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Messages - Kinder Graham

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The Flood / Re: Daily reminder you're a misogynist.
« on: December 14, 2014, 04:28:19 PM »
Well, I do believe women have the priority of being a home maker before anything else

Serious / Re: Native Council Offers Amnesty to Whites.
« on: December 14, 2014, 04:26:50 PM »
Actually, illegal immigrants get more benefits than legal immigrants. My grandmother had to learn English from watching Sesame Street, yet here's some illegals that get free education and my grandmother got absolutely nothing

Considering your Grandmother likely came here before SCOTUS ruled that education had to be provided to all immigrant children...
Does it matter? She had the strict rule of no Spanish in the household, only English
And how is this at all relevant to immigration policy?
Oh wait, anecdotal claims aren't.
It's not ancedotal as this used to be a common occurrence

The Flood / Re: I'm new and what is this?
« on: December 14, 2014, 04:26:05 PM »
You're finally here!

The Flood / Re: What time period would you like to have been born in?
« on: December 14, 2014, 04:25:42 PM »
Cowboys and injuns time of murica
French Revolution
Islamic Golden Age

Serious / Re: Native Council Offers Amnesty to Whites.
« on: December 14, 2014, 04:24:47 PM »
Actually, illegal immigrants get more benefits than legal immigrants. My grandmother had to learn English from watching Sesame Street, yet here's some illegals that get free education and my grandmother got absolutely nothing

Considering your Grandmother likely came here before SCOTUS ruled that education had to be provided to all immigrant children...
Does it matter? She had the strict rule of no Spanish in the household, only English

The Flood / Re: It's time for the Sep7agon historical figure awards!
« on: December 14, 2014, 04:22:48 PM »
1. Bonaparte
2. Saladin
3. Jefferson
4. Anybody but Churchshit
5. Trotsky
6. Ford
7. Voltaire
8. Tesla
9. Dr. Seuss
10 Copland

The Flood / Re: Barack Obama got assassinated
« on: December 14, 2014, 04:15:54 PM »
Fuck, now we have to deal wit Joe Shiten
Worse pun than John Boner.
muh binders full of women

Gaming / Re: How do you feel about this picture?
« on: December 14, 2014, 04:10:50 PM »
F3 is superior than NV
Degenerates like you belong on a cross.
How does it feel knowing that every but one ending will be non-canon?

The Flood / Re: Barack Obama got assassinated
« on: December 14, 2014, 04:10:02 PM »
Fuck, now we have to deal wit Joe Shiten

Serious / Re: Native Council Offers Amnesty to Whites.
« on: December 14, 2014, 04:08:46 PM »
Oh I'm sorry, I forgot there isn't high crime and gang/cartel activity in America, especially in low-income areas where illegals typically live
I just want to check something.

In the USA, how many mass graves and piles of human heads are found on a daily basis?
And do classes full of children just vanish into thin air? (See: Mass graves and piles of human heads)
What about chainsaw executions? Or bombings?

Hmmm, because unless the deep south is actually a warzone right now I think that you can't compare high crime levels between the USA and one of the most corrupt and failed states outside of Africa.
Why does any of that matter? Crime is still crime, and it's strong in low-income areas. It doesn't matter how worse something else is, in both cases it's utter crap. It's like saying you'd rather live in China than North Korea but fail to realize China is still a shit hole of a country
So muggings are on par with beheadings?

Don't get me wrong, the ayatollah in me says there is nothing wrong with a bit of 'lop off their heads' but somehow I don't see why a bunch of gangsters saying Esé whilst taking your wallet is the same as a few hitmen sawing your mother's head off and posting it on liveleak.

Your second point is pretty self defeating too, unless you intended to imply the USA is a shithole in which case it's not too incorrect.
>implying only muggings happen in America. Murders, kidnappings, executions, extortion, corruption, and everything else does happen here. May not be in the same numbers as Mexico, but it still happens. If these illegals are trying to run from crime, then they should get the hell out of America because it isn't a safe haven

No, I'm saying crime is still crime. You can say Mexican crime is far worse than American crime, but it doesn't defeat the fact murder is still murder, kidnapping is still kidnapping, and drug dealing is still drug dealing. If you don't want crime then either move to a different country, or actually work to become an American and refrain from living in high-crime areas
>implying that I implied that
>not even doing it right

No shit crime is still crime, but mexico is comparable with Libya minus the airstrikes at this point. The cartels run Mexico, they don't run the USA. When the cartels can freely rampage through the country and behead whoever the fuck they like, it's not wonder people are fleeing the country. They aren't just border jumping because they want to steal those low paying fruit picking jobs from honest hard working americans ;-;7 but because they are bloody refugees at this point.

But sure, lock em all up in jail and send them back to their country to die in the streets from unchecked tyranny. That's very american of you.

Poverty is correlated with Crime, illegal immigrants don't get jobs and benefits and the same kind of financial security a legal immigrant does so is it really any wonder that crime is higher in ghettos?

If you don't want crime then either move to a different country,
Which is what they are doing.

or actually work to become an American and refrain from living in high-crime areas
Which is what they want to do, but can't because of the broken system for immigration in the USA.
High crime areas = dirt cheap to live in, I'm sure they would all just love to move to Beverley hills but funnily enough, they can't afford to :o
Well you based everything around muggings, so I'll imply what I please based on the information present at the given time

Depends on what areas in the U.S you're talking about. Cities like Detroit, Chicago, D.C, etc. are all corrupt and are in many aspects controlled by gangs. But again, they run low-income areas because of the people that live there. And they aren't? So you're telling me none of them come here and commit crime? That none of them send much of their money back to Mexico? Because if you think that, then you don't know the situation as I do

And what's the alternative? Support them under a system that doesn't have the strength to do so? Have you even seen some American schools or infrastructure? We have bigger problems to worry about than some guy in Mexico. The world isn't a communist fairy land, the world is unfair and harsh for many people, that's how life has, is, and will be. America isn't the world's mother; why don't you have the UK ship all of these illegals to your island? If you care about them so much, you take them

Actually, illegal immigrants get more benefits than legal immigrants. My grandmother had to learn English from watching Sesame Street, yet here's some illegals that get free education and my grandmother got absolutely nothing

If they want to do so, then come in the country as legal. Is it that fucking hard to understand?

Serious / Re: Native Council Offers Amnesty to Whites.
« on: December 14, 2014, 03:25:56 PM »
Oh I'm sorry, I forgot there isn't high crime and gang/cartel activity in America, especially in low-income areas where illegals typically live
I just want to check something.

In the USA, how many mass graves and piles of human heads are found on a daily basis?
And do classes full of children just vanish into thin air? (See: Mass graves and piles of human heads)
What about chainsaw executions? Or bombings?

Hmmm, because unless the deep south is actually a warzone right now I think that you can't compare high crime levels between the USA and one of the most corrupt and failed states outside of Africa.
Why does any of that matter? Crime is still crime, and it's strong in low-income areas. It doesn't matter how worse something else is, in both cases it's utter crap. It's like saying you'd rather live in China than North Korea but fail to realize China is still a shit hole of a country
So muggings are on par with beheadings?

Don't get me wrong, the ayatollah in me says there is nothing wrong with a bit of 'lop off their heads' but somehow I don't see why a bunch of gangsters saying Esé whilst taking your wallet is the same as a few hitmen sawing your mother's head off and posting it on liveleak.

Your second point is pretty self defeating too, unless you intended to imply the USA is a shithole in which case it's not too incorrect.
>implying only muggings happen in America. Murders, kidnappings, executions, extortion, corruption, and everything else does happen here. May not be in the same numbers as Mexico, but it still happens. If these illegals are trying to run from crime, then they should get the hell out of America because it isn't a safe haven

No, I'm saying crime is still crime. You can say Mexican crime is far worse than American crime, but it doesn't defeat the fact murder is still murder, kidnapping is still kidnapping, and drug dealing is still drug dealing. If you don't want crime then either move to a different country, or actually work to become an American and refrain from living in high-crime areas

Serious / Re: Native Council Offers Amnesty to Whites.
« on: December 14, 2014, 03:22:19 PM »
Preventing illegals is no way shape or form the eradication of capitalism, it's the preservation of it

You DO realize that immigrants are necessary for economic growth, correct?

What am I on about? I'm on that if a case is supposedly a concrete and non-repeal-able idea, then DOMA shouldn't be deconstructed and segregation should still exist.

Again, you make zero sense.

Where did I say there were mass executions in America? I said that crime exists in low-income areas which is conducted by gangs and cartel members. Continue to twist my words

No twisting. But as Psy said, if you compare violence in America to violence in Mexico, it's laughable.
Not true. The idea that a bunch of desperately poor, uneducated, unskilled, non-English speaking foreigners are an economic necessity is ludicrous. In fact, when you compare cost vs. benefit, it is obvious that they are not only NOT a necessity, they are not even an asset. Rather, they are a liability and a huge one at that.

How am I not making sense? It doesn't require a medical degree to understand that advocating the idea court cases can't be repealed means other court cases, like DOMA, can't be repealed either

You are twisting, because I didn't specify what type of crime. I just said crime follows over, it's not hard to understand that

Serious / Re: Native Council Offers Amnesty to Whites.
« on: December 14, 2014, 03:19:16 PM »
Any American against immigration is not an American and doesn't believe in the American Dream.

There's no such thing as "illegal" immigrants.
I'm going to hold off on starting an argument. Half of my family are immigrants and we have no respect for illegals
Good for you. You're not true Americans.
Yeah we are. My mom's side of the family worked hard to survive and embraced the American Dream, unlike many illegals; all they care about is coming here and sending money back to their home country, my family and true immigrants want to assimilate into American culture and become an American, that's what immigration is about. If you're not going to bother to learn the language, educate yourself, stay away from crime, and spend money on American business then you have no reason to immigrate
And "illegal" immigrants don't do this? I knew a shit ton of Mexicans with no papers who were American as fuck.

Papers don't mean shit. Do criminals get in through the border? Yes. You solve that problem by making immigration easier and pardoning paperwork mistakes or status issues after 5 or 10 years.

Immigrants are immigrants. Every American is an immigrant, and they're all illegal at that. Did the natives give any of you a visa? Nope. No American has the right to complain about immigration when these people are doing the same shit your ancestors did. The majority of people that go to America are in search of a better life and integrate into the country and culture. I don't give a fuck whether they're "legal" or not. Give em some fucking papers and have them pay taxes and contribute and I guarantee you they'll start sending their kids to school and college a lot more because they won't be afraid of getting deported after living there a decade.

The immigration system is fucked up and needs to be fixed. Because criminals keep pouring in, and good people keep getting fucked over.
No, because if they want to be American then they would have gone through the legal and correct way
Like I said, papers don't make you an American.

They do mean shit.
No they don't. I'm a European citizen and I've never felt like a European nor do I wish to be one.

So the answer to solving crime is to make it easier for criminals to get through? Seriously?
I never said that. I said the exact opposite.

Ever hear about the illegal that killed two cops like a month or two ago? You actually want that to be a common occurrence?
Ever hear about the "illegal" immigrants that did something Americans couldn't do?

Let's not forget that Reagan had a huge hand in creating the MS13 by giving amnesty to illegals; maybe if their asses were kicked out, one of the nation's most violent gangs wouldn't exist
These people came from a war torn nation and the majority of the men were fighting and had blown people's heads off at close range. It's like Romania being in the EU. Terrible idea. It's not a good idea to allow just anybody in. I've already said that.   

Immigrants are people who come here lawfully; illegals are, you guessed it, people that come unlawfully.
They're both immigrants. Go grab yourself a dictionary. 

Seriously going to bring that hippie liberal "all americans are illegal" bullshit?
Yup. The colonials invaded and took land. You didn't apply for a visa. You didn't ask the Natives' permission.

The natives are fucking illegal by your logic, because they came here from Asia/Russia via the Bearing Strait.
Except there were no humans there until they arrived.

Oh, and it's not like I myself came from Europe, I was born on American soil, making me an American.
I don't know why you're bringing that up, because your ancestors (depending on which generation you are) didn't ask the natives for permission either.

Finish having an orgasm and get back to me.

and Europeans also traded goods to the Natives for land.
Not exactly. Treaties were made and then broken and the land was almost always taken by force eventually.

But would that mean the land taken from Natives by other Natives through war is also illegal?
Seeing how they were all from the same continent, that's a different subject. That's like asking me if a King leads an army to take nearby lands from rebellious people would be illegal. It's irrelevant and a strawman at best.

Would the children of the conquerors be illegal?
Again, irrelevant. I'm talking about colonials invading and taking land from the natives. All the immigrants of today are doing are coming across without permission (just like European Americans) but instead of killing people and stealing land, they work the jobs European Americans are too lazy to do.

Oh, how about all the goods and land the Natives stole from colonists?
How exactly does this have anything to do with immigration.

The immigration is fucked up, it's fucked up because the government gives incentives to illegals.
Like being thrown into a federal prison and then deported and barred for life?

Go into Mexico illegally and see what happens, your ass will be thrown in a Mexican prison and you'll be forgotten
So essentially we should degrade America to Mexico's standards?
Except papers do make you an American. My birth certificate says I'm born in America, making me an American. Passports and green cards tells people certain individuals are allowed to live or visit the country. What do illegals have to prove they are either citizens or legally able to be in America? Ding ding ding: NOTHING

What you feel=/=what government says

You did said it; you said it by advocating for far easier access, granting cartels an even easier way into the country

That's nice and all, but they're kids; they were forced to come here by their parents. This isn't a story about some 30 year old, it's a story about some kids who only know America as their home, not Mexico or where ever

Too fucking bad if they came from a war-torn area. The actions of Reagan created one of the most notorious and violent American gangs in existence. Instead of keeping the violence contained in one country, it now has spread to multiple. I don't know about you, but having crime spreading isn't going to do any good
illegal alien
a foreigner who has entered or resides in a country unlawfully or without the country's authorization.
a foreigner who enters the U.S. without an entry or immigrant visa, especially a person who crosses the border by avoiding inspection or who overstays the period of time allowed as a visitor, tourist, or businessperson.

I'm a colonist now? Because I don't remember travelling via ship to America. I was born on American soil, making me a Native American, just like the so called other "Natives". Only difference between us is skin color and culture, other than that they migrated from Asia just like how my ancestors immigrated here from Europe

And that matters how exactly? It doesn't matter. At all. Populated or not, they were never born here and thus not native

I'm not my ancestors; I'm me. Why are you bringing up people who are not me?

So the lands conquered by other nations from around the world are there forth illegally their's? That's what happens in consenting war; somebody gains something, the other looses something. That's how it has been for 1000s of years

Same continent? That's seriously all you can think of? So does that mean Turkey has to give Europe Instanbul and it's European holdings since it originally began in Asia? Russia also spans into Europe and Asia

Not irrelevant. Lands the Cherokee conquered from nearby enemies would mean any born on them isn't native born Cherokee, going by your logic. Natives also never believed in land ownership so nothing was technically taken from them as they never owned it. You can't steal something somebody else doesn't own

Because you claim the stuff Europeans "stole" don't belong to them, well "natives" stole from Europeans so they're equally wrong

Yep, because illegals only cross over once and never again. You got me their m8 //sarcasm

No, we should make people realize that if you brake the law, you will be treated like the piece of shit criminal scum that you are

Serious / Re: Native Council Offers Amnesty to Whites.
« on: December 14, 2014, 03:06:08 PM »

Quality refutation, would read again.
Why should I take my time in writing something out when the former response is crap refutation and down-play?

because when someone disagrees with you It's a crap argument?
Because when you give a response and somebody says "irrelevant". then it is a crap argument. If me responding to him means it will calm your boner then I'll do so

Serious / Re: Native Council Offers Amnesty to Whites.
« on: December 14, 2014, 02:58:23 PM »
Banning illegals from job=/=destruction of the free market.

Sorry, but you don't get to have it both ways. If you want a free market, and for the government to keep their hands out of it, you don't get to also say that we should have laws about who a company should or should not be able to hire and/or service.

After all, haven't you said that if a company wants to not serve gay people, that should be fine? Well, if a company wants to hire illegals, that should be fine - it's THEIR private business.

And SCOTUS cases can be struck down by new ones. So by your logic, DOMA shouldn't be repealed and gay marriage should be banned federally since a decision was made for it, correct?

...What are you even on about?

Let me know when SCOTUS takes up a case on illegal immigration and education again. Until then, the one in place is precedent and the law of the land.

Oh I'm sorry, I forgot there isn't high crime and gang/cartel activity in America, especially in low-income areas where illegals typically live

> Comparing violence in America to violence in Mexico and other Central American states.

I'd love to see the mass graves, systematic executions, destruction of entire families, etc. Please, share them.
Again, some needed regulations=/=destruction of the free market. We should just get rid of the EPA, FTC, BBB, USDA, etc. if you want to play that route. Preventing illegals is no way shape or form the eradication of capitalism, it's the preservation of it

Except there's a major difference, being gay isn't something that gets you deported. Being an illegal is. Really, learn the law if you're going to use awful analogies

What am I on about? I'm on that if a case is supposedly a concrete and non-repeal-able idea, then DOMA shouldn't be deconstructed and segregation should still exist.

Where did I say there were mass executions in America? I said that crime exists in low-income areas which is conducted by gangs and cartel members. Continue to twist my words

Serious / Re: Native Council Offers Amnesty to Whites.
« on: December 14, 2014, 02:51:14 PM »
Any American against immigration is not an American and doesn't believe in the American Dream.

There's no such thing as "illegal" immigrants.
I'm going to hold off on starting an argument. Half of my family are immigrants and we have no respect for illegals
Good for you. You're not true Americans.
Yeah we are. My mom's side of the family worked hard to survive and embraced the American Dream, unlike many illegals; all they care about is coming here and sending money back to their home country, my family and true immigrants want to assimilate into American culture and become an American, that's what immigration is about. If you're not going to bother to learn the language, educate yourself, stay away from crime, and spend money on American business then you have no reason to immigrate
And "illegal" immigrants don't do this? I knew a shit ton of Mexicans with no papers who were American as fuck.

Papers don't mean shit. Do criminals get in through the border? Yes. You solve that problem by making immigration easier and pardoning paperwork mistakes or status issues after 5 or 10 years.

Immigrants are immigrants. Every American is an immigrant, and they're all illegal at that. Did the natives give any of you a visa? Nope. No American has the right to complain about immigration when these people are doing the same shit your ancestors did. The majority of people that go to America are in search of a better life and integrate into the country and culture. I don't give a fuck whether they're "legal" or not. Give em some fucking papers and have them pay taxes and contribute and I guarantee you they'll start sending their kids to school and college a lot more because they won't be afraid of getting deported after living there a decade.

The immigration system is fucked up and needs to be fixed. Because criminals keep pouring in, and good people keep getting fucked over.
No, because if they want to be American then they would have gone through the legal and correct way
Like I said, papers don't make you an American.

They do mean shit.
No they don't. I'm a European citizen and I've never felt like a European nor do I wish to be one.

So the answer to solving crime is to make it easier for criminals to get through? Seriously?
I never said that. I said the exact opposite.

Ever hear about the illegal that killed two cops like a month or two ago? You actually want that to be a common occurrence?
Ever hear about the "illegal" immigrants that did something Anericans couldn't do?

Let's not forget that Reagan had a huge hand in creating the MS13 by giving amnesty to illegals; maybe if their asses were kicked out, one of the nation's most violent gangs wouldn't exist
These people came from a war torn nation and the majority of the men were fighting and had blown people's heads off at close range. It's like Romania being in the EU. Terrible idea. It's not a good idea to allow just anybody in. I've already said that.   

Immigrants are people who come here lawfully; illegals are, you guessed it, people that come unlawfully.
They're both immigrants. Go grab yourself a dictionary. 

Seriously going to bring that hippie liberal "all americans are illegal" bullshit?
Yup. The colonials invaded and took land. You didn't apply for a visa. You didn't ask the Natives' permission.

The natives are fucking illegal by your logic, because they came here from Asia/Russia via the Bearing Strait.
Except there were no humans there until they arrived.

Oh, and it's not like I myself came from Europe, I was born on American soil, making me an American.
I don't know why you're bringing that up, because your ancestors (depending on which generation you are) didn't ask the natives for permission either.

Finish having an orgasm and get back to me.

and Europeans also traded goods to the Natives for land.
Not exactly. Treaties were made and then broken and the land was almost always taken by force eventually.

But would that mean the land taken from Natives by other Natives through war is also illegal?
Seeing how they were all from the same continent, that's a different subject. That's like asking me if a King leads an army to take nearby lands from rebellious people would be illegal. It's irrelevant and a strawman at best.

Would the children of the conquerors be illegal?
Again, irrelevant. I'm talking about colonials invading and taking land from the natives. All the immigrants of today are doing are coming across without permission (just like European Americans) but instead of killing people and stealing land, they work the jobs European Americans are too lazy to do.

Oh, how about all the goods and land the Natives stole from colonists?
How exactly does this have anything to do with immigration.

The immigration is fucked up, it's fucked up because the government gives incentives to illegals.
Like being thrown into a federal prison and then deported and barred for life?

Go into Mexico illegally and see what happens, your ass will be thrown in a Mexican prison and you'll be forgotten
So essentially we should degrade America to Mexico's standards?
Seeing as how I make valid points then you take he cheap way of saying irrelevant or other B.S, it's a serious waste to argue with somebody of your stature
I'll take that as a "you're right, but I'm too stubborn and set in my ignorance to accept it and instead of coming to an understanding I'm going to talk shit :^)".

Absolutely smoked m9.
Keep projecting

Serious / Re: Native Council Offers Amnesty to Whites.
« on: December 14, 2014, 02:50:56 PM »

Quality refutation, would read again.
Why should I take my time in writing something out when the former response is crap refutation and down-play?

Serious / Re: Native Council Offers Amnesty to Whites.
« on: December 14, 2014, 02:49:58 PM »
Oh I'm sorry, I forgot there isn't high crime and gang/cartel activity in America, especially in low-income areas where illegals typically live
I just want to check something.

In the USA, how many mass graves and piles of human heads are found on a daily basis?
And do classes full of children just vanish into thin air? (See: Mass graves and piles of human heads)
What about chainsaw executions? Or bombings?

Hmmm, because unless the deep south is actually a warzone right now I think that you can't compare high crime levels between the USA and one of the most corrupt and failed states outside of Africa.
Why does any of that matter? Crime is still crime, and it's strong in low-income areas. It doesn't matter how worse something else is, in both cases it's utter crap. It's like saying you'd rather live in China than North Korea but fail to realize China is still a shit hole of a country

Serious / Re: Native Council Offers Amnesty to Whites.
« on: December 14, 2014, 02:47:14 PM »
Any American against immigration is not an American and doesn't believe in the American Dream.

There's no such thing as "illegal" immigrants.
I'm going to hold off on starting an argument. Half of my family are immigrants and we have no respect for illegals
Good for you. You're not true Americans.
Yeah we are. My mom's side of the family worked hard to survive and embraced the American Dream, unlike many illegals; all they care about is coming here and sending money back to their home country, my family and true immigrants want to assimilate into American culture and become an American, that's what immigration is about. If you're not going to bother to learn the language, educate yourself, stay away from crime, and spend money on American business then you have no reason to immigrate
And "illegal" immigrants don't do this? I knew a shit ton of Mexicans with no papers who were American as fuck.

Papers don't mean shit. Do criminals get in through the border? Yes. You solve that problem by making immigration easier and pardoning paperwork mistakes or status issues after 5 or 10 years.

Immigrants are immigrants. Every American is an immigrant, and they're all illegal at that. Did the natives give any of you a visa? Nope. No American has the right to complain about immigration when these people are doing the same shit your ancestors did. The majority of people that go to America are in search of a better life and integrate into the country and culture. I don't give a fuck whether they're "legal" or not. Give em some fucking papers and have them pay taxes and contribute and I guarantee you they'll start sending their kids to school and college a lot more because they won't be afraid of getting deported after living there a decade.

The immigration system is fucked up and needs to be fixed. Because criminals keep pouring in, and good people keep getting fucked over.
No, because if they want to be American then they would have gone through the legal and correct way
Like I said, papers don't make you an American.

They do mean shit.
No they don't. I'm a European citizen and I've never felt like a European nor do I wish to be one.

So the answer to solving crime is to make it easier for criminals to get through? Seriously?
I never said that. I said the exact opposite.

Ever hear about the illegal that killed two cops like a month or two ago? You actually want that to be a common occurrence?
Ever hear about the "illegal" immigrants that did something Anericans couldn't do?

Let's not forget that Reagan had a huge hand in creating the MS13 by giving amnesty to illegals; maybe if their asses were kicked out, one of the nation's most violent gangs wouldn't exist
These people came from a war torn nation and the majority of the men were fighting and had blown people's heads off at close range. It's like Romania being in the EU. Terrible idea. It's not a good idea to allow just anybody in. I've already said that.   

Immigrants are people who come here lawfully; illegals are, you guessed it, people that come unlawfully.
They're both immigrants. Go grab yourself a dictionary. 

Seriously going to bring that hippie liberal "all americans are illegal" bullshit?
Yup. The colonials invaded and took land. You didn't apply for a visa. You didn't ask the Natives' permission.

The natives are fucking illegal by your logic, because they came here from Asia/Russia via the Bearing Strait.
Except there were no humans there until they arrived.

Oh, and it's not like I myself came from Europe, I was born on American soil, making me an American.
I don't know why you're bringing that up, because your ancestors (depending on which generation you are) didn't ask the natives for permission either.

Finish having an orgasm and get back to me.

and Europeans also traded goods to the Natives for land.
Not exactly. Treaties were made and then broken and the land was almost always taken by force eventually.

But would that mean the land taken from Natives by other Natives through war is also illegal?
Seeing how they were all from the same continent, that's a different subject. That's like asking me if a King leads an army to take nearby lands from rebellious people would be illegal. It's irrelevant and a strawman at best.

Would the children of the conquerors be illegal?
Again, irrelevant. I'm talking about colonials invading and taking land from the natives. All the immigrants of today are doing are coming across without permission (just like European Americans) but instead of killing people and stealing land, they work the jobs European Americans are too lazy to do.

Oh, how about all the goods and land the Natives stole from colonists?
How exactly does this have anything to do with immigration.

The immigration is fucked up, it's fucked up because the government gives incentives to illegals.
Like being thrown into a federal prison and then deported and barred for life?

Go into Mexico illegally and see what happens, your ass will be thrown in a Mexican prison and you'll be forgotten
So essentially we should degrade America to Mexico's standards?
Seeing as how I make valid points then you take he cheap way of saying irrelevant or other B.S, it's a serious waste to argue with somebody of your stature

Serious / Re: Native Council Offers Amnesty to Whites.
« on: December 14, 2014, 02:36:03 PM »
No jobs.

Free market. Government shouldn't have a say in who a company chooses to hire. Or do you want the government to impose regulations on the economy?

No taxpayer financed services or benefits (including education).

Plyler v. Doe

SCOTUS states:

Plyler v. Doe, 457 U.S. 202 (1982), was a case in which the Supreme Court of the United States struck down a state statute denying funding for education to unauthorized immigrant children and simultaneously struck down a municipal school district's attempt to charge unauthorized immigrants an annual $1,000 tuition fee for each undocumented immigrant student to compensate for the lost state funding.[1] The Court found that where states limit the rights afforded to people (specifically children) based on their status as immigrants, this limitation must be examined under an intermediate scrutiny standard to determine whether it furthers a compelling state interest.

Sorry to say, but you're still in the wrong.

Once we remove the incentives that brought them here, they will leave on their own.

Not really, because even without the incentives, America is still better than a cartel controlled country.
Banning illegals from job=/=destruction of the free market. If you're a legal immigrant then there's nothing to be afraid of; this isn't a war on the good people who follow the lawful path, it's a deterrence to those that break the law

And SCOTUS cases can be struck down by new ones. So by your logic, DOMA shouldn't be repealed and gay marriage should be banned federally since a decision was made for it, correct?

Oh I'm sorry, I forgot there isn't high crime and gang/cartel activity in America, especially in low-income areas where illegals typically live

Serious / Re: Native Council Offers Amnesty to Whites.
« on: December 14, 2014, 02:25:56 PM »
The immigration is fucked up, it's fucked up because the government gives incentives to illegals.

If you honestly think the government has enough money and resources to find, put on trial, and deport 11 million undocumented immigrants, I'll laugh
"It is impossible to round up and deport the illegals" - We don’t have to. All we have to do is remove the incentives that brought them here in the first place. No jobs. No housing. No taxpayer financed services or benefits (including education). Once we remove the incentives that brought them here, they will leave on their own.

Serious / Re: Native Council Offers Amnesty to Whites.
« on: December 14, 2014, 02:23:39 PM »
Any American against immigration is not an American and doesn't believe in the American Dream.

There's no such thing as "illegal" immigrants.
I'm going to hold off on starting an argument. Half of my family are immigrants and we have no respect for illegals
Good for you. You're not true Americans.
Yeah we are. My mom's side of the family worked hard to survive and embraced the American Dream, unlike many illegals; all they care about is coming here and sending money back to their home country, my family and true immigrants want to assimilate into American culture and become an American, that's what immigration is about. If you're not going to bother to learn the language, educate yourself, stay away from crime, and spend money on American business then you have no reason to immigrate
And "illegal" immigrants don't do this? I knew a shit ton of Mexicans with no papers who were American as fuck.

Papers don't mean shit. Do criminals get in through the border? Yes. You solve that problem by making immigration easier and pardoning paperwork mistakes or status issues after 5 or 10 years.

Immigrants are immigrants. Every American is an immigrant, and they're all illegal at that. Did the natives give any of you a visa? Nope. No American has the right to complain about immigration when these people are doing the same shit your ancestors did. The majority of people that go to America are in search of a better life and integrate into the country and culture. I don't give a fuck whether they're "legal" or not. Give em some fucking papers and have them pay taxes and contribute and I guarantee you they'll start sending their kids to school and college a lot more because they won't be afraid of getting deported after living there a decade.

The immigration system is fucked up and needs to be fixed. Because criminals keep pouring in, and good people keep getting fucked over.
No, because if they want to be American then they would have gone through the legal and correct way

They do mean shit. So the answer to solving crime is to make it easier for criminals to get through? Seriously? Ever hear about the illegal that killed two cops like a month or two ago? You actually want that to be a common occurrence? Let's not forget that Reagan had a huge hand in creating the MS13 by giving amnesty to illegals; maybe if their asses were kicked out, one of the nation's most violent gangs wouldn't exist

Immigrants are people who come here lawfully; illegals are, you guessed it, people that come unlawfully. Seriously going to bring that hippie liberal "all americans are illegal" bullshit? The natives are fucking illegal by your logic, because they came here from Asia/Russia via the Bearing Strait. Oh, and it's not like I myself came from Europe, I was born on American soil, making me an American. Oh, and Europeans also traded goods to the Natives for land. But would that mean the land taken from Natives by other Natives through war is also illegal? Would the children of the conquerors be illegal? Oh, how about all the goods and land the Natives stole from colonists?

The immigration is fucked up, it's fucked up because the government gives incentives to illegals. Go into Mexico illegally and see what happens, your ass will be thrown in a Mexican prison and you'll be forgotten

Serious / Re: Native Council Offers Amnesty to Whites.
« on: December 14, 2014, 02:06:38 PM »
Half of my family are immigrants and we have no respect for illegals
That isn't a trump-card, you know. Immigrants can still be wrong on immigration. It probably, more than morality, is to do with a sense of proportional justice - "We did it this way, and so should everybody else".
Wrong. My family didn't get all the free shit payed with tax dollars like pathetic illegals get; cross the border illegally and you get anything you want, come to the country legally and the government just turns the other cheek.

Serious / Re: Native Council Offers Amnesty to Whites.
« on: December 14, 2014, 01:58:54 PM »
Any American against immigration is not an American and doesn't believe in the American Dream.

There's no such thing as "illegal" immigrants.
I'm going to hold off on starting an argument. Half of my family are immigrants and we have no respect for illegals
Good for you. You're not true Americans.
Yeah we are. My mom's side of the family worked hard to survive and embraced the American Dream, unlike many illegals; all they care about is coming here and sending money back to their home country, my family and true immigrants want to assimilate into American culture and become an American, that's what immigration is about. If you're not going to bother to learn the language, educate yourself, stay away from crime, and spend money on American business then you have no reason to immigrate

Serious / Re: Native Council Offers Amnesty to Whites.
« on: December 14, 2014, 01:55:03 PM »
Any American against immigration is not an American and doesn't believe in the American Dream.

There's no such thing as "illegal" immigrants.
I'm going to hold off on starting an argument. Half of my family are immigrants and we have no respect for illegals

Serious / Re: Native Council Offers Amnesty to Whites.
« on: December 14, 2014, 01:10:33 PM »
yfw "natives" travelled here from Asia. Oh, and the "natives" don't believe in land ownership, so it was never there land

Gaming / Re: How do you feel about this picture?
« on: December 14, 2014, 10:12:24 AM »
F3 is superior than NV

The Flood / Re: Question for die hard Star Wars fans
« on: December 14, 2014, 09:56:11 AM »
They're just lizards

The Flood / Re: "I'm not racist"
« on: December 14, 2014, 09:55:22 AM »
There's black people, then there' niggers. Nobody likes niggers

The Flood / Sucked this black guy's dick
« on: December 14, 2014, 08:16:36 AM »
And right before he busted in my mouth he looked at me dead in the eyes with the most feminine voice and said "this one's for slavery"

no bullshit. think his name was cheat

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