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Messages - Kinder Graham

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News / Re: Staff Poll
« on: October 05, 2014, 10:16:40 PM »
Holy shit, just stop.
If somebody is going to try and spread lies in an attempt to publicly defame a friend of mine, I am going to give a public response to their bullshit.
Somebody? Really? That somebody was/is your friend who listened, stayed up late, and helped with things that you were facing in your life. Great to know that you can just replace that friend at any time and then refer them to "somebody"

They're not lies. She has called Elegiac names when he's stated many times he doesn't like it. She has also revealed peoples identities when they were using the anon feature. Those are not lies

The Flood / Re: The benefits of being gay
« on: October 05, 2014, 10:08:41 PM »
I'm sure Icy and Casper can show you the ropes........

The Flood / Re: No, how is my essay?
« on: October 05, 2014, 10:07:32 PM »
ayy napalm, got a 94 on it on top of two others I had to do lmao

Kinder's professor confirmed to lack standards.
She has a Masters in history m8y

plus she's hot and I'm totally not trying to look extremely smart to get in her pants >.>

The Flood / Re: No, how is my essay?
« on: October 05, 2014, 10:02:10 PM »
ayy napalm, got a 94 on it on top of two others I had to do lmao

The Flood / Re: No, how is my essay?
« on: October 05, 2014, 09:56:00 PM »
Rather short for an essay.
In MS Word using MLA style, it takes up two papers. Plus it was a summary type of deal

-100 for lack of effort.

Enjoy your failing grade, fgt.
My professor didn't give us an exact page number to complete. She didn't want to put pressure on us and if we can get a point across in just 1-2 pages then that was fine. I feel I did get my point around with only a pdf with 282 laws

The Flood / Re: Last topic for a while on my troubles
« on: October 05, 2014, 09:54:13 PM »
Probably not the best thing to say, but want to "accidentally" post us her cell and we send her messages like "oy ya fukin w0t u cheeky cheat?" >.>

The Flood / Re: No, how is my essay?
« on: October 05, 2014, 09:50:50 PM »
Rather short for an essay.
In MS Word using MLA style, it takes up two papers. Plus it was a summary type of deal
You are the worst kind of student

News / Re: Staff Poll
« on: October 05, 2014, 09:48:28 PM »
Mr. P

All three are, or at the very least, appear to be very unbiased.

Not the least bit surprised Kiyo has low votes and Nasty is almost ahead of her. I think we can all agree that the very least she be placed as a Forum Monitor
Nobody cares that you hate her, your opinion does not matter. Kiyo is a great mod.
Actually, people do care; especially Cheat. If he didn't then he wouldn't have made this thread and asked us to input our opinions. Kiyo is far from a great mod and wasn't even picked in the initial poll. She has harassed members and reveal personal information far too many times

The Flood / Re: No, how is my essay?
« on: October 05, 2014, 09:41:39 PM »
Rather short for an essay.
In MS Word using MLA style, it takes up two papers. Plus it was a summary type of deal

The Flood / No, how is my essay?
« on: October 05, 2014, 09:39:38 PM »
Well since Napalm made a thread then I'l make one :p

Already submitted it online through the schools plagiarism program so it should be fine to post it here >.>

Code of Hammurabi

     “An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.” This phrase, or shortened variations of it, have been used for countless years, decades, and even centuries by humans around the world; it has even found a home in the Christian religious text known as The Bible. But where exactly did this saying come from and exactly how old is it?
     Around the year 1790B.C, King Hammurabi of the Babylon established an extensive set of legal codes known today as the Code of Hammurabi. In total 282 laws were established by Hammurabi and during the time of the Babylonian Empire, were written using a system known as cuneiform on large, black pillars made of diorite that stood a little over eight feet in height.  These pillars were typically found throughout large cities in the empire in order for the populace to become educated on the good and the bad that had been decreed by their king. A vast majority of laws deal with issues relevant to the period such as agriculture and family with all the laws revolving around the concept of “an eye for an eye”, as in a punishment or binding agreement equal to the offense committed. Here is an excerpt that reflects this idea:

“8. If anyone steal cattle or sheep, or an ass, or a pig or a goat, if it belong to a god or to the court, the thief shall pay thirtyfold; if they belonged to a freed man of the king he shall pay tenfold; if the thief has nothing with which to pay he shall be put to death.”

     So for what purpose did Hammurabi feel the need to create a legal system? When Hammurabi came to power, he managed to absorb and conquer surrounding villages, farming communities, and other city-states and place them under Babylonian rule. This meant that new people with their own cultures/beliefs were being mixed with the people of Babylon and so needed a way to treat everybody fairly and keep a sense of unity as one.  This keen thinking by the king led to the creation of a uniformed code of laws which would apply to everybody; experts were sent around the kingdom to gather the existing laws each area currently were enforcing and refined many of them to establish this known set of laws.  Hammurabi himself even stated that he wants "to make justice visible in the land, to destroy the wicked person and the evil-doer, that the strong might not injure the weak."

     The efforts of Hammurabi to create a widely accessible and known code of laws also shows us what life was like during ancient Babylonian times. As pointed out earlier, a majority of laws deal with both family and agriculture. Not only were these important concepts for Babylon but other civilizations when discussing ancient history such as Egypt and Life all but revolved around maintaining and taking care of crops and livestock as it was a necessity in order to eat, produce goods like furs, and even used for trade and taxes. Family was another important factor due to the ability of carrying on the family name and tree along with producing enough children in order to help work the family farm.

The Flood / Re: How's my essay?
« on: October 05, 2014, 09:23:24 PM »
Refrain using the term "peasant" that many times, especially in the first sentence. Synonyms are your friends here

The Flood / Re: Court is fun. (Follow up on my court case)
« on: October 05, 2014, 09:18:30 PM »
I would go out and buy guns with that money lol

News / Re: Staff Poll
« on: October 05, 2014, 09:11:13 PM »
Mr. P

All three are, or at the very least, appear to be very unbiased.

Not the least bit surprised Kiyo has low votes and Nasty is almost ahead of her. I think we can all agree that the very least she be placed as a Forum Monitor

Fuck me. This reminds me of the time when some guy had to donate 4 car loads of boxes full of VHS tapes. 5 Fucking stacks that were 6 feet height

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 - Agent Locke is the "Primary Character"
« on: October 05, 2014, 04:05:39 PM »
Agent Locke?
You know, the guy Arby was talking to in the E3 trailer for the MCC. He's an ONI operative that becomes a Spartan IV and he's the main character of Halo Nightfall.
Still have no idea.


Serious / Re: Employment report
« on: October 05, 2014, 02:00:00 PM »
Don't make me lock the thread you two.
We're just having a conversation.

Still, reports were filed. Keep it civil yeah?
I kept it completely civil. All I ever said was his arguments were childish and ridiculous.

And all I'm doing is telling people in this thread not to let it get out of hand :)
This IS civil for challenger and and I

The Flood / Re: Finished.
« on: October 05, 2014, 12:25:47 PM »
She's trying to get your child to call the man she's sleeping with daddy? wtf, this bitch has some issues

Tell you what, my professor that instructs my police courses is a former lawyer and worked for state of Virginia. If you have any questions on legal options then post here or PM me and I'll ask him them either tomorrow or Wednesday

Serious / Re: Employment report
« on: October 05, 2014, 12:18:17 PM »
First of all, your link says nothing about 7,100,000. You need to provide a source to back up that claim.

U3 is used officially for a lot of reasons. Stock market stability, peace of mind for the consumer, investor. Showing a lower number helps improve th economy, because people get their financial confidence back. They don't call them economic depressions for nothing. They aren't trying to hide anything. It's all there for everybody to see, it took the both of us like 3 seconds to Google U6. Nothing is hidden. The world economy has more to gain by having a more relaxed population. It increases spending, buying, selling. It stimulates the economy when people see 5.9% instead of 11%.

Obama has kept promises. He would've kept a lot more if he wasn't getting blocked by Republicans every time he tries to do something. They refuse to pass bills written by fellow Republicans trying to be passed by Obama and Democrats. Had the Tea Party not taken the Republicans over, the country would be a lot better. Obama is a way better president than Bush.
It actually does. Look at the table and under Sept. 2014 look at the number of 7,100. That's in thousands and shows exactly the amount of people with more than one job

And that's my point why U3 is bad: Because it's a number that doesn't actually represent the number of unemployed people. They are hiding it by stating the lower percentage than the higher. Ask anybody what the unemployment number is and they'll say in the ball park of 5% because that's the number being used

Obama has actually lied about a few things, notably saying he would close Guantanamo, allow people to keep their plans and doctors, reduce Veterans Benefits Administration claims backlog, won't sign statements to nullify instructions from Congress, made promises to not push for gun control, and other things. And why are you blaming just the Republicans? Because the Democrats have blocked bills introduced by Republicans plenty of times. It's childish behavior on BOTH sides and BOTH sides are at fault. There actually used to be a time where both parties worked together and despite how much they argued during a session, that didn't stop them form meeting up and having a few beers. That's when American politics were not the joke like it is today
I already told you why U3 is used. I'm not going to keep repeating myself.

And like I said, you haven't provided a source detailing how the majority of these new jobs are all taken by people as second and third jobs.

He tried to close down Guantanamo, republicans blocked that. In fact, most right wing people were fear mongering acting like he was going to set the terrorists free and not relocate them to other prisons.

I don't remember him saying he wasn't going to ouch for gun control. Also, people have been able to keep their doctors. Again, these are things blown out of proportion by the republicans, and they outright fabricating stories when it came to Obama Care.

The republicans are way more at fault, and are at a point where they're blocking almost everything and threw a tantrum and got the government shut down because Obama Care was approved. And don't say democrats didn't want to negotiate, because the negotiations the republicans wanted was either everything in their favor of no discussion at all.
I already told you why U3 is bad

Exactly when did I say majority? I asked how many of those jobs are those with multiple jobs. Continue to twist what I say to make yourself look smart

Oh, you mean the time where Obama threatened to veto the House version of the Bill before it went to the Senate? Yeah, such maturity on Obama's part by not listening to the other side

Oh, he did
Remember when Obama was going on about who we can keep our doctors and insurance plans? Now he's taken a 180 now and said people will have to loose their doctors. It's not fabricating stories when the stories are real

Both sides are at fault. Democrats and Obama threaten to block/veto any House bill with Obama using executive orders to get what he wants. Democrats and Obama also failed to work with Republicans to form an effective health care plan that would be in the interest of all Americans. But now with it passed, many Democrats who opposed Republican measures are now basically saying the Republicans were right and have no distance themselves from the tax in order to get reelected
No you didn't. There's nothing wrong with U3. All you said is that the government is lying. It isn't. Anybody can look up U6. Every country states their unemployment like this.

Obama has always listened to the other side. He hasn't taken anybody's guns. People were going to keep their doctors until it got mangled by the republicans. Even then, Obama Care is still great and cheap.

And by fabrication I mean those stories released by Fox News and republican politicians where people said they had no insurance coverage anymore. Journalists tracked these people down, and it turned out they hadn't even gone to the page to sign up.

The sissy democrats who have turned their back on Obama are just as bad as the republicans. It's funny how you always both sides are equally at fault when it isn't true at all and republicans are mostly to blame, and you always focus on the things some democrats have done. Of course Obama is going to use executive orders, the republicans do not want to work with him and stop everything he tries to do. Everything. They're worse than do nothing congress of the last century. I wonder why that is?

You don't have a leg to stand on. Your arguments are childish, uninformed, and downright ridiculous. You're wasting your time arguing about something, when we can all go see U6 on the Internet. Nothing is hidden. If you can't understand why this U3 is used officially after I've explained it to you time and time again, you're arguing for arguments sake. You don't have anything to say really, you just keep rehashing the tired old conservative "HES TAKIN OUR FREEDOMS" while claiming to be a libertarian. There is no right and wrong unemployment rate or conspiracy to make people think everything is ok. Both rates are useful.
Maybe if you read what I posted, then you would see it. U3 gives a false impression on the economy. It's a  mask and the government and media relying on it 24/7 makes people falsely assume the economy is improving when it's not

Lol, he doesn't listen to the other side because he threatened to veto the House bill and continues to do that. Actually he has; he signed an executive order banning imports from Kalashnikov Concern which prevents any more Saiga shotguns and rifles. On top of that, he hasn't prevented the likes on Connecticut from telling it's citizens to either hand over their AR-15 sporting rifles or be branded as a criminal thus neglecting his abilities to uphold the 2nd Amendment (I'm the last person you want to debate guns with)

Except those stories are not fabricated. People lost their insurance plans when Obama explicitly said that people would keep them. Stop trying to sugar coat the whole ordeal

Those "sissy" Democrats are not terrible. Those are the sane members of the Democrat party and as long as they support the right to bear arms and won't try to pull another Assault Weapons Ban then I will support them

It's funny how you're not Democrat yet you suck their dicks and will defend them no matter what. If you're so hell bent on defending them then don't criticize somebody from defending the opposite. Hypocrisy much?

Republicans actually want to work with Obama but him using executive orders makes no difference to Republicans because they know in whatever situation, Obama will throw a hissy fit and use his "power" to get what he wants.

How can something be childish, uniformed, and ridiculous when it's all fact? You seriously have an issue when somebody proves you wrong. Here's a wild fact: Libertarians are for freedom and know exactly that Obama is trying to take them away

U6 is being hidden because the media and government only focuses on U3. As I said, ask somebody the unemployment percentage and they will guess around 5%
It doesn't give a false impression. It's a different report. I told you why it's used. That is all this thread is about, unemployment. U6 isn't hidden, as it takes 20 seconds to look it up on Google, where the government itself provides the information. There's no secrecy.

But seeing how you want to go completely off topic in my thread, I guess we're talking about something else now aren't we?

They lost insurance, but they never applied for Obama Care, they never even visited the page.

Banning imports does not mean he is ordering the police to forcefully take away guns. Not interfering with a local government imposing a law which bans something with guns, does not mean he is taking guns. You're wrong there. Again, you're twisting things.

Nope, the democrats who do not support Obama are slaves to big corporations and are as bad as the majority of republicans. Fact is, I don't like the democrats. I like Obama. I say to vote democrat because they're the lesser of two evils. I criticize when you say democrats are as bad as reublicans, because they're not.

Republicans don't want to work with Obama, they block everything he tries to do. I remember a bill written by a Republican was blocked by republicans because it was later proposed by democrats and endorsed by Obama. Remember the shut down? A republican said (this is a direct quote) "We will not be disrespected like this. We need to get something from this. I don't know what, but we need to get something."

Your arguments are childish, uninformed, and ridiculous because you take things and twist them to try and prove your point.

Again, U6 isn't hidden. It's provided by the government. There's nothing "hidden" about it, seeing how we both found it.

I does give a false impression. It's a false impression because the government is throwing around a number much smaller than the actual unemployment rate

Funny, because you said I hate Obama and just gave a few simple reasons why. Then you went on about them. The only derailment here is yourself

It's quite evident that no matter how many times I state something factually, you try to disregard it and twist it around into your favor. If you can't debate properly then don't use this forum

The Flood / Re: Extrovert or Intorvert
« on: October 05, 2014, 11:12:11 AM »

Serious / Re: Do you consider "Spanking" to be child abuse?
« on: October 05, 2014, 10:18:57 AM »

Serious / Re: Employment report
« on: October 05, 2014, 10:10:32 AM »
First of all, your link says nothing about 7,100,000. You need to provide a source to back up that claim.

U3 is used officially for a lot of reasons. Stock market stability, peace of mind for the consumer, investor. Showing a lower number helps improve th economy, because people get their financial confidence back. They don't call them economic depressions for nothing. They aren't trying to hide anything. It's all there for everybody to see, it took the both of us like 3 seconds to Google U6. Nothing is hidden. The world economy has more to gain by having a more relaxed population. It increases spending, buying, selling. It stimulates the economy when people see 5.9% instead of 11%.

Obama has kept promises. He would've kept a lot more if he wasn't getting blocked by Republicans every time he tries to do something. They refuse to pass bills written by fellow Republicans trying to be passed by Obama and Democrats. Had the Tea Party not taken the Republicans over, the country would be a lot better. Obama is a way better president than Bush.
It actually does. Look at the table and under Sept. 2014 look at the number of 7,100. That's in thousands and shows exactly the amount of people with more than one job

And that's my point why U3 is bad: Because it's a number that doesn't actually represent the number of unemployed people. They are hiding it by stating the lower percentage than the higher. Ask anybody what the unemployment number is and they'll say in the ball park of 5% because that's the number being used

Obama has actually lied about a few things, notably saying he would close Guantanamo, allow people to keep their plans and doctors, reduce Veterans Benefits Administration claims backlog, won't sign statements to nullify instructions from Congress, made promises to not push for gun control, and other things. And why are you blaming just the Republicans? Because the Democrats have blocked bills introduced by Republicans plenty of times. It's childish behavior on BOTH sides and BOTH sides are at fault. There actually used to be a time where both parties worked together and despite how much they argued during a session, that didn't stop them form meeting up and having a few beers. That's when American politics were not the joke like it is today
I already told you why U3 is used. I'm not going to keep repeating myself.

And like I said, you haven't provided a source detailing how the majority of these new jobs are all taken by people as second and third jobs.

He tried to close down Guantanamo, republicans blocked that. In fact, most right wing people were fear mongering acting like he was going to set the terrorists free and not relocate them to other prisons.

I don't remember him saying he wasn't going to ouch for gun control. Also, people have been able to keep their doctors. Again, these are things blown out of proportion by the republicans, and they outright fabricating stories when it came to Obama Care.

The republicans are way more at fault, and are at a point where they're blocking almost everything and threw a tantrum and got the government shut down because Obama Care was approved. And don't say democrats didn't want to negotiate, because the negotiations the republicans wanted was either everything in their favor of no discussion at all.
I already told you why U3 is bad

Exactly when did I say majority? I asked how many of those jobs are those with multiple jobs. Continue to twist what I say to make yourself look smart

Oh, you mean the time where Obama threatened to veto the House version of the Bill before it went to the Senate? Yeah, such maturity on Obama's part by not listening to the other side

Oh, he did
Remember when Obama was going on about who we can keep our doctors and insurance plans? Now he's taken a 180 now and said people will have to loose their doctors. It's not fabricating stories when the stories are real

Both sides are at fault. Democrats and Obama threaten to block/veto any House bill with Obama using executive orders to get what he wants. Democrats and Obama also failed to work with Republicans to form an effective health care plan that would be in the interest of all Americans. But now with it passed, many Democrats who opposed Republican measures are now basically saying the Republicans were right and have no distance themselves from the tax in order to get reelected
No you didn't. There's nothing wrong with U3. All you said is that the government is lying. It isn't. Anybody can look up U6. Every country states their unemployment like this.

Obama has always listened to the other side. He hasn't taken anybody's guns. People were going to keep their doctors until it got mangled by the republicans. Even then, Obama Care is still great and cheap.

And by fabrication I mean those stories released by Fox News and republican politicians where people said they had no insurance coverage anymore. Journalists tracked these people down, and it turned out they hadn't even gone to the page to sign up.

The sissy democrats who have turned their back on Obama are just as bad as the republicans. It's funny how you always both sides are equally at fault when it isn't true at all and republicans are mostly to blame, and you always focus on the things some democrats have done. Of course Obama is going to use executive orders, the republicans do not want to work with him and stop everything he tries to do. Everything. They're worse than do nothing congress of the last century. I wonder why that is?

You don't have a leg to stand on. Your arguments are childish, uninformed, and downright ridiculous. You're wasting your time arguing about something, when we can all go see U6 on the Internet. Nothing is hidden. If you can't understand why this U3 is used officially after I've explained it to you time and time again, you're arguing for arguments sake. You don't have anything to say really, you just keep rehashing the tired old conservative "HES TAKIN OUR FREEDOMS" while claiming to be a libertarian. There is no right and wrong unemployment rate or conspiracy to make people think everything is ok. Both rates are useful.
Maybe if you read what I posted, then you would see it. U3 gives a false impression on the economy. It's a  mask and the government and media relying on it 24/7 makes people falsely assume the economy is improving when it's not

Lol, he doesn't listen to the other side because he threatened to veto the House bill and continues to do that. Actually he has; he signed an executive order banning imports from Kalashnikov Concern which prevents any more Saiga shotguns and rifles. On top of that, he hasn't prevented the likes on Connecticut from telling it's citizens to either hand over their AR-15 sporting rifles or be branded as a criminal thus neglecting his abilities to uphold the 2nd Amendment (I'm the last person you want to debate guns with)

Except those stories are not fabricated. People lost their insurance plans when Obama explicitly said that people would keep them. Stop trying to sugar coat the whole ordeal

Those "sissy" Democrats are not terrible. Those are the sane members of the Democrat party and as long as they support the right to bear arms and won't try to pull another Assault Weapons Ban then I will support them

It's funny how you're not Democrat yet you suck their dicks and will defend them no matter what. If you're so hell bent on defending them then don't criticize somebody from defending the opposite. Hypocrisy much?

Republicans actually want to work with Obama but him using executive orders makes no difference to Republicans because they know in whatever situation, Obama will throw a hissy fit and use his "power" to get what he wants.

How can something be childish, uniformed, and ridiculous when it's all fact? You seriously have an issue when somebody proves you wrong. Here's a wild fact: Libertarians are for freedom and know exactly that Obama is trying to take them away

U6 is being hidden because the media and government only focuses on U3. As I said, ask somebody the unemployment percentage and they will guess around 5%

Serious / Re: Employment report
« on: October 05, 2014, 08:41:48 AM »
First of all, your link says nothing about 7,100,000. You need to provide a source to back up that claim.

U3 is used officially for a lot of reasons. Stock market stability, peace of mind for the consumer, investor. Showing a lower number helps improve th economy, because people get their financial confidence back. They don't call them economic depressions for nothing. They aren't trying to hide anything. It's all there for everybody to see, it took the both of us like 3 seconds to Google U6. Nothing is hidden. The world economy has more to gain by having a more relaxed population. It increases spending, buying, selling. It stimulates the economy when people see 5.9% instead of 11%.

Obama has kept promises. He would've kept a lot more if he wasn't getting blocked by Republicans every time he tries to do something. They refuse to pass bills written by fellow Republicans trying to be passed by Obama and Democrats. Had the Tea Party not taken the Republicans over, the country would be a lot better. Obama is a way better president than Bush.
It actually does. Look at the table and under Sept. 2014 look at the number of 7,100. That's in thousands and shows exactly the amount of people with more than one job

And that's my point why U3 is bad: Because it's a number that doesn't actually represent the number of unemployed people. They are hiding it by stating the lower percentage than the higher. Ask anybody what the unemployment number is and they'll say in the ball park of 5% because that's the number being used

Obama has actually lied about a few things, notably saying he would close Guantanamo, allow people to keep their plans and doctors, reduce Veterans Benefits Administration claims backlog, won't sign statements to nullify instructions from Congress, made promises to not push for gun control, and other things. And why are you blaming just the Republicans? Because the Democrats have blocked bills introduced by Republicans plenty of times. It's childish behavior on BOTH sides and BOTH sides are at fault. There actually used to be a time where both parties worked together and despite how much they argued during a session, that didn't stop them form meeting up and having a few beers. That's when American politics were not the joke like it is today
I already told you why U3 is used. I'm not going to keep repeating myself.

And like I said, you haven't provided a source detailing how the majority of these new jobs are all taken by people as second and third jobs.

He tried to close down Guantanamo, republicans blocked that. In fact, most right wing people were fear mongering acting like he was going to set the terrorists free and not relocate them to other prisons.

I don't remember him saying he wasn't going to ouch for gun control. Also, people have been able to keep their doctors. Again, these are things blown out of proportion by the republicans, and they outright fabricating stories when it came to Obama Care.

The republicans are way more at fault, and are at a point where they're blocking almost everything and threw a tantrum and got the government shut down because Obama Care was approved. And don't say democrats didn't want to negotiate, because the negotiations the republicans wanted was either everything in their favor of no discussion at all.
I already told you why U3 is bad

Exactly when did I say majority? I asked how many of those jobs are those with multiple jobs. Continue to twist what I say to make yourself look smart

Oh, you mean the time where Obama threatened to veto the House version of the Bill before it went to the Senate? Yeah, such maturity on Obama's part by not listening to the other side

Oh, he did
Remember when Obama was going on about who we can keep our doctors and insurance plans? Now he's taken a 180 now and said people will have to loose their doctors. It's not fabricating stories when the stories are real

Both sides are at fault. Democrats and Obama threaten to block/veto any House bill with Obama using executive orders to get what he wants. Democrats and Obama also failed to work with Republicans to form an effective health care plan that would be in the interest of all Americans. But now with it passed, many Democrats who opposed Republican measures are now basically saying the Republicans were right and have no distance themselves from the tax in order to get reelected

The Flood / Re: Extrovert or Intorvert
« on: October 04, 2014, 10:54:04 PM »

The Flood / Re: Anyone who doesn't love Starbucks is living in denial
« on: October 04, 2014, 07:59:20 PM »
I once had Starbucks

Next day filed for bankruptcy

Serious / Re: Employment report
« on: October 04, 2014, 07:58:22 PM »

Serious / Re: Employment report
« on: October 04, 2014, 06:30:14 PM »
First of all, your link says nothing about 7,100,000. You need to provide a source to back up that claim.

U3 is used officially for a lot of reasons. Stock market stability, peace of mind for the consumer, investor. Showing a lower number helps improve th economy, because people get their financial confidence back. They don't call them economic depressions for nothing. They aren't trying to hide anything. It's all there for everybody to see, it took the both of us like 3 seconds to Google U6. Nothing is hidden. The world economy has more to gain by having a more relaxed population. It increases spending, buying, selling. It stimulates the economy when people see 5.9% instead of 11%.

Obama has kept promises. He would've kept a lot more if he wasn't getting blocked by Republicans every time he tries to do something. They refuse to pass bills written by fellow Republicans trying to be passed by Obama and Democrats. Had the Tea Party not taken the Republicans over, the country would be a lot better. Obama is a way better president than Bush.
It actually does. Look at the table and under Sept. 2014 look at the number of 7,100. That's in thousands and shows exactly the amount of people with more than one job

And that's my point why U3 is bad: Because it's a number that doesn't actually represent the number of unemployed people. They are hiding it by stating the lower percentage than the higher. Ask anybody what the unemployment number is and they'll say in the ball park of 5% because that's the number being used

Obama has actually lied about a few things, notably saying he would close Guantanamo, allow people to keep their plans and doctors, reduce Veterans Benefits Administration claims backlog, won't sign statements to nullify instructions from Congress, made promises to not push for gun control, and other things. And why are you blaming just the Republicans? Because the Democrats have blocked bills introduced by Republicans plenty of times. It's childish behavior on BOTH sides and BOTH sides are at fault. There actually used to be a time where both parties worked together and despite how much they argued during a session, that didn't stop them form meeting up and having a few beers. That's when American politics were not the joke like it is today 

Serious / Re: Employment report
« on: October 04, 2014, 05:32:32 PM »
And how many of those jobs "created" are people that got a second and third job? Oh, and that unemployment number is only those that are unemployed while trying to find jobs. The actual unemployment rate is far higher
This is 2012 but:
The US government’s official unemployment rate, now at 8.3 percent, only takes into consideration those who have no job and are looking for work. This number is called a “U-3” rate. It does not count those who have stopped looking for work or who are working part-time.

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics takes these other factors into consideration for data it calls the “U-6” – and these numbers are shockingly higher.

U-6 data includes “discouraged workers,” which the Bureau defines as people not in the labor force, but want and are available for work and had looked for a job in the prior year.

Those who have not looked for work in the prior month are not included in the U-3 unemployment rate.

You'd think every American would be happy unemployment is down at a percentage that was said would not be reached for years. Unemployment is down, tons of jobs have been created. You can put any twist on that you like, but facts are facts.
I agree, facts are facts. Facts here is that the number of jobs "created" includes people who have to get a second and third job because of the inflated and unproductive economy. Other fact is that the unemployment number in your source is the one that's being twisted
Straight from the Bureau of Labor Statistics:

U-6 Total unemployed, plus all persons marginally attached to the labor force, plus total employed part time for economic reasons, as a percent of the civilian labor force plus all persons marginally attached to the labor force

NOTE: Persons marginally attached to the labor force are those who currently are neither working nor looking for work but indicate that they want and are available for a job and have looked for work sometime in the past 12 months. Discouraged workers, a subset of the marginally attached, have given a job-market related reason for not currently looking for work. Persons employed part time for economic reasons are those who want and are available for full-time work but have had to settle for a part-time schedule. Updated population controls are introduced annually with the release of January data.

Sept. 2014:
11.8% unemployment

I seriously love that because something factually contradicts what you said, you try to play it off as incredibly or whatever.

Go on, try to twist the facts once again
I don't understand how you can post factual evidence that is against your argument and act like you're right.

Why do you think the government uses U3? A giant conspiracy to trick everybody and take their freedom?

Would you like to post actual evidence supporting your argument that every single one of these new jobs created are taken by people as second and third jobs? Do people take second jobs? Absolutely, minimum wage is garbage and if you live in a city like LA you won't live outside the ghetto on it. But to say the majority or even all these jobs are taken by people getting second and third jobs is bullshit unless you provide a valid source. Provide a source that these jobs are taken by people with part time jobs or simply people already employed, and you may have a point.

Fact of the matter is you don't want to see the economy get better under Obama because you hate him. U3, U6, doesn't matter. You just don't want to accept it. Unemployment has gone down accounting for U6 and U3. You're arguing a non issue.
How is that so?

I know they use it to give the imitation that the economy is doing fine and dandy when it isn't

I actually never said all the jobs that were added were because of people taking extra ones. I said
And how many of those
includes people who have to get a second and third job

You claim I'm twisting things yet here you are twisting what I said. Making lies isn't going to help you out. But here's a another BoLS source that shows the number of people with multiple jobs is 7,100,000 as of September this year

I hate Obama because he's largely made terrible decisions as president, just like Bush before him. If he were smarter and actually kept his promises back on the campaign trail then there really wouldn't be an issue. I actually do want to see the economy improve. This discussion is not about the number of U-6 going down, it's about the skewed and false 5.9% number when it's really 11.8%. So I am arguing an issue here, an issue that the government tries to hide the truth and people actually fall for it


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Serious / Re: Radical Offers Reward for Abducting President Obama
« on: October 04, 2014, 03:02:25 PM »
We forgave and forgot Comm's and his previous activities

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