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Messages - Kinder Graham

Pages: 1 ... 484950 5152 ... 243
Serious / Re: The Meyers-Briggs Personality Test
« on: December 16, 2014, 09:20:30 PM »
Erwin Rommel straight up ignored orders to kill Jews and that shit. He also was part of the conspiracy to kill Hitler. Despite him being a Nazi, I still have great respect for him
I'd say that disqualifies him from being a Nazi.
Not really

Nazism is a specific form of fascism defined by scientific racism, antisemitism, racial hierarchym, social Darwinism, and Aryanism

John Locke, Adam Smith, Napoleon Bonaparte, or Suleiman I

The Flood / Re: Thanks, Cheat!
« on: December 16, 2014, 07:34:24 PM »
This site is going to get more shit as time goes on.
welcum 2 da klub m9

The Flood / Re: i can play at your game rc
« on: December 16, 2014, 06:40:03 PM »
RC is cuter
but if you try to eat me then you will be chinese

The Flood / Re: Got some new knives today
« on: December 16, 2014, 06:35:37 PM »
this is all i need

The Flood / i can play at your game rc
« on: December 16, 2014, 06:32:37 PM »

Serious / Take my Criminal Law and Evidence exam!
« on: December 16, 2014, 06:30:32 PM »
Already got a 96 on it and it was all online, so I simply copy/pasted the questions. Just post your answers and I'll respond with your grade and a PM of what you got right and possibly wrong

Question 1
After making a valid stop of a vehicle the officer can order the driver to exit the vehicle only if he/she has which of the following?

reasonable suspicion
probable cause
a warrant
needs no justification

Question 2
Cases are tried in Virginia at what level of the court system?
General District Court
Circuit Court
the Virginia Court of Appeals
A and B

Question 3
If an officer encourages a private citizen to search his neighbors house for a stolen television, the Fourth Amendment:

does not apply
applies only if evidence of crime is found
does not apply if there was probable cause

Question 4
A ____ must be limited initially to a pat-down of a person's outer clothing.

warrantless search
none of these

Question 5
A grand jury hearing is required in all federal and Virginia felony prosecutions; this is not a requirement in all states, however.


Question 6
An officer's activity in looking at an item from a place where the officer has a right to be is covered under the
A.plain view doctrine
open view doctrine
immediacy doctrine
open fields doctrine

Question 7
Everything else being equal, most courts would consider information offered by an ordinary citizen to be
Reliable if corroborated
Unreliable unless corroborated

Question 8
A Fourth Amendment search is an intrusion into an area where a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy.

Question 9
In Britain, illegally obtained evidence is admitted in court, but:
the defendant cannot be imprisoned for the crime
the officer at fault is subject to internal department discipline
the agency involved must pay a heavy fine to the defendant
the officer at fault must pay a heavy fine to the defendant

Question 10
A stop and an arrest are identical in that both:

require probable cause
require reasonable suspicion
are usually conducted with a warrant
are Fourth Amendment seizures of a person

Question 11
A frisk is automatically authorized after all stops.

Question 12
Abandoned property is not protected by the Fourth Amendment guarantee against unreasonable searches and seizures, so it may be seized without a warrant or probable cause.

Question 13
An arrest warrant for Mr. X cannot be used to enter the home of other persons to arrest Mr. X.

Question 14
Without there being an exception to the warrant requirement, a search cannot be performed until ____ has been established.
reasonable suspicion
a hunch
probable suspicion
probable cause

Question 15
A search is a meaningful interference with a person's right to possess property.


Question 16
All state courts follow the federal pattern.


Question 17
After making a valid stop an officer does not need further justification to order a driver out of a vehicle.


Question 18
A search is limited to homes, offices, buildings, or other enclosed places.

Question 19
Defendants can be tried in two different states for essentially the same crime, if the crime or an element thereof was committed in those states.


Question 20
A stop by a police officer for no reason or without any justification is:    

not a stop

Question 21
A frisk is a pat-down of the outer clothing to find:

controlled substances
evidence of any type of crime
identification materials

Question 22
Detention must not be longer than that required by the circumstances, and it must take place by the "least intrusive means," meaning that it must not be more than that needed to verify or dispel the officer's suspicions.


Question 23
Appellate courts generally:

determine whether errors were committed by the courts below them
retry the case
decide the true facts of the case
hear new evidence

Question 24
A person has been seized (although they are not necessarily under arrest) under the Fourth Amendment if a reasonable person would believe:

the police want to seize their property
the police want to search their person
they are not free to leave
the police want to ask them questions

Question 25
An indictment is issued by

A prosecuting attorney
A grand jury
A police officer
A judge

Question 26
Federal felony criminal cases are tried in U.S. ____ Courts.

Common pleas

Question 27
After a lawful custodial arrest, police may automatically search:

the entire home, business or vehicle in which the person was arrested
any place within 10 yards of the arrest
the area within the suspect's immediate control
any persons within 10 yards of the arrest

Question 28
If the police make an honest and reasonable error or mistake which violates the Fourth Amendment, the evidence may still be admissible under application of the ____ exception.

"fruit of the poisonous tree"
good faith
valid warrant
independent source

Question 29
A stop becomes an arrest when it is:

more than 15 minutes
more than 30 minutes
uncomfortable for the detainee
longer than necessary

Question 30
In general, felonies are considered less serious crimes than misdemeanors, and the penalty schedule for felonies relfects that


Question 31
Assume that the police search Mr. X's home without a warrant and in violation of the Fourth Amendment. At his home they find a key, which they recognize as being for a locker at the local bus station. They go to the bus station, find the locker, and open it, discovering a substantial amount of cocaine inside. Which of the following rules states that this evidence is not admissible?

purged or dissipated taint
fruit of the poisonous tree
inevitable discovery
independent source

Question 32
Fourth Amendment protections do not apply at immigration borders because

a compelling governmental interest (national security) overrides them at such locations
both U.S. citizens and foreign nationals are governed by the laws of the adjacent country until they have left the border area
immigration officials are immune to Fourth Amendment protections
none of these

Question 33
A suspect who is stopped cannot be forced by the officer to reply to questions.


Question 34
After a valid stop, the officer may ask questions of the driver and passengers.

Question 35
Assuming there is no questioning of the suspect, and the suspect appears voluntarily at the procedure, which of the following rights is the only one that applies at all such lineups, showups and photographic identification procedures, no matter when they occur?

right to counsel
privilege against self-incrimination
due process
double jeopardy

Question 36
A consent to frisk based on submission to police authority, or for example, intimidation, is not a valid consent.


Question 37
Constructive seizure is accomplished by taking the person into custody with the use of hands or firearms.


Question 38
Abandonment implies giving up which of the following?
reasonable expectation of privacy
all of the above

Question 39
In this class, an arrest made "on the street," without a warrant, is referred to as

An on-site arrest
An on-view arrest
An on-sight arrest
A warrantless arrest

Question 40
A frisk is a search for evidence.


Question 41
An officer has validly stopped a motorist and wants to ask the motorist for consent to search. This request for consent:

must be based on a reasonable suspicion that there is contraband in the vehicle
must be based on probable cause to believe that there is contraband in the vehicle
may be made only if the suspect is arrested
can be made automatically and at any time during the stop

Question 42
A vehicle stop is a Fourth Amendment:

seizure of persons and property
search of property
search of a person
seizure equivalent to an arrest

Question 43
A person does not retain a reasonable expectation of privacy in trash once it

leaves their immediate possession
is placed in plain view
is placed in a public area
both b and c

Question 44
In Virginia, the incident of the issuance of a Virginia Uniform Summons (UVS) in which the offender signs her name as her written promise to appear constitutes

A non-custodial arrest
An arrest
A traffic ticket
An appearance in court

Question 45
In Virginia and in the federal system, a search warrant is issued by a magistrate or judge on the basis of a ____ prepared and signed by a law enforcement officer.

sworn affidavit
statement of reasonable suspicion

Question 46
An officer may enter a dwelling without a warrant in response to:
a hunch a crime has been committed
screams for help
a reasonable suspicion that drugs are on the premises
a belief that a wanted felon is inside

Question 47
Hot pursuit or fresh pursuit is an exception to the warrant requirement.


Question 48
An arrest warrant issued in one state is valid in all other states.


Question 49
Exigent circumstances constitute an exception to the warrant requirement.

Question 50
A suspect is not entitled to Miranda warnings before being put into a lineup because

lineups never involve custody of a suspect
there is no interrogation or testimonial evidence from the suspect
lineups are not a critical stage
the privilege against self-incrimination only applies to court proceedings

Serious / Re: Piers Morgan gets #rekd by Ben Shapiro
« on: December 16, 2014, 06:20:26 PM »
Shaprio fucking rekt him over and over again

The Flood / Re: Thanks, Cheat!
« on: December 16, 2014, 06:19:03 PM »
I like the new feature of customization removal. I see this as a competition as to who can go the longest of not having it.
Because everything is a game

The Flood / Thanks, Cheat!
« on: December 16, 2014, 06:07:58 PM »
I like the new feature of customization removal. I see this as a competition as to who can go the longest of not having it. So this thread will serve as the official non-custom individuals; post ITT if you're in this category and you can be added to the list


Serious / Re: Native Council Offers Amnesty to Whites.
« on: December 15, 2014, 03:28:41 PM »
God damn kinder, congrats on not getting the bloody point of the previous warning.

The Flood / Re: Why is BBW porn popular?
« on: December 15, 2014, 02:43:27 PM »

Serious / Re: Native Council Offers Amnesty to Whites.
« on: December 15, 2014, 02:42:53 PM »

Well done, the first to enjoy the new harsher serious rules.

The Flood / Re: Why is BBW porn popular?
« on: December 15, 2014, 02:40:12 PM »
I guess it's the same as people being attracted to feet. =/
Feet are majestic. Don't you dare compare the two
Feet are disgusting, and only weirdos get turned on by them.
Congrats on the name change, faggot

The Flood / Re: Why is BBW porn popular?
« on: December 15, 2014, 02:39:54 PM »
I guess it's the same as people being attracted to feet. =/
Feet are majestic. Don't you dare compare the two
Feet are disgusting, and only weirdos get turned on by them.
something something you bitch that i somehow always mention you
something something you're doing it right now
Except I'm in your thread making fun of you directly, I'm not talking shit behind your back.

Stay mad boy.
So you admit breaking a forum rule? Hope your pathetic ass gets banned, mr. asshurt
There's nothing to admit dumbshit, it's right there for everybody to see.

And you just broke a rule too. GG son
Well you're a fucking retarded fascist faggot

The Flood / Re: Why is BBW porn popular?
« on: December 15, 2014, 02:34:58 PM »
I guess it's the same as people being attracted to feet. =/
Feet are majestic. Don't you dare compare the two
Feet are disgusting, and only weirdos get turned on by them.
something something you bitch that i somehow always mention you
something something you're doing it right now
Except I'm in your thread making fun of you directly, I'm not talking shit behind your back.

Stay mad boy.
So you admit breaking a forum rule? Hope your pathetic ass gets banned, mr. asshurt

The Flood / Re: What's the best anime battle ever?
« on: December 15, 2014, 02:25:44 PM »
Any fights from Naruto

The Flood / Re: You turn into your profile's avatar
« on: December 15, 2014, 02:21:32 PM »

Serious / Re: Gas is starting to dip below $2
« on: December 15, 2014, 02:20:01 PM »
Meta pls

The Flood / Re: Why is BBW porn popular?
« on: December 15, 2014, 02:18:00 PM »
I guess it's the same as people being attracted to feet. =/
Feet are majestic. Don't you dare compare the two
Feet are disgusting, and only weirdos get turned on by them.
something something you bitch that i somehow always mention you
something something you're doing it right now

The Flood / Re: Why is BBW porn popular?
« on: December 15, 2014, 02:17:17 PM »
I guess it's the same as people being attracted to feet. =/
Feet are majestic. Don't you dare compare the two
Feet are disgusting, and only weirdos get turned on by them.

The Flood / Re: Every member here is cramed into this location
« on: December 15, 2014, 09:48:22 AM »
I leave

 Crazy Lights and loud music give me a migraine

The Flood / Re: Why is BBW porn popular?
« on: December 15, 2014, 09:44:05 AM »
I guess it's the same as people being attracted to feet. =/
Feet are majestic. Don't you dare compare the two

The Flood / Re: Why is BBW porn popular?
« on: December 15, 2014, 08:51:43 AM »

And I'm tired, and about to fail a final.
Want a back rub?

The Flood / Re: Why is BBW porn popular?
« on: December 15, 2014, 08:49:52 AM »


Gaming / Re: Pick one!
« on: December 15, 2014, 08:47:21 AM »
ew, I feel mainstream for picking charmander now

The Flood / Why is BBW porn popular?
« on: December 15, 2014, 08:46:44 AM »

Mama June may have bugs in her feet, but she's still sexy enough to pull a $1 million paycheck if she gets down in the mud with Sugar Bear in an epic, redneck sex tape.

Vivid Entertainment honcho Steve Hirsch has reached out to MJ and SB, offering them up to $1 MIL and maybe even more if they bang on camera for Vivid's BBW site. Hirsch says to June, "We  believe you would fit into that category."

And Vivid will let June call the shots ... assuming Sugar Bear can perform multiples.

We tossed around some titles, "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo's Mom," "Slap the Thigh, Ride the Wave," "It Must Be Jelly 'Cause She Ate All the Jam" and our favorite, "What's Eating Mama June?" We want more suggestions, please.

I'm sure Psy could answer this from using his psychology knowledge

Serious / Re: Gas is starting to dip below $2
« on: December 15, 2014, 08:39:48 AM »
Only hope this doesn't hinder the alternative energy automobile industry that bad.
Then make alt. energy cheaper than gas

Would love to - let the oil companies know that we should start doing so for me, will ya?
That's the great thing about Capitalism, people will learn on their own that in order to make money, they have to offer competitive prices

Serious / Re: Gas is starting to dip below $2
« on: December 15, 2014, 08:35:39 AM »
>tfw opec was created to control prices
>tfw opec nations now say fuck you to each other

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