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Topics - Kinder Graham

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The Flood / How well of a bullshiter are you?
« on: September 29, 2014, 08:42:48 PM »

I have three summary essays on primary sources due tomorrow and only started yesterday. 3/4 down with my second and need to pick a third one. I'm doing the Code of Hammurabi and part of The Exodus from the Torah, although I went into detail with it >.> Might do my third on an excerpt from the Analects

Will post them after I submit them online for plagiarism later on if anybody is interested

The Flood / >disney
« on: September 29, 2014, 05:00:41 PM »

>purchases the worlds most recognizable franchise
>buttfucks it into a a 12 year old tv show mashup

This is only the beginning

Serious / Holy shit look at this fucking cancer
« on: September 28, 2014, 09:10:22 PM »
So I'm on Facebook, scrolling through shit and see this thing. Curious of the attention grabbing headline, I click and start reading the comments and I just felt sick in my stomach. Here's the link to see for yourselves

So in typical fashion, I responded calling all these idiots out. My response is the top one. Don't worry, I crossed out my name and some of your names since I have you added and shit

Serious / Gun owner stops O.K beheader
« on: September 27, 2014, 07:21:04 PM »

fired Oklahoma food processing plant employee who proselytized for Islam beheaded a co-worker and seriously injured another before the owner of the plant shot and wounded him, police said Friday. Moments after Alton Nolen, 30, was let go from Vaughan Foods in Moore, he drove to another part of the facility and walked into a front office where he attacked 54-year-old Colleen Hufford, police said.

He used a "standard" knife — similar to the ones found at the facility — to allegedly behead Hufford. Then, he used the same knife to repeatedly stab Traci Johnson, 43, who suffered numerous wounds and remained in stable condition Friday, police said. "He obviously was trying to kill her, too," Moore police Sgt. Jeremy Lewis said at a news conference. He added that Nolen had no relationship with either victim, who were simply in his way when he flew into a rage.

Mark Vaughan, who is both the company's president and chief operating officer and a reserve deputy with the Oklahoma County Sheriff's Office, shot Nolen as he attacked the second victim. Nolen was taken to the hospital, where he is expected to survive. Police say that once he becomes coherent he will be interviewed and charged.

Oklahoma County Sheriff John Whetsel said there was "every reason to believe" others would have been targeted if Vaughan had not intervened.

"I am extremely proud of the actions of Deputy Vaughan and I am convinced those actions saved the lives of several other employees," the sheriff said in a statement.

The circumstances of Nolen's firing weren't made public. Some co-workers told police that he had recently converted to Islam and had been trying to convert them. Law enforcement officials told NBC News that his conversion took place during his recent stint in prison, which ended in March 2013, records show. A search of his home and car didn't immediately yield any connection to radical fundamentalism, and there's no indication he had been in contact with terrorist groups such as ISIS, sources said.

Local authorities are working with the FBI to do an extensive background investigation, Lewis said. Law enforcement officials say they are looking into his online activities and whether a Facebook page that contains materials with terrorist and fundamentalist themes was maintained by Nolen under an alias. Nolen does have an extensive rap sheet, including assault and battery on a police officer and escape from detention, according to NBC station KFOR of Oklahoma City.

Moore, south of Oklahoma City, was the scene of a monster tornado last year that flattened parts of the town and killed two dozen people.

Well damn. Great thing somebody was carrying or else others could have been killed or injured. Hopefully this has no connection to Islamic extremism or terrorist organizations; don't need people to continue saying Islam is not a peaceful religion, when it is peaceful

Serious / Senator Tim Kaine attacks Syria strikes
« on: September 24, 2014, 08:19:18 AM »

WASHINGTON -- As bombs dropped over Syria Monday evening, marking the beginning of a U.S.-led effort to eradicate the Islamic State in that country, most members of Congress were back at home.

The legislative branch adjourned its business at the end of last week to tend to elections. In doing so, it left unresolved the issue of authorizing the war that President Barack Obama would start days later. Congressional inaction didn't upend the White House's plans; the administration had already claimed it had legal authority to launch such strikes in Syria.

But by leaving town before the president started operations, lawmakers may have done serious harm to their own institution, Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) argued in an interview with The Huffington Post. Not only had they diminished the standing of Congress with respect to the executive branch, they also may have given unintended consent to a Dick Cheney-like vision of presidential war powers.

"[Congress has] sort of allowed the Cheney pre-emptive war doctrine to exist by another name," Kaine said. "In this instance, they allowed the president to say, 'ISIL [the Islamic State] is the bad guys, and I can go after them even though there has been testimony that they pose no imminent threat of attack on the United States.' If the president just gets to do this without Congress, then we will be embracing the Cheney pre-emptive war doctrine, which I think is just brutally wrong."

Kaine, one of the most outspoken advocates for passing a new authorization for use of military force, spoke just hours before word broke of the first airstrikes in Syria. He is slated to give a larger address on Tuesday at the Obama-allied Center for American Progress, speaking against the legal underpinnings for expanded military operations.

If you didn't catch it, Kaine is a Democrat Senator. He is right on his stances; we got so bent out of shape when Bush and Cheney did this but not a single word is being spoken when Obama does this. The Constitution CLEARLY states only Congress has the power to approve war, not the president. If we're going to look over this then might as fucking well just shred the damn Constitution

The Flood / iPhone69s+grande confirmed not for hipsters
« on: September 23, 2014, 09:32:35 PM »

Reports from consumers claim that storing an iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus can cause the body of the phone to warp.

This is according to, which claims some consumers have complained about the phone cases having bent after merely sitting in a pants pocket for an extended amount of time.

The author reported that his own iPhone 6 unit had experienced some warping, although it was significantly less than what others had experienced.

And yes, I did say iPhone69s+grande. Got a problem with it?

The Flood / Retarded logic behind the infamous cheese sammich
« on: September 23, 2014, 05:48:27 PM »
So for you Eurfags, Aussieshits, and for anybody else unaware, many muriclap schools have this thing where if you typically don't have money to pay for your school lunch then you will get a hamburger bun with a few slices of cheese on it and a milk for lunch. Schools have it where aside from bringing like $2 everyday, you can bring a check or a larger bill and have it placed on your account or there's an online deposit thing so parents can do it from home

Anyway, my brother today (after telling my parents he needed money multiple times) got this wonderful government cuisine. So here's the logic part: He didn't know until he got his tray with his GMO-induced lab "nutrients" till he went to the cashier. The old hag employed told him he didn't have any money on his account so it was taken from him and, get this:


If you're going to throw it in the damn trash can, why the fuck not just give it to him instead? Like damn

Well that's my daily rant about the inefficiency and stupidity of the government

Serious / Syria bombing best day in f22 life
« on: September 23, 2014, 11:27:33 AM »
Well, the F-22 Raptor has actually been used in a combat situation. Although this gives me a feeling that airstrikes were oushed just to get some use out these aircraft >.>

The stealth F-22 Raptor took part in the mission, a U.S. defense official said, marking the first time the pricey, controversial aircraft has been used in a combat operation.

The Flood / You have the power
« on: September 23, 2014, 11:17:10 AM »
To either make 3 things socially acceptable or unacceptable. Can't mix-match the two choices though, only pick one.

Me, I'd make farting, nose picking, and tell parents straight out they're doing a shit job perfectly acceptable

The Flood / Oh fuck yeah!
« on: September 22, 2014, 10:19:07 PM »
This movie looks rather promising. Not only is is a motherfucking WWII film, it's one about tank crews. All I hope is that the whole "hold out" type of thing going on is played out better than the Russian film "Stalingrad" (was a good movie but could have been a bit better)

Def gonna have to see this!


The Flood / Important PSA
« on: September 22, 2014, 08:37:20 AM »

After lunch, Penis Inspection Day will be held by Nurse Kinder. Group A will be expected to be in the school's auditorium at 12:00pm:


Group B will need to arrive 10 minutes prior for the 1:30 timeslot and includes the non-humans of the school:


Group C will consist of the animu and lolis:


Anybody who doesn't attend will be suspended and have to clean the bathroom floors with their toothbrushes for the next month. That is all

The Flood / nini flud
« on: September 20, 2014, 09:35:17 PM »
I have to attend a bullshit 8-hour driving course tomorrow for some stupid "speeding" ticket I got like 3 months ago. Dropped from 14 to 5-9 over, and it was my first ticket in my 4 years of driving; had a decent enough of excuse for speeding. Just damn government robbery is all

oh well, won't be posting till like 6pm tomorrow >.>

The Flood / Shoe thread
« on: September 20, 2014, 06:44:11 PM »
What's your favorite brand(s)? What shoe(s) do you own currently?

Just got bought these at Journeys

I fucking love Sperry and Timberland shoes, especially the casual/boat kind

The Flood / The NFL (National Felon League)
« on: September 20, 2014, 03:05:11 PM »
The Vikings have decided to refine the Hokey-Pokey and now goes as the following:

Put your running back out
Put your running back in
Put your running back out
Put your running back on Exempt/Commissioner's Permission List


The Flood / So I'm in a issue of conflict
« on: September 19, 2014, 09:11:27 PM »
Currently in an XBL party with two of my friends and me and another brought up all the ex's our other friend had and asked him about one of them. He gave me her name and to all of our shock, she moved in my state.......just two hours away from me. Now the guy who was joking with me about our friend is telling me just to hook up with her over the weekend and have full-blown sex. Now I'm tempted to message her saying "hey, this is may sound weird but I'm friends with your ex bf, -redacted name-, and live only 2 hours away. Wanna do something?"

Real kicker is that she's basically a slut from what our friend told us. She was cheating on him with like 4 other guys but he said she gives really amazing blowjobs

The Flood / Bad Luck Brian IRL
« on: September 19, 2014, 07:09:21 PM »

>first person to get new iphone
>drops it

Fucking lol

The Flood / lol britbongstan
« on: September 18, 2014, 08:36:15 PM »
You can't control your citizens as they destroy your cities.

Your primary hedonistic religion was founded so that your fatass king could divorce and murder his wife.

Your imperialism caused 99% of the problems in the world.

Directly responsable for the world's slave trade....

UK helped create Afganistan fearing Russian Imperialism.

The UK's indifference to the famine Ireland suffered in the mid-19th century.

UK did nothing to stop France from drafting the Treaty of Versailles.

UK helped draw up the borders in Africa after withdrawing causing decades of tribal warfare.

Historic responsibility for the Kashmir dispute.

Thousands of British children shipped to Australia and other Commonwealth countries between the 1920s and 1960s.

Currently... Drug abuse, violent crime, teenage delinquency, family breakdown, welfare dependency, poor urban environments, educational failure, poverty, the loss of traditional values, teenage pregnancy, dysfunctional families, binge drinking, children who kill: all have been cited as proof that we have a broken society.

Tony Blair in 1995 asked us to look at "the wreckage of our broken society" and, using the now-familiar language of rights and responsibilities, called for a new civic society where everyone played a part. The phrase then really came into its own in the Conservative leadership campaign in 2005, first from Liam Fox and then with David Cameron taking up the term in his leadership acceptance speech. It is now strongly associated with Iain Duncan Smith's work for the Centre for Social Justice and the Conservative's Social Justice Policy Group, and the promise to "mend Britain's broken society" became a dominant theme of the Conservative general election campaign.
But the picture is clearly more mixed than some commentators suggest. There are undoubtedly some serious social problems in Britain, and whilst some things have got worse, many have improved. Moreover, perceptions of some problems are increasingly wide of the mark.

Wars Britain started:
Breton War, 1076-1077
Vexin War 1087
Rebellion of 1088
Wars in the Vexin and Maine 1097-1098
Anglo-Norman War 1101 Anglo-Norman War 1105-1106
Anglo-French War 1117-1120
Wars of Henry II of England and Philip II of France
Stephen and Matilda conflict
Saintonge War (1242)
War of Saint-Sardos (1324)
Hundred Years' War (1337-1453)
 War of the League of Cambrai
Anglo-French War (1627-1629)
The Crusades
The Eighty Years' War (1568-1648)
War of the Grand Alliance (Nine years war) (1688-1697) (formerly the League of Augsburg)
Williamite War in Ireland (1689-1691)
 King William's War (1689-1697)
War of the Quadruple Alliance (1718-1720)
Seven Years' War (1756-1763)
 American Revolutionary War (1775-1783)
Second Hundred Years' War (1688 and 1815)
The Boxer Rebellion (1900-1901)
World War I (1914-1918)
World War II (1939-1945)
The Suez Crisis (1956)

As well as several conflicts in: India Palestine Malaya Suez Canal Zone Kenya Cyprus Suez 1956 Borneo Aden Radfan Oman Dhofar Northern Ireland the Falklands War Sierra Leone And counting...

Face it, everyone (Europe, Asia, Africa, America, etc.) would all have been a lot better off had the UK never existed, you're all nothing but limey hedonistic fucks who would all be going to hell if it existed.

The Flood / I have the best local radio station
« on: September 18, 2014, 07:43:17 PM »

So, this morning the sports guy on the show got a prostate exam while on-air. 5:40 is where it starts. First few minutes is an interview with the doctor. But this is too damn funny and the type of shit they do nearly everyday. Few years back they would host fishing tournaments right next door to PETA lol

Post shit your news station does

The Flood / Nerd raps in the hood
« on: September 18, 2014, 07:16:50 PM »

This is way too awesome

Gaming / Why do people insist Destiny is an MMO?
« on: September 18, 2014, 07:06:00 PM »

I've seen it for a while, but increasingly over the past week since it launched. People have been complaining that it's too short to be an MMO or not challenging enough to be one. They've seriously forgotten, and even failed to learn that Bungie NEVER intended it to be an MMO. They intended it to be an action game at heart.
Of course, it does borrow MMO elements but only to improve the experience of the typical shooter we play every year. If people actually viewed it as an action-adventure shooter type of deal with some MMO elements then the ratings could easily improve

The Flood / >be me
« on: September 16, 2014, 02:50:32 PM »
>have world history course
>professor young, cute, super hot
>have foot fetish
>professor comes to class wearing flip-flops
>gets boner

The Flood / Code of Hammurabi>Sharia Law
« on: September 15, 2014, 11:09:28 PM »
25. If fire break out in a house, and some one who comes to put it out cast his eye upon the property of the owner of the house, and take the property of the master of the house, he shall be thrown into that self-same fire.

108. If a tavern-keeper (feminine) does not accept corn according to gross weight in payment of drink, but takes money, and the price of the drink is less than that of the corn, she shall be convicted and thrown into the water.

156. If a man betroth a girl to his son, but his son has not known her, and if then he defile her, he shall pay her half a gold mina, and compensate her for all that she brought out of her father's house. She may marry the man of her heart.

213. If he strike the maid-servant of a man, and she lose her child, he shall pay two shekels in money.

The Flood / Army Disbands Logisitics Corp
« on: September 15, 2014, 09:43:58 PM »

FORT LEE, Va. — The Army will disband its entire logistics corps and use for all logistical needs, CNN has learned.

“After consistently failing to conduct our mission without hemorrhaging money to contractors, we decided to try something different,” said Lt. Gen Raymond V. Mason, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Army, G-4. “It’s definitely a bittersweet day. While we close the book on the storied history of an Army institution, we welcome our new partners from Amazon.

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos will be in charge of ensuring that all Soldiers get their supplies of beans and bullets, Mason added, “in three to five business days.”

Indeed, Army officials confirmed that combat leaders would now receive support in a timely fashion, in part due to Amazon’s emphasis on actual work and not whether its employees have completed Suicide Awareness training. In anticipation of soldiers’ demands, Amazon has already released a new website catering to the military called “AmazonUnderscoreBackslashLIWForwardslash4528103HyphenDotPHP.”

“We weren’t expecting to use that name,” said Bezos, “but the Army’s G-6 said anything else would be a gross violation of government regulations.”

During a demonstration of the new website, Specialist Christopher Holmes, a supply clerk at the Pentagon, revealed Amazon’s “one-click requisition” service. “Want your MRAP by Monday, July 21st? Order by 3pm and select one-day shipping,” read one item description.

“And without the FAA to harass us, we can fully explore the possibilities of an autonomous drone fleet,” added Bezos.

Bezos, highlighting the possibilities of the new partnership, floated one possible scenario: “Are you in the middle of a desperate firefight? Our drones can deliver a box of quality Chinese-made ammunition to your place of residence or work in less than 30 minutes. Just add $19.95 for shipping and handling.”

News of the contract with Amazon received mixed response. While soon-to-be-unemployed logistics officers and sergeants major were not fully appreciative of the idea, most junior soldiers were ecstatic.

“The Army also purchased the Amazon Prime option as part of the contract,” said Specialist Jebediah White. “It’s only got AFN commercials for now, but I heard Amazon struck a deal to give Bagram Batman his own night-time talk show. I can’t wait.”

Pretty sad that people are going to loose their jobs but we have a debt crisis and cutbacks like these will save the nation money in the long run. How do you all feel about this?

Gaming / Finished Destiny; Halo comparisons
« on: September 15, 2014, 09:14:31 PM »
I personally think people are giving the game's campaign mode too much hate. I agree that it wasn't top-notch but that doesn't mean it bombed like everybody is trying to make it out to be. They all fail to realize that what good is a 10 year franchise when everything is revealed in just the first installment? The story is meant to expand into expansion packs, novels, future titles, and other things. And I'll even go to the extent of comparing Destiny to Halo: CE. Both games had you wake up to shit already with no detailed explanation, both had you run around still trying to figure out what the hell is going on, and both had you destroy the location of the main threat to the human race.

What I'm trying to say is that future content will be produced to expand and go into detail of what happened, who the enemies are, and what their goal is. It's exactly like Halo.

I give the story a 6.5/10

Now commence the hate, shit flinging, or whatever

The Flood / Messing with Density is fun
« on: September 14, 2014, 12:19:33 AM »

Here's a quoted version of the thread in case King Desticle I (DeeJ) removes it

Hey you down-syndrome autistic 12 year olds

Bungie was kind enough to label each forum and give it a specific purpose. Discussion of Destiny goes, you guessed it, in the #Destiny section of the website. So stop spamming the #­gaming forum with your cringy autism.

The Flood / On a scale of 10-10
« on: September 13, 2014, 10:45:55 PM »
How pathetic and obsessed do you all think Comm's is?


The Flood / Who wants a PM
« on: September 13, 2014, 04:06:39 PM »
of my slightly filleted finger? No gore/bloody mess (there is some blood). Just removed my bandages and cleaned up my finger a bit and figured to take some pics and share......if any of you are into that sort of stuff

Serious / What to you think about this?
« on: September 13, 2014, 02:47:24 PM »

I think Putin has a rather good point. May not be all politically correct and that jazz but it's still the truth. If you like something, then don't move to a place and demand all this change to satisfy your needs. It's kinda like being invited to a person's house for dinner and then tell them that you don't like what's being cooked and want something entirely different

The Flood / Welp, I had an interesting day(blog post)
« on: September 13, 2014, 02:06:56 PM »
So I decided to go to a gun show about 40 minutes away today. Got there and was looking around the tables and saw my college professor that teaches two of my police classes working at one of the booths and we talked for about 5 minutes about the dropping prices of ammo and guns then asked how I was liking the class, said I was really liking it. Told him I'd see him later and went back to browsing and taking notes of gun prices. Then after a while, I decide to buy this cool book called "U.S Army Special Forces Guide to Unconventional Warfare" which tells you how to make all sorts of crazy shit like napalm, alarm clock, igniters, etc. And I also bought this $16 long combat-type of knife. So I leave and go back to my car where I take out this knife and notice it's a bit dusty for being left opened so I wrap my finger around the bottom of my shirt to dust it off and all of a sudden my finger slips and end up giving myself a gas about an inch thick and half an inch deep. So then I'm sitting there like what the fuck do I do with blood just gushing out and trying to lick/suck it all up because I had nowhere to put it all. All of a sudden I remember I keep all my shit in my trunk and run back there and find this old shirt I used to clean something a year ago and wrapped it tightly around my right pinky finger. Then I drive about 40 minutes home with this improvised and crude tourniquet. Luckily enough the pressure from my shirt-bandage  basically just cut off my circulation and it started to close a bit; only after taking it off did I get my feeling back and blood started to pour out but managed to clean it up and throw 3 band-aids on it

So, how were all of your days? (._.)

Gaming / pleh density wiff meh
« on: September 11, 2014, 09:46:58 PM »
No seriously, if anybody wants to do a strike mission or raid, when the first comes out, then let me know. I'm playing on Xbox One and have nobody to pleh with :c

GT is TFL Blazing

And my mic is broke I think so I can't talk but I use common sense when playing and won't be an idiot

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