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Messages - Kinder Graham

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Fucking damn......

Reminds me the days I would fucking school the shit out of blinded Democrats in my government class constantly

Serious / Re: Obama to Announce Immigration Executive Orders Thursday
« on: November 19, 2014, 05:35:45 PM »
I put that because like philosophy, economics is a subjective and differing topic.


Economics is pretty clear cut on some very important issues. I'm not going to deny there's contention, but we pretty much no some incredibly important things that only the maddest of "economists" would deny. I'm not going to claim immigration is one of those incredibly clear-cut things, but there's something almost resembling a consensus view.

Besides, you can't deny that simplifying the immigration system isn't beneficial because it is, by definition, economical to make it more efficient. It's certainly more fucking efficient than building a big fuck-off wall.
You would have to hire people to build the wall. You would also have to hire people to maintain the wall, patrol, etc. So you're actually creating jobs with such a plan that won't be a temporary thing

Serious / Re: Obama to Announce Immigration Executive Orders Thursday
« on: November 19, 2014, 05:33:48 PM »
It actually does show intelligence

Fine. Let me play by your chart, humor you.

Rand Paul, Degree in Medicine: IQ of 111
Meta, Studying Politics and Economics: Average IQ of 120 or 128.

I'll take his opinion over Rand's any day, thank you. Of course, that would imply this chart is accurate in any such form, because as Meta said, Correlation =/= Equation.

The issue is that it isn't enforced

Repeating it doesn't make it true.
But Paul has also studied economics and philosophy himself, making him in the same ballpark as Meta and Psy

Yet here you are, repeating yourself

Serious / Re: Obama to Announce Immigration Executive Orders Thursday
« on: November 19, 2014, 05:30:40 PM »
And yet, Paul has greatly studied Austrian Economics and has read the writings of Objectivist philosopher Ayn Rand. Not only that, but to be a politician and involved with politics, you need to know what the hell you're doing.

Rand Paul is intelligent and knows his shit. Just because a person has a medical degree, doesn't mean they never took courses involving economics or philosophy. Although, I haven't seen any evidence that he did take such courses.
I didn't disagree with any of that, in any form. I'm just saying I, also, have studied politics and economics and my life-defining qualification will also be in that area.

Also, just out of interest, does that mean Obama knows what the hell he's doing?
The First Law of Economists: For every economist, there exists an equal and opposite economist.

The Second Law of Economists: They're both wrong.

I put that because like philosophy, economics is a subjective and differing topic. What one person says or thinks isn't the same way everybody else thinks. You and others may say illegal immigration bring economic growth, I and others disagree with that

Putting aside my extreme bias? Yes, he does. Afterall the nation hasn't turned into tribals fighting each other nor have we turned into a 3rd world country

Serious / Re: Obama to Announce Immigration Executive Orders Thursday
« on: November 19, 2014, 05:23:51 PM »
"HUR MUH SUPERUR LIBTARD" opinions all you want, but they are not nor will they ever be fact.

If you say so.

Intelligent people such as Rand Paul who have actual university disagrees disagree with Meta, you, and Psy so that must mean you all are wrong according to your logic

> university disagrees disagree

You do realize that having a university disagree does not equate to intelligence? Yes, it shows you passed four years of memorizing facts, but it hardly equates to one's actual intelligence.

It's not broken. If it was actually enforced then there wouldn't be a damn fucking issue right now. Can you get that through your fucking skull that's thicker than all of Camnator's booty threads combined?

Most people agree that the system is broken, including Conservatives. It's not just a liberal issue, so kindly stop painting it as one?

Liberal is an insult, seeing liberals are ruining this county

I laughed.
It actually does show intelligence

The issue is that it isn't enforced

Serious / Re: Obama to Announce Immigration Executive Orders Thursday
« on: November 19, 2014, 05:20:47 PM »
Intelligent people such as Rand Paul who have actual university disagrees
You demonstrate intelligence through discourse and development, not qualifications. In the context of this discussion, Psy and I are both intelligent individuals.

You aren't helping your case, either, considering Rand Paul is a Doctor of Medicine, whereas I'll actually be studying Philosophy, Politics and Economics.
And yet, Paul has greatly studied Austrian Economics and has read the writings of Objectivist philosopher Ayn Rand. Not only that, but to be a politician and involved with politics, you need to know what the hell you're doing.

Rand Paul is intelligent and knows his shit. Just because a person has a medical degree, doesn't mean they never took courses involving economics or philosophy.

Serious / Re: Obama to Announce Immigration Executive Orders Thursday
« on: November 19, 2014, 05:13:47 PM »
More people are being deported because more are coming here illegally, as I pointed out twice earlier
Again, there's no mathematical necessity for numbers of illegal immigrants to correlate with deportation. That only exists within the current shitty paradigm.
>trying to put off the blunt truth

Serious / Re: Obama to Announce Immigration Executive Orders Thursday
« on: November 19, 2014, 05:13:03 PM »
Because everybody here diasagrees with my opinion=/=I'm wrong, you're right

No, because intelligent people like Meta and Psy disagree with you.

The system isn't enforced. If you read my early posts, you'd see I stated that. Talk about me not reading responses?

Because it's a BROKEN system. Broken. Beyond repair. Needs to be replaced with something better that will actually help address the problem and make it easier for people to come LEGALLY.

Everyone has told you this. But your solution is "Let's act like Ancient China and build a fucking wall". That is about as great a solution as people saying "Let's just fucking nuke the Middle East"

You just spout your blinded liberal concepts

And you continue to fling liberal around like it's an insult.
Ever hear of this nifty thing called opinions? You can screech your "HUR MUH SUPERUR LIBTARD" opinions all you want, but they are not nor will they ever be fact. Intelligent people such as Rand Paul who have actual university disagrees disagree with Meta, you, and Psy so that must mean you all are wrong according to your logic

It's not broken. If it was actually enforced then there wouldn't be a damn fucking issue right now. Can you get that through your fucking skull that's thicker than all of Camnator's booty threads combined?

So again. because some people say something, that means I'm rong? Fucking retarded logic right there. If you were to be discussing this on a conservative site then you would be wrong, going again by your logic

Liberal is an insult, seeing liberals are ruining this county

Serious / Re: Obama to Announce Immigration Executive Orders Thursday
« on: November 19, 2014, 05:07:25 PM »
The system isn't enforced.
I've already demonstrated how Obama has been one of the most nativist peacetime presidents.

Now, you can throw around increasing numbers of illegal immigrants and whatnot (which isn't the fault of Obama), but it doesn't prove the system isn't enforced.

It proves the system is inadequate. Nobody here is arguing we should give immigrants free reign to come and go as they fucking please, we just realise that building a wall is smearing-shit-on-the-wall insane.

More people are being deported because more are coming here illegally, as I pointed out twice earlier

Actually it is the fault of Obama because he has done nothing, like Bush, Clinton, and others to tighten the border and establish harsher penalties to those that break federal law

Serious / Re: Obama to Announce Immigration Executive Orders Thursday
« on: November 19, 2014, 05:03:51 PM »
Have you ever learned about ancient Chinese history? Because if you did, you'd learn that the Qin Dynasty started the construction of the Great Wall,
Even you must be even basically aware of the sheer fucking stupidity of comparing the Qin Dynasty's construction of the Wall to America's situation/capacity.
The short-lived Qin and Han Dynasties faced serious threats from northern nomadic tribes, including the Xiongnu. So in aspects of being flooded with foreigners, there exists similarities
Because mexican immigrants are warriors coming to conquer.
Ever heard of the Mexican Cartel? Mexican Mafia? How about other Latin American gangs such as MS13? Yeah, no threat is being posed. Guess what? MS13 was formed after Reagan granted amnsty to illegals and they in turn formed the gang

Serious / Re: Obama to Announce Immigration Executive Orders Thursday
« on: November 19, 2014, 05:02:35 PM »
Have you ever learned about ancient Chinese history? Because if you did, you'd learn that the Qin Dynasty started the construction of the Great Wall,
Even you must be even basically aware of the sheer fucking stupidity of comparing the Qin Dynasty's construction of the Wall to America's situation/capacity.

I've given up hope that he'll see the logic
Why are you saying this about yourself? You must have low self-esteem

Kinder, in case you haven't actually read the responses of this very lengthy thread, no one has agreed with your opinion or point of view on the subject, because it's wrong in the scope of things.

It's well known the system is broken, and it's time to fix it. Not simply pretend the current laws and policy are fine and that simply increasing border control (Including building a fucking wall) will not solve the problem.

Because everybody here diasagrees with my opinion=/=I'm wrong, you're right

This forum is a beacon for liberalism so it's no wonder people will be hateful to an opinion that's not shared. Just because everybody else is stealing or committing vandalism, it doesn't make it right and legal

The system isn't enforced. If you read my early posts, you'd see I stated that. Talk about me not reading responses? You just spout your blinded liberal concepts

Serious / Re: Obama to Announce Immigration Executive Orders Thursday
« on: November 19, 2014, 04:59:56 PM »
Have you ever learned about ancient Chinese history? Because if you did, you'd learn that the Qin Dynasty started the construction of the Great Wall,
Even you must be even basically aware of the sheer fucking stupidity of comparing the Qin Dynasty's construction of the Wall to America's situation/capacity.
The short-lived Qin and Han Dynasties faced serious threats from northern nomadic tribes, including the Xiongnu. So in aspects of being flooded with foreigners, there exists similarities
Some mexican cleaning lady =/= the horde of genghis khan.
1. Genghis was Mongolian, not Xiongnu/Hun. That was Atilla
2. 10-15 million illegals are present in America

If that number isn't a big of a deal, then there's a issue on how you see things

Serious / Re: Give me a good reason to make military impersonation a felony
« on: November 19, 2014, 04:58:47 PM »
It is, but it's not

The Stolen Valor Act of 2013 make it a crime for a person to fraudulently claim having received any of a series of particular military decorations WITH the intention of obtaining money, property, or other tangible benefit from convincing someone that he or she rightfully did receive that award
Wasn't the '13 version of Stolen Valor declared unconstitutional?
I believe the 2013 replaced the previous version, which was unconstitutional

Serious / Re: Obama to Announce Immigration Executive Orders Thursday
« on: November 19, 2014, 04:57:33 PM »
Have you ever learned about ancient Chinese history? Because if you did, you'd learn that the Qin Dynasty started the construction of the Great Wall,
Even you must be even basically aware of the sheer fucking stupidity of comparing the Qin Dynasty's construction of the Wall to America's situation/capacity.

I've given up hope that he'll see the logic
Why are you saying this about yourself? You must have low self-esteem

Serious / Re: Obama to Announce Immigration Executive Orders Thursday
« on: November 19, 2014, 04:56:54 PM »
Have you ever learned about ancient Chinese history? Because if you did, you'd learn that the Qin Dynasty started the construction of the Great Wall,
Even you must be even basically aware of the sheer fucking stupidity of comparing the Qin Dynasty's construction of the Wall to America's situation/capacity.
The short-lived Qin and Han Dynasties faced serious threats from northern nomadic tribes, including the Xiongnu. So in aspects of being flooded with foreigners, there exists similarities

Serious / Re: It's the 1790s, which political party do you support?
« on: November 19, 2014, 04:53:07 PM »
Democrat-Republicans. No questions asked

Serious / Re: Obama to Announce Immigration Executive Orders Thursday
« on: November 19, 2014, 04:49:39 PM »

I see you've given up on the whole wall argument. Good, because it's preposterous

Did you not read the part of the government making empty promises about reform?

Great. That doesn't mean we abandon attempts at it for silly solutions, which is ALL that you have proposed in this thread. "Let's build a wall and monitoring cameras!"

LOL, do you even understand the concept of E.O? They're not some "get out of jail for free' card that allows the president to do whatever they want. E.Os are foremost subjected to judicial review and can be struck down. Secondly, an executive order must have support in the Constitution, either in a clause granting the President specific power, or by a delegation of power by Congress to the President

I'm well aware of how an executive works, thanks for sharing. Care to add anything new, or are we just going to spout out facts to look intelligent?
$4-$10K to be smuggled. Yeah, it's that expensive

A study for the National Foundation for American Policy estimated that to hire someone on an H-1B visa, a U.S. employer has to pay about $2,500 in legal fees; a $1,500 training fee; a $1,000 “premium processing” fee; a $500 antifraud fee; a $190 immigration service fee; around $125 in additional incidental costs; and a $100 visa fee. That totals almost $6,000. Complicated immigration cases can cost eligible applicants $10,000 or more in legal fees alone. Meanwhile, even unauthorized immigrants from Central America pay between $7,000 and $10,000 in smuggling fees to get across the border, according to Alex Nowrasteh at the Competitive Enterprise Institute—often more than once, because they get caught, thrown out, and try to return.

It's costly either way. One, you pay 6-10k, and have to wait five years with no guarantee you'll even get in and have to reapply. Otherwise, you pay 7-10k to avoid the broken system and risk being sent back to do it again.

Both are costly. But hey....

We could just fix the damn system to save money for everyone! Genius!

Is this not computing?
So physical devices that prevent people from crossing is "silly"? Ladies and gentlemen, the logic of a liberal! Have you ever learned about ancient Chinese history? Because if you did, you'd learn that the Qin Dynasty started the construction of the Great Wall, which helped to PREVENT invasions. Who would have fucking guessed that a wall keeps people out?! It's mind blowing!

If you're well aware of how executive orders work, then you'd realize there's NO Constitutional basis to pass this law and it goes beyond the scope pf the duty of the executive by enforcing laws. The purpose of E.Os is to help this branch better enforce laws

Hire somebody? Training costs? You're seriously going to change the tables here, huh? This is discussing the cost of a person wanting to immigrate alone. gg no re

Do you even realize that about 99% of the budget for immigration services operates on the costs of these fees? Decrease the cost then you will have to raise taxes or still ahve to redistribute money from the budget. Think logically for once

Serious / Re: Obama to Announce Immigration Executive Orders Thursday
« on: November 19, 2014, 03:30:52 PM »

How is it a waste? It's a fucking barrier to keep people out. It's not rocket science

Because instead of spending tens of millions on a fucking wall, you can simply fix the damn policy for cheaper? It's not fucking rocket science.

Fixing a broken system is cheaper than building a damn wall.

Government promised long ago back in the 80s they would fix the policy. Government has said it multiples time yet here we are again, spouting something that will never happen or get fixed

That's the point of these executive orders.

Know an interesting fact? Philippines has the longest waiting time.

Good for them. We aren't the Philippines.

Yet if these illegals don't have money, how could they afford being smuggled once, twice, even three times when the costs are far more than the legal way?

Really? You think it's that expensive?

I laughed. Laughed a lot.
Did you not read the part of the government making empty promises about reform?

LOL, do you even understand the concept of E.O? They're not some "get out of jail for free' card that allows the president to do whatever they want. E.Os are foremost subjected to judicial review and can be struck down. Secondly, an executive order must have support in the Constitution, either in a clause granting the President specific power, or by a delegation of power by Congress to the President
$4-$10K to be smuggled. Yeah, it's that expensive

Serious / Re: Obama to Announce Immigration Executive Orders Thursday
« on: November 19, 2014, 03:23:02 PM »
Illegals do take jobs
Not true, like I told Max, they boost AD.

Immigrants demand goods and services facilitating economic expansion and falling unemployment. Even without such an effect, unemployment could be countenanced by proper monetary policy.

Oh, and not to mention, more than half of Silicon Valley tech companies have immigrants as at least one key founder.
And yet the way to fill demand is through outsourcing. People can demand goods and services all they want, but doesn't mean the people of the nation the demand originates from don't get jobs that meets said demand. If that was the case then unemployment would be in a great decline, as would homelessness

And those are individuals who came here legally with most chances a college degree already. Legal immigrants are what's good for a nation and economy

Serious / Re: Obama to Announce Immigration Executive Orders Thursday
« on: November 19, 2014, 03:18:56 PM »
I'm not opposed to a wall being constructed. We have them in some places but they're just fences that people can climb

Seriously, you want us to waste money building a giant wall when we could just fucking fix the policy?

This is coming from someone who hates wasteful government spending.

How is it broken? You apply for greencard, you wait 5 years so government can monitor you, then you apply for citizenship. And the costs come absolutely nowhere near the amount these people pay to get smuggled across

Way to oversimplify. I expect nothing less.

Let's start with the fact of the extremely long line to get a green card. The fact that most illegal immigrants are the people with not enough money, or can't wait five years because of fucking war.
How is it a waste? It's a fucking barrier to keep people out. It's not rocket science

Government promised long ago back in the 80s they would fix the policy. Government has said it multiples time yet here we are again, spouting something that will never happen or get fixed

Know an interesting fact? Philippines has the longest waiting time. Yet if these illegals don't have money, how could they afford being smuggled once, twice, even three times when the costs are far more than the legal way?

Serious / Re: Obama to Announce Immigration Executive Orders Thursday
« on: November 19, 2014, 03:13:08 PM »
Are immigrants really taking REAL jobs? They aren't being hired as accountants or customer service reps. They're picking berries and shit.
They're being hired as construction workers, lawn care workers, etc

Other people aren't being hired as accountants or customer service reps. either. Not like there's an endless supply of these jobs

Serious / Re: Obama to Announce Immigration Executive Orders Thursday
« on: November 19, 2014, 03:11:42 PM »
2. Lol, it's not a bs excuse.
Yes it is.

Immigrants don't take jobs, that's such a dumb thing to say. As if the job pool is fucking fixed.

Also, unemployment is at 6pc.
Illegals do take jobs
U6. Read it and look at the percentage

Serious / Re: Obama to Announce Immigration Executive Orders Thursday
« on: November 19, 2014, 03:05:00 PM »
Democrats want to pass all these fucking laws yet the current ones are not being enforced effectively
And yet Obama has presided over one of the largest peacetime outflows of people in America's history.
And yet illegal immigration jumps for third year in a row  under Obama

Yes, please. Let us turn away families and children attempting to escape huge drug wars in Central America with next to nothing. A great nation like America should not try and help them.
Yes, please let's tell families and children attempting who are waiting in line in a legal manner to "go fuck yourselves" because we now have to deal with people who couldn't wait

Yes please, let's tell American families that they can't get a job now because 10-15 million people deserve far more than them, especially when homelessness and unemployment (over 10%) are out of fucking control. Let's totally add more economic devestation

1) Tell that to the people running from cartel death squads

2) "Dey took er jabs" was always a bs excuse.
1. Tell that to the families who are trying to get away in a legal manner

2. Lol, it's not a bs excuse. You only say that because you can't comprehend that unemployment is over 10% and homelessness totals 2.2 million

Serious / Re: Obama to Announce Immigration Executive Orders Thursday
« on: November 19, 2014, 03:03:40 PM »
Or, we can direct more funds to border security and adopt harsher personalities for those who break federal law
That's ridiculous on the face of it.
1. Move funds
2. Build camera and tracking systems at certain intervals
3. Hire people to watch said camera and systems
4. Dispatch team when something is picked up

It's pants on the head easy

Why not just build a forty foot tall concrete wall while you're at it? Some land mines? I'm sure they'll work just as well.

Simply saying "We need to up border security!" is not going to fix the damn problem. The current process to actually immigrate here is broken.
I'm not opposed to a wall being constructed. We have them in some places but they're just fences that people can climb

How is it broken? You apply for greencard, you wait 5 years so government can monitor you, then you apply for citizenship. And the costs come absolutely nowhere near the amount these people pay to get smuggled across

Serious / Re: "Guns r bad mmkay"
« on: November 19, 2014, 03:00:06 PM »
I see no problem with guns in the home, although other than a pistol what else do you need?
Explain how a 9mm cartridge can take down an elk or deer?

Hint: Answers starts with ca and end with n't
yes because deer and elk are regular offenders, they run up on peoples home like "yo nigga gimme yo wallet"

Seriously though can't you even headshot a deer?
Yes, because people don't hunt

Yes, because all animals just stand still

Yes, because a headshot won't ruin the meat/fur

Yes, because a missed headshot won't cause a painful death for the animals
Don't go off a tangent plebian, we were talking about guns in the home.
In that case, it's rather simple to construct protective gear that can resist small handgun calibers

Serious / Re: Obama to Announce Immigration Executive Orders Thursday
« on: November 19, 2014, 02:57:50 PM »
Or, we can direct more funds to border security and adopt harsher personalities for those who break federal law
That's ridiculous on the face of it.
1. Move funds
2. Build camera and tracking systems at certain intervals
3. Hire people to watch said camera and systems
4. Dispatch team when something is picked up

It's pants on the head easy

Serious / Re: Obama to Announce Immigration Executive Orders Thursday
« on: November 19, 2014, 02:56:32 PM »
This only teaches illegals that coming here illegally means they will eventually be able to stay
Or, on the other hand, you could liberalise the fucking immigration laws so people aren't overly-tempted to get in illegally.

Just what about this aren't you getting?
Or, we can direct more funds to border security and adopt harsher personalities for those who break federal law

It's like debating with a brick wall.
Right back at you

Serious / Re: "Guns r bad mmkay"
« on: November 19, 2014, 02:55:51 PM »
I see no problem with guns in the home, although other than a pistol what else do you need?
Explain how a 9mm cartridge can take down an elk or deer?

Hint: Answers starts with ca and end with n't
yes because deer and elk are regular offenders, they run up on peoples home like "yo nigga gimme yo wallet"

Seriously though can't you even headshot a deer?
Yes, because people don't hunt

Yes, because all animals just stand still

Yes, because a headshot won't ruin the meat/fur

Yes, because a missed headshot won't cause a painful death for the animals

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