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Messages - Kinder Graham

Pages: 1 ... 163164165 166167 ... 243
Serious / Re: Which are more annoying?
« on: October 08, 2014, 05:19:49 PM »
ITT: Shuttle gets rekt again
No his name is "Iberian Husky". There's nobody named "Shuttle" here.
Space Shuttle Challenger. That's you

Serious / Re: Which are more annoying?
« on: October 08, 2014, 05:13:00 PM »
ITT: Shuttle gets rekt again

Serious / Re: Which are more annoying?
« on: October 08, 2014, 05:12:34 PM »
Nah, we'd just march on D.C and behead him :^)
lol kinder thinks he's some ISIS soldier

The Flood / Re: How Many Of You Haven't Passed The Age Restriction Yet?
« on: October 08, 2014, 03:53:41 PM »
Im a 8 year old loli and what is this?

The Flood / Re: elegiac
« on: October 08, 2014, 02:47:16 PM »

The Flood / Re: Do You Prefer Digital Or Physical Books?
« on: October 08, 2014, 02:44:08 PM »
Physical <.<

And I can't quite share my collection yet, because it's not all on bookshelves, but I have... a lot... <.<
Do you have a copy of Kama Sutra?

The Flood / Re: Do You Prefer Digital Or Physical Books?
« on: October 08, 2014, 02:41:47 PM »
I prefer physical everything, including games

Serious / Re: How old is god?
« on: October 08, 2014, 02:41:01 PM »
Time is just a concept that humans invent

Did you read my responses before posting?

Serious / Re: Voting
« on: October 08, 2014, 02:40:21 PM »
Why should an 18 year old living off his parents hold the same amount of votes as someone who pays top dollar in taxes?
Quick question here. If the recent poll is anything to go by, I am the highest educated person on here. Yet, I'm still continuing my education by aspring a second, specialized Master's degree, which my parents are paying for. I am a full-time student and won't be looking for a job just yet. Explain to me why I, despite having more knowledge of law, economics and politics than most people with a place of their own, should not be allowed to vote for the mere reason that I haven't bought a house of my own yet.

Must be nice to have rich parents.

Especially parents who would let you pursue 2 masters degrees, while paying, and dedicate that kind of time.

But for real, you're lucky. Enjoy it.
PSU got his degree in Question-Dodging

Serious / Re: Voting
« on: October 08, 2014, 02:39:45 PM »
As if you know anything about my personal life. I pay for my phone bill and I pay my car payment/insurance. I also do chores around the house which pays for my internet. Really, continue to dig that hole deeper

I'm the one digging a hole? LOL whoa! Don't go overboard with those chores man. You might hurt yourself.

Yes it is literally that easy to find a job. Especially after 6 months. I worked at fracking McDonalds when I was 17 and within 6 months was an assistant manager making 25 an hour. Its not hard to move up within a company and its not hard to get a job. 

Yes I know its a direct violation of the constitution. Like I said, I don't care.
Yes, we should keep the NSA. They aren't infringing on shit.

You are digging a hole by making wild accusations and I prove you wrong. So continue with those accusations

No it's literally not that easy to find a job. Oh, you worked at McDonalds and used to be a manager? Cool story. This is 2014, not the 1990s or 1980s. Times have changed and in order to get any promotion, or job in general, a person needs a college degree. Working at McDonalds alone won't even afford a place to rent because people who work full time are at or slightly above the poverty line. And considering you're against the idea of raising wages because it raises the price of products, wage increases won't help

NSA is infringing. They've mass-collected information without warrants or probable cause for years now. That's a direct violation of the 4th Amendment. The NSA is also just an intelligence agency and have no policing powers so they can't charge and imprison people, like they're doing right now. NSA's job is also to conduct intelligence on matters outside of the nation, not inside like they're doing by collecting grandma's phone records

Serious / Re: Which are more annoying?
« on: October 08, 2014, 02:31:42 PM »
I chose the middle option, every time I hear the Alex Jones crowd spouting off utter shite I start wishing Obama was a satanic muslim anti-christ just to watch the idiotic morons shit themselves and flee to their under ground "bunkers" that they built in their basements.

But personally PETA are the fracking worst, not because of the message they claim to send, I am passionate about the treatment of animals but it's the fact that PETA are the biggest hypocrites in the "animal rights movement"*, not only do they spout of utter shit like "tigers can be trained to eat nothing but tofu" (which they have actually forced on poor carnivorous animals leading to ill health and death) but they're also responsible for one of the largest amounts of animal slaughter under American slaughter houses. PETA believes that domesticated animals shouldn't exist and all those homeless animals that get given to them are all killed. PETAs founder was also a dog snatcher and has killed over thousands of healthy dogs just because she doesn't believe they have the right to exist.

fracking scum.

*I didn't know what else to call the group of organisations that fight for animal welfare

Rant over.
Nah, we'd just march on D.C and behead him :^)

We all know if you tried it would fail, it would make for quite the show.
Nah, much of the military dislikes Obama. It would be easy :^))

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon Picture Thread (Version 3.0)
« on: October 08, 2014, 02:30:47 PM »
dat moment when users like charlie and max can actually be apple's dad

Serious / Re: Which are more annoying?
« on: October 08, 2014, 02:29:35 PM »
I chose the middle option, every time I hear the Alex Jones crowd spouting off utter shite I start wishing Obama was a satanic muslim anti-christ just to watch the idiotic morons shit themselves and flee to their under ground "bunkers" that they built in their basements.

But personally PETA are the fracking worst, not because of the message they claim to send, I am passionate about the treatment of animals but it's the fact that PETA are the biggest hypocrites in the "animal rights movement"*, not only do they spout of utter shit like "tigers can be trained to eat nothing but tofu" (which they have actually forced on poor carnivorous animals leading to ill health and death) but they're also responsible for one of the largest amounts of animal slaughter under American slaughter houses. PETA believes that domesticated animals shouldn't exist and all those homeless animals that get given to them are all killed. PETAs founder was also a dog snatcher and has killed over thousands of healthy dogs just because she doesn't believe they have the right to exist.

fracking scum.

*I didn't know what else to call the group of organisations that fight for animal welfare

Rant over.
Nah, we'd just march on D.C and behead him :^)

Serious / Re: Voting
« on: October 08, 2014, 02:28:23 PM »
Apparently money now equals political knowledge.


Anyone can own a home if I can at 23 (bought when I was 22).

All you have to be is semi smart about managing your money.
Because there are not people that are older than you and homeless, right?

So I guess that athletes can't vote because they spend money in retarded ways and end up going bankrupt after a year

Yep. You want to know why they are homeless? Because they are fracking retarded. If you're 30 years old+ and you're homeless, you fracked up somewhere and its your fault. #SorryNotSorry

Athletes go bankrupt after a year?
Because the 2008 financial decline never happened, right?

Its 2014. Sorry.
Because everything returns to normal in 1 or 2 years? Sorry, that's not how things work

Funny how you think property owners know more yet you absolutely know nothing about the Constitution, economics, or the financial system. I'd fracking rather support Challenger and Icy over you anyday
its been 6 years.

I know most everything about the constitution. I just disagree with some of it.

And please don't talk about economics or financial situations when your mommy still pays your phone and internet bill.

6 years is literally nothing in the grand scope of things. The unemployment rate is STILL 11.8% and employment opportunities are STILL scarce

If you know almost everything about the Constitution then you would know your suggestion is in direct violation. If you're going to ignore that right then might as well continue to let the NSA violate the 4th Amendment and violate the law where they can only conduct intelligence on people outside of the country; might as well allow the FCC reject net neutrality; might as well not give people the right to trial, attorney, and a jury. Might as well just get rid of the Constitution altogether

As if you know anything about my personal life. I pay for my phone bill and I pay my car payment/insurance. I also do chores around the house which pays for my internet. Really, continue to dig that hole deeper

Gaming / Re: Halo 4 Graphics Comparison
« on: October 08, 2014, 02:21:53 PM »
Holy mother fucking god damn nigger shit that's fucking amazing and Halo 4 is already a game with like the best graphics on a last-gen console

Serious / Re: Voting
« on: October 08, 2014, 02:18:01 PM »
Apparently money now equals political knowledge.


Anyone can own a home if I can at 23 (bought when I was 22).

All you have to be is semi smart about managing your money.
Because there are not people that are older than you and homeless, right?

So I guess that athletes can't vote because they spend money in retarded ways and end up going bankrupt after a year

Yep. You want to know why they are homeless? Because they are fracking retarded. If you're 30 years old+ and you're homeless, you fracked up somewhere and its your fault. #SorryNotSorry

Athletes go bankrupt after a year?
Because the 2008 financial decline never happened, right?

Its 2014. Sorry.
Because everything returns to normal in 1 or 2 years? Sorry, that's not how things work

Funny how you think property owners know more yet you absolutely know nothing about the Constitution, economics, or the financial system. I'd fucking rather support Challenger and Icy over you anyday

The Flood / Re: 3 Topics in one thread
« on: October 08, 2014, 02:15:25 PM »
I'm interested in the topic where you stop posting

Serious / Re: Voting
« on: October 08, 2014, 02:14:21 PM »
A-are you serious? You HAVE to be trolling. From a person that's all "MURIKA FUK YEAH" you're sure not acting like it with a response that goes against the American Constitution. Like, did you and Camnator go to the same government class? Because none of you have an actual concept as to what the Constitution even says

The constitution is outdated.
No it's not. You only think it's outdated because it doesn't conform to your draconian ideas

No idea what draconian means, sorry bro.

(of laws or their application) excessively harsh and severe.

Term named after the Athenian (city-state in ancient Greece) dictator (Draco) when he introduced his own set of harsh laws

Serious / Re: Voting
« on: October 08, 2014, 02:11:45 PM »
Apparently money now equals political knowledge.


Anyone can own a home if I can at 23 (bought when I was 22).

All you have to be is semi smart about managing your money.
Because there are not people that are older than you and homeless, right?

So I guess that athletes can't vote because they spend money in retarded ways and end up going bankrupt after a year

Yep. You want to know why they are homeless? Because they are fracking retarded. If you're 30 years old+ and you're homeless, you fracked up somewhere and its your fault. #SorryNotSorry

Athletes go bankrupt after a year?
Because the 2008 financial decline never happened, right?

Serious / Re: Do you ever get the urge to kill?
« on: October 08, 2014, 02:10:33 PM »
I suppose when I was like in middle school. Was bullied a lot by these fucker and it got to the point where I imagined inflicting harm on him, which I did to a degree when I snapped and punched his face in

Serious / Re: Voting
« on: October 08, 2014, 02:09:05 PM »
A-are you serious? You HAVE to be trolling. From a person that's all "MURIKA FUK YEAH" you're sure not acting like it with a response that goes against the American Constitution. Like, did you and Camnator go to the same government class? Because none of you have an actual concept as to what the Constitution even says

The constitution is outdated.
No it's not. You only think it's outdated because it doesn't conform to your draconian ideas

Serious / Re: Voting
« on: October 08, 2014, 02:08:16 PM »
Apparently money now equals political knowledge.


Anyone can own a home if I can at 23 (bought when I was 22).

All you have to be is semi smart about managing your money.
Because there are not people that are older than you and homeless, right?

So I guess that athletes can't vote because they spend money in retarded ways and end up going bankrupt after a year

The Flood / Re: How is everyone today?
« on: October 08, 2014, 02:06:51 PM »
Just another day. Forgot to take my meds today and now feeling withdrawal symptoms via headache and everything feeling slow

Serious / Re: How old is god?
« on: October 08, 2014, 02:05:05 PM »
Time is just a concept that humans invent
No. Hours and days are concepts invented by humans to measure time.
Which is my point. Time, as in hours, minutes, days, etc., is a concept invented by humans. Notice though history it has changed with the creation of differing calenders
Right, but time, the dimension through which all things pass, is real.
I know. I should have originally stated the way we measure time is a concept we created

The Flood / Re: I would like the police 100% more
« on: October 08, 2014, 02:00:53 PM »
I would like the police more if they actually did their intended jobs instead of harassing people and stealing from citizens.
They do their jobs. Their jobs is upholding the laws based by the legislature. Running a stop sign is illegal and if a cop doesn't stop the traffic violator then they wouldn't be doing their jobs. Don't want to pay a ticket? Then use common sense and abide by traffic laws designed to protect motorists. It's really just common sense

The Flood / Re: I would like the police 100% more
« on: October 08, 2014, 01:59:12 PM »
Police comes from Middle French police, in turn from Latin politia, which is the Latinisation of the Greek πολιτεία (politeia), "citizenship, administration, civil polity". This is derived from πόλις (polis), "city"

Is she also a feminazi?

Serious / Re: Voting
« on: October 08, 2014, 01:49:35 PM »
A-are you serious? You HAVE to be trolling. From a person that's all "MURIKA FUK YEAH" you're sure not acting like it with a response that goes against the American Constitution. Like, did you and Camnator go to the same government class? Because none of you have an actual concept as to what the Constitution even says

Serious / Re: How old is god?
« on: October 08, 2014, 01:47:22 PM »
Time is just a concept that humans invent
No. Hours and days are concepts invented by humans to measure time.
Which is my point. Time, as in hours, minutes, days, etc., is a concept invented by humans. Notice though history it has changed with the creation of differing calenders

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