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Messages - Kinder Graham

Pages: 1 ... 104105106 107108 ... 243
Serious / Re: Senate Prepares for Battle with EPA
« on: November 09, 2014, 09:17:42 PM »
The EPA is hell-bent on destroying the economy and creating another economic decline

The Flood / Re: Stupid mods locked my thread
« on: November 09, 2014, 07:36:48 PM »

Serious / Re: Republicans own the House, Senate, and governorship.
« on: November 09, 2014, 07:34:46 PM »
I'm not surprised

People just got hyped with the Democrats because Obama is half black. Now that he has only two years and much of his promises he never kept, it's like people waking up from a long night of drinking and thinking "ugh, shouldn't have done that"
Perhaps. His supporters have dwindled, no doubt about that. Granted that's normal with all presidencies. But I can see people are willing to let the republicans handle things, especially locally with the governors.
Seeing as how Obama's average approval rating is the lowest since Carter, people are simply fed up with him and his redundant policies

Serious / Re: What happened to the UN?
« on: November 09, 2014, 06:58:07 PM »
Nothing happened to it

It has always been shit

The Flood / Re: Gasai's secret is out.
« on: November 09, 2014, 06:57:17 PM »
Do all weebs chat the same way?

The Flood / Re: what's for dinner?
« on: November 09, 2014, 06:56:27 PM »
I had the sand nigger special.
humus and pita bread w/goat?

The Flood / Re: what's for dinner?
« on: November 09, 2014, 06:55:06 PM »
McDonald's just like every night :(

does gasai give you a discount? That nagger

Serious / Re: You're made Supreme Dictator for the day
« on: November 09, 2014, 06:53:45 PM »
-Legalize gambling and allow laces like Vegas to pop up
-Legalize pot and treat it like tobacco and alcohol
-Decrease taxes for upper class
-Creation of economic zones that includes tax reductions, no taxes, and subsidiaries
-End embargo/restrictions on Cuba, Norinco, Kalashnikov Concern, and a few other countries/businesses

-End Common Core and give state and local government educational oversight
-End ObamaCare and in place create a civilian version of military healthcare (including government insurance) for lower class people
-Reduction of federal government and termination of certain areas, which can be transferred over to states
-Federal law elimination all laws against banning gay marriage, but allow churches and other religious institutions to deny gay marriages
-Elimination of NSA and government spying on people that violate 4th Amendment

Foreign Policy
-Begin the transition of leaving the UN
-Reduction of overseas military bases, mainly in Europe and instead focus on a military model similar to the Swiss
-Limit ties with Israel and label them as offenders of human rights
-Reduction of economic aid to other countries
-Stay out of issues of other nations unless directly effecting America

The Flood / Re: what's for dinner?
« on: November 09, 2014, 06:27:24 PM »
It's past midnight.
Perfect time to eat!

The Flood / what's for dinner?
« on: November 09, 2014, 06:23:56 PM »
Had some Japanese hibachi. I can feel the weeb flowing through me

Gaming / Re: More Halo 5 leaks
« on: November 09, 2014, 06:20:13 PM »
Wait, was that the grenade launcher? Would be awesome for it to return

Seems like just weapons that normally scope in have a more mainstream feel to it now. Which is nothing bad, actually prefer it this way as it gives a more better field of vision

The Flood / Re: What do you think I look like?
« on: November 09, 2014, 04:22:11 PM »
A tomboy nerd with a passion for games, literature, manga, anime, and movies.

Serious / Re: Republicans own the House, Senate, and governorship.
« on: November 09, 2014, 04:21:02 PM »
I'm not surprised

People just got hyped with the Democrats because Obama is half black. Now that he has only two years and much of his promises he never kept, it's like people waking up from a long night of drinking and thinking "ugh, shouldn't have done that"

Gaming / Re: 343 Had officially destroyed Halo
« on: November 09, 2014, 04:05:50 PM »
Hey, what if ADS is only for weapons like BR and sniper?!


ADS has been in Halo, just not the way people know it as

Serious / Re: How to save the Republicans
« on: November 09, 2014, 03:42:53 PM »
the unlawful[/u] premeditated killing of one human being by another.

So then if the death penalty isn't murder then neither is abortion since it's legal. Just like the death penalty abortion is also the legal killing of a human.
Funny enough, the theater in Aurora was the ONLY theater that banned guns so it was the effect of gun control, through gun-free zones, that led to people dying.
Do you really think if somebody had a gun they would have stopped the guy from killing? You're in a dark crowed movie theater with people all around you. Do you really think you can safely get a clean shot on this guy with people panicking all around you?
Sandy Hook
What part of Constitutional right did you miss?
Which was writing back in the 1700's. Times change my freind and so does the tech with it. Back then guns were far different than what they are today. If you want to have a shooting like that school or movie theater you will need more than one gun.   
Gun ownership is a right; driving a car/having a driver's licenses isn't.
Like I said how isn't it any different though besides guns being listed in the constitution? With your drivers license if you do something you can loose the privilege of having it. If you have a condition that prevents you from getting one. That is also the same with a gun. If you have a certain charge you loose the "right" to own and buy one. The same goes for your condition as well. So how is gun ownership not the same when it's setup the same as your drivers license? They are both privileges.
But totally ignore that to buy a gun, you still have to fill out paperwork. All the 2A does if GUARANTEE a person can own a gun
It could still be done better. Every year you should be required to do a free background check to make sure you're still sane enough to own one,
When was the last time you heard of a person selling guns at a yard sale?
The town near me has local yard sales days. There's a house that sells guns. It may not be common, but it still happens.
A person buying 100+ rounds online is no indication of something bad, as people like to keep ammo around in case of an emergency.
True buying that much ammo online doesn't mean you have the intent to, but it still doesn't change there isn't somebody that does. For myself I feel that the amount of ammo you are ale to buy online should be regulated. If you want to go over the amount then you have to go to a place that sells it. You do some type of background check and if you pass then you are able to buy to your hearts content. If the store doesn't have the amount you need then it orders it online for you which ships to your house. If you can't make it to the store then you call them up to make the order.
What's funny is that alcohol and tobacco kill more people annually yet nobody questions a person buying cases of wine online.
Except that case of wine isn't made for killing things.
Depends on what state you live in and the laws regulating the trimesters

Well let's see, the fact all other theaters allowed weapons deterred the dude from targeting those theaters out of fear and possibility a movie goer would be armed. Notice how these killers don't shoot up gun shows: Because people are armed there.

The 1A 4A was written back in the 1700s also and there were no computers, emails, cell phones, phones, etc. Does that mean they don't follow under those rights? Interestingly, guns back then were not so different. There existed was a gun that was the predecessor to the gatling gun, along with a rifle that held 21 rounds that many founding fathers and Americans owned at the time

lolno. A drivers license is a privilege. Gun ownership is a right. Of course you will loose gun ownership if you break certain laws, but the fact gun ownership is explicitly defined in the Constitution means regulating that is no different than regulating speech or regulating who can vote or what counts as probable cause

It's done perfectly. You fill out a form, it goes to the state police, and they run a check. If anything comes up then it's a no go. It's simple, easy, and doesn't require a doctorate to do. One of the very few things the government knows how to efficiently do something. Think that over for a second, what's stopping California from making a person not "sane" to have something minor as ADD or a one-time incident of minor depression? Establish a regulation like that and ignorant states will basically ban gun ownership because of stringent definitions and regulations, much like the idiotic AWB

And when was the last time a person bought a gun from them and committed a crime?

This spark of irrational and unfounded fear is the VERY reason the NSA and government spying programs still exist and passed in the first place. Might as well just force everybody into bouncy rooms with padded clothing because regulating ammunition only stops the good people from buying. Criminals don't care about laws if you have not noticed. All these regulations accomplish is the effect of a matrix that gives the impression everything is better when reality is that it isn't

Except wine kills more people annually. If you're going to suggest annual checks for gun purchases, then establish checks for people who buy alcohol. On top of that, drunk drivers kill people also; the purpose of alcohol IS to distort a person's perception. Why do you think people buy it?

Gaming / More AC Unity in modern setting
« on: November 09, 2014, 03:13:35 PM »
Skip to about 1:20 and you will see different selections with various characters and titles. This is apparently called the Helix and is explained later on in the video being some database kept by Abstergo. Here, you are able to play through mini-levels (first one being played in the video) but look through the list, and you will see one called "Jazz Age Junkies" and assassin wearing a suit typical with early 20th century attire

So on top of the WWII DLC and these various mini-levels, this Assassins Creed seems to be one of the best and most in-depth of the serious with a lot of time and detail placed into it

Serious / Re: How to save the Republicans
« on: November 09, 2014, 02:45:56 PM »
If Slash would have posted something from limbaugh then you'd discredit the fuck out of it
Same with you also. You cry MUH BIAS yet defend people who post biased shit or do so yourself

Serious / Re: How to save the Republicans
« on: November 09, 2014, 02:42:06 PM »
If the Republicans fix their stance on social issues they'd be golden. Until they stop being backward I'll be voting Democrat
A conservative controlled economy is the best economy
My sources prove you wrong. Saying something with absolutely no backing evidence is a great way for me to not take you seriously.
One of your "sources" is a opinion piece from 2010. The other is very left-wing. You've proved nothing. If Slash would have posted something from limbaugh then you'd discredit the fuck out of it

The Flood / Re: Forum game! How many times have you been reported?!
« on: November 09, 2014, 01:41:47 PM »

Serious / Re: How to save the Republicans
« on: November 09, 2014, 01:40:15 PM »
I'm 95% against the death penalty. I only support it in the most heinous crimes when it can be proven without unreasonable doubt the person is guilty
But yet it's still a form of murder. Heinous crimes or not you're still supporting the action of talking this persons life which is something they did to somebody else. It's funny that you say abortion is murder, but you're supporting the killing of someone.
Against gun control.
Why? What good comes out of criminals being able to walk into a gun shop and being able to get a gun? What harm is there in having better background checks to  help prevent another movie threat shooting? It's funny that you're against abortion, but yet when it comes to something to help prevent criminals or insane people from killing innocent people you're against it.
That's a Constitutional right.
Why should owning a gun be any different than a driver license? Should owning that be a right as well?
tempering with it will lead to bad things
How would something like making it illegal to sell guns at yard sales or better background checks lead to bad things? Wouldn't you say someone that orders hundreds of rounds online that isn't part of a gun range may lead to something bad?

the unlawful[/u] premeditated killing of one human being by another.

Care to read the bold underlined word for me there chap? It says unlawful. There's a major difference between a fetus and a convicted mass killer: One is an innocent life. The death penalty is sure most way to ensure a person without unreasonable doubt of committing mass killing can't escape and continue (because it has happened before)

Huh, tell me where I said I'm against background checks? Hint: I didn't. I'm opposed of gun control, as in more. We currently have gun laws on the books so it's the presumption those are grandfathered in, while against the creation of new laws. Funny enough, the theater in Aurora was the ONLY theater that banned guns so it was the effect of gun control, through gun-free zones, that led to people dying. Same with Forth Hood, Sandy Hook, Columbine, VA Tech: All gun-free zones (yes, even military bases. Clinton signed a law making only MPs to have ammo with their duty weapons, no body else)

What part of Constitutional right did you miss? Gun ownership is a right; driving a car/having a driver's licenses isn't. But totally ignore that to buy a gun, you still have to fill out paperwork. All the 2A does if GUARANTEE a person can own a gun

When was the last time you heard of a person selling guns at a yard sale? 99% of the time, private transactions are done between family and close friends, people the seller feels comfortable with and knows who are not felons. How can a person be part of a gun range? People go to the woods and do some target practice there. A person buying 100+ rounds online is no indication of something bad, as people like to keep ammo around in case of an emergency. What's funny is that alcohol and tobacco kill more people annually yet nobody questions a person buying cases of wine online

Serious / Re: How to save the Republicans
« on: November 09, 2014, 01:19:04 PM »
Scientists agree that human life starts as the zygote. Funny how we care what scientists have to say on climate control and other things, but when it comes to life it's totally disregarded
I think you're confused. We know that it's human. It's certainly not an elephant or giraffe. The debate isn't over whether they're human cells, but if those cells are deserving of the rights of legal personhood.
A human is a human. Trying to justify what counts as a human is no different than 2 centuries ago when the same argument was made against blacks by not being human, or sub human species
So if killing a fetus is murder, is a miscarriage manslaughter? Obviously the mother didn't mean to kill it, but it's still dead.
Do you even know what manslaughter is? Manslaughter is murder, but a less severe form of it that carries a lighter penalty. Two forms exist: Voluntary and involuntary

If the abortion was natural, then it's neither murder/manslaughter. However, the only way a miscarriage can be constituted as manslaughter is if the mother was drinking or smoking, which would classified as involuntary manslaughter but voluntary if it can be proved she intended to induce a miscarriage purposely through the means of drinking or smoking

Serious / Re: How to save the Republicans
« on: November 09, 2014, 01:12:15 PM »
Scientists agree that human life starts as the zygote. Funny how we care what scientists have to say on climate control and other things, but when it comes to life it's totally disregarded
I think you're confused. We know that it's human. It's certainly not an elephant or giraffe. The debate isn't over whether they're human cells, but if those cells are deserving of the rights of legal personhood.
A human is a human. Trying to justify what counts as a human is no different than 2 centuries ago when the same argument was made against blacks by not being human, or sub human species

Serious / Re: How to save the Republicans
« on: November 09, 2014, 01:10:50 PM »
Scientists agree that human life starts as the zygote. Funny how we care what scientists have to say on climate control and other things, but when it comes to life it's totally disregarded
There's nothing inherently wrong with ending an innocent life, though.
So a parent can kill their 3 month old child, despite it being heavily dependent on the mother as it was as a fetus?

Serious / Re: How to save the Republicans
« on: November 09, 2014, 01:01:05 PM »
1. So legalize murder? lolk
How's it murder and what's your opinion on the death penalty and gun control?
Scientists agree that human life starts as the zygote. Funny how we care what scientists have to say on climate control and other things, but when it comes to life it's totally disregarded

I'm 95% against the death penalty. I only support it in the most heinous crimes when it can be proven without unreasonable doubt the person is guilty

Against gun control. That's a Constitutional right people play with and any more tempering with it will lead to bad things

The Flood / Re: Fuck ISPs, Fuck Plusnet and Fuck BT.
« on: November 09, 2014, 12:44:48 PM »
glorious social-


*le lenny face*

Serious / Re: Unlike Americans, Brits think taxation is a moral duty
« on: November 09, 2014, 12:44:09 PM »
And I prefer the American way. In more depth, I think you should only have to pay on what you consume and instead of taxes, you get a bill telling how much you owe; much like how a person that doesn't use much water gets a cheaper water bill than somebody else

Of course, some things will be base lined as roads and military, since everybody relies on those

Serious / Re: So, I had lunch with a murderer ._.
« on: November 09, 2014, 12:23:05 PM »
Kinder, why does everyone you know seem to become a murderer?
It's okay. In about two weeks' time, you'll all "know" a murderer :)
pics or gtfo

The Flood / Re: Fuck my place of work
« on: November 09, 2014, 12:22:28 PM »
People that try to buy cigarettes with their food stamps.

Fuck those people
Ar-.......Are you joking? Tobacco isn't food

The Flood / Re: Omg
« on: November 09, 2014, 12:21:36 PM »
Is Tru half of today? Or is that Trusday?

Serious / Re: How to save the Republicans
« on: November 09, 2014, 12:20:22 PM »
>thinking the Republicans are somehow blatantly anti-science. Fucking lol.

They support science, outside of NASA and experiments to promote military growth? News to me.

You do realize reposting the same article doesn't strengthen your argument?
Just providing the facts

But nice enough to miss this very big piece from where you originally quoted me

"ignore the fact the Democrats and left are fearful nuclear power, genetic modification, and industrial and agricultural chemistry. Don't forget twice as many Democrats believe in astrology than Republicans"

Both parties have their faults, but acting like the Republicans are very anti-science doesn't help you in any way

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