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Messages - Kinder Graham

Pages: 1 ... 979899 100101 ... 243
Option C, the judiciary?
Statutory law>Common law

We took your legal system and fined tuned it. Under common law, new laws are passed based on court precedence where as statutory is passed by government agencies to meet the needs of the citizens, to resolve outstanding issues, and to formalize an existing law.

I believe also under common, a person can be tried if something is later made illegal (example, person get caught smoking pot in 200. In 2005 pot is illegal and the government charges the person 5 years prior )

Flee would give a better representation of the differences than I could

Serious / Re: >Guys, the government did something we don't like!!!
« on: November 17, 2014, 04:40:53 PM »
No justice?

So it would be justice to indict a man that was found to not have probable cause in conducting a criminal act?

We were discussing this heavily today and in my criminal law class and my professor pointed out that the general public has no concept as to what the legal system entails, especially when it comes to grand juries; and he's spot on right. Grand jury is a probable cause hearing and if the jury doesn't indict then that means the officer did nothing wrong. That right there is justice

But I forgot, this is Al Sharpton's herd of sheep and only care for their own sick, twisted form of "justice"

The Flood / Re: "Essay" on Rome: Rise, Height. Fall
« on: November 17, 2014, 03:34:32 PM »
Using MLA style, this comes out to 7 pages roughly
You serious? That's a page and a half at most.

12pt font
Times New Roman
1in margin

Follow MLA and it comes out to slightly less than 7 pages. Of course I excluded citations and the work cited page in the OP


You've never heard of MLA

The Flood / Re: "Essay" on Rome: Rise, Height. Fall
« on: November 17, 2014, 03:34:06 PM »
Decent, but I've seen better.

I'd give it a solid B+
Would it sound better knowing I did this the night before it was due?

The Flood / Re: "Essay" on Rome: Rise, Height. Fall
« on: November 17, 2014, 09:44:25 AM »
Well there was no page minimum. I'm just rather thorough with my details and got to 7 pages. Could have easily submitted a 2 page paper. Besides, you're in law school correct? You have a higher expectation when turning in assignments; I'm just attending a 2-year community college so really, a big difference.

Here's a PDF of it to view

Huh, that must have been a typo on my account. Had to redo my last paragraph as for some reason it didn't save and had like 10 minutes before turning it in and B.S'ed that part
Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not holding people to the same standard. I just have a few American friends that have complained to me about 20-30 page papers. Not sure if they all use MLA, but knowing that 1 MLA page equals 5 of mine does put that in a different light. My last paper was 62 pages, Times New Roman 12 with no space between lines. That'd be around 350, had I used the MLA format.

Anyways, good paper regardless. Very brief and concise, but I assume that was the entire point. I studied Latin and the Roman Culture for 7 years and didn't see anything incorrect. Nicely done.

Are you planning on studying something else after community college?
Well damn (._.) that there will probably answer your question lol. Nah, not planning to attend a 4 year university afterwards. I just want to actually get out in the world and start a living and not have to be restricted to school. I'm going to be a cop so I'm pretty much well qualified by having a degree. If I ever wanted to get promoted to a supervisor then I would go back to school but that's really not the reason I wanna do police work. I want to be out on the streets, not behind a desk and would be perfectly happy retiring as a street cop

Although I may think about getting a teaching degree and become a high school history teacher if I ever retire early, but don't know.

The Flood / Re: What does the black say?
« on: November 17, 2014, 09:18:27 AM »

Serious / Re: How much of politics is ideology and how much is...
« on: November 17, 2014, 09:17:53 AM »
I'm in a generous mood. 35% is all talk

The Flood / Re: "Essay" on Rome: Rise, Height. Fall
« on: November 17, 2014, 09:14:29 AM »

12pt font
Times New Roman
1in margin

Follow MLA and it comes out to slightly less than 7 pages. Of course I excluded citations and the work cited page in the OP
I just lost a tremendous amount of respect for American students boasting about high page count for their papers. That's retarded.

Also, Constantinople fell in the 15th century, not 16th.
Well there was no page minimum. I'm just rather thorough with my details and got to 7 pages. Could have easily submitted a 2 page paper. Besides, you're in law school correct? You have a higher expectation when turning in assignments; I'm just attending a 2-year community college so really, a big difference.

Here's a PDF of it to view

Huh, that must have been a typo on my account. Had to redo my last paragraph as for some reason it didn't save and had like 10 minutes before turning it in and B.S'ed that part

The Flood / Re: What classes are you taking next semester?
« on: November 17, 2014, 09:04:28 AM »
-Earth Science (Lecture)
-Earth Science (Lab)
-World History II
-Public Speaking
-Criminal Law and Evidence II

The Flood / Chick gets ear literally punched off (NSFW video)
« on: November 17, 2014, 09:01:41 AM »
Again, video is NSFW. Blood and shit

Final warning

Holy fucking shit that's nasty lol

The Flood / Re: "Essay" on Rome: Rise, Height. Fall
« on: November 17, 2014, 08:58:53 AM »
Using MLA style, this comes out to 7 pages roughly
You serious? That's a page and a half at most.

12pt font
Times New Roman
1in margin

Follow MLA and it comes out to slightly less than 7 pages. Of course I excluded citations and the work cited page in the OP

The Flood / Re: ITT: usernames for le Dustin-chan
« on: November 17, 2014, 08:46:55 AM »
Dustin Squarepants

The Flood / "Essay" on Rome: Rise, Height. Fall
« on: November 17, 2014, 08:45:32 AM »
Finished my history "essay" the other day and got a 98/100. So figured I shared it here. Using MLA style, this comes out to 7 pages roughly


     From the shores of Normandy in the west to the deserts of Baghdad in the East, the Roman civilization managed to flourish  from settlement of simple shepherds in the Italian peninsula into one, if not the, most powerful and sophisticated international and intercontinental powers the world has come to see. The history of Rome is divided into three political eras including the Monarchy, Republic, and Empire; but the religious culture and political atmosphere of Rome, specifically depriving from the Empirical era, continued to flourish in refuge in the east. After the split of the Roman Empire, the Eastern half, commonly known as Byzantine, carried the politics of the Western half through the structure of government, Christian religion, and the reigns of Emperor descending from the last Western Emperor who transitioned into the capital at the Byzantine capital of Constantinople.

     The rise of Ancient Rome is characterized mainly by military conquest and territorial expansion, which effectively lasted from 390 B.C-146 B.C. in 390 B.C the city, and capital, of Rome came under siege by Gaul warriors and effectively devastated the area, including burning down much of the city . Despite this unfortunate occurrence, the early Roman Republic managed
to pick themselves up as the war hero, Camillus, managed to take total decisive hold of the Italian peninsula at around 264 B.C.  In the same year the conquest of Italy was completed Rome had turned it's might to the Carthaginian Empire in the Mediterranean and North Africa to the South and Iberia to the West, known as the Punic Wars. There wars lasted from 264 B.C-146 B.C and saw Rome become the dominant force in Europe and western half of the known world. In the First and Second Punic Wars the Carthage Empire conceived major territorial defeats with capture of Sicily and Iberia by the Roman war machine. In the Third Punic War, after Hannibal was defeated outside the Roman capital, the Republic retaliated with an invasion into the Carthaginian Empire and ended the rule of this power and subjected it to integration to the greater Roman Republic

     Despite this extent of growth and rise of influence, Ancient Rome managed to find itself in a period of decline marked by political detoration and civil rift. The rapid increase of land and populace proved too much for the fragile political landscape to maintain an effective control and led to strife in the populace as violence raged for attempts of power grab and the economic division between patriarch and plebian accelerated at a rapid rate. It was not until a man named Pompey in 82 B.C, who was a supporter of a general-turned military dictator that managed to conduct offensives against pirates in the Mediterranean and fight against a group called the Mithridates located in Asia.  Foundations for Rome's height was set after Pompey returned to the Republic and formed the First Triumvirate with Marcus Licinius Crassus and the notable individual Gaius Julius Caesar.

     Julius Caesar began his tenure as part of the Triumvirate with governorship of three Gaul provinces in 58 B.C, and set out to conquer the rest of the region for the Roman Republic. Five years later, this union between the three men collapsed as Crassus was killed in combat and Pompey became the sole Consul of Rome. Around 49 B.C and after a string of successful military victories, Caesar crossed the Rubicon into Italy which began a civil conflict and ended in 45 B.C as Caesar came out victorious and made himself Dictator for life, effectively ending the Republic and bringing the transition of the Empire.  Less than a year later however, members of the Senate devoted to the idea of the Republic convened and assassinated Caesar on what is known today as the Ides of March

     After Julius’s assassination by the Senate, Octavian, the nephew and adopted son of the late Caesar, immediately rose to power and created the Second Triumvirate with Consul Marc Antony and ex-Consul Lepidus to hunt down and bring two individuals to justice for their roles in the cold-blooded murder of the former dictator for life, Marcus Junius Brutus and Gaius Cassius. But by 29 B.C, this Second Triumvirate had dissolved and led to bloodshed as Octavian, now known as Augustus Caesar, defeated Antony and Lepidus, leaving Augustus in total control of Rome and in a direct contradiction of the Senate years earlier, the government body of the people had made the decision to crown Augustus the Emperor of Rome.  This major political turn in Roman society saw the effective end of the Republic and the birth of the Empire; Augustus’s policies and reformations ushered in an era of peace known as the Pax Romana (meaning Roman Peace) for over two centuries. In this era, Rome had achieved its apex and consisted over what is estimated at 70 million people.

     Under the Pax Romana (27 B.C-180 A.D) Rome saw tremendous advancements in fields including art, literature, architecture, education, etc. Two of the biggest accomplishments was the extensive system of roads that linked all parts of the Empire together, which effectively increased troop movement and facilitated trade. Aqueducts were the other innovation as it allowed water to be carried over land so it can be delivered to cities not located near a water source and to farms in order to grow crops to keep demand with the all the people that had a demand for food. Concrete was also a major contributing factor as it allowed the creation of the iconic rounded arches and domes that can be found all over Europe to this very day; one of the most notable architectural  accomplishments was the Pantheon in the city of Rome.  Also under the Pax Romana, writing flourished under the aid of figures such as Horace, Virgil, Ovid, and Livy as they produced many literary and poetic masterpieces.

     Even though Rome managed to prosper under the 200 years of relative peace that did not prevent the inevitable decline and collapse like all things that are tangible. Like the early Roman Republic centuries earlier the aging Empire would face the harsh reality they have grown too large to governor effectively. A great deal of aspects contribute to the fall of the Roman/Western half including dependence on recruitment of barbarian tribes into the military, weak and ineffective emperors, the division of Rome into halves by Diocletian, and the rise of Christianity. The religious flow of Ancient Rome was based on Paganism/Greco-Roman gods and goddesses; the spread of the monotheistic religion of Christianity after Jesus’s death challenged the Pagan state religion as Rome. Priests and government officials cited that the spread of Christianity would cause the gods and goddesses to abandon Rome and cause it to collapse, causing a great deal of persecution against the fledgling Christian religion. This would climax under the rule of Emperor Diocletian as the amount of persecutions increased even more. But at the same time, Rome was having trouble of maintaining control over its possessions and so Diocletian also divided the Empire into a Western half and Eastern half, which would be run by another emperor elected by the one in Rome. In order to have military control, the Roman military would resort to the employment of tribal/barbarian warrior and many of which would precede the Franks and Goths who would end up becoming the destruction of the western half

     Although the Roman Empire as known fell, it still was able to flourish as a cultural and political continuation in the east as the Byzantines. Many attempts were made by Byzantine emperors to regain the glory of Rome, but only managed to do so under the rule of Emperor Justinian. Although unable to rise, the Byzantine Empire still managed to survive till the 16th century when Ottoman Turks had finally captured the capital of Constantinople

Serious / Re: "I hate the NSA"
« on: November 17, 2014, 08:34:46 AM »
"Please, just let me watch child terrorist porn while hacking into Target and creating Trojan Horse viruses to install on as many innocent victim's computers as possible."


Serious / Re: Predict the year the human population goes extinct
« on: November 17, 2014, 08:33:55 AM »
*looks at cern*

Serious / Re: Does capitalism reward psychopathic behaviour
« on: November 17, 2014, 08:30:37 AM »
In competition, which is the soul of capitalism, it does pay off not to limit oneself with strict ethics or moral rules.
*takes bite of chicken sandwich*

Sure works perfectly for CFA

The Flood / Re: How would you rank your relative intelligence on Septagon?
« on: November 17, 2014, 08:29:44 AM »
Oh shit, you actually used my name suggestion lol

« on: November 17, 2014, 08:25:40 AM »
Can that bitch just die from a heart attack already
Don't forget she needs a trial, first.
Huh, I didn't know she was under investigation for committing federal and international law. I also didn't know the government can actually give a person a heart attack. Please, tell me more about this new profound wisdom that you some how managed to conjure up 

« on: November 17, 2014, 08:24:09 AM »
Can that bitch just die from a heart attack already? I fucking hate her so damn much; Obama is more sane than that psycho
You sure have a lot of hate in your heart. How come people are unable to disagree with someone without wanting them dead?

I didn't like Bush, but I never wished death upon him.

Grow up.
Max, Max, Max, ya know it's not difficult to realize that from all people, it's hilarious for you to make such an outrageous remark. We all know very well that your biased is probably one of the worst on this entire forum and it comes to no surprise that you would make the same comment as me about some right-winged tea party nut job

Really, if you made the same comment as I did about somebody like Cruz then you would get the same 5 likes from your lift-wing circle jerkers. I'm not an imbecile; I know you're posting style and mindset

« on: November 16, 2014, 09:20:27 PM »
Can that bitch just die from a heart attack already? I fucking hate her so damn much; Obama is more sane than that psycho

The Flood / Re: How would you rank your relative intelligence on Septagon?
« on: November 16, 2014, 09:06:48 PM »
Probably the stupidest.
>says stupidest
>is helping to code the forum

isara pls

The Flood / Re: Post the dopest character and a pic
« on: November 16, 2014, 08:54:17 PM »
Queen Elsa

I wonder how much cum she can hold in that mouth

The Flood / Re: The Reason Focnr Doesn't Post A Lot
« on: November 16, 2014, 08:52:35 PM »
You are not allowed, sir, to post in my thread. Please exit immediately.
Yeah, I really don't give two shits

The Flood / Re: The Reason Focnr Doesn't Post A Lot
« on: November 16, 2014, 08:50:12 PM »
you can't do that, they'll kick you out.
They can try.
Move to my island. There's lots of apples
Any grapes and oranges?

Gaming / Re: Halo 2 Anniversary is a blast.
« on: November 16, 2014, 08:32:59 PM »
It irrates me 343 can make H2A multiplayer perfect then want to make Halo 5 how it is.
AKA You want 343i to make a Halo 2 clone.

Halo 2 Anniversary MP is literally a Halo 2 clone minus the glitches.

This goddamn community is ridiculous. Halo 5's a fucking Arena game that expands upon Halo's MP, but suddenly that's too far (farther than Halo 4 apparently...), especially with the game being over a year out from launch.

Nope, I just don't blindly accept any change as holy and wonderful.
H2A added interactive pieces on the maps and I'm not bothered.  It was a good change.  Sprint, ADS like every other game now a days has (inb4 it's the same zoom but different), 1 hit kill ground pound, etc just aren't good.
But you do blindly adhere to what is tried and true, stagnating progress.

Additionally, you also imply that I am treating the new Halo 5 abilities as holy. Instead, I do not mind them, and think they can work well. However, I do agree with a lot of criticism regarding ground pound.

Also, if you are complaining about an aesthetic animation that has absolutely no effect on gameplay, I pity your lack of judgmental depth.

Well because it worked.  You don't see chess or football radically changing every year to keep people interested

So you're telling me, people do the same plays constantly and all matches play exactly the same?

Gaming / Re: Halo 2 Anniversary is a blast.
« on: November 16, 2014, 08:29:55 PM »
It irrates me 343 can make H2A multiplayer perfect then want to make Halo 5 how it is.
So what you're saying, you want them to repackage a multiplayer you can already play?

Man, what franchise sounds just like that?

That mean you're coming to murica if you ahve to go abroad?
Fuck yeah, baby.
Oh good

Then I can show you all the historic stuff your ancestors used to own in Virginia, like Jamestown and Williamsburg and where they surrendered!

Huh, so this is the asteroid NASA landed on

Serious / Re: Jihadi John injured in airstrike, Cameron wants him alive
« on: November 16, 2014, 03:34:28 PM »
Genuinely surprised that Kinder and Assassin don't support the murder of Jihadi john
I don't support the government, in this case the British, in killing it's own people without at first going through a trial. If the U.S government killed him, it would be different because he isn't an American citizen. If the British government had killed Mr. Al-Awlaki then I wouldn't be upset because he wasn't British, but an American. But seeing as how the government purposely killed Awlaki despite him not currently engaging troops, many of his Constitutional rights were deprived

Serious / Re: Jihadi John injured in airstrike, Cameron wants him alive
« on: November 16, 2014, 03:31:30 PM »
Good move

A person should NEVER be killed or given a sentence without first be given a fair trial. After all, that's western powers decide to invade countries that attack their own citizens, is it not?

He has beheaded at least 5 innocent foreigners in Syria, why the fuck should we give him a fair trial when he didn't offer his victims the same??

Innocent people that were in Syria either volunteering to help or spread awareness about the cruelty that was going. Fuck a fair trial 'Jihadi john' deserves instant death.
So people like Ted Bundy don't deserve fair trials by their native governments? Everybody deserves a fair trial. I don't care who you are or what you're beliefs are, as they don't matter when it comes to a universal human right

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