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Messages - Kinder Graham

Pages: 1 ... 116117118 119120 ... 243
Serious / Re: How long until Republicans repeal Obamacare?
« on: November 04, 2014, 09:50:28 PM »
House passes bill to repeal the ACA.
Senate passes bill to repeal the ACA.
Obama vetoes it.
Republicans go on Fox News and complain the President refuses to work with them.
Repeat until 2016.

After vetoing, it's sent BACK to Congress and can be passed after a 2/3rds vote
>thinking that's relevant
Actually it is. It was a missing step in the American checks and balance system. You wouldn't leave out a tablespoon of oil when baking cookies, right?

Serious / Re: How long until Republicans repeal Obamacare?
« on: November 04, 2014, 09:49:33 PM »
House passes bill to repeal the ACA.
Senate passes bill to repeal the ACA.
Obama vetoes it.
Republicans go on Fox News and complain the President refuses to work with them.
Repeat until 2016.

After vetoing, it's sent BACK to Congress and can be passed after a 2/3rds vote
Can be? Yes, it can be; the process exists. It wont, though. Republicans won't have a supermajority in either the Senate or House.
Well Democrats are pushing themselves away from Obama and his policies at a shot for re-election. Wouldn't be surprised if some join with the Republicans so they can get a head start for 2016

Serious / Re: How long until Republicans repeal Obamacare?
« on: November 04, 2014, 09:43:15 PM »
House passes bill to repeal the ACA.
Senate passes bill to repeal the ACA.
Obama vetoes it.
Republicans go on Fox News and complain the President refuses to work with them.
Repeat until 2016.

After vetoing, it's sent BACK to Congress and can be passed after a 2/3rds vote

Serious / Re: How long until Republicans repeal Obamacare?
« on: November 04, 2014, 09:38:14 PM »
Hopefully fucking soon

I thought Obama promised no new taxes? Yet here we are, having another tax and turning people into criminals that don't want the government to make a decision for them

Democrats bitch about Republicans not staying out of the bedroom, yet here they are involving themselves in the medical room

It wasn't even supposed to be that way, the Republicans just refused to vote on anything.  Obama had to bend-over backwards just to appease them enough.  We were supposed to have single-payer options among other things, but alas it could not be.  Not yet.
Same can be said about the Democrats. NEITHER side wants to work things out. They BOTH want things their way

Let people make their own choices, simple as that. If a person wants a certain plan and doctor then let them be and don't pass any regulation against such.

If people are lower class then establish a civilian version of military hospitals where it's all done through the government: government insurance, government medical facilities, government doctors/staff, all of that.

Just for fucks sake, we don't need the government to hold our hands and regulate every aspect of our lives

Serious / Re: If you KNEW your country was going to be conquered...
« on: November 04, 2014, 09:33:08 PM »
Of fucking course I'd fight

Serious / Re: How long until Republicans repeal Obamacare?
« on: November 04, 2014, 09:28:11 PM »
Hopefully fucking soon

I thought Obama promised no new taxes? Yet here we are, having another tax and turning people into criminals that don't want the government to make a decision for them

Democrats bitch about Republicans not staying out of the bedroom, yet here they are involving themselves in the medical room

The Flood / Let's celebrate McConnell
« on: November 04, 2014, 09:25:37 PM »

Replace Pokemon with old ass white bible thumping trailer trash fatlards

>that fucking smile though

Serious / Re: If you were American, and HAD to vote. . .
« on: November 04, 2014, 09:21:15 PM »
Socially Liberal (but not too Liberal) and Financially Conservative.



That's what Libertarians are: Socially liberal but financially conservative

Not the Libertarians I've talked to.  And most Libertarians I see only attack Democrats and barely say a peep about Republicans (despite the fact they hold the House).

The Libertarians I've talked to and tried to debate with are close-minded and keep calling me a "government drone" and a "media puppet" just because I disagreed with them.  And if you didn't take Ron Paul's word as gospel, then you're just "one of them, part of the problem."

I've read Ron Paul's Manifesto book and he does have some good points.  But some of his shit (such as re-instating the Gold Reserve as the main U.S. currency) is fucking outlandish and asinine.

That's hard to explain, but Libertarians and Republicans come from the same pool of people and are more closely related (despite many differing ideas) than Democrats. The real driving force is fiscal policies because you can't run a country without a good financial backing, so social policies are put as 2nd

I can say that these people you're talking are most likely Republicans who want to look mainstream and smoke pot, without reading into policies. As I said, aside from fiscal policies there really isn't much more comparison to me made, well aside from maybe something here and there

Now, I do favor Republicans over Democrats when comparing the two but I also used to be a VERY strong supporter of the Democrat Party and to a larger extent, the concepts of Socialism and Capitalism. So I don't have a blind hate for Democrats as I know their ideas and purpose; they're EXACTLY the same as Republicans by trying to shove their concepts down people's throats (Take how Republicans want to interfere in the bedroom, you have the Democrats wanting to interfere in the hospital room). Libertarians don't do this and instead favor individuality, not collectivism

Well, trying to bring back the gold standard without heavily fixing the economy would be outlandish but we've been on the gold standard all the way till the 1970s. The gold standard is actually good because it limits how much the government can spend and how much the government can print, thus lowering inflation and bringing down the cost of goods and living. This will allow people to live a better life without having to raise the minimum wage. Only reason we got rid of it is because Nixon (I think it was him) didn't want to be responsible and pay back loans and shit. But during WWI, the U.S were the only ones to keep their gold standard and at the end of the war, the U.S actually boomed and created the Roaring 20s where as Europe ended their standard, ran up a huge debt (nothing backing their money) and faced severe economic hardship

Serious / Re: If you were American, and HAD to vote. . .
« on: November 04, 2014, 09:01:26 PM »
Socially Liberal (but not too Liberal) and Financially Conservative.



That's what Libertarians are: Socially liberal but financially conservative
I think it's time for a libertarian thread.
That's very close to how my Ukrainian-Russian Communist friend looks like

The Flood / Re: Post beautiful guns
« on: November 04, 2014, 09:00:16 PM »

too many goyim guns itt
That's because jews are the 2rd best at commiting genocide, right behind Nazi Germany

Serious / Re: If you were American, and HAD to vote. . .
« on: November 04, 2014, 08:55:49 PM »
Socially Liberal (but not too Liberal) and Financially Conservative.



That's what Libertarians are: Socially liberal but financially conservative

The Flood / Re: i have one person muted
« on: November 04, 2014, 08:52:45 PM »

The Flood / Re: Post beautiful guns
« on: November 04, 2014, 08:51:50 PM »

The Flood / Re: Post beautiful guns
« on: November 04, 2014, 08:51:37 PM »

The Flood / Re: Post beautiful guns
« on: November 04, 2014, 08:51:26 PM »

Serious / Re: If you were American, and HAD to vote. . .
« on: November 04, 2014, 08:34:32 PM »

I hate Muslim immigrants
Americans don't know how it is in Europe and the UK with the Muslims. They're seriously shitty immigrants. They come and live off welfare and government checks for the kids they have. It's common for them to have 5 children just to live off the money the government gives them. And then they turn entire streets into something out of their shithole countries. They want to live like they do in Shitholeistan but with the benefits of a first world democratic country. They sit around all day drinking tea and not doing jack shit, and give a woman who dresses normally (normally for civilized folks) ugly looks or even harass them. These Muslims tell me I shouldn't have a dog because it's "unclean". The fucking audacity of these monkeys who come from some of the dirtiest countries in the world to talk about dogs being "unclean". What's unclean is how your butcher shops don't use gloves and use the same knife to cut chicken and meat on the same wooden board that isn't ever cleaned. Or maybe how their kids pee in the fucking streets. How's that for "unclean", you fucking dune coons.

Fuck them.
. . .

I used to talk regularly with a a group of Muslim kids back in Middle School and had neighbors that were Muslim. They were all very nice and were ordinary people. Not only that, Muslim history and culture is very rich and that has defined  the western world as we know it for centuries. They're a group of people who bring a key importance to the idea of the American melting pot
Do you need glasses? I said in Europe and the UK. It's a totally different ball game in America. They're actually good immigrants. History is irrelevant, because I'm talking about modern Muslims. Iran was a great country 50 years ago, now it's a shithole. Afghanistan used to be great 50 years ago, Iraq was great a hundred years ago, whatever. We're not discussing history. I'm talking about Muslim immigrants in Europe and the UK.

The ones here are absolute fucking garbage.
Don't you like, live in America?

It already takes me ~4-5 months to purchase a firearm. Its bullshit.
I thought a CCW will reduce that to minutes? That's how it works in my state.
What state?

PSU lives in PA

The Flood / Re: Post beautiful guns
« on: November 04, 2014, 08:31:25 PM »
AKs = Ugly as fuck

This is what a real gun looks like.
AKs only look shit if they're decked out in black furniture. They're beautiful with a wood set-up

The receiver is so ungraceful though.
Is rugged, simple, and trustworthy

That's what defines it's beauty. What other gun can you literally construct out of a piece of sheet metal in  your garage from a demilled parts kit?

Serious / Re: If you were American, and HAD to vote. . .
« on: November 04, 2014, 06:42:27 PM »

I hate Muslim immigrants
Americans don't know how it is in Europe and the UK with the Muslims. They're seriously shitty immigrants. They come and live off welfare and government checks for the kids they have. It's common for them to have 5 children just to live off the money the government gives them. And then they turn entire streets into something out of their shithole countries. They want to live like they do in Shitholeistan but with the benefits of a first world democratic country. They sit around all day drinking tea and not doing jack shit, and give a woman who dresses normally (normally for civilized folks) ugly looks or even harass them. These Muslims tell me I shouldn't have a dog because it's "unclean". The fucking audacity of these monkeys who come from some of the dirtiest countries in the world to talk about dogs being "unclean". What's unclean is how your butcher shops don't use gloves and use the same knife to cut chicken and meat on the same wooden board that isn't ever cleaned. Or maybe how their kids pee in the fucking streets. How's that for "unclean", you fucking dune coons.

Fuck them.
. . .

I used to talk regularly with a a group of Muslim kids back in Middle School and had neighbors that were Muslim. They were all very nice and were ordinary people. Not only that, Muslim history and culture is very rich and that has defined  the western world as we know it for centuries. They're a group of people who bring a key importance to the idea of the American melting pot

The Flood / Re: List four Bands
« on: November 04, 2014, 06:39:01 PM »
Rise Against
The Dreadnoughts

The Flood / Re: Post beautiful guns
« on: November 04, 2014, 06:35:26 PM »
AKs = Ugly as fuck

This is what a real gun looks like.
AKs only look shit if they're decked out in black furniture. They're beautiful with a wood set-up

Serious / Re: Americans, did you vote today?
« on: November 04, 2014, 06:32:59 PM »
Yep, voted for Libertarian.

While I support Republicans over Democrats ideally, the parties are acting like children that hinder the process of a Republican form of government

What a wasted vote.
So it's not a waste to vote Democrat when it's heavily predicted Republicans are going to control Congress? Please, all you're doing is supporting the grip of a corrupt 2-party system that creates the very deggression and friction people complain about

Serious / Re: Americans, did you vote today?
« on: November 04, 2014, 06:30:46 PM »
Yep, voted for Libertarian.

While I support Republicans over Democrats ideally, the parties are acting like children that hinder the process of a Republican form of government
yay for a wasted vote
How so?

It's heavily predicted that Republicans are gaining Congress and a vote for a third party increases support for future alternative parties to increase their presence

The Flood / Re: Post beautiful guns
« on: November 04, 2014, 06:28:57 PM »

The Flood / Re: Post beautiful guns
« on: November 04, 2014, 06:27:28 PM »

The Flood / Re: Post beautiful guns
« on: November 04, 2014, 06:26:20 PM »

The Flood / Re: Post beautiful guns
« on: November 04, 2014, 06:24:48 PM »

The Flood / Re: Post beautiful guns
« on: November 04, 2014, 06:23:58 PM »

The Flood / Re: Post beautiful guns
« on: November 04, 2014, 06:23:43 PM »

The Flood / Re: Did you vote today?
« on: November 04, 2014, 06:20:46 PM »
Well well.

When it comes down to it, after all the talk of equality and wanting to change your country for the better, almost nobody votes.

To those that did vote: Thank you. You're true Americans, whoever it is you voted for. You understand and appreciate democracy and freedom.
Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to publicly announce the one and only time I'll agree with Challenger on something

OT: Libertarians. Tired of Dems and Repubs? Then vote for another party. More people do then the higher chance of actual change. Libertarians provide sensible social progression while maintaining a strong conservative economy

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