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Messages - Kinder Graham

Pages: 1 ... 838485 8687 ... 243
Serious / Re: I'm shamelessly advertising another (political) forum I use
« on: November 25, 2014, 02:16:08 PM »
It's a U.K.-based forum for young(ish) people to debate politics, philosophy, economics and the like.

It has a fairly decent American population, with dedicated boards for different countries/regions. The discussion there is somewhat more challenging than the discussion here, and more thought-provoking. Basically, Kinder would definitely benefit from a visit.

It'd be nice to grow the community there, too. It really is very diverse, ranging from Communists to Conservatives and Muslims to some guy with Richard Dawkins as his avatar.

Just in case you need any more convincing, I've been PM'ing one of the mods and mentioned we're an offsite from His response? "I'm aware of how bad Bungie's site is."

Bang on the money. Get your fucking sorry asses over here.
Excuse me?

The Flood / Re: "Fig" is now ban-worthy on
« on: November 25, 2014, 02:11:46 PM »
op is a fig newton

Serious / Re: Should the constitution come before the democratic verdict?
« on: November 25, 2014, 11:48:06 AM »
We already have that

The Flood / Re: Raising funds for the victims of Fergurson Riots.
« on: November 25, 2014, 11:14:05 AM »
40s&w Glock brand Glocks
Go back to /k/, pls
You don't like Glock brand 69 caliber clipazines?

The Flood / Discuss KonyKare
« on: November 25, 2014, 11:13:18 AM »
Every man and child gets a free AKM or AK74 and life-long membership to a internatioanl organization

The Flood / Re: Raising funds for the victims of Fergurson Riots.
« on: November 25, 2014, 11:10:17 AM »
I suppose while we're on the subject of that, you folks remember the shopkeeper that got robbed by the kid right?


Supposedly, justice counts as robbing and looting his store again.
We should donate guns to these honest hard-working people so they can defend themselves from pathetic scum

Bean bag shotguns.

40s&w Glock brand Glocks would be more effective. Wouldn't have to worry about trials and shit. WOuld save time and money for the city

The Flood / Re: Raising funds for the victims of Fergurson Riots.
« on: November 25, 2014, 11:01:17 AM »
I suppose while we're on the subject of that, you folks remember the shopkeeper that got robbed by the kid right?


Supposedly, justice counts as robbing and looting his store again.
We should donate guns to these honest hard-working people so they can defend themselves from pathetic scum

Serious / Re: Michael Brown Verdict due at 9PM EST
« on: November 25, 2014, 10:59:47 AM »
"The police are too militarized" - August
"WTF we needed more police to protect our city!" - November

Make up your mind people.
People will always bitch about police until the day when they need them. Remember when I used to be like that. God, I still cringe over it this day

Serious / Re: Michael Brown Verdict due at 9PM EST
« on: November 25, 2014, 10:55:49 AM »
I bet MLK is turning in his grave over the unnecessary violence perpetrated by protesters in Ferguson right now

Serious / Re: Michael Brown Verdict due at 9PM EST
« on: November 25, 2014, 10:54:24 AM »
Photos have been released of the Officer, in the hospital with injuires, following the shooting.

... Injuries?

Wait, I thought he said he had to have orbital socket surgery?  Oh wait, that was Fox News reporting an anonymous X-Ray of a skull.  And circulating pictures of a beat-up motorcyclist who died recently.

And yes, Brown was murdered by the cop.  Don't know how emptying a clip into an unarmed person isn't fucking overkill.
Because a single bullet does not guarantee death or incapacitation of the target.

Just curious, if one bullet had incapacitated him and the second killed him (hypothetically), how does a few more bullets in quick succession (i.e., not deliberately firing into a dead body) change this from self defense into murder?
Well, if it's not deliberately firing into a dead body, then there'd be no reason at all to think it would change anything.
Nick just seemed confused as to why firing multiple rounds isn't excessive force once the officer is perceived to be in danger and has escalated the situation to the use of deadly force.

Probably because I'm a pacifist and believe in incapacitating someone/keeping them down over killing.

Though if you kept coming at me I'd eventually have to make a killshot >.>  Anyways I haven't seen the updated autopsies since this thing first exploded, so I am not sure if he was still shot in the head or not.
This is the image that was used in court showing where the kid was shot. As you notice, all the entry wounds are located on the front of the body. One of the biggest claims was that the kid had his hands up yet the autopsy proves the opposite

First off, the way the bullet wounds are on the arm indicate his arms where down and not raised as if he was surrendering. This also means that he most likely had a damaged arm and couldn't raise it, defeating the hands up claim

Secondly, the headshots show that the kid was in a stance where he was about to charge against the officer defending himself

Looks more like his arm was up, then the officer shot, hit the trigger multiple times, and the bullets sprayed upward with the recoil

Serious / Re: "Police are too damn trigger happy"
« on: November 25, 2014, 10:53:24 AM »
well in light of recent events it seems as if the US police are not hesitant to kill kids.
Talking about the Ohio thing?

Police thought he had a gun. The BB gun looks real. The kid was reaching for it after being told to raise his hands. I don't care how old you are, if you're going to be a fool and reach for a BB gun that looks real then you're going to get shot. It's that simple.

If you actually think a child won't hurt you then it's time to wake up and smell the roses because they most certainly will

Serious / Re: "Police are too damn trigger happy"
« on: November 25, 2014, 10:39:26 AM »
It's less of police being trigger happy so much as it is them being increasingly belligerent
Any proof to that?

The Flood / Re: Is the Mike Brown case an opposite O.J. Simpson case?
« on: November 25, 2014, 10:38:29 AM »
Eh, the race card usually goes to the extremes everytime.
I wish people would calm the fuck down and just recognise each other as humans, ignoring skin colour.
Tell that to the Covenant.
First, give them back their bomb.
I fly pretty good, for a brick.
You also break shit easily

The Flood / Re: Is the Mike Brown case an opposite O.J. Simpson case?
« on: November 25, 2014, 10:37:27 AM »
Wait, white people got upset over the OJ case? News to me

This whole Ferguson shit is just your typical race baiters like Sharpton and CNN poking the fire withe a oil-dipped stick. If this were a black officer defending himself from some punk shithead white boy then it wouldn't be news

The Flood / Re: What's the best way to learn Spanish?
« on: November 25, 2014, 08:09:41 AM »
Construction site

Serious / Re: Michael Brown Verdict due at 9PM EST
« on: November 25, 2014, 08:07:15 AM »
Photos have been released of the Officer, in the hospital with injuires, following the shooting.

... Injuries?

Wait, I thought he said he had to have orbital socket surgery?  Oh wait, that was Fox News reporting an anonymous X-Ray of a skull.  And circulating pictures of a beat-up motorcyclist who died recently.

And yes, Brown was murdered by the cop.  Don't know how emptying a clip into an unarmed person isn't fucking overkill.
Because a single bullet does not guarantee death or incapacitation of the target.

Just curious, if one bullet had incapacitated him and the second killed him (hypothetically), how does a few more bullets in quick succession (i.e., not deliberately firing into a dead body) change this from self defense into murder?
Well, if it's not deliberately firing into a dead body, then there'd be no reason at all to think it would change anything.
Nick just seemed confused as to why firing multiple rounds isn't excessive force once the officer is perceived to be in danger and has escalated the situation to the use of deadly force.

Probably because I'm a pacifist and believe in incapacitating someone/keeping them down over killing.

Though if you kept coming at me I'd eventually have to make a killshot >.>  Anyways I haven't seen the updated autopsies since this thing first exploded, so I am not sure if he was still shot in the head or not.
This is the image that was used in court showing where the kid was shot. As you notice, all the entry wounds are located on the front of the body. One of the biggest claims was that the kid had his hands up yet the autopsy proves the opposite

First off, the way the bullet wounds are on the arm indicate his arms where down and not raised as if he was surrendering. This also means that he most likely had a damaged arm and couldn't raise it, defeating the hands up claim

Secondly, the headshots show that the kid was in a stance where he was about to charge against the officer defending himself

The Flood / Re: >school internet
« on: November 25, 2014, 08:00:04 AM »
>tfw college doesn't block sites


The Flood / Re: Live Footage of Ferguson riots
« on: November 24, 2014, 10:43:43 PM »
And you're going to cherry-pick that rule? Seriously? Just about every other thread goes the same way. Have fun locking basically 90% of the entire forum because that's what you're justifying

For the final, goddamn time tonight:

Take the issue to Cheat if you are that upset. Posting, multiple times, in multiple threads, about it will not get you an answer, no will it makes your chances of reducing the warning any better.
There's no rule against it, so I will continue it. I'm showing the entire forum what's going on so they can be self-aware to watch what they post or they will feel the power of selective rule enforcement

You aren't showing them anything other than, instead of following basic instructions, you continuing to spam the forums with your beliefs of our moderation team that, frankly, are already well known because you literally complain about mod bias nearly anytime you get a warning or a ban, either on this account or an alt.

We get it. You think we're biased against you, you think we are out to get you. Honestly Kinder, we could care less if you continue to post on the forums, as long as you do it within the rules and that it doesn't incite a wave of shitposting like tonight as led to.

So, for the final time (Again): Wait. For. Cheat.
So what you're saying

"There is no reason why your threads were locked and you were warned for B.S reasons that have no justification behind them, other than the bias of me and a select other not liking the thread"

I am following the rules. Nothing I have posted has broken the rules. You ARE biased, you ARE out to get me. If that wasn't the case, then this thread and other threads created by liberals would be locked and Kiyo would have been removed as mod quite a while ago for disgusting attacks against other users

"Liberals are the world's problem"
Can you say anything intelligent for once and instead refrain from talking out of your ass?

The Flood / Re: Live Footage of Ferguson riots
« on: November 24, 2014, 10:41:09 PM »
And you're going to cherry-pick that rule? Seriously? Just about every other thread goes the same way. Have fun locking basically 90% of the entire forum because that's what you're justifying

For the final, goddamn time tonight:

Take the issue to Cheat if you are that upset. Posting, multiple times, in multiple threads, about it will not get you an answer, no will it makes your chances of reducing the warning any better.
There's no rule against it, so I will continue it. I'm showing the entire forum what's going on so they can be self-aware to watch what they post or they will feel the power of selective rule enforcement

You aren't showing them anything other than, instead of following basic instructions, you continuing to spam the forums with your beliefs of our moderation team that, frankly, are already well known because you literally complain about mod bias nearly anytime you get a warning or a ban, either on this account or an alt.

We get it. You think we're biased against you, you think we are out to get you. Honestly Kinder, we could care less if you continue to post on the forums, as long as you do it within the rules and that it doesn't incite a wave of shitposting like tonight as led to.

So, for the final time (Again): Wait. For. Cheat.
So what you're saying

"There is no reason why your threads were locked and you were warned for B.S reasons that have no justification behind them, other than the bias of me and a select other not liking the thread"

I am following the rules. Nothing I have posted has broken the rules. You ARE biased, you ARE out to get me. If that wasn't the case, then this thread and other threads created by liberals would be locked and Kiyo would have been removed as mod quite a while ago for disgusting attacks against other users

The Flood / Re: Live Footage of Ferguson riots
« on: November 24, 2014, 10:36:42 PM »
Reported. Funny, all other threads get locked but this doesn't? God damn, the bias is fucking strong
Didn't the other ones have something to do with calling them "apes" or "chimps?"

That might be why they're locked and this one isn't.

I called the rioting "the chimpout." I don't see how that joke was any worse than any of the other offensive shitposts on here.
It looks like they decided to unlock your thread anyhow. I don't see what the issue is?

The issue is that this place is becoming a hugbox.
yes, now hug me


Reported. Funny, all other threads get locked but this doesn't? God damn, the bias is fucking strong
maybe because he's not posting it like a rabid idiot
>trying to justify rule breaking because of bias

how cute
this isn't against the rules
Neither were my threads, but they were still locked

From the rules:

   - New threads should encourage a discussion among the community; please be mindful of that when you create threads.

Posting a thread with just a picture of your gun does not stimulate discussion, and is only asking for trouble.

Just one example. As I said, when Cheat gets around to it (He doesn't spend his time on here 24/7), he will get back to you as to your questions. Continuing to post them is not going to get you an answer.
And this thread isn't generating discussion, only discussion is irrelevant to this thread as it's a continuation from multiple threads

And you're going to cherry-pick that rule? Seriously? Just about every other thread goes the same way. Have fun locking basically 90% of the entire forum because that's what you're justifying

On top of that, my gun thread wasn't locked for what you cited. It was either the "drama starting" or "offensive content"

Try again, please

You're starting drama here, in my shitpost thread (if it gets locked, I don't care at all) because you believe you didn't start drama and scream and cry about mod bias and liberals and Obama.

Just fucking wait for Cheat to fucking message you.  He doesn't spend his fucking life on this website and probably has better things to do than answer your cryfest PM.
I figured why you're thread isn't locked, because you as well suck the dicks of liberals like Icy and Kiyo. Anybody else is basically told to fuck off. Thanks for helping me understand and reminding me why I have you muted!

The Flood / Re: Live Footage of Ferguson riots
« on: November 24, 2014, 10:35:00 PM »
And you're going to cherry-pick that rule? Seriously? Just about every other thread goes the same way. Have fun locking basically 90% of the entire forum because that's what you're justifying

For the final, goddamn time tonight:

Take the issue to Cheat if you are that upset. Posting, multiple times, in multiple threads, about it will not get you an answer, no will it makes your chances of reducing the warning any better.
There's no rule against it, so I will continue it. I'm showing the entire forum what's going on so they can be self-aware to watch what they post or they will feel the power of selective rule enforcement

The Flood / Re: Live Footage of Ferguson riots
« on: November 24, 2014, 10:32:16 PM »
Reported. Funny, all other threads get locked but this doesn't? God damn, the bias is fucking strong
maybe because he's not posting it like a rabid idiot
>trying to justify rule breaking because of bias

how cute
this isn't against the rules
Neither were my threads, but they were still locked

From the rules:

   - New threads should encourage a discussion among the community; please be mindful of that when you create threads.

Posting a thread with just a picture of your gun does not stimulate discussion, and is only asking for trouble.

Just one example. As I said, when Cheat gets around to it (He doesn't spend his time on here 24/7), he will get back to you as to your questions. Continuing to post them is not going to get you an answer.
And this thread isn't generating discussion, only discussion is irrelevant to this thread as it's a continuation from multiple threads

And you're going to cherry-pick that rule? Seriously? Just about every other thread goes the same way. Have fun locking basically 90% of the entire forum because that's what you're justifying

On top of that, my gun thread wasn't locked for what you cited. It was either the "drama starting" or "offensive content"

Try again, please

The Flood / Re: Live Footage of Ferguson riots
« on: November 24, 2014, 10:28:46 PM »
Reported. Funny, all other threads get locked but this doesn't? God damn, the bias is fucking strong
maybe because he's not posting it like a rabid idiot
>trying to justify rule breaking because of bias

how cute
this isn't against the rules
Neither were my threads, but they were still locked
yeah guess what, because shitposts get locked
And this thread is a shitpost

The Flood / Re: Live Footage of Ferguson riots
« on: November 24, 2014, 10:25:33 PM »
Reported. Funny, all other threads get locked but this doesn't? God damn, the bias is fucking strong
maybe because he's not posting it like a rabid idiot
>trying to justify rule breaking because of bias

how cute
this isn't against the rules
Neither were my threads, but they were still locked

The Flood / Re: Live Footage of Ferguson riots
« on: November 24, 2014, 10:25:12 PM »
Kinder, as I said, you can message a mod or Cheat to discuss your feelings of mod bias.
Messaged Cheat like 30 minutes ago

The Flood / Re: Live Footage of Ferguson riots
« on: November 24, 2014, 10:23:59 PM »
Reported. Funny, all other threads get locked but this doesn't? God damn, the bias is fucking strong
maybe because he's not posting it like a rabid idiot
>trying to justify rule breaking because of bias

how cute

The Flood / Re: Live Footage of Ferguson riots
« on: November 24, 2014, 10:21:15 PM »
Reported. Funny, all other threads get locked but this doesn't? God damn, the bias is fucking strong

The Flood / Re: lol at this thread
« on: November 24, 2014, 10:13:18 PM »
So this thread is allowed, seeing as it was banned on

gg no re mods

The Flood / Re: Why are mods so butthurt right meow?
« on: November 24, 2014, 10:12:29 PM »

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