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Messages - Kinder Graham

Pages: 1 ... 686970 7172 ... 243
The Flood / Re: Don't let this thread die.
« on: December 05, 2014, 07:13:18 PM »
brb taking a shit

The Flood / Re: Where the fuck is Door?
« on: December 05, 2014, 07:12:34 PM »
We traded-in him for verby

The Flood / Re: My brothers and sisters
« on: December 05, 2014, 07:11:01 PM »
Do I rook rike Whorra to jew? ö.ô
both of you have pussies!

The Flood / Re: My brothers and sisters
« on: December 05, 2014, 07:09:44 PM »

The Flood / Re: German is awesome
« on: December 05, 2014, 06:17:06 PM »
Kinder is a pedo
Ihre Mutter säugt Schweine

The Flood / Re: Gatsby, you bastard
« on: December 05, 2014, 06:15:09 PM »
I'll be K

Gaming / Re: VGA is tonight!
« on: December 05, 2014, 06:14:00 PM »

Fallout 4 hopes.

The Flood / German is awesome
« on: December 05, 2014, 06:12:45 PM »
Krankenschwester=Sick sister (nurse)
Krankenswagen=Sick wagen (ambulance)
Handschuh=Hand gloves (shoes)
Brustwarzen=Breast wart (nipples)
Rathaus= Rat house (city hall)
Schweinefleisch=Pig flesh (pork)
Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung=Gifts windy limit (speed limit)

And for those who understand German, then this is always something great to snicker at

Ich Liebe Dich

The Flood / Re: Just Letting Everyone in Here Know
« on: December 05, 2014, 06:01:27 PM »
Sure, why not. Would make more diversity and attract new people
And split up an already small community.
We have a gaming board, do we not?

Serious / Re: What is your sexuality?
« on: December 05, 2014, 05:58:11 PM »
Borderline bisexual. I've jacked off and came from watching gay porn and the idea of being anally penetrated sounds kinky

The Flood / Re: Just Letting Everyone in Here Know
« on: December 05, 2014, 05:56:46 PM »
Sure, why not. Would make more diversity and attract new people

Serious / Re: Are social or economic liberties more important?
« on: December 05, 2014, 05:54:21 PM »
Economics first. Everything else second. Can't run a government without a competent economy and economic policies. People can all the social programs they want, but if you can't afford them then what good are they?

The Flood / Re: Hillary Clinton just got elected PRESIDENT???
« on: December 05, 2014, 05:52:23 PM »
I'd rather have Obama still be in office than let that bat-shit bitch become president

Serious / Re: The Militarization of Police Nationwide (US)
« on: December 05, 2014, 05:51:24 PM »
10, 15 years ago you saw police with a lack of college education and actual training. Today you see police trained in a professional manner, and not acting like a group of southern good ole boys who just gave badges out to each other. I see police all the time out interacting with the community and getting involved

Come now Kinder. There is a huge difference between police not being trained well, and police who was friendly with the community, interacted with the children, knew people by name. That's not unprofessional - that's not being a stuck up dick.

Sure, it'll happen in the little communities, but that has totally been erased in nearly every city/urban area across the country.

Police being equipped with the right equipment helps them to protect the community and deal with any possible threats to the community.

I'm sorry, but remind me again when a police force is going to need this?

A tank is something very illogical, especially in an urban setting. Police are not fighting a foreign invasion force, they're dealing with criminals and incertain situations, terrorists who work on small-scale operations using tactics and guerilla fighting

Italicized part - very, very, very few cases,

So, basically, we have police who are being given military-grade equipment to deal with, most of the time, basic criminals.
Why do you think I don't want to work in a big urban police department? There's so much crime and other things going on that police don't have the time to interact with the community like they should. I want to work in a suburban and smaller size department in order to actually be part of the community like many of departments across the nation currently do

Situations like Ferguson where protesters are actively destroying police vehicles and property they don't own. Or situations like a school shooting. It provides a safe and secure transportation of not only law enforcement, but can also be used to move and evacuate by standers or injured people

What you say is few isn't few for police. In an active shooter, kidnapping, hostage situation or delivering an arrest or search warrant, tools such as protective vests and AR-15s are an investment to protect lives and not have officers killed when they could have otherwise been saved

So to put it simply you want the police to look like this?   

How about reading?

The limit is where police start patrolling in Humvees dressed in urban BDUs

First or second sentence in my initial response to the thread

Serious / Re: How would you answer this moral problem?
« on: December 05, 2014, 01:56:35 PM »
However, this leads to the second question - which nobody has answered. Is it more or less cruel to stay in or leave the city?
It's obviously less cruel to leave as you're not taking advantage of a society benefiting on the pain of an individual. But you can't force people to see that opinion and it's up to the individual to leave or stay

Serious / Re: How would you answer this moral problem?
« on: December 05, 2014, 01:54:18 PM »
So I would instead make thousands of people miserable to make one life less miserable? No thanks. Yeah, it's wrong but the entire city is more important than one person

Considering your political views and stances, I cannot be the only one who will find this ironic.
How so?

This is a loose-loose situation from the start. Either choice is going to end up with one side fucked

Serious / Re: A question for bible-reading religious people
« on: December 05, 2014, 01:51:46 PM »
If you're hearing a voice to commit a crime, you're easier insane or being influenced by the devil
Since this is a thread regarding hearing voices from god telling you to kill your own child, I'll overlook it. But for god's sake, please never mistake those two things when it comes to dealing with someone who is 'insane'.
Well I used the term either

Either a person is insane or a person is simply hearing the voices of evil

Serious / Re: How would you answer this moral problem?
« on: December 05, 2014, 01:50:28 PM »
So I would instead make thousands of people miserable to make one life less miserable? No thanks. Yeah, it's wrong but the entire city is more important than one person

Serious / Re: The Militarization of Police Nationwide (US)
« on: December 05, 2014, 01:45:36 PM »
10, 15 years ago you saw police with a lack of college education and actual training. Today you see police trained in a professional manner, and not acting like a group of southern good ole boys who just gave badges out to each other. I see police all the time out interacting with the community and getting involved

Come now Kinder. There is a huge difference between police not being trained well, and police who was friendly with the community, interacted with the children, knew people by name. That's not unprofessional - that's not being a stuck up dick.

Sure, it'll happen in the little communities, but that has totally been erased in nearly every city/urban area across the country.

Police being equipped with the right equipment helps them to protect the community and deal with any possible threats to the community.

I'm sorry, but remind me again when a police force is going to need this?

A tank is something very illogical, especially in an urban setting. Police are not fighting a foreign invasion force, they're dealing with criminals and incertain situations, terrorists who work on small-scale operations using tactics and guerilla fighting

Italicized part - very, very, very few cases,

So, basically, we have police who are being given military-grade equipment to deal with, most of the time, basic criminals.
Why do you think I don't want to work in a big urban police department? There's so much crime and other things going on that police don't have the time to interact with the community like they should. I want to work in a suburban and smaller size department in order to actually be part of the community like many of departments across the nation currently do

Situations like Ferguson where protesters are actively destroying police vehicles and property they don't own. Or situations like a school shooting. It provides a safe and secure transportation of not only law enforcement, but can also be used to move and evacuate by standers or injured people

What you say is few isn't few for police. In an active shooter, kidnapping, hostage situation or delivering an arrest or search warrant, tools such as protective vests and AR-15s are an investment to protect lives and not have officers killed when they could have otherwise been saved   

Serious / Re: The Militarization of Police Nationwide (US)
« on: December 05, 2014, 01:21:34 PM »

Again, you want to explain at all? I know you did a paragraph below about domestic terror and all that shit (Hint: There's the military and national guard in nearly every state for that), but that doesn't answer these questions.
Doesn't require a lot of explaining

If police are to protect people in a situation like the OK bombing, Boston Marathon, 9/11, etc then they can't operate just wearing a shirt and pair of pants, they need to been prepared for aftermath attacks and any possible individuals waiting to attacking people

Military, being under federal regulations, simply can't come charging in and the Governor has to call in the N.G first before they can come in. The police are already in the city, town, county, etc of where the situation is happening so they will be responding first. Wait a few hours for the Guard to show up then people will be complaining about police not being out trying to keep the situation under control and helping them

Doesn't at all answer the questions.

Does the militarization of police further separate the community, which is meant to be protected and follow the law, to the people "protecting" them? - Police have tanks, citizens have a pistol. You don't think this isn't going to cause problems? 10, 15 years ago, you'd see police officers on the street, knew members of the community by name. The hell did that go?

Does the militarization of police further ingrain the thought that they are above the law? - Again, the division of police to the community.

Is it a good idea to provide money for police to buy "tank-like vehicles", as the Syracuse Police Chief here in New York would like to do? - You say no to this, but then go to the argument of "Militarization is good because it helps stop domestic terror attacks and their aftermaths", which seemingly contradicts your no to tanks.
It's only going to cause a problem if the person with the handgun is being defiant, violating the law, and conducting actions that violate others. 10, 15 years ago you saw police with a lack of college education and actual training. Today you see police trained in a professional manner, and not acting like a group of southern good ole boys who just gave badges out to each other. I see police all the time out interacting with the community and getting involved

Police have always had a distinct division from the public, but because the public tends to make that push more. People will always view somebody that can put them behind bars differently than their doctor or coach, it's just how things are. Police being equipped with the right equipment helps them to protect the community and deal with any possible threats to the community. If they were trying to root themselves from the public then you wouldn't see them out helping people with the smallest requests

I've never used the term militarization; I've phrases similar to the idea of appropriate gear. A tank is something very illogical, especially in an urban setting. Police are not fighting a foreign invasion force, they're dealing with criminals and in certain situations, terrorists who work on small-scale operations using tactics and guerilla fighting

« on: December 05, 2014, 01:10:05 PM »

Serious / Re: The Militarization of Police Nationwide (US)
« on: December 05, 2014, 01:08:46 PM »

We have the most militarized public in the world. So its common sense that the police should be a step above the public with their equipment.
Then why not ban gun ownership?

Purpose of the police and government isn't to be better outfitted than the public as the public being armed instills a deterrence to government abuse

Serious / Re: The Militarization of Police Nationwide (US)
« on: December 05, 2014, 01:07:31 PM »

Again, you want to explain at all? I know you did a paragraph below about domestic terror and all that shit (Hint: There's the military and national guard in nearly every state for that), but that doesn't answer these questions.
Doesn't require a lot of explaining

If police are to protect people in a situation like the OK bombing, Boston Marathon, 9/11, etc then they can't operate just wearing a shirt and pair of pants, they need to been prepared for aftermath attacks and any possible individuals waiting to attacking people

Military, being under federal regulations, simply can't come charging in and the Governor has to call in the N.G first before they can come in. The police are already in the city, town, county, etc of where the situation is happening so they will be responding first. Wait a few hours for the Guard to show up then people will be complaining about police not being out trying to keep the situation under control and helping them

The Flood / Re: So... fish.
« on: December 05, 2014, 01:02:13 PM »
My brother had fish. All the fancy and exotic looking ones died in like 2 days. The plain looking one survived for a month lol

Serious / Re: The Militarization of Police Nationwide (US)
« on: December 05, 2014, 01:00:08 PM »

The limit is where police start patrolling in Humvees dressed in urban BDUs. But police having armored transport vehicles and protective gear for an emergency situation should not be shunned; these are the first responders to any emergency and being the ones heading in first with less intelligence than military special forces means they need to be equipped with the best gear to not only protect themselves, but to protect others

20-30 years ago, I would agree some things would be excessive but the world we live in today is far different as we're faced with the great possibility of domestic terrorism and attacks

Sick with what?

The Flood / Re: You flip a coin twice
« on: December 05, 2014, 12:29:11 PM »
You didn't specify the amount of flips, so I can simply flip heads to tails back to heads again to constitute as the two flips needed, meaning it ends up where I started from and thus eliminating any chance

« on: December 05, 2014, 11:45:37 AM »
Had them before. There's this sampler thing with britbong candies and snacks but can't remember what it's called

Serious / Re: A question for bible-reading religious people
« on: December 04, 2014, 11:35:52 PM »
We have free will, so he can't order us to do something. If you're hearing a voice to commit a crime, you're easier insane or being influenced by the devil

The Flood / It's late and shit
« on: December 04, 2014, 11:33:51 PM »

If anybody wants a radio station that plays some good rock and some metal, there ya go (first link direct to live stream)


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