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Messages - Kinder Graham

Pages: 1 ... 868788 8990 ... 243
I do live in VA. I also live in the part of VA with a very high percentage of black people. Darker the red, the more black people
I can't believe you quite literally just said your area is dangerous because of its black population.

Fucking. . .

Just fucking wow.
Don't you know? When one gets shot, they all chimp out.
yep, just like the zimmerman verdict. we're about to have World War Zimmerman all over again. riots everywhere! hide your confederate flags! get yer guns ready! fear the wrath of the blacks! theyre coming to rob us and fuck our women!
Nah, this has nothing on the Zimmerman shit. This is going to be far fucking worse

The Flood / Re: Tommy Chong just posted this on Facebook
« on: November 24, 2014, 04:40:09 PM »
nutella mang

I'm a fucking magician when it comes to that shit

I do live in VA. I also live in the part of VA with a very high percentage of black people. Darker the red, the more black people
I can't believe you quite literally just said your area is dangerous because of its black population.

Fucking. . .

Just fucking wow.
I did? Where?

I hope the Brown family get justice, they deserve it.
Except forensics and a former medical examiner shows that the story of the police is the correct version. On top of that, the punk kid's friend made a statement that the cruiser approached them, then drove off, reversed, and turned to block the intersection, and the officer grabbed the punk kid (supposedly); major flaw is by going on his description, that would mean the officer was grabbing the kid through the passenger side window, not the driver's
i saw a video of brown's friend also claiming that wilson drove past them after stopping them initially, then reversed direction, stopped right next to them, opened his door- the door "hit" mike brown and, according to his friend, ricocheted and hit wilson as he was exiting the vehicle, which "prompted" the conflict

now, im impartial here: i dont know all the facts, so i dont pretend to know what happened. but it seems to me that, in the event that mike brown was unjustly shot, that's a really really shitty eyewitness testimony. dumbest thing ive ever heard
Well they just had committed a strong armed robbery minutes before so I'm very hesitant to beleive what a criminal that was caught on camera has to say

I'm sure the officer is not guilty.

Which is 100% the correct decision.

If you're white, watch your back for the next few days.
Going to load an AK magazine just in case
you live in VA, you're fucking fine.

Stay off /pol/, this isn't the hebbbeding
I do live in VA. I also live in the part of VA with a very high percentage of black people. Darker the red, the more black people

Ey, what's one more dead nig nog?
Said the Ferguson police department.
So what if this was a black officer trying to defend himself by some punk ass wannabe gangster cracker?

I'm sure the officer is not guilty.

Which is 100% the correct decision.

If you're white, watch your back for the next few days.
Going to load an AK magazine just in case

I hope the Brown family get justice, they deserve it.
Except forensics and a former medical examiner shows that the story of the police is the correct version. On top of that, the punk kid's friend made a statement that the cruiser approached them, then drove off, reversed, and turned to block the intersection, and the officer grabbed the punk kid (supposedly); major flaw is by going on his description, that would mean the officer was grabbing the kid through the passenger side window, not the driver's

that not all data is being treated equally.

dat socialism doe

Serious / Re: The Jury has reached a verdict
« on: November 24, 2014, 03:26:33 PM »
Fucking hope it's a no indictment verdict

Forensics show that the wounds the punk suffered indicate his arms had been down, as that's where the entry points are located. The exit holes show when his hands are raised up, like the punk's friends is trying to lie about
I believe he was into rap, not punk.
No, he was a punk; as in a piece of shit. He robbed a store and assaulted the owner, it's more than certain his juvenile record is pilled high
So some American kid is a punk but Bin Laden is straight right?

What a joke. The fact that people like you feel so much hatred towards a dead kid speaks volumes.
So you can say all Muslims should leave but I can't have a funny picture as my avatar?



And more attention should be placed on mental illness

Serious / Re: The Jury has reached a verdict
« on: November 24, 2014, 03:22:55 PM »
Fucking hope it's a no indictment verdict

Forensics show that the wounds the punk suffered indicate his arms had been down, as that's where the entry points are located. The exit holes show when his hands are raised up, like the punk's friends is trying to lie about
I believe he was into rap, not punk.
No, he was a punk; as in a piece of shit. He robbed a store and assaulted the owner, it's more than certain his juvenile record is pilled high
Punks aren't pieces of shit though, just because they don't conform to fascist ideals.
Look at this fucking mod bias. Hey, name calling and personal attacks are against the rules. Libel and slander is also not a protected part of free speech. Go feed your lizard or some boring shit

Gaming / Re: Bungie Integrating strikes into Destiny's story
« on: November 24, 2014, 03:21:55 PM »
Love that DeeJ on the whole issue of PS getting more is that at least Xbox owners can play the game
Really? That's ridiculous.
Yeah, there was a thread or a video of him saying that

Serious / Re: The Jury has reached a verdict
« on: November 24, 2014, 03:21:00 PM »
We honestly need to stop crying every time a black teenager is killed. Even if they're innocent this is just getting boring for my tastes.
You can blame the race-baiters like Sharpton

if the officer was black and kid white then you wouldn't hear about this

Serious / Re: The Jury has reached a verdict
« on: November 24, 2014, 03:19:43 PM »
Fucking hope it's a no indictment verdict

Forensics show that the wounds the punk suffered indicate his arms had been down, as that's where the entry points are located. The exit holes show when his hands are raised up, like the punk's friends is trying to lie about
I believe he was into rap, not punk.
No, he was a punk; as in a piece of shit. He robbed a store and assaulted the owner, it's more than certain his juvenile record is pilled high

Gaming / Re: Bungie Integrating strikes into Destiny's story
« on: November 24, 2014, 03:15:55 PM »

Buy a PS4, another copy of Destiny and all the DLC, you naive fucks.

Love that DeeJ on the whole issue of PS getting more is that at least Xbox owners can play the game

Serious / Re: The Jury has reached a verdict
« on: November 24, 2014, 03:14:36 PM »
Fucking hope it's a no indictment verdict

Forensics show that the wounds the punk suffered indicate his arms had been down, as that's where the entry points are located. The exit holes show when his hands are raised up, like the punk's friends is trying to lie about

-Celebrities don’t deserve the right to complain about the paparazzi
-We need to stop giving a fuck about feelings. If a person gets offended then oh fucking well, get the fuck over it
-Affirmative action should be illegal
-Al Sharpton should be arrested for inciting riots and destruction of property
-Militias have the right to patrol the border and shoot on sight
-Bring back corporal punishment in schools
-Some kids are just plain stupid and will have to be left behind
-Repeal ObamaCare and make it illegal for the government to pass similar taxes
-Legalize prostitution
-Self-defense and gun ownership is a natural right
-Politicians don't deserve to be paid or have a salary
-People should not be expected to pay taxes if the government can't balance the budget
-Life begins at conception
-Religion is a basis for morals
-Gold standard is the only hope for the world economy
-Free trade agreements purposely exploit 3rd world countries
-Stop foreign aid and prioritize the nation before others
-Build a fucking wall and deport people who are here illegally
-Being able to comprehensible read and speak English should be a citizenship requirement
-Endorse a Prostate Cancer Awareness month/Male History Month
-Label groups like the KKK and New Black Panther Party as hate and terrorist organizations
-Ban socialist and communist parties
-Division of California into separate states
-GMOs can't be trusted
-Monsanto should be broken up for being a monopoly
-Suicide is evidence of natural selection
-People on government assistance should not be able to give birth
-Not all cultures are equal
-Prisoners should not be charged for murder if they kill somebody behind bars
-A wife's first priority is to be in charge of the household and children
-Diseases like cancer, diabetes, heart disease, etc is natures way of population control
-We've gone overboard on vaccination
-Men have equal say in abortion and raising children
-Father should not be forced to pay child support if he wants an abortion
-Women studies is one of the most retarded degrees a person can get
-A person must pass a simple government test before getting a voter ID

I can think of more later.

*grabs popcorn*

The Flood / Huh, what should my topic be?
« on: November 24, 2014, 02:34:49 PM »
Have another, and final, history paper to write and this time I can choose anything from what we have studied since the paleolithic era all the way to the Renaissance. Not entirely sure what to pick; no real interesting wars or political figures to write a general biography on, although Saladin or a Roman Emperor is actually not that bad of a choice 

The Flood / Re: Now that Comms Officer is back
« on: November 24, 2014, 02:31:41 PM »
He is not back.
He isn't.
He renamed his profile to Leroy Bilbo
No thats Zesty.
Swore that was raw sugar/foxy because of his love for posting bilbo pictures

Serious / Re: Secretary Hagel to Resign amid Pressure from White House
« on: November 24, 2014, 11:48:00 AM »
Guess I was wrong about Obama wanting to work with Republicans, seeing as he's firing the only one in his cabinet

That is totally logical thinking.
It actually is. Obama talks all big about gridlock and wanting to work with others but this proves he can't tolerate the ideas of others that are not his. Instead of working on a plan with Hagel, he just fires him
Would you be saying the same if Ron Paul fired a hawk from his cabinet?

Or if Obama had fired Ben Bernanke?

Serious / Re: Secretary Hagel to Resign amid Pressure from White House
« on: November 24, 2014, 11:47:36 AM »
Guess I was wrong about Obama wanting to work with Republicans, seeing as he's firing the only one in his cabinet

That is totally logical thinking.
It actually is. Obama talks all big about gridlock and wanting to work with others but this proves he can't tolerate the ideas of others that are not his. Instead of working on a plan with Hagel, he just fires him

Or, you know, as Lemy said: Hagel's ideas and strategies simply do not coincide with what the military feels is necessary.

This is not Obama saying "Fuck the Republicans", so kindly stop trying to make it out to be in hopes of an argument.
Or you know, the purpose of government is to work together to form a plan that makes everybody happy? The military also feels a stronger and stable budget is necessary, so does that mean Democrats are wrong for wanting to limit it?

dat irony doe, considering my response is yours whenever Republicans don't pass a Democrat bill or wanting to repeal ObamaCare

The Flood / Re: About that spam...
« on: November 24, 2014, 11:43:26 AM »
So BasedLove gets banned for spam but not challenger? Lolk
That's because I'm not a loser like BasedLove and you.
No, you're just a faggot
You changed your name to "you're"? Losers tend to do that.
Faggots tend to have their name challengerX on forums

Serious / Re: Secretary Hagel to Resign amid Pressure from White House
« on: November 24, 2014, 11:41:20 AM »
Guess I was wrong about Obama wanting to work with Republicans, seeing as he's firing the only one in his cabinet

That is totally logical thinking.
It actually is. Obama talks all big about gridlock and wanting to work with others but this proves he can't tolerate the ideas of others that are not his. Instead of working on a plan with Hagel, he just fires him

Serious / Re: Secretary Hagel to Resign amid Pressure from White House
« on: November 24, 2014, 11:32:05 AM »
Guess I was wrong about Obama wanting to work with Republicans, seeing as he's firing the only one in his cabinet

The Flood / Re: About that spam...
« on: November 24, 2014, 11:30:10 AM »
So BasedLove gets banned for spam but not challenger? Lolk
That's because I'm not a loser like BasedLove and you.
No, you're just a faggot

The Flood / Re: About that spam...
« on: November 24, 2014, 11:29:46 AM »
So BasedLove gets banned for spam but not challenger? Lolk
Yeah, but we like challenger.
1. It's not April 1st

2. That's no justification for rule breaking

The Flood / Re: About that spam...
« on: November 24, 2014, 10:03:35 AM »
So BasedLove gets banned for spam but not challenger? Lolk

The Flood / Re: Elegiac vs The Trolls
« on: November 23, 2014, 10:43:31 PM »

The Flood / Re: fuck it, I'm just gonna post the caps.
« on: November 23, 2014, 10:41:02 PM »

what a fucking pussy ass angsty faggot. Bet the loser was a sheltered brat

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