists can do that religious people can't
« on: September 28, 2014, 11:47:31 PM »
Dustin, get off your alt

Serious / Re: Name one thing atheists can do that religious people can't
« on: September 28, 2014, 11:42:23 PM »
Guilt-free masturbation.

I already do that

Gaming / Re: Destiny 'DLC' Is Locked On Disc
« on: September 28, 2014, 11:37:40 PM »
This is what's expected when Activision publishes a game. Apparently all the expansion content was going to be with the game but Activision came by, laughed, told them nope.jpg, and that was the end of it. ONLY reason why I bought Destiny was because Bungie made it; if it was a Treyarch game or whatever then I wouldn't have wasted my time

Game is really fun, but Activision is a bunch of fuckers

The Flood / Re: Bungie servers are down again?!
« on: September 28, 2014, 11:31:18 PM »
They might be getting ready for the Cryptarch patch and just tweaking a few issue

Serious / Re: Holy shit look at this fucking cancer
« on: September 28, 2014, 11:29:50 PM »
You would be that guy who has a meme as his profile picture...
Least I don't have a picture of a Chinese cartoon character as mine
Ugh, those people exist...
*cough*gaara*cough* mr-gets sniped

*cough cough cough*

Avatar =/= Chinese Cartoons. Get it right at least you scrublord.
Bra, look at Ba Sing Se. It's a representation of ancient Chinese cities back like during the Shang and Zhou Dynasty times; each area of the city is walled

The Flood / Re: ITT: we rhythm things with SoporificSlash
« on: September 28, 2014, 09:46:32 PM »

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