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Messages - Kinder Graham

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Serious / Re: UN Report Criticizes US Torture, Police Brutality
« on: November 29, 2014, 10:53:39 AM »
Yes, both are violations of the law, both are felonies, and both are federal violations.

Virginia education, folks.

Instead of just launching a drone strike, plans could have been made to conduct a night time raid using special forces units just like with Osama. You get the guy and get out.

And waste more money and resources, along with risking lives, over some lowbit American traitor?

If we were able to take down the most dangerous man in the world, we can easily capture some guy

I would HARDLY call Osama Bin Laden the most dangerous man by the time he was finally killed.

It's your attitude on the subject that you're upset he wasn't indicted

Oh, so I've never stated that he should be arrested and tried in my post?

Great. Kindly cease your inferring.
What? Check fraud is a crime. Simple as that. Just because one crime is more severe, doesn't mean you can just kill a person. New York education folks!

Because a simple operation is somehow more cost worthy than every other operation that is currently planned or it's somehow going to make a such significant impact on a already shitty ass deficit. On top of that, the drone used most likely carried a AGM-114 Hellfire and one of those babies cost $110,000. These are special forces we're talking about here, the best way to prevent American lives from being taken is to send these guys in. I had a neighbor that was a SEAL and an uncle that served  in the Air Force Office of Special Investigations who know works with the FBI, the last thing these people have to worry about is dying

Serious / Re: UN Report Criticizes US Torture, Police Brutality
« on: November 29, 2014, 10:41:24 AM »
Funny - Committing check fraud is a violation of the law, doesn't mean the government can just kill the person

Did you really just compare check fraud to committing acts of treason and conspiring to kill innocent civilians?

Funny - Government waited 10 years to find Osama. They could have waited to apprehend this guy

...And yet when we found him...we killed him? Not quite seeing your logic here.

Yeah, they are funny especially when you want to arrest an officer who has been legally proved to not be in violation of the law

Please, find a post where I have stated this and quote me on it here. Please, do that for me.
Yes, both are violations of the law, both are felonies, and both are federal violations.

Instead of just launching a drone strike, plans could have been made to conduct a night time raid using special forces units just like with Osama. You get the guy and get out. If we were able to take down the most dangerous man in the world, we can easily capture some guy

It's your attitude on the subject that you're upset he wasn't indicted

Serious / Re: UN Report Criticizes US Torture, Police Brutality
« on: November 29, 2014, 10:30:30 AM »
There's a big difference: One is a citizen of the United States
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
And the Declaration isn't a code of law document, it's a document that declares freedom from the British. You only have certain rights till you violate the law and infringe on the rights of others, as in attacking the nation. In that case you will be killed (if you're currently attacking) or arrested
I never claimed it was, I'm saying it's morally disgusting for you to claim to be a libertarian - a man of liberty - and think that those words only apply insomuch as you're a citizen and whether or not what you're doing is illegal.

But, besides that, the Bill of Rights does exempt everybody from cruel and unusual punishment. Funnily enough, torture fits that description.
I believe in a great deal of liberty, so much more than everybody here. However, when you violate the law and infringe the rights of innocent people then you will be punished; it's simple as that.

Places like Guantanamo are also not civilian, they are military and the military has a different set of laws they abide by. These terrorists are also in a self-declared war against the United States. Torture has been used for centuries and as a means to gather intelligence in order to figure out what the enemy is planning. Of course we've cut back and have followed an international law, for the most part, so I see no issue with it

Serious / Re: UN Report Criticizes US Torture, Police Brutality
« on: November 29, 2014, 10:25:11 AM »
You only have certain rights till you violate the law and infringe on the rights of others, as in attacking the nation. In that case you will be killed (if you're currently attacking) or arrested

Funny - the act of treason, along with aiding the enemy, both constitute violations of the law.

Funny - it was impossible to arrest the dude due to his location.

Aren't facts just so funny?
Funny - Committing check fraud is a violation of the law, doesn't mean the government can just kill the person

Funny - Government waited 10 years to find Osama. They could have waited to apprehend this guy

Yeah, they are funny especially when you want to arrest an officer who has been legally proved to not be in violation of the law

Serious / Re: UN Report Criticizes US Torture, Police Brutality
« on: November 29, 2014, 10:19:11 AM »
There's a big difference: One is a citizen of the United States
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
And the Declaration isn't a code of law document, it's a document that declares freedom from the British. You only have certain rights till you violate the law and infringe on the rights of others, as in attacking the nation. In that case you will be killed (if you're currently attacking) or arrested

Serious / Re: UN Report Criticizes US Torture, Police Brutality
« on: November 29, 2014, 10:11:22 AM »
I like how Kinder chastises Camnator's bias against cops when his position is pretty much polar opposite to him.

It's like poetry, it rhymes.
I just don't have an incomprehensible hate against people who are trying to keep communities clean from crime

Serious / Re: UN Report Criticizes US Torture, Police Brutality
« on: November 29, 2014, 10:10:23 AM »
Oh boo fucking hoo, cry me a damn river. If you're going to conduct terrorist operations against any nation, then you don't deserve a damn spa treatment

I find it ironic that this comes from the guy that feels Al-Awlaki should have just been arrested.
There's a big difference: One is a citizen of the United States

Serious / Re: Hey protesters, some people actually have jobs and a life
« on: November 28, 2014, 11:26:42 PM »
lol @ people supporting these protesters.

Yeah, fuck people trying to make a much needed change
Only reason people are protesting is because the kid was black. I guarantee you that if this was a black officer defending himself from some punk white boy then it would get no media attention, no national headlines, and no violent protesters impeding on the lives of business owners and employees

You know Icy, you're right. There needs to be change and that change is to not base every little thing on "oh,  he was black so it was a 100% racist situation"
Your tone and attitude are toxic and you sound very bitter.
No, I just say shit how it is; no sugar coating or any of that shit. Either like it or don't, I couldn't care any more

Serious / Re: Liberty or Security?
« on: November 28, 2014, 10:22:01 PM »
I got my own security

Gaming / Re: More Bungie logic by yours truly....
« on: November 28, 2014, 10:18:53 PM »
This is what happens when you partner with Activision. Bet once key employees left, they just stepped in and forced all sorts of change in the game

Serious / Re: UN Report Criticizes US Torture, Police Brutality
« on: November 28, 2014, 10:16:00 PM »
I can allege that my teacher raped me in 6th grade. Doesn't mean it ever happened.

It also called for restricting the use of taser weapons by police to life-threatening situations

So police can't use a taser on an individual fighting and resisting arrest? My fucking sides are in orbit. Let's see these "independent experts" wrestle to keep a 300 pound male under control

The report also criticizes the U.S. record on military interrogations.......It also called for abolishing interrogation techniques that rely on sleep or sensory deprivation "aimed at prolonging the sense of capture."
Oh boo fucking hoo, cry me a damn river. If you're going to conduct terrorist operations against any nation, then you don't deserve a damn spa treatment

, maximum security prisons, illegal migrants and solitary confinement
So be easy on people who conduct capital and federal laws? Like fucking seriously, these people who conducted this "study" are damn idiots who don't know jack fucking shit

Serious / Re: Hey protesters, some people actually have jobs and a life
« on: November 28, 2014, 10:08:03 PM »
lol @ people supporting these protesters.

Yeah, fuck people trying to make a much needed change
Only reason people are protesting is because the kid was black. I guarantee you that if this was a black officer defending himself from some punk white boy then it would get no media attention, no national headlines, and no violent protesters impeding on the lives of business owners and employees

You know Icy, you're right. There needs to be change and that change is to not base every little thing on "oh,  he was black so it was a 100% racist situation"

The Flood / Re: So Black Friday was a bust.
« on: November 28, 2014, 10:00:57 PM »
No-one does any deals for X1 and GAME and Argos's sites were kaput. Maybe next year will be worthwhile, black friday is still in it's infancy here in the UK
Store called Sears over here had Destiny for like $25. Was going to get that for my brother but they were all out. Ended up getting Tittfall for $19 instead at GameStop

Was that a used copy for $19?

Gaming / Re: Steam is the worst thing ever invented
« on: November 28, 2014, 07:19:09 PM »
>lack of Empire Earth

Sorry, Steam is shit because of that. How can they not put up one of the best gaming franchises ever?!

The Flood / Re: So Black Friday was a bust.
« on: November 28, 2014, 07:17:37 PM »
No-one does any deals for X1 and GAME and Argos's sites were kaput. Maybe next year will be worthwhile, black friday is still in it's infancy here in the UK
Store called Sears over here had Destiny for like $25. Was going to get that for my brother but they were all out. Ended up getting Tittfall for $19 instead at GameStop

The Flood / Re: Do you own a gun... Or have shot one?
« on: November 28, 2014, 06:23:56 PM »
Fired .22's at an indoor shooting range before.

It was a blast.
22s are like pellet guns.
.22lr's low recoil makes it a blast to shoot, but as I understand it, the shit has become unobtanium since Sandy Vagina
That's if you just go to Wal-Mart. There's a pawn shop that doubles as a gun store and they bricks of .22 for sale, it's like $50 for 500 rounds but it's better than nothing. This is the Great Depression of the ammunition world as it is: People are stockpilling and refusing to use what they have out of fear, and there's plenty enough good reasons for it

We won't have low ammo prices until a Republican wins president, but there's a chance it will decrease next year when Congress is Republican controlled, although that won't stop bummer from passing more E.Os on gun control

Serious / Re: US Army "On a mission for both God and country"
« on: November 28, 2014, 06:20:32 PM »
When you think about it, plenty of mainstream religions have a single deity at their head, especially Judaism and Islam. I don't see it as relating to one specific religion
Except for the point that the government and public institutions are supposed to be secular...
It is, in a philosophical manner, but the poster doesn't directly relate to one religion is where I'm getting at. If you want to be technical on things, the Constitution states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religious beliefs , or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." so in technicality, this poster doesn't violate the Constitution. It only would if their was small print saying you had to be a certain religion to join

Serious / Re: US Army "On a mission for both God and country"
« on: November 28, 2014, 06:11:13 PM »
When you think about it, plenty of mainstream religions have a single deity at their head, especially Judaism and Islam. I don't see it as relating to one specific religion

Gaming / Re: GTA V finally getting heists next week.
« on: November 28, 2014, 06:08:32 PM »
Surprised nobody has sued R* over this shit

The Flood / Re: So Black Friday was a bust.
« on: November 28, 2014, 06:07:08 PM »
Yeah, I didn't get to go at all like I wanted to..
I was at a store buying some presents and saw Frozen shirts on sale >.>

Serious / Re: Hey protesters, some people actually have jobs and a life
« on: November 28, 2014, 06:05:11 PM »
Fuck those drivers. Protestors are getting in the way of their precious commute? They're getting in the way of justice and social progression.

People on this forum are so anti-protest. It's annoying as hell.
Explain to me how indicting a person that has shown to be innocent of any crime is somehow justice? People with your line of mentality is the reason why the legal system goes to shit

Serious / Re: Hey protesters, some people actually have jobs and a life
« on: November 28, 2014, 06:03:25 PM »
Of course you have a problem with the protests Kinder, you are a cop lover, and think that cops are in the right even when they murder people.
Murder is the unlawful killing of another. The no true bill indictment for officer Wilson shows he defended himself and there was a lack of probable cause for killing the kid in an unlawful manner

Gaming / Re: Should I get MCC or GTAV?
« on: November 28, 2014, 04:04:12 PM »

Gaming / Re: Elder Scrolls VI
« on: November 28, 2014, 04:01:30 PM »
Want Akavir soooo bad.
Oh God, please do it. At least make a spin-off series for it. Tamriel has a European/West Asia/North Africa feel and Akavir gives a good East and Southeast Asian feel

Serious / Re: Yemen's main oil pipeline blown up
« on: November 28, 2014, 03:59:36 PM »
Man, talk about a coincidence when OPEC votes against cutting production

I'm really not one to get all tinfoil hat over shit, but it's a ridiculously convenient coincidence for this to happen right after the OPEC decision.
I would like to think this a coincidence, but I'm a sucker for conspiracies and can easily see OPEC attacking non-member states to at least maintain current price levels

Gaming / Re: Elder Scrolls VI
« on: November 28, 2014, 03:57:13 PM »

Oblivion went with a southern Europe/Italian type of theme
Skyrim went with a Northern Europe/Nordic theme

Hammefell can follow suit by going into a West Asian/Arabian/North Africa theme

The Flood / Re: Hahaha
« on: November 28, 2014, 03:50:08 PM »
Oh, I bought that new for $19 today as a present for my brother

Serious / Re: Hey protesters, some people actually have jobs and a life
« on: November 28, 2014, 03:48:35 PM »
People are going to argue the same for officers, or for a plethora of jobs.

Passing laws to prosecute protestors, because it's an inconvenience to people, isn't going to make anything better. However, it should be easier for people to find out where protests are going on to adjust travel plans as necessary.
I have no problem with protesting. It's when you cause a serious inconvenience to other people. The fuck are they doing across a road?

Because like it or not, no one in America gives a fuck unless they directly have to deal with it.

Protesting off to the side in a grass? Good luck getting any attention.
Oh, you will get attention for standing in the middle of road. Medical attention, that is

Serious / Re: The Official Serious Reading List
« on: November 28, 2014, 03:47:16 PM »
Under philosophy?
Philosophy and religion, interestingly enough; it utilizes biblical references to attract the people and connects independence with protestant beliefs


Guess it's a good thing I didn't bother to learn Mandarin after all.

GG Commies.


Now I only have to learn Spanish!
Ew, learn German instead

They have the 3rd strongest economy and are the number one exporters in the world. This translates them being a major part of the business world and any company that deals heavily in this field would hire you

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