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Messages - Kinder Graham

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Gaming / Re: Set some challenges for me in Fallout: New Vegas (Or 3)
« on: October 06, 2014, 07:47:06 PM »
You have to walk backwards the entire game

A northern Virginia suburb of Washington DC where mixtures of white, upper class, families, live among the lower and less fortunate families, thus forming a perfect environment for raising kids and selling crack.
Yo homie you wanna hop in my dads escalade and get a dime bag in downtown after football practice?
Fucking NoVa nigger faggot


Chesapeake: A city in Southeastern Virginia. Considered part of Hampton Roads, it is west of Virginia Beach, south of Norfolk, and southeast of Portsmouth.

It is a relatively quiet, prosperous city, with 7 (soon to be 8) school districts, and it is growing rapidly. The crime rates are lower than in the surrounding cities, and the people tend to be happier.

People from Chesapeake tend to think all other cities (except some areas of Virginia Beach) are not safe.

In regards to nightlife, you must drive to Norfolk or Virginia Beach if you want to go out at all because there is absolutely nothing to do.
Lol, pretty much

The Flood / Re: post your address
« on: October 06, 2014, 07:38:51 PM »
Estate road
Totally not going to fly and stalk you >.>

>mfw areas of portsmouth and isle of wright are the names of two cities i live by in virginia


News / Re: Staff Poll
« on: October 06, 2014, 07:35:09 PM »
Slash has banned me twice and warned me once. He's very good at his job as a mod and people voted for him because of that. It's not a circlejerk; I'm sorry that nobody likes your friend being a mod but she is getting called out for a reason. It's why DeeJ gets called out: Because he's incompetent at his DUTIES, not himself or personality. Same with Kiyo as she can be a good member but that doesn't mean she's fit for the duty of being a mod

Please don't twist the facts, you know next to nothing about the moderation log.

And I was also not the only mod calling people out, yet you ignore that fact because the other mods happen to be "friends" of yours.

I've stayed pretty quite about this and every other time you assholes have attacked me, I put up with more shit than any other staff member on this site simply because I am not liked, just because most of you don't like me does not mean I am unfit to be a mod, I have moderated this forum fairly without bias and apart from that single incident in Anarchy I have not held my powers over any other member of this site, if people only wanted their friends to become mods instead of people who are qualified this place would become worse than saphire.

Every time I have tried to defend myself or calmly explain my side of things you all brush it aside (like you Icy who berated me unfairly then told me to "take it up with Cheat" when I explained my side of things).

I should not have to stand here and be held to a double standard than the rest of the other Mods on the fourm, just because you have a personal dislike for me.

Ever hear something called an opinion?

Mine is that after many instances I don't see you as a person that has the best authority to be a mod. Before you were actually pretty cool but your harassment towards elegiac after stating numerous times he doesn't like being called "dingo" and the whole anarchy event, I've changed my mind

Every website is going to have people that dislike a mod and that's how it will be

1) I never said any of you have to like me, I just said you can't give me shit just because you don't like me

2) We both know that Elegiac is not serious about being offended at being called a dingo when he wants to be a fox, this isn't kindergarten, dingo's not an insult or harassment, considering how up until his fake tantrum it was all playful banter.

3) No you thought I was pretty cool until I wouldn't ban certain users you got into arguments with.

4) If it's an opinion then don't spout it off as fact, especially when we are talking about facts.

I've said my part, you've said yours, there is no more reason to turn this thread into a repeat of last night.

1. Where giving our opinion in a thread where it's basically being asked to do so. Sorry if you think that's giving you shit

2. Considering he has muted other users, no I don't see it as playful banter

3. No, I thought you were okay before shit started to happen including you making personal insults on me as well. Talk about we can't give you shit but you give it to me

4. I'm stating the events of IP revealing as fact in the thread

Yeah, whatever. Most likely not going to say any more after this. My opinion still stands

The Flood / Re: Floodians of Arizona
« on: October 06, 2014, 07:18:11 PM »
2v1 me pre-bf3 usas w/frags update

News / Re: Staff Poll
« on: October 06, 2014, 07:15:59 PM »
Slash has banned me twice and warned me once. He's very good at his job as a mod and people voted for him because of that. It's not a circlejerk; I'm sorry that nobody likes your friend being a mod but she is getting called out for a reason. It's why DeeJ gets called out: Because he's incompetent at his DUTIES, not himself or personality. Same with Kiyo as she can be a good member but that doesn't mean she's fit for the duty of being a mod
Damn, you severely lack the ability to read since you just reiterate what I said in my reply that you quoted. Except for all of the butthurt stuff about Kiyo, that is just you being butthurt.
Because you have not criticized people who stated their opinions about Kiyo? Talk about getting butthurt

News / Re: Staff Poll
« on: October 06, 2014, 07:12:17 PM »
Slash has banned me twice and warned me once. He's very good at his job as a mod and people voted for him because of that. It's not a circlejerk; I'm sorry that nobody likes your friend being a mod but she is getting called out for a reason. It's why DeeJ gets called out: Because he's incompetent at his DUTIES, not himself or personality. Same with Kiyo as she can be a good member but that doesn't mean she's fit for the duty of being a mod

Please don't twist the facts, you know next to nothing about the moderation log.

And I was also not the only mod calling people out, yet you ignore that fact because the other mods happen to be "friends" of yours.

I've stayed pretty quite about this and every other time you assholes have attacked me, I put up with more shit than any other staff member on this site simply because I am not liked, just because most of you don't like me does not mean I am unfit to be a mod, I have moderated this forum fairly without bias and apart from that single incident in Anarchy I have not held my powers over any other member of this site, if people only wanted their friends to become mods instead of people who are qualified this place would become worse than saphire.

Every time I have tried to defend myself or calmly explain my side of things you all brush it aside (like you Icy who berated me unfairly then told me to "take it up with Cheat" when I explained my side of things).

I should not have to stand here and be held to a double standard than the rest of the other Mods on the fourm, just because you have a personal dislike for me.

Ever hear something called an opinion?

Mine is that after many instances I don't see you as a person that has the best authority to be a mod. Before you were actually pretty cool but your harassment towards elegiac after stating numerous times he doesn't like being called "dingo" and the whole anarchy event, I've changed my mind

Every website is going to have people that dislike a mod and that's how it will be

Serious / Re: Police officer kills Walmart shopper for holding a BB gun
« on: October 06, 2014, 06:45:53 PM »
Can't quote on mobile but guess what Challenger? Crime has been DECREASING ever since the 1990s, as I said in an earlier post. Those who do commit gun cfimes are criminals, not law abiding citizens. Because how the heck can a person be law abiding when they commit crimes? Answer: can't. Gun restrictions ONLY hurt the good guy trying to protect themselves; just look at the cities or Detro, Chicago,  D.C, etc and you will notice that murder there is some if the highest in the nation. That's because gun restrictions make innocent people prime targets

And Flee, thousands of people do die yearly but gun deaths are the lowest. The CDC has reported that the leading causes of death are instances like car accidents, drugs, and alcohol.  We all know gun control is a political agenda, not one for "public safety". And refer to my statement above: Cities with strict gun laws account for the reason why people get killed with guns. Mass killings have also always occured in gun-free/gun strict states because the less amount of people with guns, the lesser the chance hey will be stopped before the cops arrive. The recent Oklahoma beheading was stooped by an employee who was xarrying a gun and if it were not for him then at least 2 more peoole would have been killed

Respinsibleand law abiding gun owners are not the problem and we seriously hate the fact that you try to make us the problem. Want to decrease gun crime? Push the effort and money into these bans from them and instead into community outreach programs and activities designed to give potential trouble youth a way to stay away fromma life of crime along with allowing people to have the ability to carry a gun where they please. There's a reason why you never here about a mass killing at a gun show: Because everybody has a damn gun there
I never said crime hasn't been decreasing. Ever.

Crime is high in places like Detroit and Chicago because of poverty and gangs. Crime =/= Deaths caused by guns

Why would anybody push for gun control if they weren't legitimately concerned about all the deaths caused by guns? Why would anybody alienate a large percentage of voters for no reason? Let me guess, to create a dictatorship? Get real. You act as if the thousands of deaths caused by guns don't matter. They do. These aren't just numbers, these are people with lives, family, friends, goals.

As for the last part, I think more effort should be put into getting rid of illegal guns and programs to help troubled kids in poor neighborhoods. Along with legalizing drugs, that would cut down on crime a shit ton.

However, it is far too easy to get a gun in America. Legally. Illegally it's easy as shit too. Which is why when I see people focusing on gun control I don't see it as progress, they're wasting time on having people sign more paperwork instead of actively going after an destroying illegal guns.

I don't trust people to carry a Glock with 18 rounds. The majority of people are dumb and can't keep calm in a dangerous situation. There should be laws put into place so the average idiot can't buy an arsenal of weaponry. There are a shit ton of examples of "law abiding citizens" making mistakes or just outright committing crimes with legally owned firearms. Not to mention their deranged relative stealing their gun and going on a killing rampage with it.

No, guns should not be easily accessible.
Did I say you said that? Read again because I said I said that.

Now we're on the same page. Gangs are formed out of economic issues and children from broken homes. Children, the biggest demographic of gangs, join them because they want to feel accepted and have a sense of importance. That translates into committing crime and crime is prevalent because of the decrease likelihood of a victim having a gun. Armed citizens act as a deterrent for criminals because the risk of being killed does not outweigh the gain from committing a robbery or burglary; I'm studying this exact stuff right now in college

Actually, it is to create a dictatorship in a sense. We overthrew the King George III because he was over-stepping his boundaries, just like the government is doing today. People are getting fed up with the government and it's evident with the number of militia groups growing every single day. Restricting the ability to own guns is preventing new waves of people from taking a stand against the government and keeping it in it's place. Funny  enough that we idolize the Founding Fathers when they were doing the same exact thing people are doing today. On top of that, just a few months ago there was a Californian senator charged for arms trafficking and he was ANTI-GUN OWNERSHIP

Please, explain to me how I'm not caring about people dying? Good ole Challenger trying to make up lies in order to make himself look smart. All I said was that deaths resulting from crime is low compared to other causes of death and that going after the good guys won't stop bad guys

You want to get rid of illegal guns? Well you better hold the government responsible. Ever hear of Operation: Fast and Furious? Government sold Mexican cartels weapons, lost track of them, and the weapons were sold back to American criminals. Your tax dollars at work!

Legalize drugs, criminals will find something else to profit with. Going to legalize depleted uranium? Might as well because it will get to that eventually. Think realistically; crime and gang problems will never be dealt away with but they sure as hell can be controlled and greatly lowered. We can keep drugs like heroin, cocaine, oxy, etc illegal while developing programs to give kids a chance and a positive environment to feel accepted in while creating harsher penalties for people that commit gang related crime instead of giving them a reduced sentence or probation

Background checks don't need to take a week to complete. Fill out information, send it off to the government, and they run it through a national database and instantly they get a report back. Maybe 15+ years ago when we didn't have access to this technology I would agree on increasing the wait period but we have the technology now.

Average idiot? Really? Get a grip will you. There's nothing idiotic with owning multiple guns and carrying a weapon legally. As I pointed out with the recent Oklahoma beheading, if it were not for an employee carrying then more than 1 person would be dead. I personally own 5 rifles and my dad owns 3 handguns and 2 shotguns. And guess what? I'm going to keep buying guns and only need a $100 till I go out and buy a Romanian WASR 10/63 with a 75-round drum magazine. I fracking love being an American and I fracking love owning guns. That will NEVER be taken away from me

Now reply and let's continue this pointless discussion. Nothing I or you saw will change our opinions. I used to be very anti-gun myself but learned about them and now love them just as much as God and my family
I grew up in LA. I don't need you to tell me about gangs and poverty.

I didn't say anything about having a shotty or pistol in the house. It's carrying guns in public that I don't agree with.

Nobody's overstepping boundaries. You don't need an arsenal of rifles unless you're going to use them. Guns are not toys. This is exactly why I don't like the lax gun laws and the loophole that allows people to buy guns at a gun show. I couldn't care less about some corrupt politician. And I am well aware of how the U.S. government "lost" a bunch of guns and how they ended up in cartel hands. Or how Freeway Ricky flooded LA with coke and crack with people mixed up with the CIA.

Because you're looking at it as a statistic. Whether or not the numbers are low compare dot something else is irrelevant. Shit, rocket launchers have killed less people than nukes, his come we can't get a permit to buy those? Or how about setting up turrets on our houses? That is ridiculous logic. I hesitate to even use the word logic.

Are you serious? Depleted uranium? You seriously think your local street gang is going to survive off that? You can make $3,000 dollars a day selling crack. EASY. On a slow day. Take that away and suddenly joining a gang and cooking up work seems a lot less appealing.

What the hell are you talking about? Are you completely ignorant of gang injunctions? Committing a crime whilst being a gang member increases your sentence a SHIT TON. Something that's get you 2 years could get you 10 if you're a gang member. Wearing a white T shirt is a criminal offense if you're a gang member in California.

It's not about wait times. It's about not allowing the average person to buy a bunch of rifles. If you don't need them, don't buy them. They're not toys or collectables. They're weapons. Show some respect and maturity.

I couldn't care less what gun you're going to buy and how you think that's the best part of being an American, or that someone is less American for not buying guns by the boat load.

I like guns. Doesn't mean I'd buy a truck load of em unless I needed to. There's nothing to love. If you look at a gun as anything other than a tool or weapon, you're compensating for something and have major insecurities.

This is a pointless conversation. Reason is wasted on the reasonless.
Going to correct you on a couple things.

1. There is no gun show loophole. There maybe two or three guys that bring a gun and have a for sale paper on it, but that's it. Everybody else that sells guns are either federally licensed and have to conduct background checks or are selling weapons that were made before 1899 and no paperwork or licenses are needed. Don't ever hear about people killing people with muskets do you?

After attending multiple gun shows over the past few years, I can assure you this whole "gun show loophole" is an EXTREMELY twisted and false idea portrayed by the left because they have no firearms knowledge. Out of the people who sell guns at gun shows, around 98% are those sold by people required to conduct checks, 1.9% who sell pre-1899 guns, and .1% who just sell a gun privately

2. I do use all my guns. Every time I head to the range I mix it up and take different guns. All are equally used

3. It's perfectly legal to purchase and own a RPG/rocket launcher. They're highly restricted, require a speacial license, have to go through extensive checks, and need to get the chief of police to sign a piece of paper. Plus they're VERY expensive to own

4. Well, cars kill more people than guns annually but people collect them. Swords and knives also kill people and they're collected. Guns are collectible; there's a reason why people specialize in curio and relic firearms and I have 3 myself

Serious / Re: Los Angeles minimum wage raised to $13.25
« on: October 06, 2014, 06:12:34 PM »
A return to a economy backed by something of actual value is the best hope
Going back to the gold standard? Do we even have 15.6 trillion dollars worth of gold to make sure that our economy doesn't suddenly and drastically deflate?
That's why it's a process. A long process for that manner. But the way our society is, we focus too much on ourselves and not the future generations

News / Re: Staff Poll
« on: October 06, 2014, 06:05:07 PM »
Yes clearly my 30 votes in this poll show that it's only the previous poll that made me mod. Obviously I'm doing something right or I wouldn't have 30 votes.
Please continue getting defensive over facts. The circeljerk was strong when this site first started.

Obviously shitposters and trolls are going to vote for you, because you tolerate that stuff to a certain degree. I never said you were a shitty mod, you are actually great. I disagree with some of the stupid shit you tolerate, but I have already said the community's opinion should not matter when it comes to moderation staff, so you can stop being defensive. I am sure you hate me because I am not afraid to give my opinions on you, but I do not hate you and never have.
Slash has banned me twice and warned me once. He's very good at his job as a mod and people voted for him because of that. It's not a circlejerk; I'm sorry that nobody likes your friend being a mod but she is getting called out for a reason. It's why DeeJ gets called out: Because he's incompetent at his DUTIES, not himself or personality. Same with Kiyo as she can be a good member but that doesn't mean she's fit for the duty of being a mod

Serious / Re: Really though somebody explain this
« on: October 06, 2014, 06:00:01 PM »
burka burka humus menorah

Serious / Re: Police officer kills Walmart shopper for holding a BB gun
« on: October 06, 2014, 05:57:38 PM »
Can't quote on mobile but guess what Challenger? Crime has been DECREASING ever since the 1990s, as I said in an earlier post. Those who do commit gun cfimes are criminals, not law abiding citizens. Because how the heck can a person be law abiding when they commit crimes? Answer: can't. Gun restrictions ONLY hurt the good guy trying to protect themselves; just look at the cities or Detro, Chicago,  D.C, etc and you will notice that murder there is some if the highest in the nation. That's because gun restrictions make innocent people prime targets

And Flee, thousands of people do die yearly but gun deaths are the lowest. The CDC has reported that the leading causes of death are instances like car accidents, drugs, and alcohol.  We all know gun control is a political agenda, not one for "public safety". And refer to my statement above: Cities with strict gun laws account for the reason why people get killed with guns. Mass killings have also always occured in gun-free/gun strict states because the less amount of people with guns, the lesser the chance hey will be stopped before the cops arrive. The recent Oklahoma beheading was stooped by an employee who was xarrying a gun and if it were not for him then at least 2 more peoole would have been killed

Respinsibleand law abiding gun owners are not the problem and we seriously hate the fact that you try to make us the problem. Want to decrease gun crime? Push the effort and money into these bans from them and instead into community outreach programs and activities designed to give potential trouble youth a way to stay away fromma life of crime along with allowing people to have the ability to carry a gun where they please. There's a reason why you never here about a mass killing at a gun show: Because everybody has a damn gun there
I never said crime hasn't been decreasing. Ever.

Crime is high in places like Detroit and Chicago because of poverty and gangs. Crime =/= Deaths caused by guns

Why would anybody push for gun control if they weren't legitimately concerned about all the deaths caused by guns? Why would anybody alienate a large percentage of voters for no reason? Let me guess, to create a dictatorship? Get real. You act as if the thousands of deaths caused by guns don't matter. They do. These aren't just numbers, these are people with lives, family, friends, goals.

As for the last part, I think more effort should be put into getting rid of illegal guns and programs to help troubled kids in poor neighborhoods. Along with legalizing drugs, that would cut down on crime a shit ton.

However, it is far too easy to get a gun in America. Legally. Illegally it's easy as shit too. Which is why when I see people focusing on gun control I don't see it as progress, they're wasting time on having people sign more paperwork instead of actively going after an destroying illegal guns.

I don't trust people to carry a Glock with 18 rounds. The majority of people are dumb and can't keep calm in a dangerous situation. There should be laws put into place so the average idiot can't buy an arsenal of weaponry. There are a shit ton of examples of "law abiding citizens" making mistakes or just outright committing crimes with legally owned firearms. Not to mention their deranged relative stealing their gun and going on a killing rampage with it.

No, guns should not be easily accessible.
Did I say you said that? Read again because I said I said that.

Now we're on the same page. Gangs are formed out of economic issues and children from broken homes. Children, the biggest demographic of gangs, join them because they want to feel accepted and have a sense of importance. That translates into committing crime and crime is prevalent because of the decrease likelihood of a victim having a gun. Armed citizens act as a deterrent for criminals because the risk of being killed does not outweigh the gain from committing a robbery or burglary; I'm studying this exact stuff right now in college

Actually, it is to create a dictatorship in a sense. We overthrew the King George III because he was over-stepping his boundaries, just like the government is doing today. People are getting fed up with the government and it's evident with the number of militia groups growing every single day. Restricting the ability to own guns is preventing new waves of people from taking a stand against the government and keeping it in it's place. Funny  enough that we idolize the Founding Fathers when they were doing the same exact thing people are doing today. On top of that, just a few months ago there was a Californian senator charged for arms trafficking and he was ANTI-GUN OWNERSHIP

Please, explain to me how I'm not caring about people dying? Good ole Challenger trying to make up lies in order to make himself look smart. All I said was that deaths resulting from crime is low compared to other causes of death and that going after the good guys won't stop bad guys

You want to get rid of illegal guns? Well you better hold the government responsible. Ever hear of Operation: Fast and Furious? Government sold Mexican cartels weapons, lost track of them, and the weapons were sold back to American criminals. Your tax dollars at work!

Legalize drugs, criminals will find something else to profit with. Going to legalize depleted uranium? Might as well because it will get to that eventually. Think realistically; crime and gang problems will never be dealt away with but they sure as hell can be controlled and greatly lowered. We can keep drugs like heroin, cocaine, oxy, etc illegal while developing programs to give kids a chance and a positive environment to feel accepted in while creating harsher penalties for people that commit gang related crime instead of giving them a reduced sentence or probation

Background checks don't need to take a week to complete. Fill out information, send it off to the government, and they run it through a national database and instantly they get a report back. Maybe 15+ years ago when we didn't have access to this technology I would agree on increasing the wait period but we have the technology now.

Average idiot? Really? Get a grip will you. There's nothing idiotic with owning multiple guns and carrying a weapon legally. As I pointed out with the recent Oklahoma beheading, if it were not for an employee carrying then more than 1 person would be dead. I personally own 5 rifles and my dad owns 3 handguns and 2 shotguns. And guess what? I'm going to keep buying guns and only need a $100 till I go out and buy a Romanian WASR 10/63 with a 75-round drum magazine. I fucking love being an American and I fucking love owning guns. That will NEVER be taken away from me

Now reply and let's continue this pointless discussion. Nothing I or you saw will change our opinions. I used to be very anti-gun myself but learned about them and now love them just as much as God and my family

The Flood / Re: Just had some sushi
« on: October 06, 2014, 05:01:33 PM »
have fun catching ebola from uncooked food

Serious / Re: Cop Ignores Woman Whose Kids Are Being Kidnapped (Video)
« on: October 06, 2014, 04:17:08 PM »

So what, have people run stop signs, speed, and drink and drive? LegisLture establishes the law and fine to be paid. Police enforce those laws. Be mad at the politicians, not cops

Serious / Re: Los Angeles minimum wage raised to $13.25
« on: October 06, 2014, 04:10:22 PM »
Well it comes down to the inefficiency of governemnt.  Notably the ammount of money it prints. The concept of more=less value is what economics are. Why did Germany spiral out of control after WWI? Because it printed off money to pay it's debts, resulting in people needing a car full of money to buy a loaf of bread. A return to a economy backed by something of actual value is the best hope

Serious / Re: Los Angeles minimum wage raised to $13.25
« on: October 06, 2014, 04:01:06 PM »
Fucking lol

Now companies will just increase prices to compensate. The oroblem is fighting an inflated market. That difficult for people to understand? No womder why outsourcing is all too common also

Serious / Re: Police officer kills Walmart shopper for holding a BB gun
« on: October 06, 2014, 03:58:56 PM »
Can't quote on mobile but guess what Challenger? Crime has been DECREASING ever since the 1990s, as I said in an earlier post. Those who do commit gun cfimes are criminals, not law abiding citizens. Because how the heck can a person be law abiding when they commit crimes? Answer: can't. Gun restrictions ONLY hurt the good guy trying to protect themselves; just look at the cities or Detro, Chicago,  D.C, etc and you will notice that murder there is some if the highest in the nation. That's because gun restrictions make innocent people prime targets

And Flee, thousands of people do die yearly but gun deaths are the lowest. The CDC has reported that the leading causes of death are instances like car accidents, drugs, and alcohol.  We all know gun control is a political agenda, not one for "public safety". And refer to my statement above: Cities with strict gun laws account for the reason why people get killed with guns. Mass killings have also always occured in gun-free/gun strict states because the less amount of people with guns, the lesser the chance hey will be stopped before the cops arrive. The recent Oklahoma beheading was stooped by an employee who was xarrying a gun and if it were not for him then at least 2 more peoole would have been killed

Respinsibleand law abiding gun owners are not the problem and we seriously hate the fact that you try to make us the problem. Want to decrease gun crime? Push the effort and money into these bans from them and instead into community outreach programs and activities designed to give potential trouble youth a way to stay away fromma life of crime along with allowing people to have the ability to carry a gun where they please. There's a reason why you never here about a mass killing at a gun show: Because everybody has a damn gun there

Serious / Re: Police officer kills Walmart shopper for holding a BB gun
« on: October 06, 2014, 02:04:55 PM »
I'm sorry, is Forbes known for being agenda-driven like Huffpost?

I'd get it if I had posted Breitbart or Fox, but come on. Why are you so butthurt all the time?
So when I do it, I'm butthurt, but when you do it, it's a push for an unbiased source?
You're always butthurt, all the time, it seems like.

You weren't looking for an unbiased source, you were still butthurt that I won't take Huffingpost's twisted narrative.
He's butthurt because he disagrees with you?

Again, the article isn't all that important. It's the links in the article.
His tone makes it pretty clear.

And whether or not most gun crime is gang-related is irrelevant, because the fact still stands that the vast majority of gun crimes are committed with either illegally obtained weapons or ones borrowed from family or friends. Law-abiding gun owners are not the problem here.
>gets proven wrong

Come on bro. This is the Serious section. Provide a source for your claims. These angelic "law abiding gun owners" are regular people who happen to have a license which allows them to carry a weapon capable of killing several people. A lot of them snap and use their gun to commit crimes, a lot of people accidentally commit suicide, a lot of people accidentally kill family members.

I don't trust people to drive correctly. I'm supposed to feel safe because Johnny Two Guns is on the case? Give me a fućking break. People are dumbasses and you know it.

How about YOU provide a source for YOUR claims? And don't give a left-wing backed source either

Serious / Re: Police officer kills Walmart shopper for holding a BB gun
« on: October 06, 2014, 02:02:40 PM »

Again, a car is a mode of transport, a gun is a weapon. Let's not be childish here.

The majority of school shootings and such have been committed with firearms that are legally owned. I don't trust the average person to carry a gun.

The average gun owner isn't commiting mass shootings though, so I don't see the need for mistrust.
Instead of restricting your ever day gun owner why not ban or heavily restrict ownership to people with severe mental issues?

Lets face it, why should somebody with severe depression or uncontrollable violent tendencies etc be allowed to walk into a gun store and walk out with a weapon that could maim or kill members of the general public? They shouldn't.

Responsibility to the responsible.
Because literally 80% of people suffer from depression and it can very well be an outlet for people to get undepressed. "Mental illness" is seriously more broad and laughable than the term "assault weapons" because what constitutes as a mental illness? Some people will say ADD which is just idiotic

Mental illnesses that alters a persons judgement should be the only ones of concern. This includes Alzheimer's,  muli-personality disorder, Schizophrenia, amentia, dementia, etc

Serious / Re: Cop Ignores Woman Whose Kids Are Being Kidnapped (Video)
« on: October 06, 2014, 09:55:27 AM »
He got fired and the guy was taken down by other cops. Don't go and start the generalizing of all cops are bad. Media focuses on these stories because it's what sells. There's a tremendous amount of stories of good cops that outnumber bad cop stories but never get publicity like they should

Serious / Re: Cop Shoots Man as He Complies
« on: October 06, 2014, 09:52:04 AM »
Cool it people <.<
Kinder getting down and dirty with someone other than ChallengerX? I feel like the fine familiarities and intrigue of the Flood Soap Opera are taking a turn for the interesting.
If somebody is going to respond to me with stupidity and insults then I will tell them what's up and make a fool of them

What is 'Turn the other cheek' ?
If someone responds to you with stupidity then just post 'K' or 'Potassium' or something like that rather than trying to make a fool of them which Always ends in a flame war.
A concept I disagree with

I reported him and gave a simple, and non-attacking response. What else do I do?

Serious / Re: Cop Shoots Man as He Complies
« on: October 06, 2014, 09:49:27 AM »
Cool it people <.<

OT: It begins!

This was posted previously but it's certainly still worth talking about, this ex-officer got what was coming to him. Trigger happy paranoid eejit ._.
I'm cool. Instinct on the itherhand needs to take a dip in an ice cold bath because his butt hurt is flaming right now

Serious / Re: Cop Shoots Man as He Complies
« on: October 06, 2014, 09:48:38 AM »
Cool it people <.<
Kinder getting down and dirty with someone other than ChallengerX? I feel like the fine familiarities and intrigue of the Flood Soap Opera are taking a turn for the interesting.
If somebody is going to respond to me with stupidity and insults then I will tell them what's up and make a fool of them

Serious / Re: Police officer kills Walmart shopper for holding a BB gun
« on: October 06, 2014, 09:46:02 AM »
Gun ownership shall not be infringed and is an individual right. Any form of trying to control that is no different from trying to control voting through voter IDs or trying to control speech via getting rid of net neutrality. The 18th century saw everybody who was an American with a gun and there were weapons such as the puckle gun, which was the ancestor to that gattling gun, and the Girandoni rifle which had a 22-round capacity. Restricting gun ownership is just as laughable as trying to form a communist government; it will never work

Deaths resulting from guns are also the lowest with motor accidents and alcohol killing more people annually. Violent crime has also been greatly decreasing since the mid 1990's along with mass shootings being used with guns illegally. Going after the responsible people will not do anything to prevent criminals from doing what they please


Serious / Re: Cop Shoots Man as He Complies
« on: October 06, 2014, 09:41:19 AM »

That's cute. Got anything intelligent to say?

I should be asking you the same thing.
I do actually. You just don't have the brain matter to comprehend what I say and instead resort to a petty insult created by a laughable moderator

News / Re: Staff Poll
« on: October 06, 2014, 09:40:01 AM »
And Nasty has more votes than Kiyo now lol


And any of the other gun nuts. We need more of them here

Serious / Re: Cop Shoots Man as He Complies
« on: October 06, 2014, 09:33:32 AM »

The messed up thing is that if this happened to not get caught on video, this asshole wouldn't get punished whatsoever.

Cops can be denied for having too high of an IQ AND work half drunk. When are we going to address these problems?

>mfw police departments will hire a person with a college degree over somebody who doesn't

>mfw fat damon thinks having a college degree equals higher iq
That's cute. Got anything intelligent to say?

Serious / Re: 5 More States Join the 21st Century
« on: October 06, 2014, 09:28:35 AM »
But the justices have left unresolved for now the question of same-sex marriage nationwide.
This here is still a big issue though. The more conservative states will do whatever they can to oppose same-sex marriage. It's a fight that will inevitably be won by those in favor of the legalization of equal marriage rights, but without a federal ruling or input, it could still be a long and nasty one.
The district which VA lies in is one of the most conservative ones in the nation and it ruled against the ban

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