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Messages - Kinder Graham

Pages: 1 ... 353637 3839 ... 243
Disbelief: Complete uncertainty

Lack of belief: Holding some doubt

That's how I see it

The Flood / Re: flood Florida meet up
« on: December 23, 2014, 08:42:41 PM »
psh, have a VA meet up. Spend the whole day at Bush Gardens because it's better than Shit World
I was there once. Not that impressive.

Though I did get a das boot shirt while I was there... and a giant turkey leg... so that counts for something, I guess.
Assuming you've never ridden the Verbolten then? Either way, it's not like your typical amusment park; it's more based around shows and that shit. The Halloween and Christmas festivities they have every year is astonishing 

The Flood / Re: flood Florida meet up
« on: December 23, 2014, 08:40:27 PM »
psh, have a VA meet up. Spend the whole day at Bush Gardens because it's better than Shit World
there's a busch gardens in tampa, you fucking retarded piece of shit
>bush gardens africa


« on: December 23, 2014, 05:31:41 PM »
hur im so wity nd clevar i can maek returd joeks xDDDDD
Translated it to English for you.
Holy shit, it's trying to communicate!

« on: December 23, 2014, 05:30:43 PM »
it's the law

The Flood / Re: I've only watched one anime
« on: December 23, 2014, 05:28:13 PM »
is pokemon animu?

« on: December 23, 2014, 05:27:46 PM »
What a fantastic Christmas present

The Flood / Re: flood Florida meet up
« on: December 23, 2014, 05:25:42 PM »
psh, have a VA meet up. Spend the whole day at Bush Gardens because it's better than Shit World

The Flood / Re: Christmas Plans?
« on: December 23, 2014, 05:22:17 PM »
Christmas Eve? Watch Christmas movies and drink hot choco. Christmas Day? Gift opening and gift giving. Also special gift for him, y'know since its our first Christmas together and all. I love this holiday.
"special" gift=sex or lingerie

Christmas Eve, either going out to eat with parents, cousins, aunt, brother, and grandma or order some pizza. Then go see some lights either at the Botanical Gardens or on the beach; Most likely gonna watch some classic Christmas Story

Christmas Day: Present opening, messing around with presents, eat some sausage balls, and wait for family to come over for more gifts and dinner

The Flood / Re: We all need to do this
« on: December 23, 2014, 05:17:01 PM »

The Flood / Re: How did Trayvon Martin get into the White House?
« on: December 23, 2014, 03:55:37 PM »
>lives in government housing

that joke will never get old

Serious / Re: Holy shit, look at this anti-gun ad
« on: December 23, 2014, 03:51:13 PM »
I feel bad for picking up on this, but why is the kid with the gun the only white kid in class?

That was, otherwise, an excessively retarded advert.
Oh you know very well the chick is probably some anti-white feminist

Serious / Re: Holy shit, look at this anti-gun ad
« on: December 23, 2014, 03:50:06 PM »
dat dislike bar
What else would you expect from a jay-like retard? I bet a decent numbers of those are from anti-gunners who are not stupid unlike the chick who made the video

The Flood / Re: You orange flavoured motherfucker
« on: December 23, 2014, 02:23:00 PM »
>not purple flavored

The Flood / Re: What's the weather like where you live?
« on: December 23, 2014, 02:22:30 PM »

Serious / Holy shit, look at this anti-gun ad
« on: December 23, 2014, 02:19:32 PM »
Creator of the video's twitter:


In the real world, such an act would result in the boy facing numerous felony charges (exact charges depend on state laws) possibly including weapons theft,unlawful possession of a weapon by a minor, illegal concealed carry of a weapon, carrying a weapon onto school property, assault, and brandishing.

He would face the possibility of felony criminal record and mandatory expulsion from his school… and this is the kind of behavior that deranged gun control supporter Sincic is hoping that children will emulate.

Which is why afterwards you supplement it with follow-up discussions between the parent and child.
Except the kids are probably in this position in the first place precisely because they don't have that parental support system.
So the issue is with the parents, not the system then. The program does make children see the path they're headed on but if the parents are not there to keep showing them that path then it was all in vain. A lot like how school does educate but if parents are not there to supplement education at home then the kid will be at a larger disadvantage than another kid who does have parental attention in the house
That's just not how you reach people.

There was another video I saw years ago similar to the one I linked. Dude was 40 years old having spent 20 years in prison for a double homicide. The thing I remember clearly is "You can get away with something a thousand times, you just need to get caught once". That shit stuck with me. I've never done any stupid shit of course and I had my parents to teach me, but I was around all this bullshit and when you see somebody say that, showing you where all the dreams lead you, it knocks you on your ass far harder than an inmate throwing you on your ass and talking shit.  I don't remember any of these videos where the inmates are harassing the kids. But what that man said I remember. All the people I knew who got caught up in the bullshit. Smart, good people deep down a lot of them. But they got caught. Or they got shot. And none of them are wise enough to see just how little all this gang shit means. It's nothing. It doesn't mean shit. They act like they own a street their mom pays rent on.

You're not gonna reach kids who grow up in an environment where they have to act hard, by bullying them. Because they deal with that EVERY DAY. You reach them by showing them where the road leads. How none of it fucking matters, and how they're wasting their lives chasing a dream only one or maybe two people from the neighborhood will reach.

So the issue is with the parents, not the system then
The scared straight program doesn't really work. That's my point.

Of course blame lies on the parents for what's going on. That's not what we're talking about though. The kids that go into these videos have shitty parents or don't have any.
It does work. Every episode I've watched all the kids end up crying and being scarred. But it's the parents fault for not taking the extra step and talking to them when they're that vulnerable. Think of it as setting a goal, do it for about a month, then stop. Why? Because a lack of motivation from either yourself, or from others
The kids that go into these videos have shitty parents or don't have any. Do you seriously think these kids would be doing stupid shit if they had good parents?

Of course the kids cry and get scared. But the majority end up being fuck ups either way.
More than likely, if they have good parents then they wouldn't be trouble makers. But there's something called being too much of a good parent; aka the parent that thinks they're their children's friends and let them do stupid shit without any consequences. I've seen my fair share of them, especially out in the richer parts of town

Which is why afterwards you supplement it with follow-up discussions between the parent and child.
Except the kids are probably in this position in the first place precisely because they don't have that parental support system.
So the issue is with the parents, not the system then. The program does make children see the path they're headed on but if the parents are not there to keep showing them that path then it was all in vain. A lot like how school does educate but if parents are not there to supplement education at home then the kid will be at a larger disadvantage than another kid who does have parental attention in the house
That's just not how you reach people.

There was another video I saw years ago similar to the one I linked. Dude was 40 years old having spent 20 years in prison for a double homicide. The thing I remember clearly is "You can get away with something a thousand times, you just need to get caught once". That shit stuck with me. I've never done any stupid shit of course and I had my parents to teach me, but I was around all this bullshit and when you see somebody say that, showing you where all the dreams lead you, it knocks you on your ass far harder than an inmate throwing you on your ass and talking shit.  I don't remember any of these videos where the inmates are harassing the kids. But what that man said I remember. All the people I knew who got caught up in the bullshit. Smart, good people deep down a lot of them. But they got caught. Or they got shot. And none of them are wise enough to see just how little all this gang shit means. It's nothing. It doesn't mean shit. They act like they own a street their mom pays rent on.

You're not gonna reach kids who grow up in an environment where they have to act hard, by bullying them. Because they deal with that EVERY DAY. You reach them by showing them where the road leads. How none of it fucking matters, and how they're wasting their lives chasing a dream only one or maybe two people from the neighborhood will reach.

So the issue is with the parents, not the system then
The scared straight program doesn't really work. That's my point.

Of course blame lies on the parents for what's going on. That's not what we're talking about though. The kids that go into these videos have shitty parents or don't have any.
It does work. Every episode I've watched all the kids end up crying and being scarred. But it's the parents fault for not taking the extra step and talking to them when they're that vulnerable. Think of it as setting a goal, do it for about a month, then stop. Why? Because a lack of motivation from either yourself, or from others

Which is why afterwards you supplement it with follow-up discussions between the parent and child.
Except the kids are probably in this position in the first place precisely because they don't have that parental support system.
So the issue is with the parents, not the system then. The program does make children see the path they're headed on but if the parents are not there to keep showing them that path then it was all in vain. A lot like how school does educate but if parents are not there to supplement education at home then the kid will be at a larger disadvantage than another kid who does have parental attention in the house
That's just not how you reach people.

There was another video I saw years ago similar to the one I linked. Dude was 40 years old having spent 20 years in prison for a double homicide. The thing I remember clearly is "You can get away with something a thousand times, you just need to get caught once". That shit stuck with me. I've never done any stupid shit of course and I had my parents to teach me, but I was around all this bullshit and when you see somebody say that, showing you where all the dreams lead you, it knocks you on your ass far harder than an inmate throwing you on your ass and talking shit.  I don't remember any of these videos where the inmates are harassing the kids. But what that man said I remember. All the people I knew who got caught up in the bullshit. Smart, good people deep down a lot of them. But they got caught. Or they got shot. And none of them are wise enough to see just how little all this gang shit means. It's nothing. It doesn't mean shit. They act like they own a street their mom pays rent on.

You're not gonna reach kids who grow up in an environment where they have to act hard, by bullying them. Because they deal with that EVERY DAY. You reach them by showing them where the road leads. How none of it fucking matters, and how they're wasting their lives chasing a dream only one or maybe two people from the neighborhood will reach.

So the issue is with the parents, not the system then

The Flood / Re: what are some of your favorite song lyrics?
« on: December 23, 2014, 01:33:02 PM »
nigga nigga nigga im 200% nigga

Which is why afterwards you supplement it with follow-up discussions between the parent and child.
Except the kids are probably in this position in the first place precisely because they don't have that parental support system.
So the issue is with the parents, not the system then. The program does make children see the path they're headed on but if the parents are not there to keep showing them that path then it was all in vain. A lot like how school does educate but if parents are not there to supplement education at home then the kid will be at a larger disadvantage than another kid who does have parental attention in the house

>expected beyond scared straight

was not disappointed; love that show. If I ever have a kid that misbehaves then I know what they will be doing on a nice Saturday

Thank Meta for pointing me in the right direction.
Which is why afterwards you supplement it with follow-up discussions between the parent and child. The program is effective to get kids to a breaking point, as seen with the child in the video and that's what parents want to get at, but nothing is effective once that wave passes. Basically make them vulnerable and talk to them why what they're doing is bad

>expected beyond scared straight

was not disappointed; love that show. If I ever have a kid that misbehaves then I know what they will be doing on a nice Saturday

Serious / Re: The media's stupidity in attacking UKIP
« on: December 23, 2014, 01:05:45 PM »
>feminist Muslim

There's your answer.

The Flood / Re: Holy fuc
« on: December 23, 2014, 08:01:08 AM »
fap then

« on: December 23, 2014, 07:59:56 AM »

« on: December 23, 2014, 12:15:07 AM »
A nice and tight BOY PUSSY sounds fantastic right now

Serious / Re: Former French airline boss: U.S shot down MH370
« on: December 23, 2014, 12:14:30 AM »
Oh my fucking God.....

It was SO OBVIOUSLY the "pro"-Russians who shot the fucking jet. Ever hear of Bellingcat? They got tons of huge articles proving that they shot down the jet.


I actually feel sad every time I read a thread of yours to be honest. Like legitimately sad.

MH17 =/= MH370

weren't you one of the three who argued that the Ukrainian flight was the same Malaysian Airlines jet that was lost over the Pacific?
nah, think it was hijacked

The Flood / Re: Let's post some celebrity crushes ITT
« on: December 23, 2014, 12:13:45 AM »

The Flood / Re: Mods appreciation thread
« on: December 22, 2014, 11:04:47 PM »
Almost forgot about Kiyo!

she does have a fetish for nazi unifroms and likes cigars >.>

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