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The Flood / Watch MotherJones endorse multiple felonies
« on: October 19, 2014, 03:48:50 PM »
Rather ironic that a source that supports draconian gun laws ends up the ones who break them. So here is a breakdown of each California law Mr. Schatz violated:

1:18-Pistol grip illegal in California, there's a piece of metal you have to attach to the grip and the stick to unable grip the pistol grip

1:18-No fixed magazine. Notice that weird piece under the trigger guard? That's supposed to be under the magazine release, not all the way under the trigger

2:33-Possessing and firing an "assault weapon" in California

2:59-Incorrect demilling of a weapon by not cutting it into 3 pieces and leaving a certain amount of metal cut out

From the article (I put the scraps back in the cardboard box the kit came in and leave it for the garbage truck)-Transferring a firearm with out an FFL license

Now, as much as I get a kick from these anti-gunners breaking their own laws, this isn't the direction I'm going. What I'm going is that Mr. Schatz committing at the minimum of FIVE felonies because these gun laws are fucking ridiculous. We don't want to flog up prisons with pot users but we have no problem putting somebody behind bars for 6 years because they wanted a fucking pistol grip

And here's another correction. So long as you personally build a weapon, you don't need to have a serial number on it. Only when you decide to sell it you must do it

The Flood / bedtime
« on: October 18, 2014, 11:26:15 PM »
see you all dank eyed and memeified

The Flood / So, Nickleback's new song
« on: October 18, 2014, 10:40:09 PM »
Yeah, "hur lol nikelbak" whatever. It's a band you either like or don't and I like them

Anyway, this new song is fucking amazing. They're delivering a message that government and big business controls everything and constantly gets away with their shit, something that has been greatly swept under the rug and out of mainstream media. It's instead replaced with pointless shit like what kanye west had for breakfast


The Flood / Review of Fury
« on: October 18, 2014, 07:44:18 PM »

So I'm taking my shot a review so don't expect it to be all that good

At first glance, one may make the assumption of it to be a lack-luster and over-hyped film that will just be forgotten in another six months. With other World War II movies such as Band of Brothers, Saving Private Ryan, and Pearl Harbor then why else would you need to see any other? Well, the answer is simple: Because Fury goes above and beyond the call of duty, granting itself a place to remembered as a World War II film for years to come.

From the first five minutes, you are greeted with the film's first introduction of the gritty and gruesome violence it has to offer. And it continues on in the scenes to come where you will witness brains and guts literally being blown out (think Inglorious Bastards, but more realistic and believable) by machine guns, tank rounds, artillery, and ever other weapon encountered in war. When not showing off the incredible amounts of violence, there are times of crude and adult humor that will actually leave you laughing, not some half-ass chuckle and even during the action scenes, humor still finds it's way in.

But what truly makes this film memorable, as a lover of history myself, is the incorporation of an actual German Tiger I tank. and not just some tank, but the tank: Tiger 131, the only operational Tiger tank in the world. It was lent for the film by The Tank Museum in Bovington, England. And for added bonus, real M4 Shermans were used as well

Overall, the fully surpassed my expectations and it is something I can and will watch over and over again. I suggest you all to watch it if you love action, WWII, tanks, guns, or if you just want to see a damn good film

The Flood / LOL, this girl is getting stoned so hard!
« on: October 18, 2014, 06:55:31 PM »


The Flood / Look at dem small and playful titties
« on: October 18, 2014, 06:53:56 PM »


Serious / Court keeps Texan voter ID law
« on: October 18, 2014, 06:45:08 PM »


WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court said Saturday that Texas can use its controversial new voter identification law for the November election.

A majority of the justices rejected an emergency request from the Justice Department and civil rights groups to prohibit the state from requiring voters to produce certain forms of photo identification in order to cast ballots. Three justices dissented.

The law was struck down by a federal judge last week, but a federal appeals court had put that ruling on hold. The judge found that roughly 600,000 voters, many of them black or Latino, could be turned away at the polls because they lack acceptable identification. Early voting in Texas begins Monday.

The Supreme Court's order was unsigned, as it typically is in these situations. Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan dissented, saying they would have left the district court decision in place.

"The greatest threat to public confidence in elections in this case is the prospect of enforcing a purposefully discriminatory law, one that likely imposes an unconstitutional poll tax and risks denying the right to vote to hundreds of thousands of eligible voters," Ginsburg wrote in dissent.

Texas' law sets out seven forms of approved ID — a list that includes concealed handgun licenses but not college student IDs, which are accepted in other states with similar measures.

The 143-page opinion from U.S. District Judge Nelva Gonzales Ramos called the law an "unconstitutional burden on the right to vote" and the equivalent of a poll tax in finding that the Republican-led Texas Legislature purposely discriminated against minority voters in Texas.

Texas had urged the Supreme Court to let the state enforce voter ID at the polls in a court filing that took aim at the ruling by Ramos, an appointee of President Barack Obama. Attorney General Greg Abbott, a Republican who's favored in the gubernatorial race, called Ramos' findings "preposterous" and accused the judge of ignoring evidence favorable to the state.

The court had intervened in three other disputes in recent weeks over Republican-inspired restrictions on voting access. In Wisconsin, the justices blocked a voter ID law from being used in November. In North Carolina and Ohio, the justices allowed limits on same-day registration, early voting and provisional ballots to take or remain in effect.

Ginsburg said the Texas case was different from the clashes in North Carolina and Ohio because a federal judge held a full trial on the Texas election procedures and developed "an extensive record" finding the process discriminated against ballot access.

Texas has enforced its tough voter ID in elections since the Supreme Court in June 2013 effectively eliminated the heart of the Voting Rights Act, which had prevented Texas and eight other states with histories of discrimination from changing election laws without permission. Critics of the Texas measure, though, said the new ID requirement has not been used for an election for Congress and the Senate, or a high-turnout statewide election like the race for governor.

Ramos' issued her ruling on October 9. Five days later, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans put her decision on hold and cited a 2006 Supreme Court opinion that warned judges not to change the rules too close to Election Day.

The challengers in Texas said that the last time the Supreme Court allowed a voting law to be used in a subsequent election after it had been found to be unconstitutional was in 1982. That case from Georgia involved an at-large election system that had been in existence since 1911.

Republican lawmakers in Texas and elsewhere say voter ID laws are needed to reduce voter fraud. Democrats contend that such cases are extremely rare and that voter ID measures are thinly veiled attempts to keep eligible voters, many of them minorities supportive of Democrats, away from the polls.

My response to a comment earlier today on FB:

So I guess to get rid of illegal guns, we just have to ban all guns? And in order to obtain a free ID, a person needs a home address. So what of homeless people, are they unable to vote despite being U.S citizens? If that's the case then under the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, a state is not allowed to pass laws that "unduly burden" the right to vote. According to the Supreme Court, even very minor burdens have to be justified as "sufficiently weighty to justify the limitation. The Voting Rights Act says that a law related to voting is invalid if it places a barrier to voting that is more likely to affect members of a minority group than the general population. As previously noted, voter ID laws have a disproportionate impact on Latinos and African Americans. A felon who was voting illegally, for instance, could easily have an ID and no poll worker could tell from that ID that the person was an invalid voter.

Serious / A story you won't hear from Sharpton and the race-baiters
« on: October 17, 2014, 11:58:18 AM »

The Colorado teen accused of murdering a newlywed soldier and his pregnant wife was found guilty Tuesday following a 12-day trial, officials report.

Macyo Joelle January, 19, was found guilty of murdering Staff Sgt. David Dunlap, 37, and his pregnant wife Whitney Butler, 35, after the two walked in on him burglarizing their Colorado Springs home Jan. 14, 2013.

Police say that the newlyweds arrived home separately to check on the alarm that went off at 11.10am.
Dunlap and Butler were both shot from behind as they walked through the front door. Officials say evidence suggests that Butler was shot in the head as she leaned over her husband’s dead body, according to The Gazette.

A jury deliberated for three-and-a-half hours and the case that went on for 1 1/2 years — overlapping what would have been the couple’s two-year anniversary — ended with January being found guilty of the slayings.

January will be sentenced Oct. 22. He is being sentenced as an adult which means he will face life in prison, however, because he was 17 at the time of the double-murder, there is chance for parole after 40 years, The Gazette reports


Sharpton and MSNBC are the real racists

The Flood / If we refer to the Republicans
« on: October 16, 2014, 09:38:19 PM »
as the right side..........does that mean Democrats are referred as the wrong side?

(ง ͡͡ ° ͜ ʖ ͡ °)ง

The Flood / *initiates the ritual*
« on: October 16, 2014, 09:35:11 PM »
Camnator, Duke of the Dank, Baron of Booty, reveal yourself and post in this thread

The Flood / Fuck yeah
« on: October 16, 2014, 06:11:31 PM »
Was counting all the coins I had in my dresser and came across a blank quarter. No markings on either side and the edges have not been ribbed or whatever that's called. It's smooth and flat all the way around but  closely looking, there's a small indication that the sides are raised around. On the outer edge  I see what appears to be cooper

Anybody know what this is called and how much it may be worth?

The Flood / How many more times
« on: October 15, 2014, 10:21:06 PM »
Will Dustin be Dustdone with this site?

The Flood / Confirmed pokemon leak gameplay :^)
« on: October 15, 2014, 03:21:33 PM »

woof woof
(so beautiful, wow goty)

Serious / Just saw gas at $2.95 today
« on: October 15, 2014, 08:35:29 AM »

A secretive group of the world’s most powerful oil ministers will soon gather in Vienna to take arguably one of the most important decisions that could affect the still fragile world economy: whether to cut production of crude to defend prices at $100 per barrel, or keep open the spigots as winter looms among the biggest energy-consuming nations?

A sudden slump in the price of crude has exposed deep divisions within the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) ahead of its final scheduled meeting of the year next month to decide on how much oil to pump.

Some members, led by Iran, have called for immediate action to stem the drop in oil prices, while the Arab sheikhdoms of the Gulf have so far argued that it could be another three months before it becomes clear whether the group should cut production for the first time since December 2008.

Whatever they decide, oil remains the lifeblood of the global economic system due to its direct impact on inflation and input prices. Brent crude – a global benchmark of oil drawn from 15 fields in the North Sea, dipped last week to multi-year lows below $92 per barrel as a perfect storm of a strong US dollar, oversupply in the system and declining demand shattered confidence in the market. Brent has tumbled 20pc in the last three months after touching $115 per barrel in June.

Rest is in the link

Well, I'm all for cheap gas. Glad to see the oil market under-cut each other and not keep a monopoly on prices, for the time being that is. Hopefully this translates into a decrease of over-all prices since oil is what controls the value of money

The Flood / What if......
« on: October 14, 2014, 09:49:58 PM »
We're all part of a Plague Inc. game and-*gets infected*

The Flood / I wanna see Batman
« on: October 14, 2014, 08:17:57 PM »
Somebody buy me a plane ticket

Gaming / destiny is now 3spooky5me
« on: October 14, 2014, 03:20:01 PM »

The original loot cave in Destiny is dead, but its spirit lives on. In fact... it may be haunted.

As part of the latest update in Destiny, Bungie has added a bunch of hidden remains to the Loot Cave in Skywatch. When you disturb them, the following takes place:
Video is in the link

"A million deaths are not enough for Master Rahool."

Here is the original video. Master Rahool refers of course to the Cryptarch in the Tower, who decoded the countless engrams farmed from dead enemies on this spot. Apparently he's still not satisfied, which seems pretty typical of him, if you ask me.


Serious / Parent destroys stupidity of Common Core
« on: October 14, 2014, 02:33:02 PM »
This shit is the very reason why American "education" is a joke

The Flood / Place your bets here
« on: October 14, 2014, 02:23:00 PM »
How long till Camnator decides to come back, assuming if he actually was being serious? My money is on option #2

« on: October 14, 2014, 12:09:46 PM »

The Flood / *declares futwa*
« on: October 13, 2014, 11:44:58 PM »

Septagon / Just a small idea I had
« on: October 13, 2014, 10:40:13 PM »
Okay, so don't freak out because what I'm suggesting won't be like mandatory for everybody. Basically I thought to help Cheat out with the costs of running the server, people could OPTIONALLY pay something like $5 a month at the minimum. To give incentive, people who pay can get extra options/features such as  extended anarchy, hidden dedicated sub-forum, different posting colors, etc

And think of it this way: We've all had to pay Bungie to use their website because we've all had to buy a Bungie game to learn about them and to know they have a website

Anyway, just a small idea I had while taking a shit >.> and I don't know how much it costs so if the ads cover it, then maybe it can be put in an emergency fund if  hosts have to be switched or to even give Cheat and Isara a small "salary" for their hard and dedicated work

Serious / MDA and anti-gunners are desperate
« on: October 13, 2014, 07:28:17 PM »

I can barely read the fucking article because of the amount of stupidity. If you wanna read it, then click the link because I read it once and don't want to even look at it again. This is just another piss-poor attempt to go "hur blem nra" when in reality, the facts are not even present

First of all, this whole Surgeon General thing has been going on far before the whole ebola scare. So why make a big deal about it NOW? Oh yeah, just to push an anti-gun agenda.

Secondly, we are NOT without a Surgeon General; the acting S.G is Read Admiral Boris D. Lushniak

Thirdly, The Surgeon General is basically some guy that tells you what to eat, not to eat, and to wear your seat-belts. It is a political position rather than a hands-on medical post. If there is an outbreak, the government entity in charge will be the Center for Diseases Control with the support of U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) which are the entities they are supposed to be trained in these kind of things.

This whole "article", if you even want to call it that, has more holes than damn swiss cheese

The Flood / Do pranks ever cross the line?
« on: October 13, 2014, 08:32:03 AM »
Was bored and decided to watch the news report of that clown prank in Wasco and was suggested some other prank videos. Watched a few and then linked to the one in this post. Anyway, I think this clearly crosses the line of what a prank is. If this were ever happen to me, or anybody else that was a gun owner, the "prankster" could have very well ended up injured or dead. Because in all honesty, how do I or others know if this is a prank? How do I not know this could very well be some crazed lunatic looking to actually do harm? Chasing a person with a fucking flamethrower is NOT the smartest thing to do, just look at the victims run and scream in terror. There is of course a difference between this and haunted attractions because you expect somebody to jump out with a chainsaw or whatever and give you a scare

If this belongs in Serious, then move it over there. Have no idea really


The Flood / Hallo!
« on: October 12, 2014, 10:47:03 PM »
Ich habe nicht eine lange Zeit Deutsch sprechen. Wo ist eine gut website zu lernen? Und Ich bin zu Bett gehen. Nini Flut ^-^

The Flood / Somebody swage out my avatar
« on: October 12, 2014, 09:59:07 PM »

I have 25 shiny new RyleTokens™ for whoever makes the best one :^)

Das is in the lead

The Flood / Watch me destroy your childhood!
« on: October 12, 2014, 06:21:03 PM »

The Flood / Goodnight
« on: October 10, 2014, 10:13:31 PM »
See you all danked eyed and memified :^)

Serious / Former U.S soldier joins Kurdish forces
« on: October 10, 2014, 09:46:58 PM »

An American man who joined the fight against ISIS said he couldn’t bear to watch from the sidelines as militants seized control of Syria and Iraq, echoing a sentiment shared by more U.S. citizens gearing up for attack.

Jordan Matson, 28, told USA Today he “couldn’t just sit and watch Christians being slaughtered anymore” when he joined Kurdish forces about three weeks ago to help take down the Islamic State terrorists.

“I got sick of giving online sympathy,” the Racine, Wisc., native continued. “Five minutes of lip service does nothing. These people are fighting for their homes, for everything they have.”

Matson spoke from a hospital in northeastern Syria, where he was being treated for a shrapnel wound in his foot. The injury resulted from a mortar attack by Islamic State fighters along the Iraqi border.

Matson is one of a growing number of Americans who feel a moral responsbility to tackle the terrorists behind the beheadings of two American journalists, a former American soldier and two British aid workers.

An Ohio man, who was not officially identified, said he is fighting alongside Kurds and “a few Americans” on a video obtained by NBC News.

“While most people in America are against the Islamic State, there are a few Americans that wanted to come here and help the YPG in any way we can,” the man says in the video, referring to the Kurdish militia that is fighting ISIS.

“Everything has been fine,” he says, adding that his hosts have been welcoming.

“They’re very nice, very accommodating, hospitable,” he says. “Very good people.”

Matson, a former private first class infantryman with the U.S. Army, was critical of his country for launching airstrikes too late — after ISIS had already established its reign of terror on Syrian locals and beheaded the first journalist, James Foley, in August.

“It wasn’t until an American was beheaded did we do anything,” he said. “We just let the monster grow and grow.”

Matson, wearing a military uniform with a traditional black and white Kurdish scarf across his shoulders, added that the government was more concerned with its image than a human toll.

“For the U.S. government, it’s not about human life,” he said. “It’s about how they look in the opinion polls.”

Matson described his move to Syria after contacting the YPG through Facebook.

“They asked me a few questions to make sure I wasn’t pro-ISIS and then they told me I could come,” he said. “I just flew by the seat of my pants.”

He flew from Chicago to Warsaw to Istanbul, and then drove to Turkey, where he was picked up by a Kurdish militia man who drove him into Iraq. He pretended to be a doctor to cross the border into Syria.

They don’t pay me, but they treat me like family,” he said of his hosts. “If I need anything, they look after me.”

But he admitted the dangers were glaring.

Most of the Kurdish forces are young, and operate with no heavy body armor or serious weapons.

“Sometimes it’s just kids,” he said. “That’s the way it is. I have a Kalashnikov (automatic rifle). That’s about it.

“In the dark, with no night vision goggles, we can’t see ISIS,” he continued. “The other night, 12 black figures walked towards our base and just started shooting at us.”

State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki declined to discuss Matson for privacy reasons, but added she was unaware of any law banning U.S. citizens from engaging in combat against the terrorists.

Matson said he plans to continue fighting for three years, even after his foot injury.

“Once I can put a boot back on, I’m back there,” he said.

God fucking bless this man for his selfless actions. He's putting his life on the line with no pay or anything, for people half-way across the world who never asked him for his help. I only hope for his safety

The Flood / damnit ember
« on: October 10, 2014, 06:53:30 PM »

this how you earning your shekels now? through the creation of israeli double-barrel ar-15?


discuss ember's shekel making schemes

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