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Messages - Kinder Graham

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Serious / Re: Obama to Announce Immigration Executive Orders Thursday
« on: November 19, 2014, 02:53:30 PM »
This only teaches illegals that coming here illegally means they will eventually be able to stay
Or, on the other hand, you could liberalise the fucking immigration laws so people aren't overly-tempted to get in illegally.

Just what about this aren't you getting?
Or, we can direct more funds to border security and adopt harsher personalities for those who break federal law

It's no surprise I fucking resent illegals. Half of my family are immigrants and they never had the help and ease like illegals get. It's fucking pathetic and shows the government wants to reward criminal behavior while making it difficult for those who want to come legally to do so

Serious / Re: Obama to Announce Immigration Executive Orders Thursday
« on: November 19, 2014, 02:50:56 PM »
we are not the government of Mexico, Columbia, etc, we are not the nanny of other people
No, but we are morally and legally obligated to act in instances of genocide.
Then work with the foreign government by sending in food, aid, and even military support to establish emergency camps

But our "border" is a fucking joke. Just in the past few weeks, 2 California cops were killed by an illegal who has been deported twice. He managed to get back in the country a 3rd time and the feds have said that if he is ever extradited to them then they would let him return to Mexico and in effect, possibly come back and commit more crimes

On top of that, you have the very possibility of extremists and gang members fitting in with these illegals now, causing a major domestic and criminal issue

Serious / Re: Obama to Announce Immigration Executive Orders Thursday
« on: November 19, 2014, 02:47:41 PM »

You know you could solve all of those problems and still have a fairly liberal immigration policy, right?

We aren't defending open borders.
By what, removing Spanish translations from documents, signs, ads, etc? As much as I would love that, the P.C crowd would scream bloody murder

Effectively you are by allowing everybody who enters illegally to be scott-free. This only teaches illegals that coming here illegally means they will eventually be able to stay

Serious / Re: Obama to Announce Immigration Executive Orders Thursday
« on: November 19, 2014, 02:42:29 PM »
Yeah, not our fucking problem that other countries have issues.

Factually incorrect.
Factually correct

We are not the world police, we are not the government of Mexico, Columbia, etc, we are not the nanny of other people

Serious / Re: Obama to Announce Immigration Executive Orders Thursday
« on: November 19, 2014, 02:41:23 PM »
who most likely have no degrees, can't speak English, and have no special skills equals to economic positive?

I dunno. Let's ask the immigrants from 1910 who likely had no degrees, barely spoke English, and had no special skills.
You mean the same immigrants who wanted to integrate themselves in American society?
You mean the same immigrants who basically forbid any language but English in their homes?
You mean the same immigrants who put heavy importance on education and discipline?
You mean the same America that wasn't burden by economic hardship?
You mean the same America that had the capability to house more immigrants?

Yeah, the 1910s are SOOOOO the same as today

Serious / Re: Obama to Announce Immigration Executive Orders Thursday
« on: November 19, 2014, 02:39:02 PM »
Yes, please let's tell families and children attempting who are waiting in line in a legal manner to "go fuck yourselves" because we now have to deal with people who couldn't wait

Yes please, let's tell American families that they can't get a job now because 10-15 million people deserve far more than them, especially when homelessness and unemployment (over 10%) are out of fucking control. Let's totally add more economic devestation

What part of "Huge drug wars" didn't get across? The mass graves part? Or the overall rampant amount of killing?

The process of "legal immigration" to the United States is fucking ridiculous in the cost, length, and process - to the point where people are desperate to get here that they'll jump the border over the appalling and shitty conditions they face.

Hey, immigrants are necessary for an economy, whether or not you want to accept it. They're more than willing to do some of the shittiest jobs that the typical America would scoff at.
Yeah, not our fucking problem that other countries have issues. Why do you think the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq have been unpopular?

America isn't a damn charity, it isn't a vacation resort, it's a nation with citizens, an economy, and many other things that need to be take account of when discussing immigration. You don't see people getting upset at Mexico putting illegals behind bars, or people bitching that the British government reserves jobs to British citizens or citizens of the EU. But somehow, America just HAS to be different

This isn't about "MUH FEELINGS" it's about realizing our economy can't fucking support more people

Serious / Re: Obama to Announce Immigration Executive Orders Thursday
« on: November 19, 2014, 02:35:23 PM »
Yes, please let's tell families and children attempting who are waiting in line in a legal manner to "go fuck yourselves" because we now have to deal with people who couldn't wait
Icy and I aren't arguing for that, though.

We're saying we should just split the difference, and make immigration fucking simpler.

Also, lol, immigrants are pretty much universally positive for the economy.
You are. That is the end result of allowing these people to stay. U6 unemployment numbers over 10fucking% and CHILD homelessness totals over 2.2 million. How is adding more people, who most likely have no degrees, can't speak English, and have no special skills equals to economic positive? 

Serious / Re: Obama to Announce Immigration Executive Orders Thursday
« on: November 19, 2014, 02:30:20 PM »
Democrats want to pass all these fucking laws yet the current ones are not being enforced effectively
And yet Obama has presided over one of the largest peacetime outflows of people in America's history.
And yet illegal immigration jumps for third year in a row  under Obama

Yes, please. Let us turn away families and children attempting to escape huge drug wars in Central America with next to nothing. A great nation like America should not try and help them.
Yes, please let's tell families and children attempting who are waiting in line in a legal manner to "go fuck yourselves" because we now have to deal with people who couldn't wait

Yes please, let's tell American families that they can't get a job now because 10-15 million people deserve far more than them, especially when homelessness and unemployment (over 10%) are out of fucking control. Let's totally add more economic devestation

Serious / Re: Obama to Announce Immigration Executive Orders Thursday
« on: November 19, 2014, 02:29:11 PM »
Common math shows that less immigrants means less deportation because it's bound to the number of illegal immigrants present. More illegal immigrants means more deportation
That's just not true.

Restrictive immigration laws lead to more deportation. There's no mathematical necessity that deportation should correlate with the presence of illegal immigrants.
It is true

With 100 illegals, you're going to deport about 60 of them. Under 1000 illegals, you're going to deport 600. The deportation size increases because there's more people

Serious / Re: Obama to Announce Immigration Executive Orders Thursday
« on: November 19, 2014, 02:27:45 PM »
Except we are not in a war

Because military operations should be restricted to international conflicts? We absolutely are at war in any meaningful sense of the word.
\Because military operations don't need a $664 billion budget, especially when generals have voiced they don't need any more tanks yet the government keeps buying more

Serious / Re: Obama to Announce Immigration Executive Orders Thursday
« on: November 19, 2014, 02:25:30 PM »
Democrats want to pass all these fucking laws yet the current ones are not being enforced effectively
And yet Obama has presided over one of the largest peacetime outflows of people in America's history.
And yet illegal immigration jumps for third year in a row  under Obama

Common math shows that less immigrants means less deportation because it's bound to the number of illegal immigrants present. More illegal immigrants means more deportation

Serious / Re: Obama to Announce Immigration Executive Orders Thursday
« on: November 19, 2014, 02:22:00 PM »
We can EASILY take budget from the military and NSA and put that towards better supervision and prevention
You'll have to forgive me if I think military and intelligence operations take absolute priority over stopping some illegals coming in.
Except we are not in a war and there is no need to have a budget that reflects that of a nation in war. Intelligence? Oh I forgot, collecting grandma's and uncle joe's personal information helps this nation

Serious / Re: "Guns r bad mmkay"
« on: November 19, 2014, 02:20:18 PM »
I see no problem with guns in the home, although other than a pistol what else do you need?
Explain how a 9mm cartridge can take down an elk or deer?

Hint: Answers starts with ca and end with n't

Serious / Re: Obama to Announce Immigration Executive Orders Thursday
« on: November 19, 2014, 02:19:34 PM »
If you're here illegally then get the fuck out and wait your turn like my grandmother, aunt, and every other legal immigrant has done
Or we could actually improve the immigration system instead of resorting to childish "it isn't fair" rhetoric.

As if the state of Mexican prisons is any sort of reasonable comparison.
How can it be improved when it's not even enforced? Democrats want to pass all these fucking laws yet the current ones are not being enforced effectively

Serious / Re: Obama to Announce Immigration Executive Orders Thursday
« on: November 19, 2014, 02:18:37 PM »
If you're here illegally then get the fuck out and wait your turn like my grandmother, aunt, and every other legal immigrant has done

Great policy. No problems whatsoever with this line of thinking.
As I said, we don't fucking enforce the current laws. Enforce them like Reagan promised (which he didn't) then we wouldn't have this issue. We can EASILY take budget from the military and NSA and put that towards better supervision and prevention

Serious / Re: Obama to Announce Immigration Executive Orders Thursday
« on: November 19, 2014, 02:13:08 PM »
Yet if I crossed into Mexico illegally then I'd be put in prison and most likely be killed inmates

Our immigration is a HUGE joke, mostly because we never fucking enforce it. All this is, is a game of "nah nah bo-bo i stepped acrossed the line, you can't touch me" and it's bullshit. If you're here illegally then get the fuck out and wait your turn like my grandmother, aunt, and every other legal immigrant has done

The Flood / Re: Military Impersonator got arrested at Chili's.
« on: November 19, 2014, 01:29:21 PM »
Except if he wasn't wearing a uniform or said he wasn't actually in the military, people wouldn't have bought him food.

So buying food for someone in the military, who already has s shitton of money, is seen as being respectful and doing a good deed. Buying food for someone else who is not in the military though, is seen as disgusting and wrong. What the fuck kind of society is this? It does not matter what clothes he was wearing, he never stated that he was in the military, he did not even have a name on his uniform according to the OP, so he was not even impersonating a military member. People willingly bought him food because they had thought he was in the military, that is not his fault. Those people are also fucking idiots, because they would not have bought him food if they did not think he was in the military. That is a problem with society. "Fuck everyone else and worship the military...."
Except people in the military don't make a "shitton" of money and only have a decent amount if they live on base. Military families can struggle to make ends meet just on a military pay.

Never said it was disgusting and wrong to not pay for a non-military person's meal. The difference between military and civilian is one has made the consensual decision to put their lives up in order to protect the nation and people. They were not forced, nor do they not know every American and people buying food for military is a sign of thanks for stepping up to defend the nation. That's why people respect the military

You can't possible think that a person who has no knowledge of the military wouldn't even second guess a person in a military uniform, without a name tag. If I, you, or anybody else sees a person wearing a uniform with "police" or "fire department" on it then we would assume they work for those agencies

Wearing a military uniform in effect states he's military, because there is literally no other reason to wear something that you're not part of

The Flood / Re: Military Impersonator got arrested at Chili's.
« on: November 19, 2014, 09:27:39 AM »
And sorry Noelle, but since you came from the chair force, you don't have much room to talk. It might've been "just a job" for you, but you were also in the least labor intensive (and least dangerous) branch of the military. The Air Force also gets the best pay and benefits.

I'd like to see you say what you've said to a Marine and see if you don't get clocked in the face. FYI, Marines have it the hardest AND they get the worst pay/benefits.
You guys seem to have very, very little knowledge of the military. You have no fucking idea what I did in the military. Try calling it the Chair Force all you want, it makes you look ignorant, I had a very labor intensive and demanding job. Also in the military, your primary assigned job, is not your only job.

Every branch works on the same payscale. You are paid by your rank, no matter what branch you are in. Stop trying to act like you know what you are talking about when you clearly do not. The Air Force is just as demanding as any other branch, you have got to be fucking kidding me. There are quite a few office type jobs in the Air Force, and in every other branch, the military does not operate without those. Guess what I did in the military, Nuka? I worked in vehicle maintenance, working on a team to maintain and repair the bases's 700+ vehicle fleet. I also worked in exercises for weeks straight in 100+ degree weather, and I also helped with real world emergencies, such as getting large pumps ready and onto a C-17 to be sent to New York to help clear the water out after Hurricane Sandy. So you can go ahead and stop trying to shit on me and acting like you know anything about what I have done.

I have experience with the military, so you guys think that experience means nothing just because I am actually logical and know that people in the military do not just deserve respect for no reason. Every branch gets paid the same, every branch gets the same benefits. Benefits such as full medical/dental coverage, tuition assistance, housing, food, 30 days of vacation guaranteed annually. Some branches, such as the Navy, have more of an advantage if you are wishing to travel and live by the coast, but that is a perk of that branch, not a benefit.
That's all well and good, but a friend of mine and my dad's was in the Marines went to Afghanistan and saw a shit ton of action. He came home with PTSD because he saw his friends die and killed people himself. He couldn't go to sleep because he kept seeing the face of this kid he saw get blown up.

Don't even try to act like being a mechanic on a base compares to that in any way. That man did a service to our country, Afghanistan, and the world so when you start saying these people shouldn't be respected, I begin to take this personally. Because if the worst you've ever done is work hard in the sun, then shit, it doesn't even compare to what I've been through.

That man only served his country, he did not do a service to Afghanistan and he most certainly did not do the world a service. Just putting that out there.
Protecting Afghani children from murderers isn't a service to Afghanistan? lolk
Well that's what the Taliban was for, protecting their people from America.
Ladies and gentlemen, the results of the group of disgusting pigs that Kiyo is trying to defend

Your're rather ass hurt to see what your precious group does, huh Kiyo? They're even worse than Israel

The Flood / Re: Military Impersonator got arrested at Chili's.
« on: November 19, 2014, 09:26:22 AM »
And sorry Noelle, but since you came from the chair force, you don't have much room to talk. It might've been "just a job" for you, but you were also in the least labor intensive (and least dangerous) branch of the military. The Air Force also gets the best pay and benefits.

I'd like to see you say what you've said to a Marine and see if you don't get clocked in the face. FYI, Marines have it the hardest AND they get the worst pay/benefits.
You guys seem to have very, very little knowledge of the military. You have no fucking idea what I did in the military. Try calling it the Chair Force all you want, it makes you look ignorant, I had a very labor intensive and demanding job. Also in the military, your primary assigned job, is not your only job.

Every branch works on the same payscale. You are paid by your rank, no matter what branch you are in. Stop trying to act like you know what you are talking about when you clearly do not. The Air Force is just as demanding as any other branch, you have got to be fucking kidding me. There are quite a few office type jobs in the Air Force, and in every other branch, the military does not operate without those. Guess what I did in the military, Nuka? I worked in vehicle maintenance, working on a team to maintain and repair the bases's 700+ vehicle fleet. I also worked in exercises for weeks straight in 100+ degree weather, and I also helped with real world emergencies, such as getting large pumps ready and onto a C-17 to be sent to New York to help clear the water out after Hurricane Sandy. So you can go ahead and stop trying to shit on me and acting like you know anything about what I have done.

I have experience with the military, so you guys think that experience means nothing just because I am actually logical and know that people in the military do not just deserve respect for no reason. Every branch gets paid the same, every branch gets the same benefits. Benefits such as full medical/dental coverage, tuition assistance, housing, food, 30 days of vacation guaranteed annually. Some branches, such as the Navy, have more of an advantage if you are wishing to travel and live by the coast, but that is a perk of that branch, not a benefit.
That's all well and good, but a friend of mine and my dad's was in the Marines went to Afghanistan and saw a shit ton of action. He came home with PTSD because he saw his friends die and killed people himself. He couldn't go to sleep because he kept seeing the face of this kid he saw get blown up.

Don't even try to act like being a mechanic on a base compares to that in any way. That man did a service to our country, Afghanistan, and the world so when you start saying these people shouldn't be respected, I begin to take this personally. Because if the worst you've ever done is work hard in the sun, then shit, it doesn't even compare to what I've been through.

That man only served his country, he did not do a service to Afghanistan and he most certainly did not do the world a service. Just putting that out there.
Protecting Afghani children from murderers isn't a service to Afghanistan? lolk
Well that's what the Taliban was for, protecting their people from America.
No, the Mujahideen protected their country from the Soviets. The Taliban are murderers. Throwing acid in the face of children, blowing up schools full of children is protecting Afghanistan's people?
You know challenger, I seriously dislike you but I will say good job for showing Kiyo for how fucking wrong she is ITT

The Flood / Re: Military Impersonator got arrested at Chili's.
« on: November 19, 2014, 09:24:50 AM »
And sorry Noelle, but since you came from the chair force, you don't have much room to talk. It might've been "just a job" for you, but you were also in the least labor intensive (and least dangerous) branch of the military. The Air Force also gets the best pay and benefits.

I'd like to see you say what you've said to a Marine and see if you don't get clocked in the face. FYI, Marines have it the hardest AND they get the worst pay/benefits.
You guys seem to have very, very little knowledge of the military. You have no fucking idea what I did in the military. Try calling it the Chair Force all you want, it makes you look ignorant, I had a very labor intensive and demanding job. Also in the military, your primary assigned job, is not your only job.

Every branch works on the same payscale. You are paid by your rank, no matter what branch you are in. Stop trying to act like you know what you are talking about when you clearly do not. The Air Force is just as demanding as any other branch, you have got to be fucking kidding me. There are quite a few office type jobs in the Air Force, and in every other branch, the military does not operate without those. Guess what I did in the military, Nuka? I worked in vehicle maintenance, working on a team to maintain and repair the bases's 700+ vehicle fleet. I also worked in exercises for weeks straight in 100+ degree weather, and I also helped with real world emergencies, such as getting large pumps ready and onto a C-17 to be sent to New York to help clear the water out after Hurricane Sandy. So you can go ahead and stop trying to shit on me and acting like you know anything about what I have done.

I have experience with the military, so you guys think that experience means nothing just because I am actually logical and know that people in the military do not just deserve respect for no reason. Every branch gets paid the same, every branch gets the same benefits. Benefits such as full medical/dental coverage, tuition assistance, housing, food, 30 days of vacation guaranteed annually. Some branches, such as the Navy, have more of an advantage if you are wishing to travel and live by the coast, but that is a perk of that branch, not a benefit.
That's all well and good, but a friend of mine and my dad's was in the Marines went to Afghanistan and saw a shit ton of action. He came home with PTSD because he saw his friends die and killed people himself. He couldn't go to sleep because he kept seeing the face of this kid he saw get blown up.

Don't even try to act like being a mechanic on a base compares to that in any way. That man did a service to our country, Afghanistan, and the world so when you start saying these people shouldn't be respected, I begin to take this personally. Because if the worst you've ever done is work hard in the sun, then shit, it doesn't even compare to what I've been through.

That man only served his country, he did not do a service to Afghanistan and he most certainly did not do the world a service. Just putting that out there.
Protecting Afghani children from murderers isn't a service to Afghanistan? lolk
Well that's what the Taliban was for, protecting their people from America.
Ladies and gentlemen, the results of the group of disgusting pigs that Kiyo is trying to defend
Read the rules again

The Flood / Re: Military Impersonator got arrested at Chili's.
« on: November 19, 2014, 09:21:19 AM »
And sorry Noelle, but since you came from the chair force, you don't have much room to talk. It might've been "just a job" for you, but you were also in the least labor intensive (and least dangerous) branch of the military. The Air Force also gets the best pay and benefits.

I'd like to see you say what you've said to a Marine and see if you don't get clocked in the face. FYI, Marines have it the hardest AND they get the worst pay/benefits.
You guys seem to have very, very little knowledge of the military. You have no fucking idea what I did in the military. Try calling it the Chair Force all you want, it makes you look ignorant, I had a very labor intensive and demanding job. Also in the military, your primary assigned job, is not your only job.

Every branch works on the same payscale. You are paid by your rank, no matter what branch you are in. Stop trying to act like you know what you are talking about when you clearly do not. The Air Force is just as demanding as any other branch, you have got to be fucking kidding me. There are quite a few office type jobs in the Air Force, and in every other branch, the military does not operate without those. Guess what I did in the military, Nuka? I worked in vehicle maintenance, working on a team to maintain and repair the bases's 700+ vehicle fleet. I also worked in exercises for weeks straight in 100+ degree weather, and I also helped with real world emergencies, such as getting large pumps ready and onto a C-17 to be sent to New York to help clear the water out after Hurricane Sandy. So you can go ahead and stop trying to shit on me and acting like you know anything about what I have done.

I have experience with the military, so you guys think that experience means nothing just because I am actually logical and know that people in the military do not just deserve respect for no reason. Every branch gets paid the same, every branch gets the same benefits. Benefits such as full medical/dental coverage, tuition assistance, housing, food, 30 days of vacation guaranteed annually. Some branches, such as the Navy, have more of an advantage if you are wishing to travel and live by the coast, but that is a perk of that branch, not a benefit.
That's all well and good, but a friend of mine and my dad's was in the Marines went to Afghanistan and saw a shit ton of action. He came home with PTSD because he saw his friends die and killed people himself. He couldn't go to sleep because he kept seeing the face of this kid he saw get blown up.

Don't even try to act like being a mechanic on a base compares to that in any way. That man did a service to our country, Afghanistan, and the world so when you start saying these people shouldn't be respected, I begin to take this personally. Because if the worst you've ever done is work hard in the sun, then shit, it doesn't even compare to what I've been through.

That man only served his country, he did not do a service to Afghanistan and he most certainly did not do the world a service. Just putting that out there.
How do you know he didn't help out Afghans? Oh shit, I forgot you somehow know everything that a person does in their life
Because invading a country then bombing and shooting their people is really "helping" it.
Because Afghanistan was SOOOOO much better under the Taliban, huh? I take it you don't even know that the Taliban would tie people up at sports stadiums, set up machine gun nests, and open fire on those people as a form of punishment. Let's not forget that education was basically outlawed and girls were treated far worse than goats

Yeah, Afghanistan is so much worse after it was freed and a new government was set up and children have the ability to attend school and girls don't have that much fear anymore

The Flood / Re: Military Impersonator got arrested at Chili's.
« on: November 19, 2014, 09:18:46 AM »
And I though America was a "free" country?

I see no harm in this other than taking advantage of morons.
Stolen Valor Act of 2013 makes it a crime for a person to fraudulently claim having received any of a series of particular military decorations with the intention of obtaining money, property, or other tangible benefit from convincing someone that he or she rightfully did receive that award

You're joking right? Haha this keeps getting better and better.
So a person faking a disability or condition to get benefits isn't okay, but a person doing the samething but instead obtaining it via false pretenses of being military is okay?
Apples and oranges. All he did was wear a uniform and people willingly paid for his food, he didn't ask them to.
That is not the same as someone who pretends to have a condition for benefits.
Except if he wasn't wearing a uniform or said he wasn't actually in the military, people wouldn't have bought him food. If a person sees a pregnant women then they'll help her carry groceries or pick something heavy up because they see what she is going through, but if she wasn't pregnant and only pretending then she would get the same reaction from an imposter

The Flood / Re: Military Impersonator got arrested at Chili's.
« on: November 19, 2014, 09:16:21 AM »
And sorry Noelle, but since you came from the chair force, you don't have much room to talk. It might've been "just a job" for you, but you were also in the least labor intensive (and least dangerous) branch of the military. The Air Force also gets the best pay and benefits.

I'd like to see you say what you've said to a Marine and see if you don't get clocked in the face. FYI, Marines have it the hardest AND they get the worst pay/benefits.
You guys seem to have very, very little knowledge of the military. You have no fucking idea what I did in the military. Try calling it the Chair Force all you want, it makes you look ignorant, I had a very labor intensive and demanding job. Also in the military, your primary assigned job, is not your only job.

Every branch works on the same payscale. You are paid by your rank, no matter what branch you are in. Stop trying to act like you know what you are talking about when you clearly do not. The Air Force is just as demanding as any other branch, you have got to be fucking kidding me. There are quite a few office type jobs in the Air Force, and in every other branch, the military does not operate without those. Guess what I did in the military, Nuka? I worked in vehicle maintenance, working on a team to maintain and repair the bases's 700+ vehicle fleet. I also worked in exercises for weeks straight in 100+ degree weather, and I also helped with real world emergencies, such as getting large pumps ready and onto a C-17 to be sent to New York to help clear the water out after Hurricane Sandy. So you can go ahead and stop trying to shit on me and acting like you know anything about what I have done.

I have experience with the military, so you guys think that experience means nothing just because I am actually logical and know that people in the military do not just deserve respect for no reason. Every branch gets paid the same, every branch gets the same benefits. Benefits such as full medical/dental coverage, tuition assistance, housing, food, 30 days of vacation guaranteed annually. Some branches, such as the Navy, have more of an advantage if you are wishing to travel and live by the coast, but that is a perk of that branch, not a benefit.
That's all well and good, but a friend of mine and my dad's was in the Marines went to Afghanistan and saw a shit ton of action. He came home with PTSD because he saw his friends die and killed people himself. He couldn't go to sleep because he kept seeing the face of this kid he saw get blown up.

Don't even try to act like being a mechanic on a base compares to that in any way. That man did a service to our country, Afghanistan, and the world so when you start saying these people shouldn't be respected, I begin to take this personally. Because if the worst you've ever done is work hard in the sun, then shit, it doesn't even compare to what I've been through.

That man only served his country, he did not do a service to Afghanistan and he most certainly did not do the world a service. Just putting that out there.
How do you know he didn't help out Afghans? Oh shit, I forgot you somehow know everything that a person does in their life

The Flood / Re: Military Impersonator got arrested at Chili's.
« on: November 19, 2014, 09:13:33 AM »
And I though America was a "free" country?

I see no harm in this other than taking advantage of morons.
Stolen Valor Act of 2013 makes it a crime for a person to fraudulently claim having received any of a series of particular military decorations with the intention of obtaining money, property, or other tangible benefit from convincing someone that he or she rightfully did receive that award

You're joking right? Haha this keeps getting better and better.
So a person faking a disability or condition to get benefits isn't okay, but a person doing the samething but instead obtaining it via false pretenses of being military is okay?

Serious / Re: My professor says we're drinking blood
« on: November 19, 2014, 09:10:05 AM »
So basically you're saying your shitty attitude is justified because black people can't be racist?
How is holding people accountable for a federal crime a shitty attitude? I'm a third-generation immigrant, I have no remorse for people who cut the line while others have to wait

The Flood / Re: Military Impersonator got arrested at Chili's.
« on: November 19, 2014, 09:07:08 AM »
And I though America was a "free" country?

I see no harm in this other than taking advantage of morons.
Stolen Valor Act of 2013 makes it a crime for a person to fraudulently claim having received any of a series of particular military decorations with the intention of obtaining money, property, or other tangible benefit from convincing someone that he or she rightfully did receive that award

Serious / Re: Give me a good reason to make military impersonation a felony
« on: November 19, 2014, 09:05:16 AM »
It is, but it's not

The Stolen Valor Act of 2013 make it a crime for a person to fraudulently claim having received any of a series of particular military decorations WITH the intention of obtaining money, property, or other tangible benefit from convincing someone that he or she rightfully did receive that award

Gaming / Re: H2A Forge AA Gun tutorial
« on: November 19, 2014, 08:49:12 AM »
Fucking awesome!

I'm forging a base for a friend's gaming group and these will be nice additions, especially that big gun. I need more ideas to forge with and have so far only managed to draw inspiration from Reach forging videos because it's the closest to H2A forge :/

The Flood / Re: So. New York's Snowstorm
« on: November 19, 2014, 08:43:06 AM »
I'll take half of that snow

« on: November 19, 2014, 08:42:08 AM »
There's Christmas ads and it's not even thanksgibing yet!

y u do dis and submit to american consumerism?

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