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Messages - Kinder Graham

Pages: 1 ... 101112 1314 ... 243
The Flood / Re: Anybody fancy writing an essay for me?
« on: January 08, 2015, 04:17:45 PM »
Why bother being serious all the time?
So you weren't serious when you accused us of damage control?

Well, that's good to know. At least we now know who was really damage-controlling.
I was being serious then, but saying outlandish statements like you use the euro or nobody cares about a certain individual is indicative of trying get a response

Considering the UNSC's plan failed with the rise of a new Covenant, I'd expect them to give them as much aid as they possibly can dish out along with using the Infinity to help in important battles to help the Arbiter win

The Flood / Re: Anybody fancy writing an essay for me?
« on: January 08, 2015, 04:13:10 PM »
constitution is a piece of paper that still exists. the guy is just dirt now
>as if the same doesn't hold for Humean ideas

You ought to think things through before you speak.
>as if i was being serious

Why bother being serious all the time?

The Flood / Re: Do you ever forget to eat sometimes
« on: January 08, 2015, 04:11:45 PM »
I was never taught how to eat
dug will teach you


The Flood / Re: Anybody fancy writing an essay for me?
« on: January 08, 2015, 04:05:20 PM »
>caring what some old dead guy thinks
Okay then, I'll just sit here and wait for you to repudiate the Constitution of America. . .

Go ahead.
constitution is a piece of paper that still exists. the guy is just dirt now

The Flood / Re: Anybody fancy writing an essay for me?
« on: January 08, 2015, 04:02:16 PM »
Not my fault many of you are so gullible
You can't blame us for assuming you genuinely think we use euros here.
Actually, you can. Everybody knows that you Brits love using the pound and while being part of the EU, are against conforming to the rest of Europe, such as adopting a universal currency

The reason we use the pound is because the Euro is just... fucking terrible.
The reason is because you never signed ERMII to become part of the Euro Zone

I doubt we'll be staying in the EU at this rate.

The Flood / Re: Anybody fancy writing an essay for me?
« on: January 08, 2015, 04:01:00 PM »
ITT: Kinder damage control
ITT: Everybody damage controlling because they got trolled
David Hume would probably disagree with you there.
>caring what some old dead guy thinks

The Flood / Re: Anybody fancy writing an essay for me?
« on: January 08, 2015, 03:57:34 PM »
Not my fault many of you are so gullible
You can't blame us for assuming you genuinely think we use euros here.
Actually, you can. Everybody knows that you Brits love using the pound and while being part of the EU, are against conforming to the rest of Europe, such as adopting a universal currency

The reason we use the pound is because the Euro is just... fucking terrible.
The reason is because you never signed ERMII to become part of the Euro Zone

The Flood / Re: Anybody fancy writing an essay for me?
« on: January 08, 2015, 03:54:25 PM »
ITT: Kinder damage control
ITT: Everybody damage controlling because they got trolled

The Flood / Re: Anybody fancy writing an essay for me?
« on: January 08, 2015, 03:54:02 PM »
Not my fault many of you are so gullible
You can't blame us for assuming you genuinely think we use euros here.
Actually, you can. Everybody knows that you Brits love using the pound and while being part of the EU, are against conforming to the rest of Europe, such as adopting a universal currency

The Flood / Re: Anybody fancy writing an essay for me?
« on: January 08, 2015, 03:52:27 PM »
Yeah, you're totes legit mad
He isn't mad, he's just surprised you haven't got any better at damage-control.
He is mad because and you all fell for an obvious troll. Not my fault many of you are so gullible
You're getting screencapped this time.

Holy shit you're really mad. You're seriously too damn easy to troll

Serious / Re: Protest organizer critical of lethal force does a 180
« on: January 08, 2015, 03:48:39 PM »

Oh man this thread.
No trolling in serious pls
Then take your one sided biased thread to The Flood where it belongs.
Lol, you're mad
Why on Earth would anything going on here make me mad?
Because you're acting all pissy
Not at all.

Your thread is just incredibly one sided, biased, and doesn't encourage discussion of any kind.
Yeah, you are assmad

It's not one-sided as you claim. Guy makes statements and holds a position, guy looks at what the other side has to say, guy gets informed, guy changes how he thinks. Continue to stay a piss mad squirt

The Flood / Re: Anybody fancy writing an essay for me?
« on: January 08, 2015, 03:46:54 PM »
>10 euros

This has to be a joke.
>damage controlling this hard

Not my fault you feel for it so easily

Continue your damage control for falling for it

Still trying to control your ease of being trolled?

The Flood / Re: Anybody fancy writing an essay for me?
« on: January 08, 2015, 03:46:09 PM »
Yeah, you're totes legit mad
He isn't mad, he's just surprised you haven't got any better at damage-control.
He is mad because and you all fell for an obvious troll. Not my fault many of you are so gullible 

The Flood / Re: Anybody fancy writing an essay for me?
« on: January 08, 2015, 03:44:06 PM »
>10 euros

This has to be a joke.

>damage controlling this hard

Not my fault you fell for it so easily

Continue your damage control for falling for it

The Flood / Re: Anybody fancy writing an essay for me?
« on: January 08, 2015, 03:43:16 PM »
>10 euros
>writing an essay i have no idea what the subject is on

Mate, you're looking at $40
Pounds you dip.

>calling me out for damage control when you feel for a pretty easy troll

If anybody is doing damage control, it's you. So continue to stay mad



Oh god. Please stop, my stomach hurts. I can't laugh this hard right now.
Yeah, you're totes legit mad

The Flood / Re: Anybody fancy writing an essay for me?
« on: January 08, 2015, 03:41:06 PM »
>10 euros
>writing an essay i have no idea what the subject is on

Mate, you're looking at $40
Pounds you dip.

>calling me out for damage control when you fell for a pretty easy troll

If anybody is doing damage control, it's you. So continue to stay mad

Serious / Re: Protest organizer critical of lethal force does a 180
« on: January 08, 2015, 03:39:27 PM »

Oh man this thread.
No trolling in serious pls
Then take your one sided biased thread to The Flood where it belongs.
Lol, you're mad
Why on Earth would anything going on here make me mad?
Because you're acting all pissy

The Flood / Re: Anybody fancy writing an essay for me?
« on: January 08, 2015, 03:38:57 PM »
>10 euros
>writing an essay i have no idea what the subject is on

Mate, you're looking at $40
Pounds you dip.

Serious / Re: Protest organizer critical of lethal force does a 180
« on: January 08, 2015, 03:37:57 PM »

Oh man this thread.
No trolling in serious pls
Then take your one sided biased thread to The Flood where it belongs.
Lol, you're mad

Serious / Re: Protest organizer critical of lethal force does a 180
« on: January 08, 2015, 03:36:37 PM »

Oh man this thread.
No trolling in serious pls

The Flood / Re: I have a weeb predicament
« on: January 08, 2015, 03:36:17 PM »
Call your closest Church and tell them you need God's salvation

The Flood / Re: Food you make when you're broke
« on: January 08, 2015, 03:35:18 PM »
Corned beef

Having Filipino friends is great

The Flood / Re: Anybody fancy writing an essay for me?
« on: January 08, 2015, 03:31:11 PM »
>10 euros
>writing an essay i have no idea what the subject is on

Mate, you're looking at $40
The fact that you think I use euros is proof enough for me to consider you too much of a fucking retard to write the introduction, let alone the entire thing, for any amount of money.

>your head

Serious / Protest organizer critical of lethal force does a 180
« on: January 08, 2015, 03:24:16 PM »

In December of last year, Phoenix police shot and killed a suspected drug dealer who was also black. The police had given this statement as to the reason the use of deadly forced was initiated:

The officer gave the suspect several commands to get on the ground but he refused to comply, yelling profanities at the officer, according to witnesses. A struggle ensured.

During the struggle, Brisbon put his left hand in his pocket and the officer grabbed onto the suspect’s hand, while repeatedly telling the suspect to keep his hand in his pocket, Crump said.

According to the police report, the officer believed he felt the handle of a gun while holding the suspect’s hand in his pocket.

A woman who was inside one of the apartments opened the door, which caused the suspect and the officer to stumble into the interior of the apartment, Crump said.

The officer wasn’t able to keep his grip on the suspect’s hand during the struggle and fearing Brisbon had a gun in his pocket, the officer fired two rounds, striking Brisbon in the upper part of his body, Crump said.

Despite this being more than reasonable to open fire, people still become very critical of the officer and department in a situation with a violent criminal. In response, a self-proclaimed progressive Baptist preacher, civil rights campaigner,  and radical political activist Rev. Jarrett Maupin made a march onto Phoenix police headquarters

A month later, the same Reverend accepted an offer to participate in force-on-force training scenarios hosted by the Phoenix police department. In the video from a local news agency, you can see how quick somebody against use of force is so easily able to use force when they feel threatened

This not only shows public ignorance of what police go through but they would do exactly what law enforcement does when placed in same or similar scenarios


The Flood / Re: Anybody fancy writing an essay for me?
« on: January 08, 2015, 03:04:28 PM »
>10 euros
>writing an essay i have no idea what the subject is on

Mate, you're looking at $40

Why do I have the sense that loud speaking is inherently a European trait?
Have you never interacted with black people ever?
What are black people?

The Flood / Re: Thank you Psy for your Travel Guide to London
« on: January 08, 2015, 01:25:03 PM »
We don't want you here.
>implying i would ever step in that shit hole

Thank you Psy for your Travel Guide to London
Why make a thread about a 'travel guide'?
Because he made a thread about it yesterday in a fashion of a parody and decided to make the next installment on how to act like a proper brit

« on: January 08, 2015, 01:23:24 PM »

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