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Messages - Kinder Graham

Pages: 1 ... 125126127 128129 ... 243
The Flood / Re: I'm enlisting into the Navy
« on: October 29, 2014, 09:00:46 PM »
Have fun killing innocent people.
>implying the navy kills people

>implying Navy does anything but ride around in boats and fuck each other in the ass
My dad did 20 years in the Navy. He had to go to Afghanistan, boots on the ground. Navy isn't limited to the water, just as how the Navy has more planes than the Air Force and the Army has more water craft than the Navy
What did he do with the Navy?
He worked mostly on destroyers and would operate the air traffic control station for the helicopter that would come on the landing pad. What he did more was work in radar and combat/combat operations. Once he made Petty Officer, he still did the later but also became a sort of drill sergeant/instructor and was on shore duty at the school for the new enlistees or whatever

Laughed at education.

Cant tell if serious.
I laughed because the old people wanted social security but didn't give a fuck about education and the young people wanted education but didn't give a fuck about social security.
Well they don't see a need for education since they already got theirs. Just as how young people don't care about social security because they have not even reached the age to have it. But not caring about social security is far worse of the two as their could be the possibility of a lack of funds they can use when they get older, so there's a major problem in the decades to come

Serious / Re: Mandatory abortions for minors
« on: October 29, 2014, 08:53:14 PM »
srs tiem

Your friend is an idiot. Trends have shown a SHARP decline of teen pregnancy rate for many years now, just as how violent crime has been on the decline for over a decade. And trust me, I've seen and known many people under 18 that would make better parents than those above 18

Septagon / Re: We need a change of rules/culture in Serious
« on: October 29, 2014, 08:51:16 PM »
Mods, please edit posts that call people out and act in an immature behavior. It will not be tolerated in this thread and I'd like us to practice the kind of behavior we should all, unsubjectively, try to attain.



[Inset le meme here]

But seriously, you aren't one to talk on this matter when you frequently bait the forum. Unless you are game for me editing out all of your bait that is, in which case we get to play subjectivity debate 24/7 edition.

The rules might be enforceable but that would require so much absurd nannying that you might want to consider moving to the UK where the state can hold your hand all day.

However, the guidelines are all good and if people stuck to something like that then I'm sure the serious board would be a much better place. I would also add in 'No baiting in the serious forum' to your guidelines though, for raisins.
Pl Seeing as the majority of the debates here are just a dog pile on kinder
I intentionally make it like such. Sometimes that forum gets boring with everybody agreeing and something different just needs to happen to spice things up. Plus with the constant refreshing and replying, I'd assume it would increase the money Cheat makes from ads. I'm doing a service here
I'm making absolutely shit money on the site right now. :(

Finding a good CPM ad service that will accept us is fucking difficult.
Whatever happened to the ebay ones? I would assume they'd pay decently since it's ya know, ebay

The Flood / Re: I'm enlisting into the Navy
« on: October 29, 2014, 08:47:58 PM »
Have fun killing innocent people.
>implying the navy kills people

>implying Navy does anything but ride around in boats and fuck each other in the ass
My dad did 20 years in the Navy. He had to go to Afghanistan, boots on the ground. Navy isn't limited to the water, just as how the Navy has more planes than the Air Force and the Army has more water craft than the Navy

OT: Navy is really the best choice. Aside from having to be on a ship for 6 months, you get to travel the world and visit different countries constantly. When my dad was in, his ship was the first one in a while to visit the nation of Georgia and he had the chance, with other sailors, to meet the Georgian president and they all went to a bar and drank for a few hours

Serious / Re: Who do you think are the four best presidents?
« on: October 29, 2014, 08:43:49 PM »
FDR, like Lincoln, is given far more credit than he should receive
I don't disagree, to be honest, but then so are some of the most popular presidents like Reagan and Clinton. I respect FDR more as a person than a politician, I'd say.

in 1933 he passed a law that  made possession of GOLD a CRIMINAL OFFENSE with a fine of $10K and up to 10 years in prison
I don't know much about the issue, but I presume you're talking about Executive Order 6102. The point was that the hoarding of gold was deflationary, and extremely limiting the capacity of monetary policy to combat the Great Depression which is widely regarded among economists - and Ben Bernanke, former Fed Chairman - as being the leading cause for the intensity of the downturn.

While we talk all how Concentration Camps in Germany were evil and infringed on people's rights, America was doing the same thing with FDR's executive order that abolished civil rights of American citizens with Japanese heritage and subjected them to Internment Camps where overcrowding, poor sanitation systems, and few available medical services was all too common
I agree that this is probably the blackest marks of FDR's tenure, but I don't think it can even begin to be compared to the devices of the Nazis and the conditions in the camps were largely dependent on whichever government entity was running it.

On the subject of violating civil rights, he violated blacks as well with the New Deal. The introduction of a minimum wage cost blacks hundreds of thousands of jobs, along with the requirement that all workers had to be part of a labor union, which were nearly based on skin color
I disagree. Blacks faired very well under the New Deal, particularly the CCC. There was certainly a race issue, and policies were unfavourable to blacks on occasion, but I think that has more to do with the fact that we're discussing 1930s America as opposed to just FDR's presidency.

Eh, not really judging presidents based on the person; it's basing it on a combinations of ideas and accomplishments. To me Obama is the kind of guy you'd like to sit with and have a beer with but I still very much disagree with his politics

I'm no economist expert-guru but if I correctly remember, the depression worsened when the Fed started to raise interest rates which caused business going bankrupt (making more people unemployed) because the cost to conduct business skyrocketed.

Obviously we didn't perform outlandish "medical" experiments or commit mass murder, but there was no Constitutional basis to seize a large group of people without any probable cause. The equivalent today would to round up all persons of Yemen origin and detain them, despite having no legal backing.

Well the culture of the 30s is part of FDR's presidency. He knew, or should have known, that labor unions on most occasions only accepted whites and were very biased to blacks. If he passed an executive order akin to the Civil Rights Act that would forbid unions to have a prejudice against black, then it would be different. But FDR was also a racist individual and I believe if it's correct, in the book A First-Class Temperament: The Emergence of Franklin Roosevelt, Roosevelt had stated regarding the use of military bases in the Caribbean:
“Those places are inhabited by some 8 million dark-skinned gentlemen and I don’t want them coming to the United States and adding to the problem we already have with our 13 million black men. I tell you, Winston, it’s just a headache and you can keep it”

Gaming / Re: Star Wars: Battlefront-Set for Holiday 2015
« on: October 29, 2014, 05:30:44 PM »
Do you even look at the front page?
Star Wars is very important stuff

Septagon / Re: We need a change of rules/culture in Serious
« on: October 29, 2014, 05:29:47 PM »
Mods, please edit posts that call people out and act in an immature behavior. It will not be tolerated in this thread and I'd like us to practice the kind of behavior we should all, unsubjectively, try to attain.



[Inset le meme here]

But seriously, you aren't one to talk on this matter when you frequently bait the forum. Unless you are game for me editing out all of your bait that is, in which case we get to play subjectivity debate 24/7 edition.

The rules might be enforceable but that would require so much absurd nannying that you might want to consider moving to the UK where the state can hold your hand all day.

However, the guidelines are all good and if people stuck to something like that then I'm sure the serious board would be a much better place. I would also add in 'No baiting in the serious forum' to your guidelines though, for raisins.
Pl Seeing as the majority of the debates here are just a dog pile on kinder
I intentionally make it like such. Sometimes that forum gets boring with everybody agreeing and something different just needs to happen to spice things up. Plus with the constant refreshing and replying, I'd assume it would increase the money Cheat makes from ads. I'm doing a service here

Gaming / Star Wars: Battlefront-Set for Holiday 2015
« on: October 29, 2014, 05:22:16 PM »

Star Wars: Battlefront is coming Holiday 2015, Electronic Arts has announced, and will be a first-person shooter.

EA CEO Andrew Wilson confirmed the news during an investor relations call today. Battlefront is EA's big holiday blockbuster, and as such, the next Battlefield game won't arrive until Holiday 2016. "This allows us to have a major first-person shooter title each year," an EA executive said.

At E3, it was confirmed that Star Wars: Battlefront will, at the very least, feature Original Trilogy settings.

Well, looks like third-person is a no-no. Might just hold off because of that

The Flood / Re: The blackest user on these forums?
« on: October 29, 2014, 05:19:34 PM »
I love hot wings, purple flavored kool-aid, and sweet potato pie

I'm more black than any of you all

Serious / Re: Who do you think are the four best presidents?
« on: October 29, 2014, 05:17:43 PM »
Dianne Finestein
OP said presidents, not General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party

Serious / Re: Who do you think are the four best presidents?
« on: October 29, 2014, 05:15:18 PM »
Jefferson (approved Lewis and Clark exploration; doubled the size of the U.S; effectively ended importation fo slaves; First Barbary War marked America as a major international power as the first war conducted on foreign soil)

Kennedy (Gave way to American landings on Moon; Civil Right Act; Nuclear Test Ban Treaty; Handle of Cuban Missile Crisis)

Eisenhower (Interstate Highway System; reason for the space race; desegregation of military)

Teddy Roosevelt (ended the monopoly system; greatly expanded conservation; Passage of the Meat Inspection Act and  Pure Food and Drug Act)
My fucking nigga

3 out of my 4 choices
yeh but no fdr
FDR, like Lincoln, is given far more credit than he should receive

Because the Supreme Court turned parts of the New Deal, he decided to avoid any more friction he would simply appoint 6 more justices to get his way; that's obstructing the very idea of checks and balances

in 1933 he passed a law that  made possession of GOLD a CRIMINAL OFFENSE with a fine of $10K and up to 10 years in prison

While we talk all how Concentration Camps in Germany were evil and infringed on people's rights, America was doing the same thing with FDR's executive order that abolished civil rights of American citizens with Japanese heritage and subjected them to Internment Camps where overcrowding, poor sanitation systems, and few available medical services was all too common

On the subject of violating civil rights, he violated blacks as well with the New Deal. The introduction of a minimum wage cost blacks hundreds of thousands of jobs, along with the requirement that all workers had to be part of a labor union, which were nearly based on skin color

Serious / Re: Who do you think are the four best presidents?
« on: October 29, 2014, 04:55:19 PM »
Jefferson (approved Lewis and Clark exploration; doubled the size of the U.S; effectively ended importation fo slaves; First Barbary War marked America as a major international power as the first war conducted on foreign soil)

Kennedy (Gave way to American landings on Moon; Civil Right Act; Nuclear Test Ban Treaty; Handle of Cuban Missile Crisis)

Eisenhower (Interstate Highway System; reason for the space race; desegregation of military)

Teddy Roosevelt (ended the monopoly system; greatly expanded conservation; Passage of the Meat Inspection Act and  Pure Food and Drug Act)

Internet is just cyber humanly interactions. A depressed person, as I assume, likes to stay away from interpersonal experiences so it would be safe to say that would translate to the internet 

Do they understand that if they want a job, they can join the military? Advocating for a much smaller military while demanding job creations is redundant as their ideas are eliminating military careers. It's like wanting entitlements but not wanting to pay taxes
I think they favour the creation of enough jobs which are - in the first instance - productive which military jobs, to an extent, simply aren't and, in the second instance, numerous enough to offset military job losses.

The idea is to have programmes focused around training and market-supporting structures to create a healthy labour force, not having a job for the sheer sake of it.
Military careers are rather productive. People go in at least for 4 years in order to come out with a specialization that can transfer over to the civilian world. Being an air traffic controller in the military will put a person at having a better chance of being a controller for a private airport and make a decent salary. Also military in general is good experience for civilian careers in emergency services

Off-setting the military jobs lost and replace them with new, civilian jobs will be VERY difficult to do; let me run some numbers by real quick

Active duty: 1,369,532
Reserve: 850,880
Unemployment: 11.8% (See U6 for correct number)
Current U.S Population: 316.1 million
Total Unemployed: 37,299,800 (based on the 11.8% figure)

Serious / Re: World Cup 2018: Russia edition
« on: October 29, 2014, 03:13:57 PM »
The country with archaic anti-lgbt laws and the desire to waltz into a country and annex it
Sounds a lot like America
America still has ant-gay laws, especially the federal government. DOMA was only partially repealed and Obama simply told Holder to ignore enforcing it; still largely in effect but not enforced. America also (see Iraq and Afghanistan) waltz into countries under false pretenses in the name of "securing democracy and liberty"

Serious / Re: World Cup 2018: Russia edition
« on: October 29, 2014, 03:06:08 PM »
The country with archaic anti-lgbt laws and the desire to waltz into a country and annex it
Sounds a lot like America

But where was the outrage over Brazil. It was something like either hundreds of thousands or at least a million people that lost their homes due to the games

Do they understand that if they want a job, they can join the military? Advocating for a much smaller military while demanding job creations is redundant as their ideas are eliminating military careers. It's like wanting entitlements but not wanting to pay taxes

The Flood / Re: People on planes aren't fun
« on: October 29, 2014, 12:54:50 PM »
I stopped in Denver

I don't think that was a plane you were on
>pot legal
>smoking makes you high
>not on a plane

The Flood / Re: People on planes aren't fun
« on: October 29, 2014, 12:52:55 PM »
I stopped in Denver

I don't think that was a plane you were on

The Flood / Re: Palestine needs a quick and speedy end
« on: October 29, 2014, 12:50:35 PM »
Only a proper zionist nation like Israel can create something so beneficial to humanity

The Flood / Re: Halloween/Frozen drinking game
« on: October 29, 2014, 12:48:14 PM »
>op has facebook

The Flood / Re: Palestine needs a quick and speedy end
« on: October 29, 2014, 12:42:20 PM »
Palestinians are not even real people

The Flood / Re: Favorite type of alcoholic drink?
« on: October 29, 2014, 12:38:20 PM »
There's a difference between piss and alcohol?

The Flood / Re: Caption each others pictures
« on: October 29, 2014, 12:18:35 PM »

The Flood / Re: Caption each others pictures
« on: October 29, 2014, 12:15:07 PM »
Another thread derailed by ISIS.

Just like this space shuttle.


Forum rules are rather obvious and easy to follow.
Not when you want to keep a thread going that many have dubbed "the best ever" on Sep7agon.
Just because all the other kids are stealing, it doesn't mean it's perfectly fine

I've tried to remain neutral on this, but here it is kinder.
You are the only person on this site who has had a problem with this thread. You reported the posts containing you, as is your right, and they were removed. However you persist on fething up this bloody thread with your whinging. So do me a favour, close the tab. And go clean your Mosin or something, but stop making more fucking problems in a dead thread.
If people are going to talk about me, I'll respond to them
Well how about you exercise some restraint in turning the other cheek for once, instead of flinging shit at everyone over and over again and then crying when it gets thrown back.
I only sling shit when it's slinged at me first. The ones who are getting upset also are the ones who are slinging and then get reprimanded

The Flood / Re: Caption each others pictures
« on: October 29, 2014, 12:13:24 PM »
Another thread derailed by ISIS.

Just like this space shuttle.


Forum rules are rather obvious and easy to follow.
Not when you want to keep a thread going that many have dubbed "the best ever" on Sep7agon.
Just because all the other kids are stealing, it doesn't mean it's perfectly fine

I've tried to remain neutral on this, but here it is kinder.
You are the only person on this site who has had a problem with this thread. You reported the posts containing you, as is your right, and they were removed. However you persist on fething up this bloody thread with your whinging. So do me a favour, close the tab. And go clean your Mosin or something, but stop making more fucking problems in a dead thread.
If people are going to talk about me, I'll respond to them
They're talking about you, because you created an issue with a thread that was fun for everyone else.

Of course they'll talk.
But you have nothing more to do in this thread, because you got what you wanted, the images are gone.
They can talk all they want, it's not hurting you.
So it's perfectly fine to make a larger number of responses targeting a specific person? But when they call it out, they have the issue? lol k den

And I can respond back all I want to responses directed to me. It's not hurting any of you

The Flood / Re: Caption each others pictures
« on: October 29, 2014, 12:07:39 PM »
Another thread derailed by ISIS.

Just like this space shuttle.


Forum rules are rather obvious and easy to follow.
Not when you want to keep a thread going that many have dubbed "the best ever" on Sep7agon.
Just because all the other kids are stealing, it doesn't mean it's perfectly fine

I've tried to remain neutral on this, but here it is kinder.
You are the only person on this site who has had a problem with this thread. You reported the posts containing you, as is your right, and they were removed. However you persist on fething up this bloody thread with your whinging. So do me a favour, close the tab. And go clean your Mosin or something, but stop making more fucking problems in a dead thread.
If people are going to talk about me, I'll respond to them

Serious / Re: Mandatory abortions for minors
« on: October 29, 2014, 12:06:18 PM »
Bring back corporal punishment
Beat them if they get pregnant or beat them until they're not pregnant?

The Flood / Re: Caption each others pictures
« on: October 29, 2014, 12:03:44 PM »
Another thread derailed by ISIS.

Just like this space shuttle.


Forum rules are rather obvious and easy to follow.
Not when you want to keep a thread going that many have dubbed "the best ever" on Sep7agon.
Just because all the other kids are stealing, it doesn't mean it's perfectly fine

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