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Messages - Kinder Graham

Pages: 1 ... 139140141 142143 ... 243
Serious / Re: Your Thoughts on Suicide
« on: October 21, 2014, 02:20:11 PM »
Cut the shit, right now.

Kinder: Meta did not launch a personal attack, he took issue with your ignorance of suicide.

I will say this once, anyone who continues this shit is getting a 20% warning. Anyone.
Cut the crap out, discuss it nicely and try not to act like little bitches when you argue.

And Kinder, as a separate point, Suicidal Ideation and the act of suicide has nothing to do with Cowardice. Are hallucinations from Schizophrenia cowardice? Are nervous ticks cowardice? Is PTSD Cowardice?
No they fracking well aren't and so kindly send that view back to the 1900s where it belongs.
Whatever. It was a personal attack and if I did what Meta pulled, I'd be banned right now

The discussion isn't about ideation. It's about the act itself. Committing suicide is in my own opinion a selfish and cowardly act

No, you wouldn't. You would have been if you called him an idiot, simply saying someone is demonstrating their ignorance doesn't constitute a personal attack. Or would you prefer this site does become a hugbox?

And your opinion is wrong as it's based on the assumption that people who commit suicide do so out of cowardice rather than a warped mental state, unless you want to say that a warped mental state is the result of cowardice which is even more grossly incorrect.
How can an opinion be wrong? That doesn't make sense. I don't care if somebody supported the idea of killing all humans to protect the earth, I would never say their opinion is wrong

I'm not discussing the person or the psychological issues, just the act of suicide itself. There are solutions out to help people struggling. People facing it don't do it outright because they are hanging on a thread of deep-down positive and happy thoughts, those are what need to be focused on to make that thread into a rope

If an opinion is based on incorrect information then it can be wrong.
It's not like we are discussing preferences for films, where 'I like X' cannot be wrong, but your 'opinion' regarding suicide and mental illness is flat out incorrect. (Strawman goes here)

Max has already addressed this point.

And no shit there are solutions, but this bit
People facing it don't do it outright because they are hanging on a thread of deep-down positive and happy thoughts
You can't just fix depression with smiles and sunshine, it's a complex illness with a number of contributing factors and causes. Generalising like that is incredibly dangerous and the worst disgrace of a Psychologist that I've ever had the misfortune of meeting holds to that mindset, It can all be fixed with a smile on your face and a thumb up your ass. Speaking only from the people I directly know, he hasn't helped any of the five of them who have been his patients. Because his idiotic closed mind refuses to look at the bigger picture regarding the cause of their problems.

Yes that's a bit of a side track but it pisses me off when people who don't understand mental illnesses make damaging statements like that one.

Sure some people can be helped by a bit of cheering up, but chances are they aren't clinically depressed. I've never heard of a case where someone has committed suicide from a case of the blues, plenty of people who make a 'rational choice' and countless more who commit suicide because of severe Depression, and I'm willing to bet that most of the people who jump that didn't appear to do so under the rational choice banding were Depressed, even those who aren't recorded as such because they were undiagnosed and untreated.
Wasn't trying say you can fix it with sunshine with smiles. I was saying that people who contemplate it sometimes hold it off because there's something keeping them anchored to life, which is good because that can be taken and built on. Even the slightest glimmer of hope can make the difference between a person living or dying

Serious / Re: Your Thoughts on Suicide
« on: October 21, 2014, 02:16:23 PM »
It's something we all experience as people at one time or another; same with depression. If you've never had a time of feeling down in the dumps then I will call B.S

Yes, but there is a difference between self diagnosed depression, and medically diagnosed.
I know. But a person not going through clinical depression can face "plain" depression and kill themselves, despite not being mentally ill

Serious / Re: Your Thoughts on Suicide
« on: October 21, 2014, 02:11:54 PM »
If you get down to it, just about anything can be constituted as a "mental disease". If it's something that a person doesn't routinely feel, then chances it shouldn't be a disorder. In this case, a person getting anxiety due blackmail without ever having felt that way before. It's something we all experience as people at one time or another; same with depression. If you've never had a time of feeling down in the dumps then I will call B.S

I'm no expert on psychology or what people go through but it's the way I see things

The Flood / Re: That's a gun store I'm not going back to
« on: October 21, 2014, 02:08:03 PM »
Isn't it a waste of money to buy guns?

I just don't really understand....
Not even little loli

The Flood / Re: That's a gun store I'm not going back to
« on: October 21, 2014, 02:07:47 PM »
He's just trying to save you from buying slavshit.
>implying slavshit is badshit

betch pls. My glorious soviet nugget out-shot a decked out AR-15 this past weekend at the range

Serious / Re: Your Thoughts on Suicide
« on: October 21, 2014, 02:00:22 PM »
There are people who do suffer from mental illness, but not everybody who kills themselves are mentally ill.

I'd say this is false.


Yeah, pot is a remedy that can fix many medical problems. The fact that it's a weed and it can grow anywhere would make doctors go broke. It's rather obvious this is the reason they don't support it
Well, it's not a weed. It's a plant with flowers.

But the problem is not that they couldn't make a profit, it's that legalizing cannabis and really taking advantage of all its uses (including hemp) would destroy the oil industry, the lumber industry, and big pharmaceutical companies which sell more expensive medicine and treatment. Curing cancer doesn't generate as much money as "treating" it.
Are we, for once, in agreement with something?

The Flood / That's a gun store I'm not going back to
« on: October 21, 2014, 01:52:51 PM »
Found this local place and decided to walk in to see if they had any Romanian WASR 10s in stock. Guy working there said no but to check the website. He also said that it would be a small possibility they get anymore because of the recent import ban. So told him that the ban was on Kalashnikov Concern, a company in Russia and that WASRs are Romanian. He said that WASRs come from different countries like Romania, Russia, and Poland. After that I just left and laughed my ass off when I got back in my car


The Flood / Re: Are there any other black people here?
« on: October 21, 2014, 01:49:04 PM »
BBQ chicken or hot wings?

Personally I can eat like 30 hot wings in one sitting

No, weed has a ton of carcinogens in it, and you can't standardize its dosage by smoking it, this is why you can't use it as medicine. The whole foundation of medicinal chemistry is to isolate the medicinal properties of marijuana and make it into a form where you can standardize its dosage. This is what they are doing right now, putting millions of dollars into cannabis derived medication that is non smokable
And they'll put a patent on it, sell it as a prescription, and profit big time off of it

Smoking it acts as a natural pain killer, leaving the person free from pain of whatever they suffer from. It also helps stimulate appetite in people with cancer and AIDS

Serious / Re: Your Thoughts on Suicide
« on: October 21, 2014, 01:44:14 PM »
I'm not discussing the person or the psychological issues, just the act of suicide itself.
It's kind of disingenuous to isolate the act of suicide from all those other factors, because those factors are what [usually] drives someone to suicide.
But it's not all dependent on it. There are people who do suffer from mental illness, but not everybody who kills themselves are mentally ill. Either way, I still think people should do their best and get as much help as they want. What they do ultimately is their choice, but it's not something I will condone


Yeah, pot is a remedy that can fix many medical problems. The fact that it's a weed and it can grow anywhere would make doctors go broke. It's rather obvious this is the reason they don't support it

The Flood / Re: The Simpsons creators are literally on acid
« on: October 21, 2014, 01:36:50 PM »
Terrible show.
u w0t

This is literally perfect becaue you're in the gif :D

If you're talking about her avatar you're wrong. It's an edited fan art picture of Caren Ortensia from Fate/Hollow Ataraxia. The only thing that was changed was the eye color.
Nah, that's where Noelle got her old username from: Noel Kannagi, the girl on the right in the gif

Serious / Re: Your Thoughts on Suicide
« on: October 21, 2014, 01:35:30 PM »
Cut the shit, right now.

Kinder: Meta did not launch a personal attack, he took issue with your ignorance of suicide.

I will say this once, anyone who continues this shit is getting a 20% warning. Anyone.
Cut the crap out, discuss it nicely and try not to act like little bitches when you argue.

And Kinder, as a separate point, Suicidal Ideation and the act of suicide has nothing to do with Cowardice. Are hallucinations from Schizophrenia cowardice? Are nervous ticks cowardice? Is PTSD Cowardice?
No they fracking well aren't and so kindly send that view back to the 1900s where it belongs.
Whatever. It was a personal attack and if I did what Meta pulled, I'd be banned right now

The discussion isn't about ideation. It's about the act itself. Committing suicide is in my own opinion a selfish and cowardly act

No, you wouldn't. You would have been if you called him an idiot, simply saying someone is demonstrating their ignorance doesn't constitute a personal attack. Or would you prefer this site does become a hugbox?

And your opinion is wrong as it's based on the assumption that people who commit suicide do so out of cowardice rather than a warped mental state, unless you want to say that a warped mental state is the result of cowardice which is even more grossly incorrect.
How can an opinion be wrong? That doesn't make sense. I don't care if somebody supported the idea of killing all humans to protect the earth, I would never say their opinion is wrong

I'm not discussing the person or the psychological issues, just the act of suicide itself. There are solutions out to help people struggling. People facing it don't do it outright because they are hanging on a thread of deep-down positive and happy thoughts, those are what need to be focused on to make that thread into a rope

Serious / Re: Your Thoughts on Suicide
« on: October 21, 2014, 10:49:30 AM »
Cut the shit, right now.

Kinder: Meta did not launch a personal attack, he took issue with your ignorance of suicide.

I will say this once, anyone who continues this shit is getting a 20% warning. Anyone.
Cut the crap out, discuss it nicely and try not to act like little bitches when you argue.

And Kinder, as a separate point, Suicidal Ideation and the act of suicide has nothing to do with Cowardice. Are hallucinations from Schizophrenia cowardice? Are nervous ticks cowardice? Is PTSD Cowardice?
No they fracking well aren't and so kindly send that view back to the 1900s where it belongs.
Whatever. It was a personal attack and if I did what Meta pulled, I'd be banned right now

The discussion isn't about ideation. It's about the act itself. Committing suicide is in my own opinion a selfish and cowardly act

Serious / Re: Your Thoughts on Suicide
« on: October 21, 2014, 10:31:54 AM »
Seriously - not even two pages in and you guys can't act civil enough to simply answer questions without jumping each other?
Really, is this any surprise to you? I just stated my opinion like you asked but apparently people don't realize that you can just not reply to a person's opinion

Serious / Re: People should accept people who believe in religion
« on: October 21, 2014, 10:29:26 AM »
Perhaps you don't realize that it isn't Christians I have a problem with, but the fact they often try to push their morals and beliefs on others.
Hey, I agree with you. But I've seen plenty of atheists who try and push their thoughts and degrade anybody that follows religion
Because some people are dicks. No group is free from them. But I was talking about more big-picture stuff; things that effect people more directly, like laws.
Ah. That makes sense

Serious / Re: Your Thoughts on Suicide
« on: October 21, 2014, 10:27:25 AM »

Serious / Re: Your Thoughts on Suicide
« on: October 21, 2014, 10:25:36 AM »

Serious / Re: People should accept people who believe in religion
« on: October 21, 2014, 10:24:12 AM »
Perhaps you don't realize that it isn't Christians I have a problem with, but the fact they often try to push their morals and beliefs on others.
Hey, I agree with you. But I've seen plenty of atheists who try and push their thoughts and degrade anybody that follows religion

Serious / Re: Your Thoughts on Suicide
« on: October 21, 2014, 10:21:52 AM »
I'm not damage controlling in the slightest. I gave you my reasons as to why the charge of ignorance isn't an insult, and then amended it because I'm unwilling to argue such a ridiculous and juvenile point with you.

Stop dragging it on and accusing me of damage control when I quite explicitly amended with deterrence to your opinion in order to try and avoid exactly the sort of shit you're pullong right now.

Mate, just stop being so defensive and drop the point. Think I'm damage controlling all you want, but trying to call me out and trying to drag me into an unworthy issue isn't worth your time nor mine.
>tells me to stop dragging it out
>is the one who started it by insulting me when didn't need to respond to me

This is too damn rich. Continue on with your damage control

Serious / Re: Your Thoughts on Suicide
« on: October 21, 2014, 10:20:06 AM »
Calling you ignorant isn't an attack on your character in any way whatsoever; it's merely an observation as to your apparent "intellectual deficit" when it comes to the issue. It's essentially equal to me getting flustered if you said I was ignorant about guns.

If I said "Kinder demonstrates his shitflinging retardation and general sperglordyness" then it'd be a personal attack. But if you're going to claim suicidal people are cowards, I don't see how calling you ignorant is any worse or, regardless, an insult in the first place.

no attacking others
Oh, it is an attack. Calling a person ignorant IS attacking the character. Attack the argument, not the person. Stay mad

Not exactly. It's not a crime to be ignorant to something. There's nothing bad implied by the word that most people associate with it. The point is, we're all people. But we just don't know everything. And we often say stuff on subjects we don't have the best grasp on.

For instance, if I were to go into a full blown discussion of politics with Meta, it would be a mess. I watch and keep up with political events, but if I had a discussion with him, it would be his side, which he obviously knows his shit, and my side, a guy who not only gives a flying frack about politics, but can and has made assumptions based off my rather simple world view.

I'm ignorant to politics. Doesn't mean it's a bad thing. I'm just not educated in that field. Which is why for the most part I keep my trap shut when it comes to that sort of stuff.

Ignorance isn't an insult. It's something all of us have in one field or another.
Yeah, I understand what you mean. But Meta in this case isn't using it the way you're describing it. He's straight up called me ignorant without any way to prove it and now is going into full damage control over it because I called him out on it. I've gone through depression; I've felt what suicidal people felt. It was terrible but I held onto the good and let that carry me out of the dark

Serious / Re: Your Thoughts on Suicide
« on: October 21, 2014, 10:15:46 AM »
Calling you ignorant is an attack on yoir argument because your ignorance is a direct consequence of the content of your assertion. Ignorance stems from an assertion being devoid of reason, facts or coherence. If you want to construe that as an attack on your character then that isn't really my problem; you could quite easily go from being offended at being called ignorant to being challenged at all, since any assertion to the contrary is, by proxy, a charge of some sort of ignorance.

Now, if you don't like the explanation I've just given you for why ignorance isn't an insult - and why the charge of ignorance is hidden in any sort of challenge - then I'll amend it because I can't be bothered to argue over something so damn asinine.

"ITT: kinder displays a deficit in his reasoned understanding of depression and suicide, thus his assertion is without much worth".

Although, I'd advise not expecting others to be so politically correct for your benefit, especially after calling suicidal people cowards.
You can seriously quit the damage control act right now. You broke the rule in the OP so face your actions.

Funny how you and everybody else gets so damn butt flustered over my opinion. If that's how you act online then I'm seriously concerned as to how you act in real life. Calling an opinion of a person, who has suffered and went through very difficult times that suicidal people go through, ignorant will get you nowhere in life

Serious / Re: Your Thoughts on Suicide
« on: October 21, 2014, 10:03:49 AM »
Calling you ignorant isn't an attack on your character in any way whatsoever; it's merely an observation as to your apparent "intellectual deficit" when it comes to the issue. It's essentially equal to me getting flustered if you said I was ignorant about guns.

If I said "Kinder demonstrates his shitflinging retardation and general sperglordyness" then it'd be a personal attack. But if you're going to claim suicidal people are cowards, I don't see how calling you ignorant is any worse or, regardless, an insult in the first place.

no attacking others
Oh, it is an attack. Calling a person ignorant IS attacking the character. Attack the argument, not the person. Stay mad

Serious / Re: Your Thoughts on Suicide
« on: October 21, 2014, 09:46:47 AM »
ITT: Kinder demonstrates his astounding ignorance of suicide and depression.

No personal attacks, no attacking others, none of that in this thread. You do it, you get reported, you will get reprimanded, and this thread will be locked. Don't test me on something like this.

Serious / Re: Is the British political establishment changing?
« on: October 21, 2014, 09:19:53 AM »
Hopefully you Mondays move back towards the right

LOL naggers is changed to Mondays
I quite preferred naggers myself... I'd suggest changing "Mondays" to "monkeys" but that would open a whole can of shit.
I once called a group of ghetto kids in my business class back in high school monkeys.....

The Flood / Re: Jerboa
« on: October 21, 2014, 09:15:44 AM »

The Flood / Re: TFW I have good highspeed internet with no data cap
« on: October 21, 2014, 09:15:03 AM »
Wait, people have data caps on their internet?


The Flood / Re: desu
« on: October 21, 2014, 08:30:23 AM »

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