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Topics - Kinder Graham

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The Flood / Lol nope
« on: October 10, 2014, 05:21:27 PM »
Not today ebola-chan, not today

kinder:1 ebola-chan:0

The Flood / The effects of poverty on our youth
« on: October 10, 2014, 04:55:31 PM »

Dirty bananas is not what a young boy should be eating. How do we solve this issue?

The Flood / Oh noes, I forgot :^(
« on: October 09, 2014, 11:09:51 PM »
Leif Erikson day was yesterday and totally forgot. So here's a thread commemorating him and discovering North America ( ͡° ͜V ͡°)

The Flood / Fuck it, I'm getting this off my chest
« on: October 09, 2014, 09:41:50 PM »
Here it fucking comes

( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

The Flood / >mfw ebola spreading
« on: October 09, 2014, 07:31:52 PM »

fucking burn everything down

Serious / Hate police all you want
« on: October 09, 2014, 11:44:01 AM »

But vast majority of them support gun ownership, are against gun control, and realize gun ownership helps deter crime. Only places you will see police agencies against guns are those located in big, liberal cities ran by a liberal Chief of Police

The Flood / Wut u be eatin?
« on: October 08, 2014, 10:34:27 PM »

Just had a delicious Nutella sammich on King's Hawaiian bread. So orgasmic

Gaming / Destiny actually made me cry
« on: October 08, 2014, 09:44:26 PM »
Got to the chance to play on the Mercury map and as I turned around and faced the Sun and the map's skybox, I started to have tears come out of my eyes because it was so damn beautiful. Instead of playing I just found a little corner and had my character sit while I just looked for the rest of the match


Serious / Cop saves young child
« on: October 08, 2014, 06:36:46 PM »

A hero police officer in upstate New York is credited with a toddler's dramatic rescue, thanks to his rapid response.

Sgt. Patrick Hildenbrand, 35, of the Red Hook, N.Y., Police Department, thought he was going to pull over a speeding driver. Instead the officer encountered a frantic father carrying the lifeless body of his 22-month-old son.

After Matthew Morgan suffered a seizure and collapsed on Monday, his father, Matt, grabbed his body to drive him to the nearest hospital, ABC station WABC-TV reported. The elder Morgan was speeding through the Dutchess County Village of Red Hook, when he and Hildenbrand spotted each other.

"It was not a typical traffic stop," Hildenbrand told ABC News, explaining that the father slammed on his brakes when he saw the police officer's SUV.

"He has a young boy in his hands and he's running at me, yelling at me, his son is not breathing. 'I think my son is dead, my son is not breathing,'" Hildenbrand said.

Morgan hoped the police officer could drive the baby to the hospital quickly so doctors could save his son's life.

"I was going and then he hit his lights and then as soon as I seen that, I stopped and I ran to his car. You get through traffic a lot faster," the father, 19, told WABC-TV.

An officer for nine years and a former firefighter of 17 years, Hildenbrand said his instincts and training kicked in after the three hopped in the police SUV. After Hildenbrand asked the father where he came from, the officer said he made a split-second decision to drive directly to the hospital instead of waiting for an ambulance to arrive.

"I don't live too far from him, so I knew time was of the essence," Hildenbrand said. "I had to get to the hospital as soon as possible."

While Hildenbrand drove to the hospital with Morgan and his son in the backseat, behind a partition, the officer simultaneously performed CPR on the boy.

"I reached my hand back here as I'm driving, moved my body over and started doing all the compressions and feeling for a pulse while I could still operate the vehicle," Hildenbrand said.

When they arrived at the hospital, Hildenbrand continued CPR while he carried the boy to doctors.

"The medical staff did their stuff and the baby started crying," Hildenbrand said.

The officer said he doesn't consider himself a hero.

"A lot of cops do crazy things to save peoples' lives and don't get recognized," he said.

But the emergency room physician said he feels otherwise.

"I really don't think this child would be here today if it wasn't for those efforts. I think the key is when you can start rescue CPR out in the community it certainly, the earlier you start it the better outcomes you have," Dr. John Sabia of Northern Dutchess Hospital told WABC-TV.

Morgan could not be reached for comment by ABC News.

Doctors still aren't sure what caused Matthew to collapse, but he is back at home thanks to the rescue efforts of a police officer.

"It was fast and stressful," Hildenbrand said.

The Flood / Oh, what's this thread?
« on: October 08, 2014, 06:18:52 PM »


Serious / If Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn Yūsuf ibn Ayyūb were alive today
« on: October 08, 2014, 08:50:49 AM »
Where would he be in stances according to the current shit fest in the Middle-East?

Based Saladin would be like screw you guys and start his own movement, (basing it off rebel antics), gain followers, defeat the rebels and Assad, inspire the Kurds (his own kinsmen) to join him, and start a war against ISIS. He would call it a Sultanate, and eventually defeat ISIS, and take over Iraq and Syria.

saladin is love
saladin is lyfe

The Flood / Let's mix things up
« on: October 08, 2014, 05:58:16 AM »
Start posting in comic sans using white text colors pl0x

Testing other fonts now



Arial Black




Andale Mono


Alright, Verdana is another option to pick from. I like it

The Flood / >mfw i see dat booty
« on: October 07, 2014, 09:35:13 PM »

Serious / White House criticizes Israel; about fucking time
« on: October 07, 2014, 12:02:30 PM »

In a striking public rebuke, the Obama administration warned Israel on Wednesday that plans for a controversial new housing project in east Jerusalem would distance Israel from "even its closest allies" and raise questions about its commitment to seeking peace with Palestinians.

The harsh criticism came just hours after President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met at the White House. Obama spokesman Josh Earnest said the president privately raised his concerns with Netanyahu though the two leaders made no mention of the matter in their public comments to reporters.

"This development will only draw condemnation from the international community," Earnest said. "It also would call into question Israel's ultimate commitment to a peaceful negotiated settlement with the Palestinians."

Netanyahu pushed back against the criticism, according to reporters traveling with him Wednesday, saying that people should have all of the information before making such statements. He also said that while Obama did raise the issue of settlements in their meeting, the discussion did not focus on specific cases.

An Israeli official confirmed the accuracy of Netanyahu's comments to his traveling press corps. The official would discuss the matter only on condition of anonymity.

The new 2,500 unit project that stoked U.S. anger is contentious because it would complete a band of Jewish areas that separate Jerusalem from nearby Bethlehem. The U.S. has repeatedly criticized Israeli construction in east Jerusalem, casting it as damaging to efforts to secure an elusive peace accord with the Palestinians.

The White House also condemned what it called the recent occupation of residential buildings in Silwan, an Arab neighborhood in east Jerusalem where several hundred hard-line Israeli settlers have moved in recent years. Earnest called the move was "provocative" and said it would "escalate tensions at a moment when those tensions have already been high."

Appearing before reporters earlier, Obama and Netanyahu betrayed little of the U.S. displeasure projected by the White House spokesman, as well as officials at the State Department. While the two leaders have long had a tense relationship, each took a polite and cordial tone in their brief public remarks.

Still, areas of discord were evident, most notably Obama's frustration with Palestinian civilian deaths in during the summer war in Gaza and Israel's wariness of U.S.-led nuclear negotiations with Iran.

Sitting alongside Netanyahu, Obama said leaders must "find ways to change the status quo so that both Israel citizens are safe in their own homes, and schoolchildren in their schools, from the possibility of rocket fire but also that we don't have the tragedy of Palestinian children being killed as well."

More than 2,100 Palestinians — the vast majority of them civilians, according to the United Nations — and more than 70 Israelis were killed during the 50-day war in Gaza.

Officials said much of Obama and Netanyahu's private discussions centered on Iran. The U.S. and its negotiating partners — Britain, France, Germany, Russia and China — have until Nov. 24 to reach a deal with Iran on its nuclear program, and all sides say significant gaps remain.

Hopefully this is the beginning and people learn how much of a monster Israel really is

The Flood / Only a $125 left.......
« on: October 07, 2014, 11:26:50 AM »
Till I can buy the glorious WASR 10/63. So for those who don't know much about this gun or guns in general, here's a brief rundown

This is NOT an AK-47 or an actual Kalashnikov. 47s were produced from 1949-1959 and in Russia by Kalashnikov . In the 60's Romania decided to build it's own rifle and thus the WASR as it's commercially known was born and it's an AKM. The imported ones are built upon parts kit and U.S law requires a certain percentage of parts to be U.S made so it's really a civilian sporting model is a Romanian-U.S hybrid

Anyway, just so damn excited about being able to get one


The Flood / *passes popcorn tacos*
« on: October 07, 2014, 07:13:07 AM »
Am I late for any more forum drama?

Don't look at me, I apologized to Kiyo already

The Flood / I'm getting in the mood ^-^
« on: October 06, 2014, 11:00:49 PM »

I love this movie and the cover

The Flood / Who wants spaghetti?
« on: October 06, 2014, 09:33:56 PM »

Bon appetite

Serious / Police Officer helps young mother
« on: October 06, 2014, 09:17:30 PM »

A public safety officer from Emmett Township, Michigan, went beyond the call of duty on Saturday.

Emmett Township Public Safety Officer Ben Hall was on his patrol when he pulled a vehicle over for a traffic violation. When he made contact with the driver, he noticed a small child in the car who was wearing a seat belt but not in a child’s car seat.

The young mother told Officer Hall that she understood the importance of having the child in a car seat, but could not afford one because of her limited income at the time.

Rather than giving the young mother a traffic ticket, Officer Hall had the mother pull into a Walmart parking lot, where he went inside and purchased a car seat to keep her daughter safe in.

The Flood / Stop replying to threads
« on: October 06, 2014, 09:02:37 AM »
I'm trying to make it where all threads have me posting as the last person

The Flood / An.....interesting personality test
« on: October 05, 2014, 11:09:21 PM »
105 questions but simple yes/no. Pretty interesting I suppose Apparently I have multiple personalities? Not too sure on the sadism part but I'm defiantly avoidant, schizotypal and have a bit of hypomania 

The Flood / No, how is my essay?
« on: October 05, 2014, 09:39:38 PM »
Well since Napalm made a thread then I'l make one :p

Already submitted it online through the schools plagiarism program so it should be fine to post it here >.>

Code of Hammurabi

     “An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.” This phrase, or shortened variations of it, have been used for countless years, decades, and even centuries by humans around the world; it has even found a home in the Christian religious text known as The Bible. But where exactly did this saying come from and exactly how old is it?
     Around the year 1790B.C, King Hammurabi of the Babylon established an extensive set of legal codes known today as the Code of Hammurabi. In total 282 laws were established by Hammurabi and during the time of the Babylonian Empire, were written using a system known as cuneiform on large, black pillars made of diorite that stood a little over eight feet in height.  These pillars were typically found throughout large cities in the empire in order for the populace to become educated on the good and the bad that had been decreed by their king. A vast majority of laws deal with issues relevant to the period such as agriculture and family with all the laws revolving around the concept of “an eye for an eye”, as in a punishment or binding agreement equal to the offense committed. Here is an excerpt that reflects this idea:

“8. If anyone steal cattle or sheep, or an ass, or a pig or a goat, if it belong to a god or to the court, the thief shall pay thirtyfold; if they belonged to a freed man of the king he shall pay tenfold; if the thief has nothing with which to pay he shall be put to death.”

     So for what purpose did Hammurabi feel the need to create a legal system? When Hammurabi came to power, he managed to absorb and conquer surrounding villages, farming communities, and other city-states and place them under Babylonian rule. This meant that new people with their own cultures/beliefs were being mixed with the people of Babylon and so needed a way to treat everybody fairly and keep a sense of unity as one.  This keen thinking by the king led to the creation of a uniformed code of laws which would apply to everybody; experts were sent around the kingdom to gather the existing laws each area currently were enforcing and refined many of them to establish this known set of laws.  Hammurabi himself even stated that he wants "to make justice visible in the land, to destroy the wicked person and the evil-doer, that the strong might not injure the weak."

     The efforts of Hammurabi to create a widely accessible and known code of laws also shows us what life was like during ancient Babylonian times. As pointed out earlier, a majority of laws deal with both family and agriculture. Not only were these important concepts for Babylon but other civilizations when discussing ancient history such as Egypt and Life all but revolved around maintaining and taking care of crops and livestock as it was a necessity in order to eat, produce goods like furs, and even used for trade and taxes. Family was another important factor due to the ability of carrying on the family name and tree along with producing enough children in order to help work the family farm.

Serious / Piers Morgan attacks Obama
« on: October 03, 2014, 11:30:45 AM »

President Obama this week committed professional suicide.
Let me explain.

There is a theory in politics that once a leader has fired 50 or more people from his or her administration, he or she is finished.

The reason being that by creating so many enemies ‘outside the tent’, the tent itself becomes too deluged with poisonous bile to avoid sinking into a quagmire of back-stabbing ignominy.

Obama went a lot further than firing 50 people.

He managed to single-handedly alienate 200,000 employees in the American intelligence agencies by going on 60 Minutes and ruthlessly chucking them all under a bus over the rise of terror group ISIS.

James Clapper (Director of National Intelligence) has acknowledged that they underestimated what had been taking place in Syria,’ he said, when asked how ISIS’ influence could have spread so fast.

As Governor Chris Christie pointed out, by saying ‘they’ rather than ‘we’, Obama tried to distance himself from any personal responsibility or accountability for what has been a catastrophic failure to act over the greatest terror threat facing the world since Osama Bin Laden.

A more shameless, reprehensible display of buck-passing it would be hard to find from a sitting President.

And for what purpose?

All that will happen now is that those maligned intelligence agencies will exact cold-blooded revenge on Obama by drip-feeding negative stories about him until he’s gone.

It’s what they do.

The truth is that Obama is the one who underestimated ISIS, plunging his head ostrich-like into the sand and hoping they would go away without having to do anything to actually make them go away.

There were clear, unambiguous public warnings made nearly a year ago in front of the Foreign Affairs Committee that ISIS was on the march in Syria and Iraq.

But perhaps Obama missed them.

Hardly surprising when we discover yesterday that he has only attended 42.1 percent of his Presidential Daily intelligence briefings.

No wonder the Secret Service gets complacent when The Boss exudes complacency from every pore.

Obama prides himself on a ‘leading from behind’ American strategy to confronting global terrorism and the current chaos raging throughout the Middle East.

But refusing to intervene in conflicts like Syria has so far proved to be spectacularly self-defeating.

Far from making America stronger, Obama has made the world’s greatest military power look weak.

So weak that these Jihadist thugs think they can behead American citizens with impunity in glossy snuff movies.

Imagine how emboldened they must have felt when Obama made his ‘heartfelt’ speech about journalist James Foley’s execution, and was then seen laughing and joking on the golf course SEVEN MINUTES later.

Obama has so far played golf 192 times since becoming President.

Even Rory McIlroy would struggle to match such enthusiasm for the game.

But Rory isn’t the Leader of the Free World, and with such a title comes huge responsibility.

The kind of responsibility that Obama seems so keen to shirk.

It’s time he got off the damn golf course, got up to speed with his intelligence briefings and focused on wiping out ISIS.

Before they wipe out more of the people he serves.

Serious / Moms Demand SWATing
« on: October 02, 2014, 08:34:20 PM »

…whether or not the allegedly well-intentioned reformers of Moms Demand Action and are aware of it, they are flirting with disaster. On the surface, Ann Marie’s grubby little hope that police will eventually “have a run in with one of these clowns” may appear to be less threatening than was Ronald Ritchie’s fatal mendacity. But, if Marie were successful, the end result would likely be the same. There is no kind way of putting this, I’m afraid: Ultimately, what we are seeing on the fringes of the gun-control movement is the suggestion that American citizens be “SWATted” for their choices — that, in the name of a political disagreement, one party calls the cops on another and, under false pretenses, puts them in harm’s way. Is this reconcilable with “common sense” change?

“You’re putting the police in a situation where to the best of their knowledge the call is coming from inside the house,” Owens explains. “In the worst case, the perpetrator will say, ‘I’ve killed my wife and kids; come get me if you can.’” In other instances, he will exaggerate or twist the truth to lure authorities into a situation that is not at all as it has been described. In all cases, however, the intention is the same: To harm or to scare the target. Real-world examples abound.

tl;dr idiots from already idiotic organizations are supportive of the idea on SWATing gun owners so they'll be put in harms way. This is fracking disgusting and just shows how immature anti-gunners can be

The Flood / What's a good price for this stuff?
« on: October 02, 2014, 12:13:23 PM »
I have a M17A1 model gas mask w/carrying bag and what I believe to be a Vietnam-era 20mm ammo. Don't have actual pictures of them but here's some from Google >.>

Gas mask:

Gas mask bag:

Ammo can:

Want to sell them on Craigslist but have no idea what they're worth so would be great if somebody could give me an idea

The Flood / Trolling #Density
« on: October 01, 2014, 09:23:32 AM »

My response to Flee in gaming for joking that #Density is an accredited forum got me in the mood to make this lol

Septagon / Hey Cheat, got an idea
« on: September 30, 2014, 08:33:50 PM »
Since we can't use extensive vocabulary basically anymore, is there like a way you can come up with a program that changes any curse word into another word? I made a few forums back on forumotion before and that was part of building the free forum

Here's a list of words you can use if you decide to do it >.>


The Flood / the cringe, it's real.......halp
« on: September 30, 2014, 12:26:12 PM »
So there's this guy that's like 30 years old in my history course. Every class he has to raise his hand every 5 minutes asking questions and try to put input what the professor os saying. Just gets kinda cringy. Oh, he also wears a damn fedora

Anyway, he comes in just now speaking Spanish to greet the class and somebody just asked where his fedora was and said he's riding his bike to school from now on. He also said his fedora gives him like +3 intelligence points

fuking nuke this guy from orbit for me

The Flood / uhhhh, anybody see gasai?
« on: September 30, 2014, 12:48:45 AM »
He said he'd meet me behind the dumpster 10 minutes ago to get these chickens he asked for. Something about wanting to have em peck his anus? I don't know.......I was promised 10 shekels for this

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