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Messages - Kinder Graham

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The Flood / Re: Cutest Sep7agon couple?
« on: October 27, 2014, 03:00:28 PM »
Be nice to Tru.....

The Flood / Re: Cutest Sep7agon couple?
« on: October 27, 2014, 03:00:07 PM »
Oh so you're the other trans person on the forum?
What do you mean by other? You know there are more than just me and Groo7, right? It just does not matter.
I know of another. Saw you added them on FB and took a quick glance at their profile >.>

Pretty sure there's plans to start colonies under bio-domes on Mars in the next couple decades

The Flood / Re: What should I be for Halloween?
« on: October 27, 2014, 11:46:22 AM »
Jim Crow.....

The Flood / Re: When did you realize that you were a fgt?
« on: October 27, 2014, 11:35:11 AM »
When I decided to stick something up my ass and liked the feeling
That's not gay, though..
I imagine it as a penis....

The Flood / Re: When did you realize that you were a fgt?
« on: October 27, 2014, 11:31:40 AM »
When I decided to stick something up my ass and liked the feeling

Serious / Re: Plastic-eating fungus discovered
« on: October 27, 2014, 11:30:10 AM »
ban plastic

The Flood / Re: Best Senior Quotes
« on: October 27, 2014, 11:22:57 AM »

The Flood / Re: Best Senior Quotes
« on: October 27, 2014, 11:22:43 AM »

The Flood / Re: Best Senior Quotes
« on: October 27, 2014, 11:22:27 AM »

The Flood / Re: Best Senior Quotes
« on: October 27, 2014, 11:22:14 AM »

The Flood / Re: Yeah heaven sounds great and all
« on: October 27, 2014, 11:14:41 AM »
Except God loves unconditionally. Where are you getting otherwise? A book that has gone through many translations and adaptations over time? GG no re
Responding to a humorous macro is stupid in the first instance, but since you've decided to play prime mover then I'll assert the manifest idea that you shouldn't believe in such a book in the first place, considering its already weak metaphysical claims.

Not to mention, I've no idea what sort of translation error could lead to something as substantial as when humans were created being contradicted in a short space of text. Never mind the other endless contradictions of the bible and, especially, the Gospels.
The Bible offers great metaphors on life teachings. Take the story of Gomorrah: What's depicted may not have happened but it does teach that things like sodomy are bad. Another would be the bear sent to defend the man preaching. Were they all kids who were killed? Highly unlikely but the moral is that those who follow and preach the name of God will be given his protection

There is no statement that life or Earth began 6,000 years ago. There has carbon-dating and other things that prove Earth is billions of years old. Again, the Bible was written by humans and the concept of 7 days used to create the Earth is only so because human concept of time, at that era, was limited to what a day was perceived. We now know today that if you go to Mercury then a day there is far shorter than an Earth day

Serious / Re: Why does the internet seem to hate religion?
« on: October 27, 2014, 09:45:25 AM »
This thread is going to end well.


Oh and Inb4quotestacking.
So are nitpicking Doors wearing fedoras made of blades whilst on fire okay?

Serious / Re: I'm not sure what it's called... anti-matter theory?
« on: October 27, 2014, 09:42:57 AM »

*grabs popcorn taco*
Didn't he say he'd ban you if you put another false edit in there?
Only to the original post I made

Serious / Re: I'm not sure what it's called... anti-matter theory?
« on: October 27, 2014, 09:37:09 AM »
[.size=8pt][.i]Last Edit: [.b]Today[/b] at 10:25:55 AM by Mr Psychologist[/i][/size]

Clever, Clever.

But easily dismissed by checking the moderation log. Oh and enjoy a warning for both racism and falsified reports.

Serious / Re: I'm not sure what it's called... anti-matter theory?
« on: October 27, 2014, 09:36:16 AM »



Serious / Re: Why does the internet seem to hate religion?
« on: October 27, 2014, 09:32:43 AM »
Because they never leave their houses

Serious / Re: I'm not sure what it's called... anti-matter theory?
« on: October 27, 2014, 09:25:11 AM »

Serious / Re: The Shah on the Jewish lobby.
« on: October 27, 2014, 09:16:54 AM »
A sensible leader in the Middle-East. Those were the times

The Flood / Re: Yeah heaven sounds great and all
« on: October 27, 2014, 08:59:02 AM »
Cool opinion man. It's not to me, but I'm Christian, not Jewish. I don't really care what they do because I'm not some butthurt angsty teen that cares what people believe

Okay, but that doesn't change the fact it's still the same god.

>implying the Bible was written by God
Take a history course. Bible (New Testament) was written after Jesus's death and went through MANY translations and changes to fit the needs of different people.

You're not helping yourself here.

To actually take it for 100% face value is the dumbest thing a person can do

So where does it say what is and isn't true?  A fundamentalist approach is a possible one because it doesn't say anywhere. 

Not arguing anything. I'm using facts, something you're not

>admits to book being written long after the events occurred and going through hundreds of edits and revisions, in the previous quote even says not to take anything at face value, then says he's only using facts


Proof? God loves everybody unconditionally and Jesus died so he can save everybody. Hell is where those who don't want to follow God end up but why would Satan want to torture people like him? Logic. Please use

>god loves everybody unconditionally
>Well except the condition you have to believe in me or go to Hell.  Hue

Never said satan tortures people.
Logic, please use it.

Yet you're not using reading comprehension 80% of LIFE lives in the OCEAN. Oceans are a SALTWATER environment. How can 80% of life live if they don't have a habitat to support them

>My comment specifically mentions humans

God gave warning to the Pharaoh before hand to let free the Hebrew slaves. He didn't listen. It was the Pharaoh's choice that the plagues and that stuff happened

Yeah pushing a guys responsibility onto innocent babies and killing them is not only logical but also totally loving and merciful.

Yeah, he didn't have a bear kill children. For one, they were adults as the term used in Hebrew means so. Secondly, God was trying to protect the man as he was going to be killed by the crowd if he didn't intervene. Thirdly, there's no indication that anybody died from the bear.

2 Kings 2:23-25

"from their Elisha went up to Bethel.  as he was walking along the road, some bullies came out of the town and jeered at him.  "Get outta here, baldy!" He turned around, looked at them and called down a curse on them in the name of the Lord.  Then two bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the boys.  And he went on to Mount Carmel and from there returned to Samaria."

The term is very broad and means from 13 up to 26 I believe. 

God also didn't torture Abraham

I actually meant Job, but someone willingly killing their child because a voice told them too is still pretty shitty.

You're SERIOUSLY going to blame people for God? So I should blame the Secretary of Transportation for the Iraq War? lolkthen

What part of "leave us the gift of peace" means bloody wars and witch burning?
Nice rebuttal. Not. It's a covenant expressing the promise between God and man. I don't question why you fat ass atheist spastics have to grow pubs on your fucking neck

How am I not helping myself? You're tying to base something written by humans, not me

Through common sense and reasoning. A source that has gone through countless changes will NOT be the same as how it was originally made

What are you trying to prove? If you're showing us how much of a retard you are then you're passing through with flying colors

People only go to Hell if they refuse to accept God. Everybody has the chance to enter Heaven but God can't control if you want to stay or not. Once again, proving that God created self-choice. You're implying that Hell=torture. Common sense says that why would Satan want to torture people like him?

God created all living things. The reason why much of the water on Earth is saltwater is to keep the majority of Earth's population alive. Here I am giving you a logical reasoning yet you substitute it by placing pants on your head. Just because humans can't properly distrubute what we're given, that doesn't mean God is to blame

lolwut? The Pharaoh was a grown ass man capable of making decisions, as that's his fucking job to do. He refusing to listen to God isn't God's fault

Yet why do insist they are all children? Your pathetic attempt here is astonishing. But where do you see they were killed? Mauled means to attack and injure (someone) in a way that cuts or tears skin. How does that=killing? Again, take those pants off your head

Except God didn't torture Job. Satan tortured Job.

I don't know because you're the one that brought up witch burning

Contiue to display your ignorance and retarded atheist "logic", as if there ever is and will be any

The Flood / Re: Yeah heaven sounds great and all
« on: October 26, 2014, 10:24:18 PM »

God's an asshole. He could prevent miscarriages, but instead lets it happen.
What a buthurt supreme fedora tipper
Is today 4Chan buzzword day?
If he can prevent miscarriages, but doesn't, that makes him a twat.
Somebody doesn't have the comprehension to read my explanation. Death=/=bad. Jesus sacrificed himself to save ALL life. A fetus IS a life and therefor it is saved. The child gets a one-way ticket to Heaven where they don't have to experience hostile human nature in life. Probably the best thing that can happen to a person
So if you and all your family were to die tomorrow, it'd be the best thing that could ever happen to you and them?

That's just straight fucked up logic you've got there. I hope all religious people aren't this deranged.
You seriously have a reading comprehension issue I can see. Do you have down-syndrome or something?

I said a miscarriage is the best thing because the child goes to Heaven. It won't have to live a life experiencing what human nature is. Where the hell did I even bring up me and my family? Lol, you're seriously pathetic
I don't even...
 A child dying before birth is a terrible thing to happen and absolutely isn't better than it never having the chance to live.
You're seriously fucking deranged if you think a miscarriage is a good thing to happen at all, and I hope nobody else is as mentally backwards as you.
If you got your wife/girlfriend pregnant, would you be happy if she were to have a miscarriage?
God, what the fuck do they teach in Britbongistan? Because your deducive reasoning is atrocious

A miscarriage isn't a bad thing nor something to be angry towards God at because the child will go to Heaven and live in peace
A miscarriage is absolutely a bad thing you mentally deranged spastic.
But hey, isn't abortion bad according to your fictional book and imaginary friend? Those double standards, eh?
>not using deductive reasoning

You're foaming at the mouth with autism, are you? Might go back to b.lind you sad, pathetic britfag

It's not an absolutely bad thing. If you use logic then you'd realize that one, the fetus/child is already saved so they can go to Heaven and live in peace. Secondly, having the ability to jump straight tow Heaven is a far more pleasing option than having to live and see what humanity actually is: News flash, we're a bunch of savages that will rip each other's throats out

Miscarriage=natural act that can't be helped
Abortion=Murder where it can be prevented

The Flood / Re: Yeah heaven sounds great and all
« on: October 26, 2014, 10:19:43 PM »

Foreskin removal is only required for Judaism. Circumcision is a sacrifice of flesh that honors the covenant between God and Abraham. God gives men foreskin as a way to complete this sacrifice

I forgot, the guy that created the universe and things as complicated as atoms and stars had a change of mind when it comes to cutting dick flesh off.  The fact he required it in the first place is out right freakish and bizarre.

Except God loves unconditionally. Where are you getting otherwise?
I don't know, this book called the bible.

A book that has gone through many translations and adaptations over time?

Now you're just arguing my point.

God isn't forcing people to use their free will in certain manners. If he did then he wouldn't have created the forbidden fruit or banish Lucifer to Hell. He only did so because in situations were people are tempted by another, then they can truly show their devotion by picking the righteous path, being God

"You can do what you want but I'll torture you for eternity if you go against me"
So unconditional.

You realize that 80% of life lives in the ocean, right? Without saltwater then a large population of Earth's living creatures wouldn't exist. There's this thing called logic and science; use it

"creates world for humans, 70% salt water"
There's this thing called reading comprehension, use it.

God does not take away our loved ones from us as some sort of cruel punishment.

Kills Egyptian first borns because of skeptical Pharaoh, killed Lot's wife, and a bunch more.

Lamentations 3:33 tells us that God “does not enjoy hurting people or causing them sorrow.”

yeah coming from the guy who killed millions of people in a flood, tortured Abraham for the lols, spawned a bear and killed 42 kids for calling a guy baldy, and so much more.  What a load of shit.

Jesus promised to leave us with a gift of peace unlike any that the world can give (John 14:27).

The world's been peaceful alright especially when his followers were burning witches and heretics.

Continue with your stupidity

Hello, Your!
Cool opinion man. It's not to me, but I'm Christian, not Jewish. I don't really care what they do because I'm not some butthurt angsty teen that cares what people believe

>implying the Bible was written by God
Take a history course. Bible (New Testament) was written after Jesus's death and went through MANY translations and changes to fit the needs of different people. To actually take it for 100% face value is the dumbest thing a person can do

Not arguing anything. I'm using facts, something you're not

Proof? God loves everybody unconditionally and Jesus died so he can save everybody. Hell is where those who don't want to follow God end up but why would Satan want to torture people like him? Logic. Please use

Yet you're not using reading comprehension 80% of LIFE lives in the OCEAN. Oceans are a SALTWATER environment. How can 80% of life live if they don't have a habitat to support them

God gave warning to the Pharaoh before hand to let free the Hebrew slaves. He didn't listen. It was the Pharaoh's choice that the plagues and that stuff happened

"Now the earth was corrupt in God's sight and was full of violence. God saw how corrupt the earth had become, for all the people on earth had corrupted their ways.". Yeah, he didn't have a bear kill children. For one, they were adults as the term used in Hebrew means so. Secondly, God was trying to protect the man as he was going to be killed by the crowd if he didn't intervene. Thirdly, there's no indication that anybody died from the bear. God also didn't torture Abraham

You're SERIOUSLY going to blame people for God? So I should blame the Secretary of Transportation for the Iraq War? lolkthen

The Flood / Re: Yeah heaven sounds great and all
« on: October 26, 2014, 09:58:43 PM »

God's an asshole. He could prevent miscarriages, but instead lets it happen.
What a buthurt supreme fedora tipper
Is today 4Chan buzzword day?
If he can prevent miscarriages, but doesn't, that makes him a twat.
Somebody doesn't have the comprehension to read my explanation. Death=/=bad. Jesus sacrificed himself to save ALL life. A fetus IS a life and therefor it is saved. The child gets a one-way ticket to Heaven where they don't have to experience hostile human nature in life. Probably the best thing that can happen to a person
So if you and all your family were to die tomorrow, it'd be the best thing that could ever happen to you and them?

That's just straight fucked up logic you've got there. I hope all religious people aren't this deranged.
You seriously have a reading comprehension issue I can see. Do you have down-syndrome or something?

I said a miscarriage is the best thing because the child goes to Heaven. It won't have to live a life experiencing what human nature is. Where the hell did I even bring up me and my family? Lol, you're seriously pathetic
I don't even...
 A child dying before birth is a terrible thing to happen and absolutely isn't better than it never having the chance to live.
You're seriously fucking deranged if you think a miscarriage is a good thing to happen at all, and I hope nobody else is as mentally backwards as you.
If you got your wife/girlfriend pregnant, would you be happy if she were to have a miscarriage?
At least the baby goes to Heaven. That's one place you'll never see.

The Flood / Re: Yeah heaven sounds great and all
« on: October 26, 2014, 09:57:47 PM »

God's an asshole. He could prevent miscarriages, but instead lets it happen.
What a buthurt supreme fedora tipper
Is today 4Chan buzzword day?
If he can prevent miscarriages, but doesn't, that makes him a twat.
Somebody doesn't have the comprehension to read my explanation. Death=/=bad. Jesus sacrificed himself to save ALL life. A fetus IS a life and therefor it is saved. The child gets a one-way ticket to Heaven where they don't have to experience hostile human nature in life. Probably the best thing that can happen to a person
So if you and all your family were to die tomorrow, it'd be the best thing that could ever happen to you and them?

That's just straight fucked up logic you've got there. I hope all religious people aren't this deranged.
You seriously have a reading comprehension issue I can see. Do you have down-syndrome or something?

I said a miscarriage is the best thing because the child goes to Heaven. It won't have to live a life experiencing what human nature is. Where the hell did I even bring up me and my family? Lol, you're seriously pathetic
I don't even...
 A child dying before birth is a terrible thing to happen and absolutely isn't better than it never having the chance to live.
You're seriously fucking deranged if you think a miscarriage is a good thing to happen at all, and I hope nobody else is as mentally backwards as you.
If you got your wife/girlfriend pregnant, would you be happy if she were to have a miscarriage?
God, what the fuck do they teach in Britbongistan? Because your deducive reasoning is atrocious

A miscarriage isn't a bad thing nor something to be angry towards God at because the child will go to Heaven and live in peace

The Flood / Re: Yeah heaven sounds great and all
« on: October 26, 2014, 09:53:03 PM »

God's an asshole. He could prevent miscarriages, but instead lets it happen.
What a buthurt supreme fedora tipper
Is today 4Chan buzzword day?
If he can prevent miscarriages, but doesn't, that makes him a twat.
Somebody doesn't have the comprehension to read my explanation. Death=/=bad. Jesus sacrificed himself to save ALL life. A fetus IS a life and therefor it is saved. The child gets a one-way ticket to Heaven where they don't have to experience hostile human nature in life. Probably the best thing that can happen to a person
So if you and all your family were to die tomorrow, it'd be the best thing that could ever happen to you and them?

That's just straight fucked up logic you've got there. I hope all religious people aren't this deranged.
You seriously have a reading comprehension issue I can see. Do you have down-syndrome or something?

I said a miscarriage is the best thing because the child goes to Heaven. It won't have to live a life experiencing what human nature is. Where the hell did I even bring up me and my family? Lol, you're seriously pathetic
Retarded Christian logic at its finest. I salute you.
Fucking piece of shit atheist

The Flood / Re: Yeah heaven sounds great and all
« on: October 26, 2014, 09:41:41 PM »

God's an asshole. He could prevent miscarriages, but instead lets it happen.
What a buthurt supreme fedora tipper
Is today 4Chan buzzword day?
If he can prevent miscarriages, but doesn't, that makes him a twat.
Somebody doesn't have the comprehension to read my explanation. Death=/=bad. Jesus sacrificed himself to save ALL life. A fetus IS a life and therefor it is saved. The child gets a one-way ticket to Heaven where they don't have to experience hostile human nature in life. Probably the best thing that can happen to a person
So if you and all your family were to die tomorrow, it'd be the best thing that could ever happen to you and them?

That's just straight fucked up logic you've got there. I hope all religious people aren't this deranged.
You seriously have a reading comprehension issue I can see. Do you have down-syndrome or something?

I said a miscarriage is the best thing because the child goes to Heaven. It won't have to live a life experiencing what human nature is. Where the hell did I even bring up me and my family? Lol, you're seriously pathetic 

The Flood / Re: Yeah heaven sounds great and all
« on: October 26, 2014, 09:39:02 PM »

God didn't kill his son. Jesus sacrificed himself out of free will

Jesus is god in the flesh, he technically sacrificed himself.  Still disgusting that a "good" god would require a human sacrifice.
Except he didn't require a human sacrifice

The Flood / Re: Yeah heaven sounds great and all
« on: October 26, 2014, 09:33:58 PM »

God's an asshole. He could prevent miscarriages, but instead lets it happen.
What a buthurt supreme fedora tipper
Is today 4Chan buzzword day?
If he can prevent miscarriages, but doesn't, that makes him a twat.
Somebody doesn't have the comprehension to read my explanation. Death=/=bad. Jesus sacrificed himself to save ALL life. A fetus IS a life and therefor it is saved. The child gets a one-way ticket to Heaven where they don't have to experience hostile human nature in life. Probably the best thing that can happen to a person

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