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Messages - Kinder Graham

Pages: 1 ... 787980 8182 ... 243
Serious / Re: Hey protesters, some people actually have jobs and a life
« on: November 28, 2014, 03:41:24 PM »
A teen robbed a story and attacked a police officer. It's not rocket science on the reason he died.

We've had this debate, I'm not going to waste my afternoon arguing with someone so thickheaded.

People need to stfu and stop acting like the world revolves around them.

The irony.
You can disagree with forensics, the medical examiners reports, and lack of evidence provided b the prosecution all you want, but it remains the officer acted in the appropriate manner and defended himself from a 6+ft and 225+pound individual attacking him and reaching for his firearm

Serious / Re: The Official Serious Reading List
« on: November 28, 2014, 03:39:31 PM »
Communist Manifesto?
The Prince?
Common Sense?

Serious / Re: Hey protesters, some people actually have jobs and a life
« on: November 28, 2014, 03:36:07 PM »
I see no problem with the protests.
Yep, no problem with destruction of property, robbery, and preventing people from getting to their jobs

> protests
> riots

Pick one. The protests outside of Ferguson have been generally peaceful, so my apologies if you are inconvenienced from getting to work. But, a teen is dead and thousands are upset about that, so to quote BasedLove...

IcyWind don't give a fuck.
A teen robbed a story and attacked a police officer. It's not rocket science on the reason he died. People need to stfu and stop acting like the world revolves around them. Others have a life and blocking a VERY busy interstate during rush hour is the definition of being a entitled idiot

Serious / Re: Hey protesters, some people actually have jobs and a life
« on: November 28, 2014, 03:31:09 PM »
I see no problem with the protests.
Yep, no problem with destruction of property, robbery, and preventing people from getting to their jobs

Serious / Hey protesters, some people actually have jobs and a life
« on: November 28, 2014, 03:19:20 PM »

Fucking tell it how it is man. You fucking go

SAN DIEGO - As dozens of students blocked northbound I-5 at Nobel Drive as part of a protest Wednesday morning, thousands of irate commuters were left stranded and unable to get to work. At least one of those drivers was angry enough to push a protester and steal his bullhorn.

Tyree Landrum told 10News he was on his way to work at an area Ross store when he was caught in the standstill. He got out of his car, and in front of 10News cameras, he reached out and pushed one male protester towards the center-divide. The protester was chanting "no justice, no peace" into a bullhorn until Landrum wrestled it away from him to shout his own message.

"Hey, I feel you; we ain't got no justice either," Landrum announced.

Landrum told a 10News photographer, "I got to go to Ross right now, homie. If I don't get there, I'm going to get fired. I've got six f****** kids to feed, homie … m*****f****** get shot every f****** day. Deal with it the right way, not like this."

Many other drivers felt similarly incensed. In the crowd of drivers standing outside of their parked cars were health care workers trying to get to area hospitals. One woman in nursing scrubs screamed, "Arrest them!" at the protesters.

"We have doctors and nurses that have to save lives here," the woman told 10News.

It took a wave of California Highway Patrol and San Diego police officers about a half hour to arrive on scene, and drivers rejoiced when officers drove down the ramp.

One man grinned as he shouted at the protesters, "You're spending the night in jail! That's right, you're spending the night in jail tonight!"

I wonder how many occupying hospital beds honestly didn't need to take a trip to the hospital. If you can't guarantee everybody equal medical access then the government doesn't need to nationalize healthcare

Serious / Re: Lol, turns out China's "miracle growth" is bullshit.
« on: November 28, 2014, 03:06:08 PM »
internet magazine
The FT is quite literally the most respected newspaper on the planet.

So basically this shows that government involvement in the economy simply doesn't work and creates an artificial demand?
Not exactly, no. It shows that excessive government involvement in the economy and excessive amounts of corruption does. Usually, excessive government involvement causes stagnation and inefficiency - but the sheer scale of Chinese investment and corruption basically means their economy could come crashing down.
Define excessive, because I can say the stimulus packages passed by Bush and Obama have not improved the economy and only created an artificial demand

Serious / Re: Lol, turns out China's "miracle growth" is bullshit.
« on: November 28, 2014, 03:00:06 PM »
I'm more concerned that you pay for internet magazine subscriptions >.>

So basically this shows that government involvement in the economy simply doesn't work and creates an artificial demand?

The Flood / Re: The first trailer for Star Wars Episode VII is here
« on: November 28, 2014, 09:50:09 AM »
Nope, not believing this is the real trailer

The Flood / Re: Let Me See Your War Face.
« on: November 28, 2014, 07:57:00 AM »

Serious / Re: Yemen's main oil pipeline blown up
« on: November 28, 2014, 07:54:00 AM »
Man, talk about a coincidence when OPEC votes against cutting production

The Flood / Re: My family didn't have a turkey for Thanksgiving
« on: November 27, 2014, 11:17:33 PM »
I'm not too fond of turkey. Only part I like is the dark meat, as it tends to be more flavorful

The Flood / Re: Do you own a gun... Or have shot one?
« on: November 27, 2014, 11:11:18 PM »
Canada is dumb.
*Zips up flame suit*
ftfy bbe

« on: November 27, 2014, 11:10:23 PM »
*waits for the ban*

The Flood / Re: Do you own a gun... Or have shot one?
« on: November 27, 2014, 11:09:04 PM »
2 91/30 Mosin Nagants
1 M44 Carbine Mosin Nagant
1 Chinese SKS
1 Mossberg 715t
1 Romanian GP WASR 10/63

My dad has like two shotguns (.410 and a 12) and 3 handguns (.45, .380, and .22)

Gaming / Re: 343 needs to add this to Halo 5
« on: November 27, 2014, 11:01:09 PM »
Not gonna lie, but that is actually pretty cool. Could be the Promethean version of the mongoose/ghost if those types of vehicles ever were added

The Flood / Re: I haven't shaved all week
« on: November 27, 2014, 10:59:24 PM »
That beard looks pretty good actually.
I would grow it out a bit longer.
Facial hair makes you like quite refined and dashing.

You should keep it
Pop goes the weasel

Oh, and shave. You look weird with facial hair......

Mixed opinions are why I'm in charge of my face. Fact is I'm going to shave it off, probably soonish.

Pop goes the weasel?
In reference to cowpie's ban

Serious / Re: Video of 12 year old shot (NSFW)
« on: November 27, 2014, 10:58:53 PM »
Yea that's pretty shitty. Deadly force is suppose to be a last resort. You're not even suppose to point your gun at a person unless you've gone down the check list, and have no choice but to kill.

There was no time there for the cop to give him instructions, or for him to comply. You don't just roll up and start firing before assessing a situation.
Rather much disagree. From the calls coupled with the video, he had made himself an armed and possible dangerous suspect; that's enough for police to have their weapons drawn and at the ready. Video also shows him reaching for his waistline, and not putting his hands up. Again, going with the situation the kid placed himself in, the police didn't want to take a chance and end up getting killed, even though they didn't know it was fake

The Flood / Re: I haven't shaved all week
« on: November 27, 2014, 10:55:08 PM »
Pop goes the weasel

Oh, and shave. You look weird with facial hair......

Serious / Re: Should non-STEM majors be required to learn algebra?
« on: November 27, 2014, 10:53:23 PM »
If it were up to me, algebra and mathematical thinking would be a requirement for every single year of higher education. The logic seriously, truly does help.
I wouldn't attend college then

Serious / Re: Video of 12 year old shot (NSFW)
« on: November 27, 2014, 10:52:52 PM »
This was a terrible accident, and is truly a tragedy. Blame is a little irrelevant here. Nothing will bring the child back. Some of you ITT really need to dial down your tone, as well. Show some respect.
No, blame IS relevant here. The parents are most to blame for not giving their child common sense and not supervising him, especially at his age
Is someone trying to take the officer to court over this? From what I hear he is completely heartbroken.

What good is there in deciding someone is at fault when there were mistakes made by everyone?
What good? Oh I don't know, maybe using this as an example to get parents to be more watchful over their children so this doesn't end up happening again?

Ignoring the issue won't fix a damn

Serious / Re: OPEC decides against production cut
« on: November 27, 2014, 10:51:39 PM »
We're feeling the great gas prices here in canada too, I fucking love this and I'm gonna be getting a fuck ton of gas while I can.
How much is the lowest you've seen?

$2.49 is the lowest around here

The Flood / Re: im thankful for cocks
« on: November 27, 2014, 10:50:13 PM »

Serious / Re: Video of 12 year old shot (NSFW)
« on: November 27, 2014, 10:49:34 PM »
This was a terrible accident, and is truly a tragedy. Blame is a little irrelevant here. Nothing will bring the child back. Some of you ITT really need to dial down your tone, as well. Show some respect.
No, blame IS relevant here. The parents are most to blame for not giving their child common sense and not supervising him, especially at his age

The Flood / Re: im thankful for cocks
« on: November 27, 2014, 07:49:42 PM »
caspers BoyPussy

The Flood / Re: did this happen to soon?(girl thread)
« on: November 27, 2014, 07:47:35 PM »
Week and a half? Yeah, that's rather quick. I would expect sex to come at least a month after being in a relationship

Serious / Re: Video of 12 year old shot (NSFW)
« on: November 27, 2014, 07:46:17 PM »
I've entirely changed my position after watching the video.

Before, I was totally behind the cops' actions. Kid had a gun, didn't comply with commands, reached for it when told to put his hands up. That's his fault.

After seeing the video, it almost looks like a drive-by shooting. The kid was sitting at a table not doing anything.

>drive-by shooting

Are we watching the same video? I missed the part where they drove off after spraying the area with bullets
The speed at which they pulled their guns and started shooting is what I was talking about. Pull up close to someone, jump out and start shooting? That's something I expect to see in the hood from a gang - not cops.
let's blame the cops again rather than demand why this kid was unsupervised and not taught how to conduct himself with a mock weapon.
So much of this. We've come to the point where somehow children and parents are perfect and can't be questioned

Serious / Re: Video of 12 year old shot (NSFW)
« on: November 27, 2014, 07:44:56 PM »

Seeing the video, yeah, I understand the actions of the officer completely. I blame the kid's parent's for not being around, OR teaching him how to conduct himself with a gun, real or fake, in public and in possible presence of an officer.
I blame the parents for not throwing the damn toy away, if they knew the orange muzzle piece was missing

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