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Messages - Epsira

Pages: 1 ... 124125126 127128 ... 134
The Flood / Re: Holy Shit I just looked a myself in the mirror
« on: December 13, 2014, 03:06:55 PM »
I don't like mirrors. Sometimes I'm afraid the person in it isn't me.

Gaming / Re: How do you feel about this picture?
« on: December 13, 2014, 02:56:23 PM »
Bethesda sucks.

"They are coming"

Gaming / Re: How do you feel about this picture?
« on: December 13, 2014, 02:45:02 PM »
Wasn't New Vegas, like, really buggy?

I stopped playing Fallout just because I like a sense of direction in games. Also, the combat is just... ugh, so bad. I remember in the beginning of the game, when you have a pipe or some other bludgeoning weapon (I think), which, when you press the button, there's this huge delay, the noise it makes isn't very loud when hitting stuff, and none of the enemies ever flinch. It's the least satisfying combat in a game I've ever played.
In NV they made iron sights more viable, but in Fallout 3 they were terrible to the point of optimal combat being carried out in VATS. That made it feel a bit more like a turn based game with action elements, I think. I can understand combat complaints.
I wasn't very thrilled with Skyrim's combat either.

Gaming / Re: How do you feel about this picture?
« on: December 13, 2014, 02:38:21 PM »
Fallout 3 is the best game up there.

The main story is not the most important part of the game, the exploration and side content is, which Fallout 3 excelled at.
The only thing that you could remotely argue for on F3's behalf is the atmosphere, but I enjoyed NV's atmosphere better anyway.
That was one of the reasons I didn't like NV as much, the Western atmosphere didn't particularly appeal to me personally. That being said, NV was a big game and that wasn't the only atmosphere to be found. It was still Fallout at its core and retained themes of isolation and ruin, and you could argue the Western atmosphere helped establish this even more.

I probably don't give NV as much credit as I might if I played it again, so I'll give it another go, I think.

Gaming / Re: Was Joel the bad guy? (TLoU) (Obvious spoilers)
« on: December 13, 2014, 02:25:47 PM »
I think his decisions were human, and that's what made the ending perfect. It epitomized the game's premise, humanity in a decomposing world. It's harsh and captivating, emotional and rhetorical. What's happening in this thread is exactly what the creators had in mind, so I'd say Joel did the right thing and the wrong thing. It's the dualism that makes for discussion.

Serious / Hacking and Hackers
« on: December 13, 2014, 01:10:21 PM »
Skip to 1:40 to skip the silly intro

If you had the skills to get ahead in life by hacking what would you do (since you have myriad ways to it in a technology expansive world)?

For law enforcement, what needs to be done to stop criminals from using these methods to exploit society?

What about cyber terrorism, as information about computing technologies proliferates globally, how will terrorism evolve to use these ace cards, and what kinds of methods will terrorists use to instill terror?
How will governments attempt to stop these groups?

Gaming / Why They're Not Quite "Just Games"
« on: December 13, 2014, 12:53:15 PM »
This could also be entitled "Why do You Really Game?"

For myself, gaming has always been an avenue of escapism, but also of fulfillment. Like explained in the video there are some things I can't obtain from my sedentary, systematized life. These things are crucial to my happiness and/or purpose in existing.
Feeling that I'm part of something meaningful, I think, fully justifies emotional investment in that meaningful thing. Even to the point of tears and anger, because it's something regular life might not always afford me. It reminds me from time to time that existing is meaningful, and to pursue things in reality that I feel in games.
That's why I'm going to take a break from current titles. It would be a gross generalization and error to say that all modern games aren't meaningful, but I think my experience in gaming lends a lot to nostalgia, even for games I didn't necessarily play when I was younger. And despite playing a lot of games, I'm not really sure what makes many aspects of gaming good. So I'm looking to the predecessors for this same reason, seeing why what they did was ground breaking and passed down through genres for console generations.

My point aside, why do you game? What's the part of your life it fulfills?

The Flood / Re: Interesting Dreams Recently?
« on: December 13, 2014, 11:59:15 AM »
I don't remember my dreams anymore. Idk if that's good or bad. I do wake up on occasion to sweaty fear, as though I just went through something horrible in a nightmare. But it's usually just emotions that I am able to feel when I wake up.
The more I catalog my dreams, the more dreams I seem to remember, and the patterns therein. They can provide good introspective reflections additionally.

The Flood / Re: Interesting Dreams Recently?
« on: December 13, 2014, 11:56:29 AM »
my dreams are basically shitty matrix knock offs
So... you're telling me you didn't have dreams of mint chocolate chip ice cream greener than this text last night?

The Flood / Re: Should I start my final paper or....
« on: December 13, 2014, 11:54:35 AM »
You remind me of one of my friends I associate with offline.
Would you rather start it now and save yourself some breathing room later, or do things in a hurry? Can you produce quality work under pres-

It's a bullshit humanities
Pokemon sounds like an excellent choice

The Flood / Re: Any Writing You're Working on?
« on: December 13, 2014, 11:49:11 AM »
I have a science fiction universe consisting of over 180 documents. That counts right?
Yeah, that certainly counts. Do you have any short stories or longer novel length work conceptualized?

I have the plot for a larger novel down but it's just eh trying to write single characters. I much prefer actually world-building.
I think that's where any person expressing ideas from a personal universe should start. It's a fantastic way to establish how the world works and what's in it so I can fit details together more easily for trying to tell the story of what happens at some point in time in that universe.

The Flood / Interesting Dreams Recently?
« on: December 13, 2014, 11:45:38 AM »
I can recall at least one my dreams every night with clarity, and the dream I recalled last night is below. Share what you wish.

Some strangers and I drove to some secluded, wooded location after dark and endeavored to climb a large hill. Along the way candles lit the path and set a mysterious tone to our escapade. Like my dreams do, it skipped forward in time to when we arrived at an abode like the Amityville horror house-turned-mansion. We began climbing a series of ladders (longer than the ladder sequence from Blighttown to the Valley of Drakes in DS) and we noticed the candles going out below.

 This is when one of my companions mentioned something about imminent doom if we didn't make it to the top and turn the music on. They never mentioned what the doom was, but the darkness encroached in a very literal sense as waves of candles snuffed out, approaching us. I was at the front of the group, and when I reached the top all the lights were out. I hurried to turn the boom box on and turn the volume to max for good measure. I can't remember what the music was, only that it contained pseudo-instructions on what to do next and afforded meager light.

 We set up shop inside the house and found that to keep the lights on and steady we needed to connect power cords from different parts of the house. My companions had specially assigned cords to take, and they had been there before and failed because one man in particular didn't want to go to the cellar again. I was instructed to stay at our makeshift headquarters and make sure the equipment was working.

I recall the days passing like a montage, me in a bunkbed in a white dress by the broken window watching the other bed at the far side of the room which would from time to time rustle as if two occupants were sleeping... or lovemaking. It made me very uneasy, especially when no one was there.

Within my dream I had a dream or vision of  something breaking through the window and murdering me. Moments later a hatchet man broke through the window wielding another hatchet, and severed my arm. I ran to the bottom level and left the house (with a lack of ladders). Outside there were murderous, dragon-like creatures.

My comrades showed up in time with vehicles (though I wouldn't know how they got them there) and we somehow became invisible. My alarm woke me up after this point.

The Flood / Re: Any Writing You're Working on?
« on: December 13, 2014, 11:13:26 AM »
I have a science fiction universe consisting of over 180 documents. That counts right?
Yeah, that certainly counts. Do you have any short stories or longer novel length work conceptualized?

The Flood / Re: What is your worst experience with people?
« on: December 13, 2014, 11:08:05 AM »
Hearing your father speak of how pathetic you are when he believes you're sleeping to your other guardians is a sure-fire confidence booster. Especially when you're eight.

Jesus, that sounds horrible. May I ask does he know you heard this later on?
Even if he had, it probably wouldn't have mattered. He wasn't a good person. I lived with him, my step mother, and my half siblings when I wasn't living with my mother, and my step mom left him one day, taking the kids. I saw my dad once after that at a Blockbuster a few years ago. I didn't say anything. I don't care about him.

The Flood / Re: What is your worst experience with people?
« on: December 13, 2014, 10:56:41 AM »
Hearing your father speak of how pathetic you are when he believes you're sleeping to your other guardians is a sure-fire confidence booster. Especially when you're eight.

What will you dream of when you sleep?

I'm tired. Goodnight, raveprince.

What's your favorite book quote?

The Flood / Re: Meet the Psycho family
« on: December 13, 2014, 01:33:36 AM »
Something makes me feel slimy watching these, and it's unnerving not knowing what it is.

You have a few hours left to live. What do you do with your dwindling time?

The Flood / Re: Fap the demons away
« on: December 13, 2014, 01:25:23 AM »
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I still don't fully understand.
OGK = stick figure beating his meat
OGK Join the fight, let the circle jerk be with all.
What is this, the sexual cult of the stick?
In retrospect I can totally see this backfiring

The Flood / Re: ok guys, vote for your nameplates
« on: December 13, 2014, 01:18:49 AM »
Everyone that doesn't vote GoT likes to kill babies in cribs.
It's one of my tamer pastimes, I admit it.

Serious / Re: Greatest Threat to Humanity Currently?
« on: December 13, 2014, 01:14:10 AM »

How likely is something like this to threaten humanity's survival?
what is it?
Yellowstone. I couldn't find any other pictures I liked or didn't have weird quirks (like comic sans on predicted national ash falls in the event of an eruption). It would be a bad day for earth, and the fallout in political and economic spheres could be devastating. The environment would suffer global nuclear winter to varying extents, but we'd all feel it.
it'll fuck up the US pretty good, volcanic winter will do a number on everyone else. It'll be costly but I'm still not convinced it'd kill us off.

East coast of the US will get an inch deep dusting of ash.
I'm not well qualified to really project anything political, but this would probably cause tension between nations.
I've heard that Yellow Stone's eruption would trigger other volcanoes world wide, but it always seems a little far fetched.
I'm not advocating for it being at the forefront of our concerns, I was just curious to see what you all thought.

The Flood / Re: Fap the demons away
« on: December 13, 2014, 01:08:17 AM »
I've been exposed to many strange things that would fit well with the premise of this thread... and possibly a ban.

Serious / Re: Greatest Threat to Humanity Currently?
« on: December 13, 2014, 01:03:39 AM »

How likely is something like this to threaten humanity's survival?
what is it?
Yellowstone. I couldn't find any other pictures I liked or didn't have weird quirks (like comic sans on predicted national ash falls in the event of an eruption). It would be a bad day for earth, and the fallout in political and economic spheres could be devastating. The environment would suffer global nuclear winter to varying extents, but we'd all feel it.

The Flood / Re: Hardest Poll on Sep7agon
« on: December 13, 2014, 12:58:42 AM »
I'm shocked by not seeing "weebs" on that list

Serious / Re: Greatest Threat to Humanity Currently?
« on: December 13, 2014, 12:56:05 AM »

How likely is something like this to threaten humanity's survival?

The Flood / Re: Meanings of your usernames?
« on: December 13, 2014, 12:46:16 AM »
I used to be Epsilotari until I came across a username combination thread on Gojira suggested a combination of our names and I've kept it ever since.
And that was your name back on
Yeah, but my activity on there decreased as I took the reins on the Fun Time account. It was an open account to all members in the Fun Time Group. Then... I just started posting here a few days ago and nothing's bothering me yet so I'm entertaining notions of sticking around.
So you could say I'm also Fun Timer.

Huh, the name sounds familiar, but I cant seem to remember it.
Something about necrophilia, probably.
He wouldn't stop pestering me about it until I capitulated.

The Flood / Re: Meanings of your usernames?
« on: December 13, 2014, 12:38:06 AM »
I used to be Epsilotari until I came across a username combination thread on Gojira suggested a combination of our names and I've kept it ever since.
And that was your name back on
Yeah, but my activity on there decreased as I took the reins on the Fun Time account. It was an open account to all members in the Fun Time Group. Then... I just started posting here a few days ago and nothing's bothering me yet so I'm entertaining notions of sticking around.
So you could say I'm also Fun Timer.

Edit: Not really posting as Fun Timer for the moment. You never know how people will react because it could potentially be any Fun Timer, with all the wondrous and awful things they do..

The Flood / Re: Meanings of your usernames?
« on: December 13, 2014, 12:34:14 AM »
Gojira thought of it
Same with mine too.
He'll have no problem naming his kids.

The Flood / Re: Meanings of your usernames?
« on: December 13, 2014, 12:29:26 AM »
I used to be Epsilotari until I came across a username combination thread on Gojira suggested a combination of our names and I've kept it ever since.

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