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Messages - Kinder Graham

Pages: 1 ... 126127128 129130 ... 243
Serious / Re: Mandatory abortions for minors
« on: October 29, 2014, 12:00:40 PM »
Bring back corporal punishment

The Flood / Re: Caption each others pictures
« on: October 29, 2014, 11:58:10 AM »
Another thread derailed by ISIS.

Just like this space shuttle.


Forum rules are rather obvious and easy to follow. It's no surprise so many people leave this place

« on: October 29, 2014, 11:56:44 AM »
After I've quite expliclty stated I don't care anymore, why do you feel the need to try and expose yourself as le rusemaster? It just looks like you're engaging in some serious damage control and nobody will believe you, and you're just further destroying your own reputation.

Even if I take you at face value, it's still incredibly asinine and juvenile to try and rustle some jimmies by adopted a blatantly false idea. Especially since you didn't anger me. It doesn't make you look smart, just quite pathetic.

Other than that, I have nothing more to say. This really is a non-issue to me now.
But Meta, if you don't care anymore then why did you respond?

Funny how you throw juvenile and pathetic around when you are yourself. Talk about narcissism

« on: October 29, 2014, 11:55:07 AM »
Okay,  Kinder. I'm not going to push the point further. You believe whatever you want about the Chinese government.
God damn it's so fucking easy to get your dick in a knot. I know China isn't Communist, but thanks for giving me a good laugh and a ride
>dat faggotry

« on: October 29, 2014, 11:49:03 AM »
Okay,  Kinder. I'm not going to push the point further. You believe whatever you want about the Chinese government.
God damn it's so fucking easy to get your dick in a knot. I know China isn't Communist, but thanks for giving me a good laugh and a ride

Why did you post a picture of yourself?

« on: October 29, 2014, 11:43:52 AM »
Okay,  Kinder. I'm not going to push the point further. You believe whatever you want about the Chinese government.
God damn it's so fucking easy to get your dick in a knot. I know China isn't Communist, but thanks for giving me a good laugh and a ride

The Flood / Re: Caption each others pictures
« on: October 29, 2014, 11:42:10 AM »

The Flood / Re: Caption each others pictures
« on: October 29, 2014, 11:39:28 AM »

« on: October 29, 2014, 11:36:45 AM »
China is Communist
China is Communist

The Flood / Re: I am offended by Apache attack helicopters
« on: October 28, 2014, 11:01:19 PM »
nimitz class aircraft carrier

« on: October 28, 2014, 10:41:49 PM »
China is Communist

The Flood / Re: Do you know how much GOD loves you?
« on: October 28, 2014, 09:37:49 PM »
God loves me very much

The Flood / Re: Caption each others pictures
« on: October 28, 2014, 09:34:39 PM »

The Flood / Re: Caption each others pictures
« on: October 28, 2014, 09:32:52 PM »

The Flood / Re: Caption each others pictures
« on: October 28, 2014, 09:29:26 PM »
Cram it.

The Flood / Re: Caption each others pictures
« on: October 28, 2014, 09:25:41 PM »
None of them are funny. This thread just reeks of down-syndrome. This thread breaks so many damn rules, there's a fucking reason why people leave
Oh, get a fucking sense of humour.

Most of the pictures in this thread are funny to a lot of us, and most people have the decency to partake and laugh at themselves a little; I even asked for somebody to do me.

Just, calm down and apply cream to your sore puckered-up asshole. It's pathetic.
Babies also think farting is funny. Doesn't mean a grown adult think it is. This thread is literally the same as a 6 year old laughing at the word "poop".

Only pathetic person here is you and all the other idiots

The Flood / Re: Should I buy this t shirt?
« on: October 28, 2014, 09:24:07 PM »
Looks like a faggot made it
Do you like to beat homosexuals to death after you're done lynching the arabs and blacks?
Do you like to come up with something original for once?

The Flood / Re: Should I buy this t shirt?
« on: October 28, 2014, 09:22:33 PM »
Looks like a faggot made it

The Flood / Re: Caption each others pictures
« on: October 28, 2014, 09:20:51 PM »
I hope TBlocks doesn't do one of me...
I dislike this thread anyways. >.>
Like some of these are funny but I don't like the idea of taking a picture of a person and making a joke of it.
None of them are funny. This thread just reeks of down-syndrome. This thread breaks so many damn rules, there's a fucking reason why people leave

« on: October 28, 2014, 08:48:25 PM »
I'm still waiting for him to demonstrate how China is communist by either Marx and Engel's measures or by the Oxford English Dictionary's.

He's failed on both counts, thus far.
You have the elimination of differing political parties with the establishment of a single party to which everybody is part of, thus eliminating the concept of class war. In 2007, the Property Law of the People's Republic of China was passed which essentially created three differing forms of property:  state, collective, and private. State is pretty simple as it's the pubic/government control and because essentially all people belong to the Communist Party and the C.P controls the government, therefore all people have access to this land. Collective is the concept of people working the land together under the guidance of the government, thus making it public land. Private is a tad different as it grants some private property. HOWEVER, this law does not overrule the system of land tenure where the government still has control over all land (remember, the government=people, making it all public) "Each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs" is simple as 1+1=2; China is a manufacturing and agricultural society so people are essentially split between those two fields of work and paid

« on: October 28, 2014, 06:38:16 PM »
"Leftist countries like China"


That was the the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Ok, time for some facts because I just lost a shit ton of brain cells listening to that dude without any testicles.
About 44% of assessed stream miles, 64% of assessed lake acres, and 30% of assessed bay and estuarine square miles are not clean enough to support uses such as fishing and swimming.

A recent study of the nation's streams found that only 28% have healthy biological communities compared to best possible conditions in their region
More than 147.6 million people—47 percent of the nation—live where pollution levels are too often dangerous to breathe, an increase from last year's report. Despite that risk, some seek to weaken the Clean Air Act, the public health law that has driven the cuts in pollution since 1970.


>missing the point

Compare what's going on today in America to that of past America. Water is more cleaner, more trees are being planted, and animal populations have increased in America. Now compare America to China and you will see that America has cleaner air, water, etc, etc than China

There's literally no refuting that America has cleaned up it's act and if you actually think America was better in the past then just lol
Why are we comparing America to China in the first place? It's a fascist shithole run by a dictator. America is democratic.

It's well known China has the worst pollution in the world. But calling it a "leftist country" and comparing it to America as a "right wing" country is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. And what that woman meant with her sign, is that money is not worth destroying our planet. And then he goes on to assume she's uneducated and ignorant and rants for the rest of the video cherry picking facts to support his extremely ridiculous argument.

America is far better than it was in the past, but that doesn't mean there's isn't a lot to improve. The entire video is ridiculous, because nobody makes any of the points he was "countering".

If you think that man in the video is intelligent then FUCKING LOL.
If you watched the video, then you'd understand why we're using China as a comparison. China is a left-wing nation that utilizes socialism and communism

Lol wut? Socialism/Communism is on the left side of the spectrum whilst Capitalism/Republicanism is on the right. China follows the left ideology while America follows the right ideology. Tell me how that's stupid. Except anybody with an average/above average IQ understand that the environment is needed to ensure life, which is why you see capitalistic nations, like America, enforce policies to protect the enviroment and domestic logging companies plant 2-3 trees for every tree they cut down. On the flip-side, the left (communist/socialist) nations, like China, do nothing to curb pollution and such

There is of course more to be done to improve but the point is that America has been impriroving over decades and centuries while the same ideologies that the women promotes (the left) is what countries like China posses but are backwards in protecting the enviroment
I think it's pretty damn obvious I watched the video.

China is not communist. If anything, it's fascist. Not only that, it's also capitalist. The point is they're so fucking corrupt that they don't give a shit about polluting the environment.

You didn't read a single one of my links, did you? These trees that are being planted in the place of trees that have been around for years are susceptible to forest fires and several other problems. It's a shitty cop out to just cut everything down. Do yourself a favor and read my links.
China IS Communist. Sorry, but trying to twist the facts will not work in your favor. And how can it be capitalist when the entire economy is ruled by the government? Talk about contradictions. Corruption is what Communists do best. See, in nations that promote liberty and freedom, enviromental and living conditions stomp on that of communist nations

>facts show that trees are being planted far more than ever
>tries to move the goal posts and construct a loaded question

Oh Chally, why do I waste my time with you?
China isn't Communist. Educate yourself.

China is corrupt because people pay each other off. Companies aren't restricted or told not to pollute. They pollute wherever they want. All the officials in the government are bought and payed for.

Oh wow. Did you seriously understand that from what I said? These trees being planted are actually environmental hazards because they're susceptible to forest fires, which if you haven't noticed are getting more and more widespread and are bigger and longer lasting than before, due to climate change as well.

I don't know why you waste your time regurgitating the same old ignorant bullshit over and over.
China is Communist You educate yourself

Dear God, it's learning. We all know this Chally. But guess what, in proper Capitalistic societies, we enforce laws and regulate pollutants in the environment

Forest fires happen everywhere, so I guess just forget about planting trees huh? If you're going to complain, then pick something better to complain about
No it isn't. It's comical you think that's up for debate.

And China is corrupt so it doesn't enforce anything, although it is capitalist. Again, I don't even know why you're arguing this point when you aren't even in disagreement, you just have this raging boner for disagreeing with me.

I'm complaining? More like I'm educating you on how these "measures" aren't enough. Fires burn down an entire forest when these trees are planted after cutting down the strong and old ones. Instead of planting hemp fields, we're destroying our planet because of some greedy fuckers.
It is. It's comical to see you deny it

I'm not arguing that China is corrupt, because that's not the point. The point is that China following leftist ideals, which people like Feinstein and anarchists love, are the ones causing a large part of pollution. Yet, despite people having a angsty hate for Capitalism, it's the Capitalistic nations that are cleaning and fixing shit. But you just have a knack for derailing and going off-topic

Trees are being planted. Again, in an effort to look smart you have to move the goal posts and go off-topic (like, when the hell were we ever talking about hemp??????). Bu I'll entertain you and say again, forest fires happen all the time and can happen anywhere

« on: October 28, 2014, 06:24:47 PM »
Translation: I don't have a rebuttal so I'm just going to talk shit.
Yet you do that constantly yourself.
No, I always have a point to make.
If by point you mean 'way to defend yourself,' then I really can't say I disagree.

I make a post. You and/or Kinder come running along and start posting the same ignorant shit over and over, or in your case pathetic attempts at insults. I respond, prove you wrong, and then you guys either stop replying or just start lame attempts at insults.
But Challenger, you do the very thing. It's as if you make all these statements that relate to you but make it seem it's others

Please, keep denying that religion has been a major player in scientific advancement
Except I didn't deny that. I quite implicitly accepted it in my premise. You're either not reading what I've said, or intentionally being moronic.
I'm disgusted you think you can claim such findings for Catholicism
I'm saying being a certain religion doesn't convey ownership, or even marginally higher respect, over or towards scientific findings

If you accept it, then why make outlandish statements as such that make contradictions?

« on: October 28, 2014, 06:20:41 PM »
"Leftist countries like China"


That was the the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Ok, time for some facts because I just lost a shit ton of brain cells listening to that dude without any testicles.
About 44% of assessed stream miles, 64% of assessed lake acres, and 30% of assessed bay and estuarine square miles are not clean enough to support uses such as fishing and swimming.

A recent study of the nation's streams found that only 28% have healthy biological communities compared to best possible conditions in their region
More than 147.6 million people—47 percent of the nation—live where pollution levels are too often dangerous to breathe, an increase from last year's report. Despite that risk, some seek to weaken the Clean Air Act, the public health law that has driven the cuts in pollution since 1970.


>missing the point

Compare what's going on today in America to that of past America. Water is more cleaner, more trees are being planted, and animal populations have increased in America. Now compare America to China and you will see that America has cleaner air, water, etc, etc than China

There's literally no refuting that America has cleaned up it's act and if you actually think America was better in the past then just lol
Why are we comparing America to China in the first place? It's a fascist shithole run by a dictator. America is democratic.

It's well known China has the worst pollution in the world. But calling it a "leftist country" and comparing it to America as a "right wing" country is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. And what that woman meant with her sign, is that money is not worth destroying our planet. And then he goes on to assume she's uneducated and ignorant and rants for the rest of the video cherry picking facts to support his extremely ridiculous argument.

America is far better than it was in the past, but that doesn't mean there's isn't a lot to improve. The entire video is ridiculous, because nobody makes any of the points he was "countering".

If you think that man in the video is intelligent then FUCKING LOL.
If you watched the video, then you'd understand why we're using China as a comparison. China is a left-wing nation that utilizes socialism and communism

Lol wut? Socialism/Communism is on the left side of the spectrum whilst Capitalism/Republicanism is on the right. China follows the left ideology while America follows the right ideology. Tell me how that's stupid. Except anybody with an average/above average IQ understand that the environment is needed to ensure life, which is why you see capitalistic nations, like America, enforce policies to protect the enviroment and domestic logging companies plant 2-3 trees for every tree they cut down. On the flip-side, the left (communist/socialist) nations, like China, do nothing to curb pollution and such

There is of course more to be done to improve but the point is that America has been impriroving over decades and centuries while the same ideologies that the women promotes (the left) is what countries like China posses but are backwards in protecting the enviroment
I think it's pretty damn obvious I watched the video.

China is not communist. If anything, it's fascist. Not only that, it's also capitalist. The point is they're so fucking corrupt that they don't give a shit about polluting the environment.

You didn't read a single one of my links, did you? These trees that are being planted in the place of trees that have been around for years are susceptible to forest fires and several other problems. It's a shitty cop out to just cut everything down. Do yourself a favor and read my links.
China IS Communist. Sorry, but trying to twist the facts will not work in your favor. And how can it be capitalist when the entire economy is ruled by the government? Talk about contradictions. Corruption is what Communists do best. See, in nations that promote liberty and freedom, enviromental and living conditions stomp on that of communist nations

>facts show that trees are being planted far more than ever
>tries to move the goal posts and construct a loaded question

Oh Chally, why do I waste my time with you?
China isn't Communist. Educate yourself.

China is corrupt because people pay each other off. Companies aren't restricted or told not to pollute. They pollute wherever they want. All the officials in the government are bought and payed for.

Oh wow. Did you seriously understand that from what I said? These trees being planted are actually environmental hazards because they're susceptible to forest fires, which if you haven't noticed are getting more and more widespread and are bigger and longer lasting than before, due to climate change as well.

I don't know why you waste your time regurgitating the same old ignorant bullshit over and over.
China is Communist You educate yourself

Dear God, it's learning. We all know this Chally. But guess what, in proper Capitalistic societies, we enforce laws and regulate pollutants in the environment

Forest fires happen everywhere, so I guess just forget about planting trees huh? If you're going to complain, then pick something better to complain about

« on: October 28, 2014, 06:17:08 PM »
Here's a definition of Communism, just for Kinder.

Communism is a socioeconomic system structured upon common ownership of the means of production and characterized by the absence of social classes, money, and the state.
>he's using Wikipedia definitions

Here's the correct definition from the Oxford dictionary
A political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs

« on: October 28, 2014, 06:07:46 PM »
China is communist.
Blatantly ignoring facts is more retarded than anything Icy's done.
So you attempt to ignoring the facts? Because the facts is that China is communist

« on: October 28, 2014, 06:07:09 PM »
"Leftist countries like China"


That was the the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Ok, time for some facts because I just lost a shit ton of brain cells listening to that dude without any testicles.
About 44% of assessed stream miles, 64% of assessed lake acres, and 30% of assessed bay and estuarine square miles are not clean enough to support uses such as fishing and swimming.

A recent study of the nation's streams found that only 28% have healthy biological communities compared to best possible conditions in their region
More than 147.6 million people—47 percent of the nation—live where pollution levels are too often dangerous to breathe, an increase from last year's report. Despite that risk, some seek to weaken the Clean Air Act, the public health law that has driven the cuts in pollution since 1970.


>missing the point

Compare what's going on today in America to that of past America. Water is more cleaner, more trees are being planted, and animal populations have increased in America. Now compare America to China and you will see that America has cleaner air, water, etc, etc than China

There's literally no refuting that America has cleaned up it's act and if you actually think America was better in the past then just lol
Why are we comparing America to China in the first place? It's a fascist shithole run by a dictator. America is democratic.

It's well known China has the worst pollution in the world. But calling it a "leftist country" and comparing it to America as a "right wing" country is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. And what that woman meant with her sign, is that money is not worth destroying our planet. And then he goes on to assume she's uneducated and ignorant and rants for the rest of the video cherry picking facts to support his extremely ridiculous argument.

America is far better than it was in the past, but that doesn't mean there's isn't a lot to improve. The entire video is ridiculous, because nobody makes any of the points he was "countering".

If you think that man in the video is intelligent then FUCKING LOL.
If you watched the video, then you'd understand why we're using China as a comparison. China is a left-wing nation that utilizes socialism and communism

Lol wut? Socialism/Communism is on the left side of the spectrum whilst Capitalism/Republicanism is on the right. China follows the left ideology while America follows the right ideology. Tell me how that's stupid. Except anybody with an average/above average IQ understand that the environment is needed to ensure life, which is why you see capitalistic nations, like America, enforce policies to protect the enviroment and domestic logging companies plant 2-3 trees for every tree they cut down. On the flip-side, the left (communist/socialist) nations, like China, do nothing to curb pollution and such

There is of course more to be done to improve but the point is that America has been impriroving over decades and centuries while the same ideologies that the women promotes (the left) is what countries like China posses but are backwards in protecting the enviroment
I think it's pretty damn obvious I watched the video.

China is not communist. If anything, it's fascist. Not only that, it's also capitalist. The point is they're so fucking corrupt that they don't give a shit about polluting the environment.

You didn't read a single one of my links, did you? These trees that are being planted in the place of trees that have been around for years are susceptible to forest fires and several other problems. It's a shitty cop out to just cut everything down. Do yourself a favor and read my links.
China IS Communist. Sorry, but trying to twist the facts will not work in your favor. And how can it be capitalist when the entire economy is ruled by the government? Talk about contradictions. Corruption is what Communists do best. See, in nations that promote liberty and freedom, enviromental and living conditions stomp on that of communist nations

>facts show that trees are being planted far more than ever
>tries to move the goal posts and construct a loaded question

Oh Chally, why do I waste my time with you?
I don't know why you waste your time regurgitating the same old ignorant bullshit over and over.
Considering you do it all the time, I'll direct it to you
Translation: I don't have a rebuttal so I'm just going to talk shit.
Funny, because you always talk shit

You seem mad that despite people having devout religious beliefs, they were still able to create and shape modern science as we know it. The same modern science that you atheists love to brag so much about and in turn shit on religious persons. Very ironic
. . .

What the hell are you talking about? I'm saying being a certain religion doesn't convey ownership, or even marginally higher respect, over or towards scientific findings. Atheists don't brag about science so much as people who, y'know, respect empiricism. You can't seriously imply that New Age spiritualists and Buddhists - who don't believe in a deity - are always bragging about science and its merits.

The only instance in which reasonable atheists will "turn shit on religious persons" when science enters the foray is when the religious are explicitly in denial of the facts or acting in a patently dangerous way. I'm not in any way implying that devout religious people can't contribute to science, or otherwise shouldn't, the furthest I'm going is saying that the correlation is declining for a reason.
I'm talking about Catholics and the Church being the reason why we have modern science. The Church, despite idiotic atheist beliefs, have been supportive of science and scientific progress for decades and centuries. Hell, just after the fall of the Western part of the Roman/Byzantine Empire, the Church established monasteries that were a center of learning, including science. Please, keep denying that religion has been a major player in scientific advancement

« on: October 28, 2014, 06:02:49 PM »
"Leftist countries like China"


That was the the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Ok, time for some facts because I just lost a shit ton of brain cells listening to that dude without any testicles.
About 44% of assessed stream miles, 64% of assessed lake acres, and 30% of assessed bay and estuarine square miles are not clean enough to support uses such as fishing and swimming.

A recent study of the nation's streams found that only 28% have healthy biological communities compared to best possible conditions in their region
More than 147.6 million people—47 percent of the nation—live where pollution levels are too often dangerous to breathe, an increase from last year's report. Despite that risk, some seek to weaken the Clean Air Act, the public health law that has driven the cuts in pollution since 1970.


>missing the point

Compare what's going on today in America to that of past America. Water is more cleaner, more trees are being planted, and animal populations have increased in America. Now compare America to China and you will see that America has cleaner air, water, etc, etc than China

There's literally no refuting that America has cleaned up it's act and if you actually think America was better in the past then just lol
Why are we comparing America to China in the first place? It's a fascist shithole run by a dictator. America is democratic.

It's well known China has the worst pollution in the world. But calling it a "leftist country" and comparing it to America as a "right wing" country is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. And what that woman meant with her sign, is that money is not worth destroying our planet. And then he goes on to assume she's uneducated and ignorant and rants for the rest of the video cherry picking facts to support his extremely ridiculous argument.

America is far better than it was in the past, but that doesn't mean there's isn't a lot to improve. The entire video is ridiculous, because nobody makes any of the points he was "countering".

If you think that man in the video is intelligent then FUCKING LOL.
If you watched the video, then you'd understand why we're using China as a comparison. China is a left-wing nation that utilizes socialism and communism

Lol wut? Socialism/Communism is on the left side of the spectrum whilst Capitalism/Republicanism is on the right. China follows the left ideology while America follows the right ideology. Tell me how that's stupid. Except anybody with an average/above average IQ understand that the environment is needed to ensure life, which is why you see capitalistic nations, like America, enforce policies to protect the enviroment and domestic logging companies plant 2-3 trees for every tree they cut down. On the flip-side, the left (communist/socialist) nations, like China, do nothing to curb pollution and such

There is of course more to be done to improve but the point is that America has been impriroving over decades and centuries while the same ideologies that the women promotes (the left) is what countries like China posses but are backwards in protecting the enviroment
I think it's pretty damn obvious I watched the video.

China is not communist. If anything, it's fascist. Not only that, it's also capitalist. The point is they're so fucking corrupt that they don't give a shit about polluting the environment.

You didn't read a single one of my links, did you? These trees that are being planted in the place of trees that have been around for years are susceptible to forest fires and several other problems. It's a shitty cop out to just cut everything down. Do yourself a favor and read my links.
China IS Communist. Sorry, but trying to twist the facts will not work in your favor. And how can it be capitalist when the entire economy is ruled by the government? Talk about contradictions. Corruption is what Communists do best. See, in nations that promote liberty and freedom, enviromental and living conditions stomp on that of communist nations

>facts show that trees are being planted far more than ever
>tries to move the goal posts and construct a loaded question

Oh Chally, why do I waste my time with you?
I don't know why you waste your time regurgitating the same old ignorant bullshit over and over.
Considering you do it all the time, I'll direct it to you

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