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Messages - Kinder Graham

Pages: 1 ... 124125126 127128 ... 243
The Flood / Re: Where's the picture caption thread?
« on: October 30, 2014, 02:37:01 PM »
- Respect your fellow members, or at least tolerate them publicly. Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated, even if they probably deserve it. Personal attacks come down to whichever Ninja is handling the situation and the context in which it was said.

- Calling out users in a demeaning and harmful manner will not be tolerated - period. Threads doing so will be locked, and the creator will be subject to moderation.
- Personal attacks, including in public forums and private messages, will not be taken lightly and are subject to punishment. Joking with sayings like "fgt" are acceptable, as long as it does not become excessive.

You were the only one who had an issue with it.
Just because everybody else is stealing, doesn't make it legal. You can stay mad but threads like that is the very reason people leave this place and the reason people call it a circle jerk.

Only thing that happened were posts that related to me were edited out. The people that kept it up and turned it into even more shit flinging are the ones who ended up gettig it locked. I was simply defending myself from the asshats who think harassment is okay

The Flood / Re: Where's the picture caption thread?
« on: October 30, 2014, 02:33:01 PM »
- Respect your fellow members, or at least tolerate them publicly. Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated, even if they probably deserve it. Personal attacks come down to whichever Ninja is handling the situation and the context in which it was said.

- Calling out users in a demeaning and harmful manner will not be tolerated - period. Threads doing so will be locked, and the creator will be subject to moderation.
- Personal attacks, including in public forums and private messages, will not be taken lightly and are subject to punishment. Joking with sayings like "fgt" are acceptable, as long as it does not become excessive.

The Flood / Re: Instead of locking threads
« on: October 30, 2014, 02:27:25 PM »
Then edit Gat's posts.

The Flood / Re: Instead of locking threads
« on: October 30, 2014, 02:16:20 PM »
fucking kinder got my caption thread locked. motherfuck
Not my fault you don't know how to read a rule thread
Not my fault if you're a fucking cry baby.
"mr bad man make jk aboot me"
*writes a prescription for autism medicine for you*

The Flood / Re: Instead of locking threads
« on: October 30, 2014, 02:13:40 PM »
fucking kinder got my caption thread locked. motherfuck
Not my fault you don't know how to read a rule thread

The Flood / Re: We should be able to ban mods
« on: October 30, 2014, 02:12:29 PM »
Good Guy Recon:

Realizes he posted a picture with boobs in it

Banned himself for nudity offense

Serious / Re: Why I Want To Give Up Teaching
« on: October 30, 2014, 02:10:36 PM »
The thing I don't like about Common Core.. is we should be striving for the most efficient and simple way on solving a mathematical problem. I've seen that number line crap (or however the teacher is trying to present it) in action and thinking to myself, "That takes twice as long to get the same answer as just stating 30+5 is 35"
Common Core doesn't change any mathematical functions. Traditional addition and subtraction is still taught. Number lines were use before Common Core, too.
Yes, but it's greatly putting more emphasis on number lines while setting the traditional way in the back

Serious / Re: Why I Want To Give Up Teaching
« on: October 30, 2014, 02:07:47 PM »
The thing I don't like about Common Core.. is we should be striving for the most efficient and simple way on solving a mathematical problem. I've seen that number line crap (or however the teacher is trying to present it) in action and thinking to myself, "That takes twice as long to get the same answer as just stating 30+5 is 35"

So much this. We need to be preparing children for the real life, that means teaching applied skills. In an everyday work scenario, a person will either pull out a calculator or quickly jot down a problem like 2+2x4(5-3) and solve it that way. It's simple, time saving, and the best way to do math.

Serious / Re: Why I Want To Give Up Teaching
« on: October 30, 2014, 02:05:00 PM »
Common Core is and will be a complete failure

Don't give me any of the Kentucky B.S also. Reason being is that is was specifically designed for Kentucky schools. What Common Core actually shows is that states/schools should be in charge of designing their educational plans

The Flood / Re: Instead of locking threads
« on: October 30, 2014, 02:01:37 PM »
I'll take all the guns you offer

Serious / Re: Plane Crashes in Kansas
« on: October 30, 2014, 01:53:23 PM »
Damn. Looks like the girlfriend is going to be busy today.
why's that?
For privacy reasons, I wont say what she does or who she works for, but she works along with the Wichita PD for investigations and cases.
FAA? I remember you a while back saying you were visiting your GF in D.C. Like over half of people in D.C have government jobs
I will say that it's a government job, yes. And yeah she did her masters in DC, and now works in Wichita.
Confirmed Max's GF works for Shadow Government codename elluminity

Serious / Re: Plane Crashes in Kansas
« on: October 30, 2014, 01:47:26 PM »
Damn. Looks like the girlfriend is going to be busy today.
why's that?
For privacy reasons, I wont say what she does or who she works for, but she works along with the Wichita PD for investigations and cases.
FAA? I remember you a while back saying you were visiting your GF in D.C. Like over half of people in D.C have government jobs

Serious / Plane Crashes in Kansas
« on: October 30, 2014, 11:27:50 AM »
Ironically into a flight safety building

A plane crashed into a FlightSafety building at Mid-Continent Airport in Wichita, Kansas, the airport confirmed, killing at least two people inside, leaving four seriously hurt and at least five unaccounted for, authorities said.

Witnesses reported the plane down around 10 a.m. Central Time Thursday. The airport described it as a small plane.

Some 100 people were inside the FlightSafety International building at the time of the crash, fire officials said. The business provides flight training and has several simulators inside.

"They finally got the fire out. You can't tell is was a plane, it looks like a go-kart frame," Ryan Weatherby told the Daily News around 10:45 local time after seeing the fire.

The pilot of the Beechcraft King Air plane reported losing engine power shortly after takeoff and crashed when trying to return to the runway, the Federal Aviation Administration said in a statement. FAA investigators are on scene and the NTSB has been notified, the agency said.

Officials said one person was aboard the plane, though their condition has not bee reported.

Black smoke and flames could be seen billowing from the crash site. Weatherby said the smoke was seen for about 30 minutes as crews worked to put out the blaze.

One photo shows smoke coming from a building behind an Avis rental car outpost.

Weatherby owns an airplane detailing service and said he was working nearby when he saw the smoke. He feared for the plane's pilot and was shaken by the crash.

"I don't see how they would have gotten out of that on top of the building," Weatherby said. "It was definitely a scary situation.

Flights are operating as normal, though a roadway is closed as emergency vehicles respond, the airport wrote on Twitter.

well fak

The Flood / Re: What's your opinion on this shotgun?
« on: October 30, 2014, 08:47:56 AM »
Nice opinion man, but guess what? It's an opinion; not fact. You can get off your high horse. Hunting is a fun sport that teaches patience, survival skills, and proper/humane treatment of wildlife. All other animals hunt, so go and have an argument with a dog or some stupid shit

>hur hunteng is st00pid
There, that's where you said it. Only two places a person can get meat: Hunting or a grocery store. If you dislike one then that means there's only one choice left

Good use of the word "retarded" twice. Kettle calling the pot black makes no sense if you must know. That will totally make you seem legit. But again, when was the last time a neck-beared atheistard knew anything about being legit without going off on a tantrum of "HUR MI OPENUN IZ RIGHT"?
>Implying I am an atheist
That's a good one lol.

>still thinking this is opinionated and not objective fact

Kinder, why are you still alive? Like literally, why?
*runs what you said through Google Translate*

Ah, so you have no rebuttal? kden. I'll be on my way getting showered up and stuff before my biology lecture

The Flood / Re: What's your opinion on this shotgun?
« on: October 30, 2014, 08:43:31 AM »
I'm glad you finally understand I am objectively right.
>being fact

Pick one. Or is your brain too fucked up from all that Mountain Dew and Doritos?

The Flood / Re: What's your opinion on this shotgun?
« on: October 30, 2014, 08:42:11 AM »
Nah, you're the retard here. People hunt because of food AND because of sport and fun; they're fucking intertwined. People who hunt for fun still take the meat and furs so they can be used, either as food/clothing or to sell, or to give away to a food shelter
Wow, because being intertwined totally makes it right, right? No, it really doesn't. Even if you hunt for food. If you enjoy it, you are a fucking sociopath.

But oh well, I'm arguing with an autistic who thinks meat just comes from nowhere at grocery stores. I'm also arguing with an autistic who has no fucking clue what hunting is
I don't remember saying anything like that. I know where meat from a grocery comes from. Also, good use of the word autistic twice. That will totally strengthen your argument. But then, what would a christian know about having a strong argument for anything without using some kind of buzz word or insult?

Nice opinion man, but guess what? It's an opinion; not fact. You can get off your high horse. Hunting is a fun sport that teaches patience, survival skills, and proper/humane treatment of wildlife. All other animals hunt, so go and have an argument with a dog or some stupid shit

>hur hunteng is st00pid
There, that's where you said it. Only two places a person can get meat: Hunting or a grocery store. If you dislike one then that means there's only one choice left

Good use of the word "retarded" twice. Kettle calling the pot black makes no sense if you must know. That will totally make you seem legit. But again, when was the last time a neck-beared atheistard knew anything about being legit without going off on a tantrum of "HUR MI OPENUN IZ RIGHT"?

The Flood / Re: What's your opinion on this shotgun?
« on: October 30, 2014, 08:30:27 AM »
I would assume it wouldn't be good for deer hunting, but I'm not familiar with shotguns to say the least. I'm a rifle type of person

And no need to argue with idiots who think factory farms are somehow more humane than animals living in the wild, where they belong
Wow, cause that's totally what I said. God, Kinder, you're so fucking retarded.
Hunting=Gathering meat to use as a food source

If you dislike hunting then the only other way to actually get meat is from a grocery store, where they in turn purchase from factory farms that subject animals to inhumane abuse

Fucking dipshit retard
Again, you're retarded. Hunting for fun and sport, not for food, is retarded and wrong. But then again, I am talking to Kinder. What else should I expect?
Nah, you're the retard here. People hunt because of food AND because of sport and fun; they're fucking intertwined. People who hunt for fun still take the meat and furs so they can be used, either as food/clothing or to sell, or to give away to a food shelter

But oh well, I'm arguing with an autistic who thinks meat just comes from nowhere at grocery stores. I'm also arguing with an autistic who has no fucking clue what hunting is

This is you right now:


The Flood / Re: What's your opinion on this shotgun?
« on: October 30, 2014, 08:26:08 AM »
I would assume it wouldn't be good for deer hunting, but I'm not familiar with shotguns to say the least. I'm a rifle type of person

And no need to argue with idiots who think factory farms are somehow more humane than animals living in the wild, where they belong
Wow, cause that's totally what I said. God, Kinder, you're so fucking retarded.
Hunting=Gathering meat to use as a food source

If you dislike hunting then the only other way to actually get meat is from a grocery store, where they in turn purchase from factory farms that subject animals to inhumane abuse

Fucking dipshit retard

The Flood / Re: What's your opinion on this shotgun?
« on: October 30, 2014, 08:22:06 AM »
I would assume it wouldn't be good for deer hunting, but I'm not familiar with shotguns to say the least. I'm a rifle type of person

And no need to argue with idiots who think factory farms are somehow more humane than animals living in the wild, where they belong

Serious / Re: Who do you think are the four best presidents?
« on: October 30, 2014, 08:18:18 AM »
Oh lord. People still have discussions with Kinder?

Wouldn't the Serious board be better off if we just ignored Kinder and Dustbin? I mean fucking PSU is better than both of them combined.

We could just ignore you as well.
You're doing a great job already.

But seeing how Dustbin is a troll, and Kinder refuses to be civil or admit when he's wrong, it's a pretty good idea.

Like I said, you'll get more intelligence and civility from PSU than the both of them put together.
You know son, I don't rightfully know who you are but when you say a person is not civil but come in a thread and make multiple responses that are not on topic with the subject, the only person not being civil and not worth having a discussion with is you.
Seeing how you're someone's alt, I'm not going to take you seriously.

All Kinder and Dustbin do is start arguments. But hey, I'm obviously not being civil by suggesting we ignore them so this board is better. Thanks gimmick account.
>says all kinder and dustin do is start arguments
>is the one who came in this thread, posted something off-topic, and directed negatively against two other users
>is the one who does this on constant basis

I posted something on topic, but then when I saw you start vomiting your bullshit into this thread I suggested we ignore you and Dustbin. All you people do is attack others for their opinions.

Like I said, I may not agree with PSU a lot of times, but he's a hell of a lot more mature than both of you guys.
>vomiting bullshit
>was commented positively by 2 others
>nothing said was aggressive

Chally, I think the issue here is you because you're the only person attacking others, including opinions, and being immature. Your off-topic responses in this thread perfectly show it

Just calling my opinion "vomiting bullshit" is very aggressive towards a persons opinion
Because people can't hold the same opinions? You're not the only person to say ignorant things.

If you take a look at the thread, I made an on topic reply, which is about as on topic as I wanted to go. Then I saw you and Meta having a discussion and you acting like the Jap camps in America even compare to the concentration camps for the Jews in Europe. It's bullshit. The camps were horrible, but the fact that the camps for the Jews were kill camps and the ones in America for the Japanese were containment camps is a HUGE difference. There's no excuse for what happened, but there is a huge difference. You always say something blatantly wrong, and when anybody tries to explain why you're wrong and it being a learning experience for you, you get defensive as shit and start slinging insults around.

If you'd actually discuss things properly and just share ideas like a normal person, I wouldn't be saying this. And Dustbin is just a troll, so that's all that needs to be said there.

Well, you very obviously missed this. Tell me, how in any way am I being defensive and slinging with this response to Meta?
Obviously we didn't perform outlandish "medical" experiments or commit mass murder, but there was no Constitutional basis to seize a large group of people without any probable cause. The equivalent today would to round up all persons of Yemen origin and detain them, despite having no legal backing.

Here is my original response. Only thing I was comparing between American and German camps were they being camps that deprived people of human rights
While we talk all how Concentration Camps in Germany were evil and infringed on people's rights, America was doing the same thing with FDR's executive order that abolished civil rights of American citizens with Japanese heritage and subjected them to Internment Camps where overcrowding, poor sanitation systems, and few available medical services was all too common

You have this very unhealthy hate boner for me, but I just assume it's erectile dysfunction because it never goes the fuck away. Funny how you cry "HUR HUR Y DO U HAEV 2 RESPUN 2 ME" when the very reason is that 7/10 times (being generous with that) you end up responding to my inital reply to a thread or you somehow mention my name.

Nothing I said was wrong. You just have this concept to take what I say and blow it completely out of the water

The Flood / Re: >dustin
« on: October 30, 2014, 07:28:48 AM »

Serious / Re: Who do you think are the four best presidents?
« on: October 30, 2014, 07:22:19 AM »
Oh lord. People still have discussions with Kinder?

Wouldn't the Serious board be better off if we just ignored Kinder and Dustbin? I mean fucking PSU is better than both of them combined.

We could just ignore you as well.
You're doing a great job already.

But seeing how Dustbin is a troll, and Kinder refuses to be civil or admit when he's wrong, it's a pretty good idea.

Like I said, you'll get more intelligence and civility from PSU than the both of them put together.
You know son, I don't rightfully know who you are but when you say a person is not civil but come in a thread and make multiple responses that are not on topic with the subject, the only person not being civil and not worth having a discussion with is you.
Seeing how you're someone's alt, I'm not going to take you seriously.

All Kinder and Dustbin do is start arguments. But hey, I'm obviously not being civil by suggesting we ignore them so this board is better. Thanks gimmick account.
>says all kinder and dustin do is start arguments
>is the one who came in this thread, posted something off-topic, and directed negatively against two other users
>is the one who does this on constant basis

I posted something on topic, but then when I saw you start vomiting your bullshit into this thread I suggested we ignore you and Dustbin. All you people do is attack others for their opinions.

Like I said, I may not agree with PSU a lot of times, but he's a hell of a lot more mature than both of you guys.
>vomiting bullshit
>was commented positively by 2 others
>nothing said was aggressive

Chally, I think the issue here is you because you're the only person attacking others, including opinions, and being immature. Your off-topic responses in this thread perfectly show it

Just calling my opinion "vomiting bullshit" is very aggressive towards a persons opinion

The Flood / Re: Do I have to be Mythic to get a custom title?
« on: October 30, 2014, 07:16:57 AM »
3000 posts I think
3000 for custom nameplate.
You probably need to be in a certain circle jerk to get that. Do what Noelle does.
What does Noelle do?
(ง ͡͡ ° ͜ ʖ ͡ °)ง

The Flood / Re: Palestine needs a quick and speedy end
« on: October 30, 2014, 07:12:03 AM »
Or how about we just finish what The Romans and the Nazis started?
Invade England?
Why not. I don't see how that solves our problem here though...

Serious / Re: Who do you think are the four best presidents?
« on: October 30, 2014, 07:02:10 AM »
Oh lord. People still have discussions with Kinder?

Wouldn't the Serious board be better off if we just ignored Kinder and Dustbin? I mean fucking PSU is better than both of them combined.

We could just ignore you as well.
You're doing a great job already.

But seeing how Dustbin is a troll, and Kinder refuses to be civil or admit when he's wrong, it's a pretty good idea.

Like I said, you'll get more intelligence and civility from PSU than the both of them put together.
You know son, I don't rightfully know who you are but when you say a person is not civil but come in a thread and make multiple responses that are not on topic with the subject, the only person not being civil and not worth having a discussion with is you.
Seeing how you're someone's alt, I'm not going to take you seriously.

All Kinder and Dustbin do is start arguments. But hey, I'm obviously not being civil by suggesting we ignore them so this board is better. Thanks gimmick account.
>says all kinder and dustin do is start arguments
>is the one who came in this thread, posted something off-topic, and directed negatively against two other users
>is the one who does this on constant basis

The Flood / Re: So I just found a giant centipede in my bathroom
« on: October 29, 2014, 09:45:58 PM »
lighter+can of wd40=flame thrower

The Flood / Re: I need a poo
« on: October 29, 2014, 09:45:22 PM »
Ah just fucking go.

If they bitch at you for using the crapper then tell them next time you won't flush.
Or just poop in the litter box

The Flood / Re: Lol, I'm back :)
« on: October 29, 2014, 09:44:33 PM »
Tru, leave ebola-chan alone

The Flood / Re: I need a poo
« on: October 29, 2014, 09:43:14 PM »
>open window
>stick butt out
>release cheeks
>something something dinosaur

The Flood / Re: Are you single?
« on: October 29, 2014, 09:05:49 PM »
I'll have her one day

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