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Messages - Kinder Graham

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Serious / Re: Putin support stronger than ever, despite economic woes
« on: December 22, 2014, 03:20:44 PM »
Russians continue to prove their lack of intelligence.
How so?

You can't deny him being a strong leader, something many people want
Strong leaders don't run their country into the ground. Putin is a pathetically weak leader, no amount of posturing will ever change that.
How is he running the country into the ground? It's the hypocritical West that's doing it; America can invade a country but not Russia?
The difference between America and Russia is that America never annexed Iraq/Afghanistan against their will and say that they were rightfully parts of "Greater America". There were a lot of opinion polls with Iraqi/Afghan civilians after their respective invasions and a majority of them supported the Americans coming in. And please don't cite that bullshit Crimean referendum. It is literally impossible for something as controversial as changing which country you're living in to get anywhere even close to 98% approval.
So you can cite an opinion poll, but I can't? Talk about moving the goal posts to suit your needs. Just like Kosovo, Crimea wanted to break away from it's host country and Russia provided them support
An opinion poll has nowhere near the same magnitude as a blatantly rigged referendum . And Putin used that same BS rhetoric of the "Kosovo precedent" to justify stealing Crimea. And Kosovo and Crimea are different stories. Kosovo wanted to be independent, and they were effectively independent for 9 years before actually declaring it. But with Crimea, they were Ukrainian one day, and Russian the next.
Stop trying to move the goal posts here. If the West can go into Kosovo, then Russia has the same right to go into a place that wanted to be independent. This is the exact reason the West is so damn hypocritical of somebody they're scared shitless of

Serious / Re: Putin support stronger than ever, despite economic woes
« on: December 22, 2014, 03:18:27 PM »
Russians continue to prove their lack of intelligence.
How so?

You can't deny him being a strong leader, something many people want
Strong leaders don't run their country into the ground. Putin is a pathetically weak leader, no amount of posturing will ever change that.
How is he running the country into the ground?
By fucking with Ukraine knowing damn well sanctions would be put into place. He doesn't care, because his personal wealth isn't really affected.

It's the hypocritical West that's doing it;
Calm down there Babushka.

America can invade a country but not Russia?
Except Ukraine owed Russia a lot of money. Russia had all the rights to "fuck with" Ukraine
Nope. No country has the right to declare war on another because they want to relive the glory days of fascism.

One day China is going to coming knocking on America's door for it's money they have given us
LOL No they aren't.

Just pointing out how the West are masters at hypocrisy
Not in this instance they aren't. America didn't annex Iraq or Afghanistan. They went in with majority support from the locals. Russia is trying to recreate the Soviet Union. 

Nice question dodging
It's a loaded question. So I'll say again: America did not annex Iraq or Afghanistan. There's no hypocrisy.

And even if it was hypocritical, you're changing the subject. The point is he knew fucking with Ukraine would bring heavy sanctions on Russia. He did it anyway. That's a weak, hotheaded, and ignorant leader.
Yep, Putin is going to come across this site, read your comment, and send Ukraine an apology letter. You can say what countries can and can't do, but they're going to do what they want regardless of what you think

LOL yes they are

You can make up all the excuses you want, but you still have not answered my question

Serious / Re: Putin support stronger than ever, despite economic woes
« on: December 22, 2014, 03:13:52 PM »
Russians continue to prove their lack of intelligence.
How so?

You can't deny him being a strong leader, something many people want
Strong leaders don't run their country into the ground. Putin is a pathetically weak leader, no amount of posturing will ever change that.
How is he running the country into the ground?
By fucking with Ukraine knowing damn well sanctions would be put into place. He doesn't care, because his personal wealth isn't really affected.

It's the hypocritical West that's doing it;
Calm down there Babushka.

America can invade a country but not Russia?
Except Ukraine owed Russia a lot of money. Russia had all the rights to "fuck with" Ukraine One day China is going to coming knocking on America's door for it's money they have given us

Just pointing out how the West are masters at hypocrisy

Nice question dodging
I'm sure RT forgot to mention that the debt money was accumulated almost entirely by the Russian puppets who were ruling Ukraine at the time. Putin's tactics in the end of 2013 obviously showed this. The Russians were playing loan sharks so they Ukrainians had no chance of repaying as they were poor as shit.
And the people of Ukraine elected their president

Serious / Re: Putin support stronger than ever, despite economic woes
« on: December 22, 2014, 03:12:02 PM »
Russians continue to prove their lack of intelligence.
How so?

You can't deny him being a strong leader, something many people want
Hitler and Mussolini were strong leaders as well, and look at where they got their countries to...

And at least Hitler had the excuse of being a massive drug-addict and Mussolini was more motivated by a delusional ideology than personal wealth.
Seeing as Hitler managed to bring Germany out of one of the worst economic disasters in history, I don't see where you're getting at

Serious / Re: Putin support stronger than ever, despite economic woes
« on: December 22, 2014, 03:10:55 PM »
Russians continue to prove their lack of intelligence.
How so?

You can't deny him being a strong leader, something many people want
Strong leaders don't run their country into the ground. Putin is a pathetically weak leader, no amount of posturing will ever change that.
How is he running the country into the ground? It's the hypocritical West that's doing it; America can invade a country but not Russia?
The difference between America and Russia is that America never annexed Iraq/Afghanistan against their will and say that they were rightfully parts of "Greater America". There were a lot of opinion polls with Iraqi/Afghan civilians after their respective invasions and a majority of them supported the Americans coming in. And please don't cite that bullshit Crimean referendum. It is literally impossible for something as controversial as changing which country you're living in to get anywhere even close to 98% approval.
So you can cite an opinion poll, but I can't? Talk about moving the goal posts to suit your needs. Just like Kosovo, Crimea wanted to break away from it's host country and Russia provided them support

Serious / Re: Putin support stronger than ever, despite economic woes
« on: December 22, 2014, 03:08:48 PM »
Russians continue to prove their lack of intelligence.
How so?

You can't deny him being a strong leader, something many people want
Strong leaders don't run their country into the ground. Putin is a pathetically weak leader, no amount of posturing will ever change that.
How is he running the country into the ground?
By fucking with Ukraine knowing damn well sanctions would be put into place. He doesn't care, because his personal wealth isn't really affected.

It's the hypocritical West that's doing it;
Calm down there Babushka.

America can invade a country but not Russia?
Except Ukraine owed Russia a lot of money. Russia had all the rights to "fuck with" Ukraine One day China is going to coming knocking on America's door for it's money they have given us

Just pointing out how the West are masters at hypocrisy

Nice question dodging

Serious / Re: Putin support stronger than ever, despite economic woes
« on: December 22, 2014, 02:44:48 PM »
Russians continue to prove their lack of intelligence.
How so?

You can't deny him being a strong leader, something many people want
Strong leaders don't run their country into the ground. Putin is a pathetically weak leader, no amount of posturing will ever change that.
How is he running the country into the ground? It's the hypocritical West that's doing it; America can invade a country but not Russia?

Serious / Re: Putin support stronger than ever, despite economic woes
« on: December 22, 2014, 02:11:09 PM »
Russians continue to prove their lack of intelligence.
How so?

You can't deny him being a strong leader, something many people want

The Flood / Re: What are you getting Cheat for christmas?
« on: December 22, 2014, 12:30:44 PM »
bucket of fried chicken

erb with rucka rucka vs. weird al pls

Gaming / Re: Which are more annoying in online games?
« on: December 22, 2014, 10:38:48 AM »
Fucking Mexicans. It's always some 12 year old living with like 50 people and all you hear are people yelling at each other in Spanish

The Flood / Re: Hey Korra
« on: December 21, 2014, 11:45:11 PM »
And you said you were an unnoticed user xD
now im too noticed
Be careful what you wish for.
All I asked was for some recognition, not to be...well, this.
forget to shave your upper lip

Serious / Putin support stronger than ever, despite economic woes
« on: December 21, 2014, 11:34:48 PM »

Current numbers show that an outstanding 80%+ of the Russian people support Mr. Putin, a giant leap from 58% approval just two years ago.

Key points
A majority of Russians rate the economy as fair or poor and more than 4 in 10 say it is worse now than it was three years ago.

In spite of those economic assessments, Russians remain positive about a number of facets of the country. Two-thirds believe Russia is headed in the right direction, and about half are optimistic that the next generation will be better off than current generations. Most think the economy and their personal finances will stay the same or improve over the next three years.

When asked what are the most important problems facing Russia, Russians cite the economic and financial crisis (21 percent) and the situation in Ukraine (16 percent) most frequently. Russians say the most important problems facing their families are price increases, inflation, and low wages/pensions (40 percent), followed by poor quality or lack of access to health care, education and social services (13 percent).

Asked specifically about the severity of 14 different problems facing the country, the issues Russians most commonly identify as serious are drug abuse (83 percent) and corruption (79 percent). The number of Russians identifying each issue as serious problem decreased from 2012 for all items queried in both studies.

Eighty-one percent of Russians approve of the way Putin is handling his job as president, which is a significant increase from his 58 percent approval rating shortly after his most recent inauguration in May 2012 [1].

Eight in 10 Russians support Putin’s handling of the situation in Ukraine, and 2 in 3 favor Russia supporting Ukrainians who want to break off from the Kiev government. Sixty-four percent of Russians say economic sanctions have hurt the economy, and 45 percent say they have had a negative effect on their family.

Public opinion in Moscow on most economic and domestic political issues differs from the rest of the country. And while most of the country relies on state-owned TV for their news, Russians who rely on other sources hold different views on a number of important issues—from economic assessments, to approval of various leaders and institutions.

Very detailed study; just read only a small portion of it

The Flood / Re: Pancake Gods Hangout Thread
« on: December 21, 2014, 11:09:11 PM »

The Flood / Re: Pancake Gods Hangout Thread
« on: December 21, 2014, 11:06:48 PM »
Waffle God incoming

We'll start our own club!

Serious / Re: Something I've noticed about conspiracy theories.
« on: December 21, 2014, 11:05:28 PM »
Seeing as how countless conspiracies turned out to be true, I'll stick to that side of the camp
The ones which turned out to be true were the ones whose scale are nowhere near that of most of the conspiracy theories out there. And the amount of conspiracy theories that exist are countless times countless.

And I don't really think it'd be a very good idea to trust countries whose media have been historically known to range between extremely skewed to outright false.

...Maybe you should look at the ways they debunk a lot of these conspiracy theories. I genuinely think it'd good for you to look at that.
I'm not on the scale of lizard and mole people, but do have doubts incidents like 9/11 and the lost Malaysian airline was just a coincidence
The 9/11 conspiracy theory has a giant article debunking it, and the debunking makes a lot more sense than the conspiracy theories themselves. And, well. I'm not surprised about the Malaysian airline thing since there's literally no information whatsoever about what happened to it. But most likely, it was deliberately sabotaged by a pilot or something like that.
See, there was evidence pointing to an attack that would take place in a few months of getting the intel so it comes down to three situations:

Lack of communication
Thought it was BS
Or allowed it to happen

Third choice does make sense for a few reasons, including the ability to justify more than a decade of war, curbing of rights, and ability to establish strong middle-eastern presence. If 9/11 had not taken place then none of things, I can say in certain, wouldn't have happened

Serious / Re: Something I've noticed about conspiracy theories.
« on: December 21, 2014, 10:53:15 PM »
Seeing as how countless conspiracies turned out to be true, I'll stick to that side of the camp
The ones which turned out to be true were the ones whose scale are nowhere near that of most of the conspiracy theories out there. And the amount of conspiracy theories that exist are countless times countless.

And I don't really think it'd be a very good idea to trust countries whose media have been historically known to range between extremely skewed to outright false.

...Maybe you should look at the ways they debunk a lot of these conspiracy theories. I genuinely think it'd good for you to look at that.
I'm not on the scale of lizard and mole people, but do have doubts incidents like 9/11 and the lost Malaysian airline was just a coincidence

The Flood / Re: hey korra
« on: December 21, 2014, 10:51:35 PM »
What are you implying?
that you like starbuck$

The Flood / Re: hey korra
« on: December 21, 2014, 10:42:04 PM »
holocaust remembrance day is next year, you silly twig. remind me in advance

The Flood / hey korra
« on: December 21, 2014, 10:40:23 PM »
want this $5 starbucks card i won?

« on: December 21, 2014, 10:39:39 PM »
either op, or one of the few fellow /k/ommandos back on

Serious / Re: Something I've noticed about conspiracy theories.
« on: December 21, 2014, 10:36:42 PM »
Seeing as how countless conspiracies turned out to be true, I'll stick to that side of the camp

The Flood / Re: Hey Korra....
« on: December 21, 2014, 10:35:31 PM »
is this spanish class?

si, yo soy kinder

The Flood / Re: Optimus Prime was a wise lady
« on: December 21, 2014, 10:03:19 PM »

The Flood / Re: Optimus Prime was a wise lady
« on: December 21, 2014, 10:01:20 PM »

tfw no Kurd gf

why even live
one on the right pls

-Voted YES on extending the PATRIOT Act's roving wiretaps
-Voted YES on removing need for FISA warrant for wiretapping abroad
-Voted YES on increasing tax rate for people earning over $1 million

He isn't that liberal enough for the Dems. He's more of a moderate/centrist in the party
>implying libs don't love wiretapping abroad

Just ask Merkel

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