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Messages - Kinder Graham

Pages: 1 ... 118119120 121122 ... 243
The Flood / Re: Nordic languages
« on: November 03, 2014, 02:25:26 PM »
SO much easier to understand than fucking Romance languages

Serious / Re: Obama's Syria strategy is failing
« on: November 03, 2014, 02:20:37 PM »
Here's an idea: Get the fuck out of there. Western interference is what's provoking these groups. Let them handle their shit just as how the rest of the world has handled their own

I'll be taking my Nobel Peace Prize

The Flood / Re: I've been triggered
« on: November 03, 2014, 02:17:59 PM »
If I were to actually get up and confront this 4-eyed skinny-ass chump, I'd first tell him no country is Democratic, all countries have a Republican government.
Are you an idiot? Also, republics are fully capable of being democratic. *cough* America *cough*

Then I'd tell him that universal healthcare is the very contradiction to Capitalism and universal healthcare creates a sub-standard medical climate.
What? No it doesn't. Socialised medicine does, not universalised.

After that, I'd point out that Switzerland has the 3rd largest gun ownership in the world with some of the lowest crime,
Swiss have incredibly controlled ammunition market.

Mexico has some of the strictest gun laws yet VERY high crime rate. Also the fact gun-free/gun strict states make up the majority of high crime rate
That has more to do with the Mexican government being explicitly ineffectual, with a massive cartel problem.

Do you elect people to power?
Do the minority have a say?

Congrats, that's what a Republic is. Interestingly enough, the U.S Constitution makes no mention of the term Democracy, because it's not one. The U.S is a Republic, which is very different than a Democracy

It's like calling an apple a tomato simply because they look somewhat the same.

Okay, I'll admit I get the terms of socialized and universal mixed up, but that's the way it's classified here just as how our political spectrum is different. So I'm just speaking from an American perspective because it's easier to understand and I hear it everyday. Either way, the only role of regulation, or whatever, the government should play is to the attention of malpractice or insurers breaking the law, not forcing a tax on people (which ObamaCare is). If the government wants to establish a model of Tricare for the lower-class civilian marker then go ahead, but don't deny other people plans or doctors

No, not really. It isn't the same as the U.S where people can stockpile ammo by the tens of thousands, but ranges sell ammo and people can buy as much as they want it and shoot it all.

Even the areas under control by the government still have illicit gun problems. And there wouldn't be an issue if law-abiding citizens had easier access to own guns; take example groups of concerned citizens who, while doing so illegally, are fighting the cartels with weapons to which those areas are safer than government controlled ones

« on: November 03, 2014, 01:46:42 PM »
>implying strict gun laws will stop criminals
>implying criminals follow laws
Well, I actually would argue that in some settings, gun control can bring down gun crime. It's clearly working alright for the UK.

That said, what works in one country won't necessarily work in another. There are simply too many guns floating around here for something like what the UK has to work properly.

The UK laws also leave the people basically fucked if their government goes to shit and starts to go authoritarian, though, so I wouldn't call that a total win.

Bet these are the same people who smoke pot, which is still illegal. gg no re hypocrisy
I'm pretty sure this is a logical fallacy but I can't remember what it's called.
UK also never had the guarantee of guns as a right, nor do they function on the same legal concept as the US
I feel like now is a good time to point out that the 2nd Amendment itself does not grant Americans the right to bear arms.

The Constitution is largely based on the concept of natural rights, an idea I myself subscribe to.

What the 2A does is ACKNOWLEDGE that it is, in fact, a natural right, and guarantees that that natural right shall not be infringed by the government.
Well the 2A guarantees the people the individual right of self-defense, along with bearing arms. Both are synonymous because guns are simply the most commonly used tool for defense and such. But it's a breathing document and in the future, when guns are obsolete then whatever is common will replace such

Think the argument of people saying "well the Founding Fathers didn't have high capacity and semi auto rifles" so does that mean because founding fathers didn't have texting, emailing, snapchatting, etc then those are not protected by the 1stt and 4th Amendments? Of course they are, and so should be advancements weaponry. But as a little fun fact, I'd assume you would know, there where guns back then that actually were auto/semi auto (puckle gun) and rifles with large "magazines" (some Austrian rifle that held 21 rounds)

« on: November 03, 2014, 11:51:38 AM »
>implying strict gun laws will stop criminals
>implying criminals follow laws
Well, I actually would argue that in some settings, gun control can bring down gun crime. It's clearly working alright for the UK.

That said, what works in one country won't necessarily work in another. There are simply too many guns floating around here for something like what the UK has to work properly.

The UK laws also leave the people basically fucked if their government goes to shit and starts to go authoritarian, though, so I wouldn't call that a total win.

Bet these are the same people who smoke pot, which is still illegal. gg no re hypocrisy
I'm pretty sure this is a logical fallacy but I can't remember what it's called.
UK also never had the guarantee of guns as a right, nor do they function on the same legal concept as the US

« on: November 03, 2014, 11:43:22 AM »
>implying strict gun laws will stop criminals
>implying criminals follow laws

Bet these are the same people who smoke pot, which is still illegal. gg no re hypocrisy

Serious / Re: Which US president would you want to hang out with?
« on: November 03, 2014, 11:41:56 AM »

The Flood / I've been triggered
« on: November 03, 2014, 11:39:21 AM »
Trying to study for this damn Biology quiz and decided to sit in the quite part of the school's student center. Anyway, I can hear this idiot going on about

"hur evry democretic cuntry haz unevesul helthcer n no guns"

This libtard has taken my attention away from studying and instead of getting up and confronting hum, I'm going to pissed off here instead. If I were to actually get up and confront this 4-eyed skinny-ass chump, I'd first tell him no country is Democratic, all countries have a Republican government. Then I'd tell him that universal healthcare is the very contradiction to Capitalism and universal healthcare creates a sub-standard medical climate. After that, I'd point out that Switzerland has the 3rd largest gun ownership in the world with some of the lowest crime, Mexico has some of the strictest gun laws yet VERY high crime rate. Also the fact gun-free/gun strict states make up the majority of high crime rate


Press A repeatedly
gg you just activated the rape feature

Serious / Re: >mfw nogunz
« on: November 03, 2014, 09:28:43 AM »
People actually stay in compliance with 922r?
Sadly, people do. All it takes is for one guy to get caught at a range with one part over and the whole anti-gun crowd exaggerate it to show all gun owners breaking the law. I am just tempted to get a parts kit and build an AK with all foreign parts and stash it in hiding
But like, who the fuck is going to analyze your rifle and pick out which parts are domestic or foreign?

Like, by the time some ATF dude is allowed to go around fingerfucking your guns, you really should have left the country already.
You're right

But I'm that person who tends to run into bad luck or feel they do and I have the feeling the day I deck out my gun in all foreign parts will somehow be the day the government makes a surprise visit to the range or whatever

But I mean, not every single part is going to be labeled "Made in Murika" or "shdbdhfbwqhfhfwefwe russia" or "ching chong ping ling china"

The Flood / Re: What were the 90s like?
« on: November 03, 2014, 09:23:55 AM »
Born in 94

Bill Nye the Science Guy
Legends of Hidden Temple
Rugrats Amanda Show
Hey Arnold
Rocko's Modern Life
Fresh Prince of Bel Air
All That
Wild Thornberrys
Dexter's Labratory

Super Soaker 50
Bop It
Moon Shoes
Creepy Crawler
Easy Bake Oven
Skip It
Beanie Babies
Pokemon cards
Tech Decks

Crispy M&Ms
Squeeze Its
Shark Bites
French Toast Crunch
3D Doritos
EZ Squirt Ketchup
Fruit Rollups
Bubble Tape
Ring Pop
Kid Cuisine
Lollipop Paintshop
Baby Bottle Pop
Wonder Ball
Potato Sticks
Vanilla Coke
Oreo Os
Pepsi Blue

Gameboy Color

Legend of Zelda
Super Mario 64
Metal Gear Solid
Pokemon Red/Blue/Green
Pokemon Gold/Silver
Mario Kart 64
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Pokemon Stadium
Star Wars TIE Fighter
Tony Hawk Pro Skater
Grand Theft Auto
Star Wars Rogue Squadron
Medal of Honor
Need for Speed 3 Hot Pursuit
Crazy Taxi
Metal Slug

Gaming / Re: So, November is here.
« on: November 03, 2014, 08:49:46 AM »
Assassin's Creed Unity
Halo: The Master Chief Collection

The Flood / Re: ねこ
« on: November 03, 2014, 08:46:35 AM »
Shut it.
>needs more invade zim avatars

God damn, Activision makes my blood boil. I'd say they could even be worse than EA.

They are at this point <.<

EA is at least trying to turn things around and make amends for being the shittiest company in America three years running. They dropped online passes, Microtransactions are now pointless shit not central to the AAA title aaand they delayed Hardline when people said 'Fuck off, do something better with this'

I seriously laugh at people thinking a video game company can be the worst company in a country. If any company gets that title it has to be Monsanto or Comcast

The Flood / ねこ
« on: November 03, 2014, 08:41:47 AM »
Has the best avatars on this site

you naggers need to step up your avatar game now

The Flood / Re: megan fox is ugliest girl
« on: November 03, 2014, 08:39:37 AM »
She is actually quite beautiful.


wut r u sayin

stahp et pls


Serious / Re: How is China NOT communist?
« on: November 03, 2014, 08:36:46 AM »
What bothers me is that Hong Kong is part of China, yet its people seem to have a different set of rights and beliefs than the rest of the country. Why can't the rest of that country be more like that city?
Because Hong Kong used to be part of British rule, so they had far different rights. But the lease was up and Hong Kong went back to China, but not everything was out right dealt away with. It's like some step plan where eventually Hong King transitions into Chinese society

The Flood / Re: Ok, now for some sad news.
« on: November 03, 2014, 08:33:48 AM »
>this thread

Serious / Re: >mfw nogunz
« on: November 03, 2014, 08:27:25 AM »
People actually stay in compliance with 922r?
Sadly, people do. All it takes is for one guy to get caught at a range with one part over and the whole anti-gun crowd exaggerate it to show all gun owners breaking the law. I am just tempted to get a parts kit and build an AK with all foreign parts and stash it in hiding

The Flood / Re: Oh my fucking Yuno
« on: November 03, 2014, 06:05:22 AM »
You should have taken a shit on their food
>implying that's not what mcdonalds is

Serious / Re: >mfw nogunz
« on: November 03, 2014, 05:59:17 AM »
say I were to get a wasr

could I put some plum furniture on it?

I fucking blow my load over plum furniture every time
Now this where you need to know the different styles of AKs

AK-47: 1949-1959; 7.62x39
AKM: 1959-Present; 7.62x39
AK-74: 1974-Present; 5.45x39

All AK-patterns on the civilian sporter market are either AKMs or AK-74s. And to add, the receivers with the Ms and 74s were built differently or something than the 47s. So to answer, WASRs are actually AKMs, but it can accept 74 furniture, just that the 47 can't accept either I believe

But this is what it will look like

Only thing is, 922r is a REAL bitch and it regulates foreign parts on a weapon to only 10. All WASRs come compliant to this law so if you want to switch the pistol grip with a non-american built one, you would have to replace another foreign part with an american part. If I'm correct, the easiest way to get around this is to simply get American made magazines since they count as 3 parts, BUT you can remove the spring and follower from the American mags and put them in the foreign mags as 2 American parts, negating the foreign pistol grip

The Flood / megan fox is ugliest girl
« on: November 02, 2014, 10:40:59 PM »
You're delusional if you think other wise

Serious / Re: >mfw nogunz
« on: November 02, 2014, 10:39:59 PM »
If you have like $3,000 sitting around, ya know......

Serious / Re: >mfw nogunz
« on: November 02, 2014, 10:31:04 PM »
My main concern is really reliability though, followed by availability of ammo. AK reliability doesn't really need mentioning, though idk if that applies to a budget one. I dunno how the VZ platform or the SKS hold up in comparison, and those are the main ones I'm considering. I do not like the feel of AR15s at all.
If you want reliability than an AK-pattern is where you can go best. But the SKS is equally as reliable as all Russian, Slav, and Oriental weapon systems were designed specifically for peasants living in any and all terrain possible. They were designed specifically for durability and reliability, the only thing that Commies oddly delivered on
Funny thing about the Soviets. They had an incredible military-industrial complex, the west didn't catch up until pretty late in the game. Unfortunately, their weak socialized economy couldn't support that level of military spending.

ARs, while a good platform, require a lot of attention and maintence
My main reason for staying away from that for a first gun. I want something that is hard to fuck up.

And 7.62x39 is VERY much available, but watch out for price gougers. Wal-mart always sells a box of 20 for around $5, the lowest price you can really get. Compare that to like $10 a box for .223
How does steel 7.62 compare to brass in terms of shelf life and cost?
Funny thing, I only shoot x39 and x54r. Pretty obvious x54r has great shelf life since all of it is like from the 70s but not sure the shelf life of x39 seeing as I just shoot it all and don't keep much. Do have around 700 rounds of .22lr though
what are you shooting? I assume a WASR or something and a nugget
3 Mosins
1 Mossberg 715t

WASR is on my list and just waiting till the 15th for a gun show and to see if anybody has one decently priced with all the accessories

I'm the unoffical quartermaster of this site. My dad has two shotguns and 3 handguns as well. Believe one of the shotguns is a 12 gauge American Savage pump, other is a single shot .410 gauge from Turkey. Handgun wise, a .45 Taurus Millennium, a .22lr Rahm revolver, a and 9x18mm Makarov (think it was converted to something else)

Serious / Re: >mfw nogunz
« on: November 02, 2014, 10:25:24 PM »
My main concern is really reliability though, followed by availability of ammo. AK reliability doesn't really need mentioning, though idk if that applies to a budget one. I dunno how the VZ platform or the SKS hold up in comparison, and those are the main ones I'm considering. I do not like the feel of AR15s at all.
If you want reliability than an AK-pattern is where you can go best. But the SKS is equally as reliable as all Russian, Slav, and Oriental weapon systems were designed specifically for peasants living in any and all terrain possible. They were designed specifically for durability and reliability, the only thing that Commies oddly delivered on
Funny thing about the Soviets. They had an incredible military-industrial complex, the west didn't catch up until pretty late in the game. Unfortunately, their weak socialized economy couldn't support that level of military spending.

ARs, while a good platform, require a lot of attention and maintence
My main reason for staying away from that for a first gun. I want something that is hard to fuck up.

And 7.62x39 is VERY much available, but watch out for price gougers. Wal-mart always sells a box of 20 for around $5, the lowest price you can really get. Compare that to like $10 a box for .223
How does steel 7.62 compare to brass in terms of shelf life and cost?
Funny thing, I only shoot x39 and x54r. Pretty obvious x54r has great shelf life since all of it is like from the 70s but not sure the shelf life of x39 seeing as I just shoot it all and don't keep much. Do have around 700 rounds of .22lr though

Serious / Re: >mfw nogunz
« on: November 02, 2014, 10:14:51 PM »
Over the course of a year now, every few months or so, buy the pieces to assemble an AR-15 chambered in 9mm.
it's like the perfect storm of shitty gun
It's a better idea than a .45 AR... and I know a guy who made one of those.

Just get a fucking Hi-Point Carbine or a damn Kriss Vector

Serious / Re: >mfw nogunz
« on: November 02, 2014, 10:11:17 PM »
My main concern is really reliability though, followed by availability of ammo. AK reliability doesn't really need mentioning, though idk if that applies to a budget one. I dunno how the VZ platform or the SKS hold up in comparison, and those are the main ones I'm considering. I do not like the feel of AR15s at all.
If you want reliability than an AK-pattern is where you can go best. But the SKS is equally as reliable as all Russian, Slav, and Oriental weapon systems were designed specifically for peasants living in any and all terrain possible. They were designed specifically for durability and reliability, the only thing that Commies oddly delivered on

ARs, while a good platform, require a lot of attention and maintence

And 7.62x39 is VERY much available, but watch out for price gougers. Wal-mart always sells a box of 20 for around $5, the lowest price you can really get. Compare that to like $10 a box for .223

Serious / Re: >mfw nogunz
« on: November 02, 2014, 10:06:05 PM »
>mfw most cheap sks is oriental shit
>mfw wasr 10 cheap and best ak coming from romance country
but /k/ told me wasr a shit

What year are they still in? Fucking 2007? WASRs are fucking fantastic now since Century has stepped up their quality control
I mean if it's going to be a century, I might rather get a VZ. They're definitely more aesthetically pleasing than the standard AK. And lighter IIRC
Good luck finding magazines for them. They not only use different magazines than ak-pattern, but the whole internals are completely different. It's so much different that the only "ak" thing about them is thir look
Oh I'm aware of that. But if I remember right the Century one comes with like five or six mags when you buy it. I do like that the bolt locks back.
That depends on where you get it. At least with WASRs, some sellers don't include all the accessories with it so same may be with the VZs.

I see no real benefit of a bolt hold open, but there are AK magazines out there that have have such feature. Only see it as a way to have a second on if you have any more ammo left or not, which is no big deal to waste a few seconds

Serious / Re: >mfw nogunz
« on: November 02, 2014, 09:58:54 PM »
>mfw most cheap sks is oriental shit
>mfw wasr 10 cheap and best ak coming from romance country
but /k/ told me wasr a shit

What year are they still in? Fucking 2007? WASRs are fucking fantastic now since Century has stepped up their quality control
I mean if it's going to be a century, I might rather get a VZ. They're definitely more aesthetically pleasing than the standard AK. And lighter IIRC
Good luck finding magazines for them. They not only use different magazines than ak-pattern, but the whole internals are completely different. It's so much different that the only "ak" thing about them is their look. Don't forget they're priced around $575 last I checked

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