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Messages - Kinder Graham

Pages: 1 ... 555657 5859 ... 243
The Flood / Re: Star Wars VII Character Names Revealed
« on: December 11, 2014, 11:22:59 PM »
gr8 BB-8 M8 8/8

The Flood / Elegiac Watches
« on: December 11, 2014, 11:20:23 PM »
Ryle: MLGify this:

Jester: Your pie is dumb.

Grapes: Let me look softly into your hole.

Septy: Return your Dad's christmas presents to the store.

Risay117: We've got this album cranking in the house right now:

Ossku/Byrne: Blow me. That's my most sensitive spot.

Kinder: Thanks for making this thread, dude.

The Flood / Re: ITT: Post the most cringeworthy thing you can find
« on: December 11, 2014, 11:15:30 PM »


The Flood / Re: ITT: Post the most cringeworthy thing you can find
« on: December 11, 2014, 11:09:56 PM »


The Flood / Re: ITT: Post the most cringeworthy thing you can find
« on: December 11, 2014, 11:06:23 PM »


« on: December 11, 2014, 09:41:42 PM »
You have shit taste in guns.
>video 5 minutes long
>responds a minute after thread is made
I based it off the video thumbnail. It looks like shit.
>aesthetics having impact on function

« on: December 11, 2014, 09:38:34 PM »
You have shit taste in guns.
>video 5 minutes long
>responds a minute after thread is made

« on: December 11, 2014, 09:36:57 PM »


The Flood / Re: Do you find Christmas still relevant?
« on: December 11, 2014, 09:27:35 PM »
Jesus is love
Jesus is lyfe

The Flood / Re: Metal thread post Metal
« on: December 11, 2014, 09:19:48 PM »


The Flood / Re: Metal thread post Metal
« on: December 11, 2014, 09:08:39 PM »


The Flood / Re: Metal thread post Metal
« on: December 11, 2014, 09:04:59 PM »

The Flood / Re: Metal thread post Metal
« on: December 11, 2014, 09:04:39 PM »


The Flood / Re: Metal thread post Metal
« on: December 11, 2014, 08:59:35 PM »


The Flood / Re: Metal thread post Metal
« on: December 11, 2014, 08:57:46 PM »


The Flood / Re: Metal thread post Metal
« on: December 11, 2014, 08:52:43 PM »


The Flood / Re: Metal thread post Metal
« on: December 11, 2014, 08:49:03 PM »

« on: December 11, 2014, 08:25:38 PM »

The Flood / Re: I am a God among ants, my katana will burn the sky.
« on: December 11, 2014, 08:12:38 PM »
Be careful, you'll cut yourself with that edge.
I've done that before. Always make sure you have a good grip

The Flood / Re: Flood wat do
« on: December 11, 2014, 08:11:42 PM »
ill be your dad. you just have to call me daddy

The Flood / Re: requesting cheat to change this to the site's logo
« on: December 11, 2014, 08:09:27 PM »
You're kidding right? This should be logo:

S-something you want to tell us?
Shh...they're watching.

Ew, commies. Herr Cheat will raid your house at night.

TBlocks ain't gonna be happy with that one, I reckon.
Yes, my plan is going accordingly

As we speak, tblacks is having the biggest feel of his life

The Flood / Re: requesting cheat to change this to the site's logo
« on: December 11, 2014, 08:00:38 PM »
You're kidding right? This should be logo:

S-something you want to tell us?

The Flood / Re: Your GPA
« on: December 11, 2014, 07:53:42 PM »
It would be easier to know your exact grades

But making a basis that


Then that should be an 85. Although I'm shit at math

All I know is last semester I made the Deans List;not sure this semester. I also failed the lab part of my bio class with like a 59.5 but I'm doing great in lecture. If I get a decent grade on my final exam then I should still be able to pass since lecture counts as 60%

Serious / Re: The Meyers-Briggs Personality Test
« on: December 11, 2014, 07:51:30 PM »
(I've kind of fluctuated between that and INTJ for a few years but it's mostly settled on ISTJ now)

Introverted 72%
Observant 9%
Thinking 17%
Judging 49%
Assertive 36%

You are one of the Sentinels - a reliable and dedicated individual who respects traditions and prizes responsibility. You are known for your directness, attention to detail and quiet dedication.

Strengths and Weaknesses
ISTJ Strengths

    Honest and Direct - Integrity is the heart of the ISTJ personality type. Emotional manipulation, mind games and reassuring lies all run counter to ISTJs' preference for managing the reality of the situations they encounter with plain and simple honesty.
    Strong-willed and Dutiful - ISTJs embody that integrity in their actions too, working hard and staying focused on their goals. Patient and determined, people with the ISTJ personality type meet their obligations, period.
    Very Responsible - ISTJs' word is a promise, and a promise means everything. ISTJs would rather run themselves into the ground with extra days and lost sleep than fail to deliver the results they said they would. Loyalty is a strong sentiment for ISTJ personalities, and they fulfill their duties to the people and organizations they've committed themselves to.
    Calm and Practical - None of their promises would mean much if ISTJs lost their tempers and broke down at every sign of hardship - they keep their feet on the ground and make clear, rational decisions. Peoples' preferences are a factor to consider in this process, and ISTJs work to make the best use of individual qualities, but these decisions are made with effectiveness in mind more so than empathy. The same applies to criticisms, for others and themselves.
    Create and Enforce Order - The primary goal of any ISTJ is to be effective in what they've chosen to do, and they believe that this is accomplished best when everyone involved knows exactly what is going on and why. Unclear guidelines and people who break established rules undermine this effort, and are rarely tolerated by ISTJs. Structure and rules foster dependability; chaos creates unforeseen setbacks and missed deadlines.
    Jacks-of-all-trades - Much like Analysts (NT), ISTJs are proud repositories of knowledge, though the emphasis is more on facts and statistics than concepts and underlying principles. This allows ISTJs to apply themselves to a variety of situations, picking up and applying new data and grasping the details of challenging situations as a matter of course.

ISTJ Weaknesses

    Stubborn - The facts are the facts, and ISTJs tend to resist any new idea that isn't supported by them. This factual decision-making process also makes it difficult for people with the ISTJ personality type to accept that they were wrong about something - but anyone can miss a detail, even them.
    Insensitive - While not intentionally harsh, ISTJs are often hurt more sensitive types' feelings by the simple mantra that honesty is the best policy. ISTJ personalities may take emotions into consideration, but really only so far as to determine the most effective way to say what needs to be said.
    Always by the Book - ISTJs believe that things work best with clearly defined rules, but this makes them reluctant to bend those rules or try new things, even when the downside is minimal. Truly unstructured environments leave ISTJs all but paralyzed.
    Judgmental - Opinions are opinions and facts are facts, and ISTJs are unlikely to respect people who disagree with those facts, or especially those who remain willfully ignorant of them.
    Often Unreasonably Blame Themselves - All this can combine to make ISTJs believe they are the only ones who can see projects through reliably. As they load themselves with extra work and responsibilities, turning away good intentions and helpful ideas, ISTJs sooner or later hit a tipping point where they simply can't deliver. Since they've heaped the responsibility on themselves, ISTJs then believe the responsibility for failure is theirs alone to bear.
Cut down version
Honest and Direct
Strong-willed and Dutiful
Very Responsible
Calm and Practical
Create and Enforce Order

Always by the Book
Often Unreasonably Blame Themselves

Discussion of S&W


Honest and Direct - Applies pretty well, Honesty is what I always try to stick to but directness can sometimes take a back seat in lieu of the bigger picture.

Strong-willed and Dutiful - To a T as the phrase goes <.<

Very Responsible - Yup, to the point of being a killjoy.

Calm and Practical - Hmmmmm mostly, usually applies but isn't completely accurate.

Create and Enforce Order - Yup, I love order. Fuck Chaos.

Jacks-of-all-trades - A nice forer effect line here <.<
It does apply though, in both video games and IRL >_____>


Stubborn - Yeah kind of, but not to the point of breaking.

Insensitive - I hope not and I don't think this one applies at all.

Always by the Book - ehhh depends, The book is good but direct interpretation doesn't leave much room for creativity in solutions >.>

Judgemental - Hmm, yeah. I worked on this one though, so hopefully it doesn't ever actually show through or influence my thoughts/actions. Private opinions of things are always quite judgemental though <.<

Often Unreasonably Blame Themselves - Ehh not really, If some retard is to blame for a shitfest then they'll be the one getting lynched. I'm not one to martyr myself over stupid crap that I didn't do <.<
>yfw youre the same as 3 republican presidents
>yfw youre the same as a confederate general
>yfw youre the same as two great capitalists
>yfw youre the same as two big nazi leaders

I think your politics and economics are on the wrong side m9y
>mfw you lump Nazis, Confederates and Republicans in together

Not all Confederates and Nazis were bad
I can kind of see the argument for the Confederates, but if you were a Nazi then you were a terrible human being.
Erwin Rommel straight up ignored orders to kill Jews and that shit. He also was part of the conspiracy to kill Hitler. Despite him being a Nazi, I still have great respect for him

The Flood / Re: >Says just site moderation
« on: December 11, 2014, 07:46:27 PM »

I need to get that game

Serious / Re: The Meyers-Briggs Personality Test
« on: December 11, 2014, 07:45:34 PM »
(I've kind of fluctuated between that and INTJ for a few years but it's mostly settled on ISTJ now)

Introverted 72%
Observant 9%
Thinking 17%
Judging 49%
Assertive 36%

You are one of the Sentinels - a reliable and dedicated individual who respects traditions and prizes responsibility. You are known for your directness, attention to detail and quiet dedication.

Strengths and Weaknesses
ISTJ Strengths

    Honest and Direct - Integrity is the heart of the ISTJ personality type. Emotional manipulation, mind games and reassuring lies all run counter to ISTJs' preference for managing the reality of the situations they encounter with plain and simple honesty.
    Strong-willed and Dutiful - ISTJs embody that integrity in their actions too, working hard and staying focused on their goals. Patient and determined, people with the ISTJ personality type meet their obligations, period.
    Very Responsible - ISTJs' word is a promise, and a promise means everything. ISTJs would rather run themselves into the ground with extra days and lost sleep than fail to deliver the results they said they would. Loyalty is a strong sentiment for ISTJ personalities, and they fulfill their duties to the people and organizations they've committed themselves to.
    Calm and Practical - None of their promises would mean much if ISTJs lost their tempers and broke down at every sign of hardship - they keep their feet on the ground and make clear, rational decisions. Peoples' preferences are a factor to consider in this process, and ISTJs work to make the best use of individual qualities, but these decisions are made with effectiveness in mind more so than empathy. The same applies to criticisms, for others and themselves.
    Create and Enforce Order - The primary goal of any ISTJ is to be effective in what they've chosen to do, and they believe that this is accomplished best when everyone involved knows exactly what is going on and why. Unclear guidelines and people who break established rules undermine this effort, and are rarely tolerated by ISTJs. Structure and rules foster dependability; chaos creates unforeseen setbacks and missed deadlines.
    Jacks-of-all-trades - Much like Analysts (NT), ISTJs are proud repositories of knowledge, though the emphasis is more on facts and statistics than concepts and underlying principles. This allows ISTJs to apply themselves to a variety of situations, picking up and applying new data and grasping the details of challenging situations as a matter of course.

ISTJ Weaknesses

    Stubborn - The facts are the facts, and ISTJs tend to resist any new idea that isn't supported by them. This factual decision-making process also makes it difficult for people with the ISTJ personality type to accept that they were wrong about something - but anyone can miss a detail, even them.
    Insensitive - While not intentionally harsh, ISTJs are often hurt more sensitive types' feelings by the simple mantra that honesty is the best policy. ISTJ personalities may take emotions into consideration, but really only so far as to determine the most effective way to say what needs to be said.
    Always by the Book - ISTJs believe that things work best with clearly defined rules, but this makes them reluctant to bend those rules or try new things, even when the downside is minimal. Truly unstructured environments leave ISTJs all but paralyzed.
    Judgmental - Opinions are opinions and facts are facts, and ISTJs are unlikely to respect people who disagree with those facts, or especially those who remain willfully ignorant of them.
    Often Unreasonably Blame Themselves - All this can combine to make ISTJs believe they are the only ones who can see projects through reliably. As they load themselves with extra work and responsibilities, turning away good intentions and helpful ideas, ISTJs sooner or later hit a tipping point where they simply can't deliver. Since they've heaped the responsibility on themselves, ISTJs then believe the responsibility for failure is theirs alone to bear.
Cut down version
Honest and Direct
Strong-willed and Dutiful
Very Responsible
Calm and Practical
Create and Enforce Order

Always by the Book
Often Unreasonably Blame Themselves

Discussion of S&W


Honest and Direct - Applies pretty well, Honesty is what I always try to stick to but directness can sometimes take a back seat in lieu of the bigger picture.

Strong-willed and Dutiful - To a T as the phrase goes <.<

Very Responsible - Yup, to the point of being a killjoy.

Calm and Practical - Hmmmmm mostly, usually applies but isn't completely accurate.

Create and Enforce Order - Yup, I love order. Fuck Chaos.

Jacks-of-all-trades - A nice forer effect line here <.<
It does apply though, in both video games and IRL >_____>


Stubborn - Yeah kind of, but not to the point of breaking.

Insensitive - I hope not and I don't think this one applies at all.

Always by the Book - ehhh depends, The book is good but direct interpretation doesn't leave much room for creativity in solutions >.>

Judgemental - Hmm, yeah. I worked on this one though, so hopefully it doesn't ever actually show through or influence my thoughts/actions. Private opinions of things are always quite judgemental though <.<

Often Unreasonably Blame Themselves - Ehh not really, If some retard is to blame for a shitfest then they'll be the one getting lynched. I'm not one to martyr myself over stupid crap that I didn't do <.<
>yfw youre the same as 3 republican presidents
>yfw youre the same as a confederate general
>yfw youre the same as two great capitalists
>yfw youre the same as two big nazi leaders

I think your politics and economics are on the wrong side m9y
>mfw you lump Nazis, Confederates and Republicans in together

Not all Confederates and Nazis were bad

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