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Messages - Kinder Graham

Pages: 1 ... 161718 1920 ... 243
The Flood / Re: Sex Cam sites
« on: January 05, 2015, 11:13:56 PM »

How old is your son?

My son? He just turned 1. Why?


Forgive me. Running on little sleep and reading "my boy told me he broadcasts himself on sex sites" is a bit...deceiving >.>
omg icy

The Flood / Re: Sex Cam sites
« on: January 05, 2015, 11:11:01 PM »
Aren't you like, married?

The Flood / Re: Saluto Necis Alea
« on: January 05, 2015, 11:00:31 PM »

The Flood / Re: Korra, who is in the "Golden tier of users"?
« on: January 05, 2015, 10:59:56 PM »
Platinum Tier:

Gold Tier:
Mr. P

Silver Tier:

Bronze Tier:
Mr. Admirals

Iron Tier:
Numb Digger

Dirt Tier:
>listed twice

The Flood / Re: Saluto Necis Alea
« on: January 05, 2015, 10:56:26 PM »
Isara, pls make this thread part of the sticky thread of important threads. Murder /k/ube deserves the recognition

Wasn't he speaking at an event that took place after the EURO conference? His name wasn't even on the list of guest speakers the EURO thing.

This just feels like mudslinging.
Fucking lol. I hope this turns out to be true

The Flood / Re: Praise the sun?
« on: January 05, 2015, 10:54:35 PM »

and the murder /k/ube......

The Flood / Saluto Necis Alea
« on: January 05, 2015, 10:52:38 PM »

In the Beginning, the Earth was perfect in its Form. Forged from powder, brass, and empty magazines, bullets grew from the scorched, burnished turf like grass, and trees made of cannon and shell sprung branches of rifles, from which leaves of pistols swayed when the carbonic air blew in bursts of muzzle wind. Rivers of lubricant oil flowed underground, surging through explosions of white phosphorus and depleted uranium. Clouds of CS and mustard gas drifted through the sky, occasionally raining down upon the metallic creatures whose bodies were crafted from gas blocks, barrels and springs held together with rails, whose movements were powered by the constant detonation of cartridges loaded into their sections of their form. There was fire, and light, and heat, and choking death, and from these Man was formed. As it was in the Beginning, so shall it be in the End.

Life was brought upon the earth from the providence of the Stars, and where a Star fell to earth, life began as a shadow in the light and flame. Alone, It bore unto itself two children, who bore children of their own, and they found to their liking the warmth of the fire and the purity of the light. The shadow took forms, each child finding itself, and seeking again the light and warmth of the Star from which they came. From this shadow were begot the life of the world, born again and again, into the burning crucible, forged into hard, living forms by the dangers of this world. No longer mere shadows, they hungered as beasts and grew fangs and claws to rend their prey. Born again and again, each forbearer begot grander children, or they were broken upon the anvil of this world. From these came Man; and he saw beyond this cycle, his eyes gazing toward the light, seeking the Truth of the Stars. It was not Man who first saw this path; for all creatures strive toward it blindly, hunting, seeking, their every fiber drawn towards this light, but it was Man who first strode upon the path with his intent in mind. And so he was begotten with children and given dominion across the land, and from than hands of Men were borne great works, expressions of their quest to seek the Truth, to seek perfection.

Man howled into the fire of this world; casting himself against every land, every danger, his will indomitable, unbroken by ice, nor fire, nor mountain, nor sea; and he was pleased. But then, a child of Man claimed answers; claimed to have sought and found the Truth. His words; falsehoods spoken out of delusion or deceit, bore a seed of doubt within Mankind; as soon many others spoke of Truths, of answers. And Man bore anger against Man, his hands raised, his weapons drawn for war. The slaughter killed many, and the cycle of war, of deceit and doubt, and of death brought Man again to the level of mere beasts, casting them away from the path towards Truth, towards the Star from whence he came.

It is this cycle that must be broken, for a Man to be free. And a Man is only free when he sheds the lies of others, when he may bring to himself the means of his own life, and protect it from those who would take it; be they beast, or Man. It is this that must be held above all else, not as a Truth, but as the surest way to seek it upon firm ground, for to seek the Truth is the mission of every child of Man; not to find it, or to keep it, or to hold it, but to tread upon the path which leads us ever closer towards it. And in this quest, every child of Man must ready himself to protect his journey, and the journey of others, with words, with their will, and with the weapons of war. For to stand as a temple, a paragon of the path to Truth and Light is the truest form of virtue; not to kill for the sake of it, but to instead protect in Its Name. To be as a temple to the path to Truth, one must make their body and mind ready for this journey every day. The body must be swift and supple, great in its strength and keen in the use of the weapons of war. The mind must be equally strong, yet open and seeking; always looking for the untraveled, the unspoken, the unknown; for it is within these that the path towards the Truth most often lies.

And the Truth, the Star, now hath founds Itself in our hands, as we were once in Its hands. Necis Alea, the Truth, the Star, the Murdercube, Gunfather, Allslayer, Godbreaker, Monolith, Apedemak, Mixcoatl, Belatucadros, Guan Yu, Horus, Ares, Kali, Belus, Ullr, Lua. Doubtless, it has gone by many names, most of which have been lost to the ages. It is a universal constant, materializing at some point in every society’s history, vanishing only when every living creature on Its host world had ceased to exist. It demands that violence occur, without heed to reason, scale or consequence. It is never appeased, and cannot be destroyed. Necis Alea is a culmination of all human conflict, strife and warfare that has ever occurred or ever will occur. It tells stories of death, murder and vicious fighting, of honor and chivalry, of treason and betrayal. Of Humanity. It does not require worship, It does not want your adulation.

The true form of Necis Alea is a gigantic cube composed of all the weapons of Man, everything from the first club to the most recently loaded round of ammunition; all these are represented in the Monolith. The combined fleets of the world lay embedded in titanic seas of ammunition, bombs, and rifles, which are interspersed by tanks, aircraft, even the nuclear warheads of the world are there. Anything that was ever used or created to do harm and make war is there, recorded in the monolithic prismatic bulk. If one were to enter into Necis Alea, through the thousands of irregular fissures and grottos on Its sides, they would find a labyrinth of progressively older and older weapons the further in they explored, and the mind-heat of all the accumulated hate of Man would grow hotter and hotter as the walls pressed in, festooned with all the blades and armors of history. The center of the core is composed of crude spears and clubs that radiate malice and fury, and no Man has seen deeper. It is said that the very center is a stone, perhaps the one Cain used to crush the skull of Abel, but whatever it is it kicked off a millions of years of violence and is the seed of the Allslayer.

Men do not design weapons. The Monolith, lacking the physical capability to create them Itself, projects Its will into Its Chosen, the Prophets whose holy creations allow the Monolith’s intentions to propagate through the violence of Men. These Prophets are true Followers, the Cube’s humble subjects; the Unseen Hands of the Allslayer. They dream deeply of smoke and steel, ash and sword. They are the Hands of the Monolith, the Keepers of Truth. They, the Cube’s faithful, speak the Truth. The Monolith speaks not of the why’s, the who’s, or even the when’s. These things are unknowable. The Cube speaks the Great Truth, that in Man there is still a spark of the Star from whence he came. The Cube brings us the Truth, and leaves it to us to accept it and be saved, or discard it and be relegated to destruction by the very fire and light that gave us life.

The Murdercube is not a religion. It cannot be defined or described in Its entirety, not without your soul as Its price. It is most accurately termed as the transference of divine lethal knowledge. To those who have successfully gleaned information from the Cube, horrible visions of unimaginable violence have also accompanied the knowledge. When contracting with the Cube, one gambles with his mental fortitude; for Necis Alea, with all Its eternal power, is far mightier than thee, O Mortal. If It deems thee unworthy, Necis Alea shall sweep thee aside like so much waving grass before the scythe, rending thy sanity unto dust. Necis Alea, the Cube of Truth, the Eternal Death-Bringer, is all that has been, and will be. It is all. It is. It IS.

Have you listened to the whispers, Mortal? Does the Truth ring out to thee yet? For Mankind to make war, It must possess the means to do so. Therefore, the banning or confiscation of weapons is a denial of the nature of Man, a pathetic attempt to avert the violence innate to Mankind, an insult to the Sacred Creed of the Murdercube. The banishment of weapons is an instrument of the weak to subvert to strong, and such an unnatural usurpation cannot be abided by those who have heard the Truth of the Monolith.

And so we honor the Cube through our actions, keeping our minds, bodies, and blades sharp. We make or buy instruments of War, with which we complete the sanctifying rituals which strengthen the Cube. We maintain and honor our weapons, keeping their blades sharp and their barrels oiled. Our weapons are gifts, the children of Necis Alea, and as such, deserve the utmost respect. We enable and encourage others to take up arms, training them in the use and maintenance of their weapons, to glorify and empower Necis Alea with the strength of Man’s warrior spirit.

And finally, we pray, as we first prayed to our Maker, the Star of War, the Cube of Death:

War is the way of Man.
Man is the means of War.
You allow us War.
Our worship is our readiness.

It is proper to adhere to our nature,
Aggression is natural,
We are meant to be aggressive.

Through war we are purified,
Through slaughter we are enlightened,
I cast thee, Necis Alea,
May fortune find strength in me,
So that my weaknesses be absolved.

Mind Control, which is literally the strongest power to exist in reality or fiction

Wish for Icy to become straight

The Flood / Re: >go out to eat
« on: January 05, 2015, 09:57:23 PM »
Now I know britain has some pretty retarded laws and customs.

But at least we pay our waiters a minimum wage salary and not just jew them off with the promise of tips.
Tipping gives employees incentives to work. Want more tips? Perform quality and speedy work for the guests. Without tips, you get paid the same regardless the amount of people served and regardless of how well you perform. Many people who do work of tips are either in high school or college and plenty of people can earn 2x, 3x, even 5x the hourly wage other employees get a day

The Flood / I figured out why Psy doesn't show his face
« on: January 05, 2015, 09:50:11 PM »
We would all die if he did

The Flood / Re: Lost Cat
« on: January 05, 2015, 09:45:56 PM »

The Flood / Re: HQ Board?
« on: January 05, 2015, 09:41:45 PM »
Clean up in aisle 3, clean up in aisle 3.
Totally didn't save the image or anything, no sir.
pm dat shit pls

Septagon / Re: Will there ever be custom backgrounds?
« on: January 05, 2015, 09:36:43 PM »
You're talking about the actual background for the site, right? And not your post background?

If so, then that's completely possible to do.
I'm going to say yes? This is what I'm getting at; something view able only to the person that has it selected

The Flood / Re: HQ Board?
« on: January 05, 2015, 09:28:21 PM »
Damn, I always miss the action

The Flood / Re: When Anime Meets Memes
« on: January 05, 2015, 09:26:50 PM »
1:44 is totes waifu and oss

The Flood / Re: tfw Ryle doesn't respond to you on skype
« on: January 05, 2015, 08:07:30 PM »
tgi thread is literally dildos

The Flood / Re: ITT: RP as Jim
« on: January 05, 2015, 07:08:55 PM »

« on: January 05, 2015, 07:04:42 PM »

I'm glad we don't have people like this in England.

Serious / Re: The fall of Lucifer.
« on: January 05, 2015, 06:52:07 PM »

Serious / Re: The fall of Lucifer.
« on: January 05, 2015, 06:50:42 PM »
Christian mythology
Serious board is for serious threads please

The Flood / Re: Your Punishment...
« on: January 05, 2015, 06:48:13 PM »
Well I notice a window and a table. Use the metal legs of the table to smash throw the window then toss a grenade in at those who don't manage to get out
I still don't understand how you're mythic and I'm not.
Cheat updated to be activity heavy

Checked your stats on your profile and you've been on for a total of 24 days or so; I've been on for about 37 days. Big difference. I think when I reached 34 or 35 I got to Mythic

The Flood / Re: What Floofians would you hang out with?
« on: January 05, 2015, 06:45:57 PM »
Realized I never got to meet Capiton Render. We live like 10 minutes from each other. Hm, any VA members because of close proximity, Das, Meta, Psy, Gasai, and a couple others

The Flood / Re: Your Punishment...
« on: January 05, 2015, 06:42:46 PM »
Well I notice a window and a table. Use the metal legs of the table to smash throw the window then toss a grenade in at those who don't manage to get out

I wonder if some animals dream of being human?

The Flood / Re: So, what's going on?
« on: January 05, 2015, 06:35:13 PM »
I can whistle, yes

Money doesn't mean anything in the end my friend.
In that case feel free to write me into your will.

The Flood / Re: This fat
« on: January 05, 2015, 05:25:38 PM »
Leave a MLG comment

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