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Messages - Kinder Graham

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The Flood / Re: Dark Humour Thread
« on: December 17, 2014, 04:46:42 PM »
A friend told me 2/3 people live next to a pedophile. "Not me," I replied,
"I live next to 2 smokin' hot ten-year olds

The Flood / Re: Dark Humour Thread
« on: December 17, 2014, 04:45:27 PM »
Two men are talking in a bar, and the topic of their family comes up.
The first man says his grandfather was sent to Dachau in 1941 and still had his serial number tattooed on his arm.
To which the other man replied, that his grandfather used to tell him stories about how horrible the conditions at Auschwitz were.
He still had nightmares about how cold it was on the night shift in the guard tower.

The Flood / Re: Dark Humour Thread
« on: December 17, 2014, 04:44:18 PM »
What's the difference between Princess Di and Tiger Woods?
Tiger Woods has a good driver.

The Flood / Re: Dark Humour Thread
« on: December 17, 2014, 04:43:13 PM »
I once asked the crowd if they were pro guns and the majority belted out in approval. I asked a man in the front row why he was pro guns and he gave me the basic 'personal protection liberty 2nd amendment' hooplah. I very seriously told the crowd,
"I'm pro guns because I enjoy living in a world with only 4 Nirvana albums." My friend was the only one who laughed.

The Flood / Re: Dark Humour Thread
« on: December 17, 2014, 04:42:09 PM »
I was going to tell a joke about Jonestown,
but the punchline is too long

The Flood / Re: Dark Humour Thread
« on: December 17, 2014, 04:41:45 PM »
A woman visits the doctor as she has some abdominal pains and suspects she may be pregnant.
After her examination, the doctor comes out to see her: "Well, I hope you like changing nappies/diapers".
She replies: "Oh my god am I pregnant, am I pregnant!?"
To which he responds: "No, you've got bowel cancer."

The Flood / Re: Dark Humour Thread
« on: December 17, 2014, 04:40:47 PM »
So the Oklahoma city basketball team is looking to change their name, they have an open press conference to take suggestions. One guy suggests the OKC Bombers.
Every gasps and mutters about how disrespectful and insensitive that is.
He says 'What's the matter? The New York Jets didn't change their name!'

The Flood / Re: Dark Humour Thread
« on: December 17, 2014, 04:40:12 PM »
What did the North Tower say to the South Tower?
I'll talk to you later. I have to catch a plane.

The Flood / Re: Dark Humour Thread
« on: December 17, 2014, 04:39:24 PM »
A beautiful woman is standing on a bridge, looking over the side and thinking about jumping off.
A homeless man walks up to her.
She sees the man coming and says, "Go away! There's nothing you can say to change my mind!"
He says, "Well, if you're going to kill yourself anyway, why don't we have sex? At least I'll enjoy it."
"Absolutely not! You're disgusting!", she replies.
The man turns and starts walking away.
"Is that all you're going to say? You're not going to try to convince me that life is worth living? Where are you going?"
"I have to make it down to the bottom. If I hurry, you'll still be warm!", he says.

The Flood / Re: Behold, Fuckupus Chavus
« on: December 17, 2014, 04:34:00 PM »
I can't tell what's funnier:

people with hood dialects arguing


people with bong dialects arguing

Give me a tldr about him. I pay no attention to celebrity news

More addressing on the future of the embargo: Marco Rubio, who will lead the Foreign Relations Committee's subcommittee on the Western hemisphere - a key group for the embargo, has stated he will not allow the embargo to end.

Hopefully if the embargo is ever lifted, the Cubans don't replace all of their 50s and 60s era vehicles. I fucking love those and it would be a shame if they got rid of them

Good luck with stopping it
I might just have to buy one then, for preservation

Serious / Re: School punishes blind child by taking away his cane
« on: December 17, 2014, 02:01:05 PM »
Sounds great. Let's start beating them with metersticks again while we're at it. That'll clear up any confusion on what's appropriate behavior on a bus. Kids these days, lifting up their canes as if they're antennas. As a radio antenna I find it to be quite insulting.
Not opposed to corporal punishment coming back

Serious / Re: School punishes blind child by taking away his cane
« on: December 17, 2014, 01:58:27 PM »
Hes hitting people with his cane.

Fuck him.

Dakota’s father, Donald Nafzinger, said his son lifts his cane sometimes and the bus driver thought he was using it violently.

Serious / Re: Rouble in free-fall.
« on: December 17, 2014, 01:01:04 PM »
Now watch Putin use the same approaches as Hitler did to rebirth the economy. Shit is gonna get good
Riiiiiiight. You keep thinking that.

If anything drastic is going to happen, it's Putin getting ousted from government.

A lot of the things the 3rd Reich did to improve the economy was destruction of all sorts of freedom. People couldn't leave their jobs and the grand majority of all jobs were war preparations. Road building/infrastructure improvement etc. is not something Putin will be able to do. Russia has roads. It has waterways. It wouldn't have been sustainable or even been done if there wasn't going to be a major war.  Russia's going down the shitter fast and they're going to have to get their shit in order, and copying something the Germans did nearly a century ago is not only laughable, it's not even possible.
Uh, many countries still do the same thing as it was done centuries ago. Something like economics and how you conduct business isn't something in constant change. The same ideas expressed by Locke and Smith centuries ago are the ones still being used to this day. Does that make them obsolete? hardly even
We're not talking about ideas, we're talking about Russia in 2014 which is a totally different country with a totally different situation compared to Nazi Germany.

The Nazis HEAVILY invested in public work programs along with military conscription, which was able to bring unemployment down drastically in the course of around 5 years.
Didn't say otherwise, but I mean the work that was being done which allowed for unemployed to go down was war prep. Which didn't make the country or people richer/happier, it just thought down the unemployment rate because everybody was assigned work.

And for all we know, in order to secure itself as an economic power, Russia may be planning for war; it was crazy to think the Germans were prepping for war after WWI yet they managed to subdue Europe in just a few years. Russia is also rich with natural resources, especially in Siberia which can secure them financial dependence
I doubt it. A war would leave Russia in a far worse state. But, Putin is stupid and crazy.

Yes, The Nazis did diminish personal freedom with their economic plan but Russia isn't a bustling hub of freedom itself; it's rather corrupt and not a place you'd expect to live a free life. They have a better chance getting away with this than the US or any W. European nation.
So because things are already bad for the Russians things should get even worse? You applaud that?

But despite German citizens being forced to their job, the government still provided a generous amount of vacation time and vehicles for the citizens and people were happy; they were happy to have a job and happy to have guaranteed time off from work
They were worked like slaves in shitty jobs they didn't want and couldn't leave. Farmers were worked half to death. 

Can Russia accomplish exactly what Germany did? No, but they can still do many similar things such as public works, nationalization of large corporations, government IOUs/bonds, and military conscription
They could get their act together and turn into a good country like America instead copying what a failed fascist state did nearly a century ago.

These sanctions only have the effect of empowering Russia to become even more self-reliable
Yes, the Rouble shows how empowered Russia is right now.

and work to start an economic pact with many eastern European nations, Aran nations, and Asian nations
Russia already has an economic pact with these nations. Eastern European nations are dead broke and worthless, and the only important Arab country that could help Russia (Saudi Arabia) is helping America fuck Russia over by lowering their oil prices (Russia is heavily dependent on oil).

You can talk shit about Obama being weak all you want, but he has effectively made Putin his bitch by playing the game right instead of talking shit and posing half naked.

We are talking about ideas; ideas on how Russia can possibly get out of this predicament. And Russia is showing quite some similarities to Germany, notably a crap economy

Not all public works the Germans did was for war, it was also to improve civil life. But it did make the country richer and it made the people happier; remember, Hitler didn't commit a military coup but he was elected as Chancellor by the people who believed in him and his ideas

War would make Russia strong as it they will show the world that they are not somebody to mess with. With war also comes conquering and Russia can easily build up new places to become new markets for Russian goods to be sold at

Did I say I applaud that? I said Russia is already lacking human rights so they have nothing to loose by being more aggressive to the people

Maybe to you, but the people accepted the work they were given and ontop of it, the government improved work by giving job security as it  was difficult for managers to fire people, work areas became tidied, canteens were built, and social facilities had been built. People also had the ability to go skiing in the Alps or take cruises on cruise ships for around 20 marks

Or they can do what they want

So the value of the Deutschmark after WWI didn't empower the people to elect a new government that brought in a different set of laws and customs? When economic woes hit, people look for the best person to handle the issue and that will be the case with Russia

Not on the scale as the EU. All he has is trade agreements. Take these countries and put them in an economic union and the west will have something to fear over. Russia, again, has large quantities of natural resources and they are more than capable of building up these other nations to become reliable markets for trade

The Flood / Re: So it's this whiny, irritating fuck-stick again
« on: December 17, 2014, 11:53:48 AM »
pathetic ripoff of boogie and that one guy who video tapes his crazy brother

« on: December 17, 2014, 11:51:18 AM »
Lol, was just going to watch this

Serious / Re: How low can a person get?
« on: December 17, 2014, 11:47:07 AM »
He boned a 17 year old, big whoop.

Or am I missing something else?

I think Kinder is referring to the fact that the guy may not resign if he goes to jail, and intends to work from there.
That, and he is in so much denial over this happening when he has a long record of other incidents

Hopefully if the embargo is ever lifted, the Cubans don't replace all of their 50s and 60s era vehicles. I fucking love those and it would be a shame if they got rid of them

Serious / Re: Rouble in free-fall.
« on: December 17, 2014, 11:42:13 AM »
Now watch Putin use the same approaches as Hitler did to rebirth the economy. Shit is gonna get good
Riiiiiiight. You keep thinking that.

If anything drastic is going to happen, it's Putin getting ousted from government.

A lot of the things the 3rd Reich did to improve the economy was destruction of all sorts of freedom. People couldn't leave their jobs and the grand majority of all jobs were war preparations. Road building/infrastructure improvement etc. is not something Putin will be able to do. Russia has roads. It has waterways. It wouldn't have been sustainable or even been done if there wasn't going to be a major war.  Russia's going down the shitter fast and they're going to have to get their shit in order, and copying something the Germans did nearly a century ago is not only laughable, it's not even possible.
Uh, many countries still do the same thing as it was done centuries ago. Something like economics and how you conduct business isn't something in constant change. The same ideas expressed by Locke and Smith centuries ago are the ones still being used to this day. Does that make them obsolete? hardly even

The Nazis HEAVILY invested in public work programs along with military conscription, which was able to bring unemployment down drastically in the course of around 5 years. And for all we know, in order to secure itself as an economic power, Russia may be planning for war; it was crazy to think the Germans were prepping for war after WWI yet they managed to subdue Europe in just a few years. Russia is also rich with natural resources, especially in Siberia which can secure them financial dependence

Yes, The Nazis did diminish personal freedom with their economic plan but Russia isn't a bustling hub of freedom itself; it's rather corrupt and not a place you'd expect to live a free life. They have a better chance getting away with this than the US or any W. European nation. But despite German citizens being forced to their job, the government still provided a generous amount of vacation time and vehicles for the citizens and people were happy; they were happy to have a job and happy to have guaranteed time off from work

Can Russia accomplish exactly what Germany did? No, but they can still do many similar things such as public works, nationalization of large corporations, government IOUs/bonds, and military conscription

These sanctions only have the effect of empowering Russia to become even more self-reliable and work to start an economic pact with many eastern European nations, Aran nations, and Asian nations

Serious / Re: Rouble in free-fall.
« on: December 17, 2014, 07:55:38 AM »
Now watch Putin use the same approaches as Hitler did to rebirth the economy. Shit is gonna get good

Serious / How low can a person get?
« on: December 17, 2014, 07:46:25 AM »

Democratic Virginia state delegate Joseph Morrissey, who reached a plea agreement for charges relating to a sexual relationship he had with his 17-year-old office assistant, is yet to decide whether he will resign or commute to work from jail.

The 57-year-old Democratic representative for Henrico county was sentenced to 12 months in jail with 6 months suspended for charges of “contributing to the delinquency of a minor,” according to a report in the Richmond Times-Dispatch.

Morrissey’s lawyers say that he will be allowed to continue his work in the general assembly and his private law practice as part of a work-release program. He will drive his own car to work and authorities will monitor him through a device that will remain secured to his ankle, according to his lawyers.

The special prosecutor assigned to the case also revealed on Friday that the girl is now pregnant, and that the child is “perhaps” Morrissey’s.

However, Morrissey maintains that the allegations are false and that the evidence against him, such as naked pictures and explicit text messages, was planted by a jealous friend of the girl who hacked Morrissey’s cell phone.

The cell phone evidence was not all that was working against Morrissey. Investigators tracking Morrissey last year photographed them together on multiple locations as well as his car at her apartment late at night.

Prosecutors also suggested that Morrissey and the teen remain in a relationship. She, along with a sister and her mother, were overnight guests at Morrissey’s house the night before the plea agreement was reached.

Despite the work-release program, it remains unclear whether he will be able to continue work for his legal practice. Prosecutors told the Richmond Times-Dispatch that they will immediately notify the Virginia State Bar of the conviction.

Prosecutor William Neely said back in 2011 that Morrissey “completely lacks any moral compass” and employs “notoriously unethical practices.”

Neely has a lot of material to back up his characterization.

As Richmond’s prosecutor in 1991, Morrissey punched a rival attorney in the face and wound up in jail. Two years later, he was indicted on a bribery charge for reducing charges in a rape case in exchange for a $25,000 payment to the victim. The charges were dropped, but his law license was suspended.

He again had his law license suspended in 1998 and was put in jail for 90 days for improperly speaking to reporters during a drug case.

He got into another fight in 1999 and was sentenced to 300 hours of community service. He tried to fake the number of hours he served, and was given another 90 days in jail, before finally being disbarred.

He then practiced law overseas in Ireland and Australia before authorities discovered he had been disbarred, and he came back to Virginia, where he was elected to the General Assembly in 2007.

Morrissey regained his law license in 2012 despite a unanimous recommendation by the Virginia State Bar Disciplinary Board to deny his application.

Morrissey took an AK-47 rifle onto the floor of the general assembly last year as a prop during an anti-gun speech.

Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D.) said on Saturday that he will not support Morrissey should he decide against resigning from the General Assembly.

This is what REALLY stands out

Morrissey maintains that the allegations are false and that the evidence against him, such as naked pictures and explicit text messages, was planted by a jealous friend of the girl who hacked Morrissey’s cell phone


The Flood / Re: Recommend Me some New Shows to Binge
« on: December 16, 2014, 11:32:53 PM »
breaking bad
the blacklist
the following
constatine (new series)
forever (new series)

The Flood / Re: Silly Communists!
« on: December 16, 2014, 11:25:20 PM »

The Flood / Re: wat time should kinder see the new hobbitses movie?
« on: December 16, 2014, 11:22:16 PM »
7:40, take brother on a date, and get laid after.
mi name isn't lonepaul

The Flood / Re: Cheers Flood
« on: December 16, 2014, 11:21:44 PM »
More of a wine guy myself.
u shuld tri sum dat shocktop beer

The Flood / wat time should kinder see the new hobbitses movie?
« on: December 16, 2014, 11:19:27 PM »
kinder thinkses either 12pm or 7:40pm tomorrows. kinder can take  littles brother at later timeses also

The Flood / Re: Cheers Flood
« on: December 16, 2014, 11:15:24 PM »
i have a hard ball reght now

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