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Messages - Epsira

Pages: 1 ... 303132 3334 ... 134
The Flood / Re: So today I made a decision
« on: October 18, 2015, 07:34:59 PM »
Apparently not sike.


YOU CALLED IT ;_______;

but I still think you being able to joke about it reveals some change, even if it's slight.

The Flood / Re: High School is Ending and I Don't Want It To.
« on: October 18, 2015, 07:33:10 PM »
My senior year involved a lot of crying.  It was my best and worst year.
Same, but without the best part.
I lived in my closet for the last month of it

I actually really like my closet though, I'm a little bit claistrophilic so the snugness of it felt very homey and safe.
Then my mother filled it with her clothes and furniture so I wouldn't go back. It, unlike my room, had a lock so it was a space only I had access to. I usually sleep with a knife or my sword because I'm paranoid, but I didn't have to worry as much about being stabbed in the closet. Now I have to push my dresser in front of my door if I want privacy and it's very heavy >:(
However, I was really angry one day and accidentally destroyed part of the door, so you can open it even when locked now  :'(

The Flood / Re: Plz help. Need animoos.
« on: October 18, 2015, 07:18:48 PM »
Holy shit, this is a brilliant formula, OP.

If you leverage breasts against social shut-ins and give them incentive to find something they'll bring it back in droves... And you don't even have to have watched all the anime people suggest. You can just fill up the cue until you say something like "Oh, uh, I found something myself, sorry gents ;)"
GG no re.
I didnt even know about that until it was mentioned in the thread....

I jumped to suggestions right away

I mean if anyone had made this thread my answer would have been similar (but not as obscure as Paranoia Agent). I thought OP meant she had a Hentai collection originally, so...

The Flood / Re: Worst to Top Star Wars Movie?
« on: October 18, 2015, 07:12:07 PM »
You know, I didn't like the original trilogy when I was a kid that much (Alien was more so my sci-fi jam as a kid). When Phantom Menace came out though, I thought it was garbage. Then AoTC came out and I loved it (because I ignored the romance), then when I saw III I just thought "meh"

Going by that, my list would look like (Greatest --> Worst:)

Then I rewatched the entire series (sans the first because I despise it) and remarked how awful the prequels were. However, that was after I'd been exposed to popular consensus and moreover, I watched them with a friend who's a fan of Star Wars.
So I don't really know what my order is now :\
I'd have to go back and rewatch them all myself and try to be as open as possible (even to the... Phantom Menace).

Thanks for making me consider this more, Verb.

The Flood / Re: Plz help. Need animoos.
« on: October 18, 2015, 07:01:23 PM »
Holy shit, this is a brilliant formula, OP.

If you leverage breasts against social shut-ins and give them incentive to find something they'll bring it back in droves... And you don't even have to have watched all the anime people suggest. You can just fill up the cue until you say something like "Oh, uh, I found something myself, sorry gents ;)"
GG no re.
That would imply OP is willing to deliver in the first place.
Not necessarily, OP could just have the end response in mind from the beginning. And it would still work under an illusionary pretense of delivery.

The Flood / Re: Plz help. Need animoos.
« on: October 18, 2015, 06:53:08 PM »
Holy shit, this is a brilliant formula, OP.

If you leverage breasts against social shut-ins and give them incentive to find something they'll bring it back in droves... And you don't even have to have watched all the anime people suggest. You can just fill up the cue until you say something like "Oh, uh, I found something myself, sorry gents ;)"
GG no re.

The Flood / Re: People Who Feel Bad
« on: October 18, 2015, 06:49:40 PM »
I don't feel good but I also don't like talking about issues for the most part unless someone is really genuinely interested, in which case they show it, otherewise you can't draw blood from a stone.
In my experience even if people are interested I don't feel like talking about my issues. All of the suggestions I've experienced function within normative frameworks of things like "happiness," "morality," and "duty/tradition" which I simply don't agree with existentially. And it's fine for them to believe things that way, there isn't a wrong way of viewing it. I haven't found one person who's view is compatible with mine. Honestly, I don't want to, because I fear falling into the same social pitfalls which would otherwise ensnare me in the aforementioned normative discourses.

The Flood / Re: So today I made a decision
« on: October 18, 2015, 06:17:16 PM »
I think there's change even if you pretend to lack some aspect of religious faith after not exhibiting that kind of behavior since... Joining.

The Flood / Re: Things you do that you don't think anyone else does
« on: October 18, 2015, 06:13:11 PM »
I'm pretty sure the actions I do aren't uncommon at all, but the reasons behind why I do some of them might be more unique.

I'm a pretty normal person :^]

The Flood / Re: So today I made a decision
« on: October 18, 2015, 06:06:54 PM »
So... Are you going to change your nameplate?

The Flood / Re: Are you more salty or edgy?
« on: October 18, 2015, 05:40:12 PM »
Much more edgy, though I hide the salt.

The Flood / Re: What do you stand for?
« on: October 18, 2015, 03:35:29 PM »
Living for myself, if I'm really summarizing.

Gaming / Re: What game should I play next? (Xbox 360)
« on: October 18, 2015, 03:31:52 PM »
What's so bad about Brink? It kind of flopped big time, but it can't be that bad. Can it?
There's only one way to find out.
Well... you could also watch videos and get a general feel for it... maybe.

Serious / Re: SQS: Once lost, can trust ever be fully regained?
« on: October 18, 2015, 03:20:30 PM »
I don't really trust other people to begin with, but there's still something to lose.
Even people who care (ambiguous term imo) like family or friends can try to influence choices that don't ultimately benefit you.
Once someone proves to be insidious or threatening in some capacity I consciously acknowledge and process them with that in mind, so they lose another "tier" of trust. Maybe you could say I have very low trust in people to begin with, and they permanently lose degrees of trust every time they make me regard them as insidious or threatening.

The Flood / Re: Dear Jivary: The Diary of Jive
« on: October 18, 2015, 03:11:48 PM »
Since you have the strength you should/do you take any fighting classes?
I've never taken official classes but when i was in highschool I was very good friends with the entire wrestling team. I would go in the room after school and wrestle with all of them. I ended up getting pretty good for never having official training. I could beat the guys that weighed 30lbs less than me because I would overpower them. Guys my weight would beat me pretty good though.

Also a lot of my friends do MMA and so sometimes I box/spare with them. They usually kick my ass though lol
As soon as I convince my older brother I'm not a psychopath he'll start teaching me "unrestricted" Thai Kickboxing (at least I think that's what he said).
And I'll also get my ass kicked. Apparently he also wants to "bulk me up," so I'll be getting my ass kicked in the gym too.
Hopefully we can get started before I leave my state.
You'll like it, learning to fight is a very humbling experience. It builds lots of self confidence though
I'm actually weirdly excited to experience physical pain and be humbled beyond my meager experience.
All I want to do is start fighting and training.
If there's one thing I need more of, it's self confidence.

The Flood / Re: Someone broke psy again
« on: October 18, 2015, 03:00:49 PM »
French > Japameme
I went this route in HS
I regret everything.

The Flood / Re: Dear Jivary: The Diary of Jive
« on: October 18, 2015, 02:53:43 PM »
Since you have the strength you should/do you take any fighting classes?
I've never taken official classes but when i was in highschool I was very good friends with the entire wrestling team. I would go in the room after school and wrestle with all of them. I ended up getting pretty good for never having official training. I could beat the guys that weighed 30lbs less than me because I would overpower them. Guys my weight would beat me pretty good though.

Also a lot of my friends do MMA and so sometimes I box/spare with them. They usually kick my ass though lol
As soon as I convince my older brother I'm not a psychopath he'll start teaching me "unrestricted" Thai Kickboxing (at least I think that's what he said).
And I'll also get my ass kicked. Apparently he also wants to "bulk me up," so I'll be getting my ass kicked in the gym too.
Hopefully we can get started before I leave my state.
Sounds pretty... weird. Why would he think that you're a psychopath? Use details.
Apparently because of how I approached him with it. We haven't had contact for a few years and I don't retain contact with my family on porpoise, so I had little reason to... Until we were talking and we went into a conversation on martial arts. Apparently he's fought for a while and I have a little bit of (largely impractical) experience with it. I want to learn to fight for... reasons and when he asked if I wanted to learn I was very emphatic and direct. This was the wrong choice.
More exposition since you've asked for it, the last time I was in contact with my brother I wasn't interested in "violent activities." He was curious why I had "suddenly" changed and why I responded in a way he perceived as "Let's do this, let's go one on one. I'm trying to prove myself in my arrogance of youth, etc." So he specifically phrased it, "First I have to evaluate your mental state" and my eyes could not have rolled farther back into my head.
So now I have to play my cards a little more discreetly in order to obtain what I need.

The Flood / Re: Is white the master race?
« on: October 18, 2015, 02:40:04 PM »
Trick question, the real answer is brioche.

The Flood / Re: Dear Jivary: The Diary of Jive
« on: October 18, 2015, 02:37:06 PM »
Since you have the strength you should/do you take any fighting classes?
I've never taken official classes but when i was in highschool I was very good friends with the entire wrestling team. I would go in the room after school and wrestle with all of them. I ended up getting pretty good for never having official training. I could beat the guys that weighed 30lbs less than me because I would overpower them. Guys my weight would beat me pretty good though.

Also a lot of my friends do MMA and so sometimes I box/spare with them. They usually kick my ass though lol
As soon as I convince my older brother I'm not a psychopath he'll start teaching me "unrestricted" Thai Kickboxing (at least I think that's what he said).
And I'll also get my ass kicked. Apparently he also wants to "bulk me up," so I'll be getting my ass kicked in the gym too.
Hopefully we can get started before I leave my state.

Gaming / Re: What game should I play next? (Xbox 360)
« on: October 18, 2015, 02:25:13 PM »
I haven't played Metro but I'm recommending it anyway :\

The Flood / Re: Someone broke psy again
« on: October 18, 2015, 02:21:54 PM »
I mean I'd be over the moon if anyone actually spoke it well enough to rune jabber but sadly I think there aren't many/any.
Maybe someday...

The Flood / Re: So today I made a decision
« on: October 18, 2015, 02:18:29 PM »
Apparently not sike.

The Flood / Re: Woke up and this
« on: October 18, 2015, 02:10:26 PM »
looking comfy as fuck fam
The 2nd best part about cold weather.

Gaming / Re: Which Game Rating Destroyed Your Faith in Published Reviews?
« on: October 18, 2015, 02:00:50 PM »
You can't really put faith in companies whose sole purpose (the sites and the game publishers) is to make money. I only read small snippets from every review.
Prior to Fable III I found myself checking metacritic a lot because I thought that averaging the biases of multiple publishers was closer to a true representation of the game. I wasn't steered wrong until Fable III came around and showed me how horribly misconceived that notion was.
I don't like review scores in general, I prefer a "Yes/No" system like Kotaku uses.
Me neither, I like seeing piecemeal dissections of game elements and seeing how people evaluate them or just watching game videos and making superficial judgments (because I'm not playing them). The 10/10 system is great for misleading people, I think.

The Flood / Re: Kitsune's Drawing Request Thread #3
« on: October 18, 2015, 01:42:45 PM »
I really wish all of you would kill yourselves. Having an irrelevant weeb discussion in a drawing thread that is fucking pointless, and neither of you are the OP and one of your are a moderator.
What discussion?
Giving the OP something to draw, and making comments on the one's she does draw. Fucking retard. You don't need a question at the end of the OP to have a discussion.
That's not what I was talking about >_>
And besides, I'm already doing this.

The Flood / Re: Kitsune's Drawing Request Thread #3
« on: October 18, 2015, 01:39:54 PM »
I really wish all of you would kill yourselves. Having an irrelevant weeb discussion in a drawing thread that is fucking pointless, and neither of you are the OP and one of your are a moderator.
What discussion?

The Flood / Re: Post more captions for this gif
« on: October 18, 2015, 01:38:08 PM »
I'm having an acute case of deja vu >_>

Jerry= Challenger
Tom= Deci

The Flood / Re: Someone broke psy again
« on: October 18, 2015, 01:31:44 PM »
sou da, watashi mo

ware ware da uiabu
sekai ni kizu

hazukashii dakara
Roughly: "I am become weeb, derailer of threads."

The Flood / Re: Someone broke psy again
« on: October 18, 2015, 01:27:08 PM »

The Flood / Re: Woke up and this
« on: October 18, 2015, 01:17:02 PM »
Isn't it kinda early to be snowing that far south?

Global warming is real.

Really? Really?

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