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Messages - Epsira

Pages: 1 ... 122123124 125126 ... 134
The Flood / Re: Lets do something fun! ^w^
« on: December 18, 2014, 09:40:10 PM »

Apparently nothing else really has this name except some strange product that looks like a toilet seat :\

The Flood / Re: Meta is Planning to take over The Flood
« on: December 18, 2014, 08:24:50 PM »
Meta is Planning to take over the Flood
Wait, people don't know this?

The Flood / Re: Cheat is the best mod ever; and you exhale fat
« on: December 18, 2014, 12:51:21 PM »
There are two problems with this immediately, one being that they insinuate fat doesn't give you energy, and the other being that there's no explanation for what happens to Hydrogen which comprises lipids.
Fat has about twice the energy of carbohydrates due to equidistant electron placement between atom bonds in molecules (nonpolar nature). This distance the electrons must travel to any one atom within a carbohydrate is greater than the placement of electrons in polar bonds (where electron distribution leans closer to one atom) which have less space to move, less work to be done, and ultimately less energy to be expended. Organisms use fat as energy storage for times of scarcity. If these people think lipids don't give you energy, they surely don't think carbohydrates do.

Also, Carbon dioxide, as they claim, explains why fat is converted into "thin air."
Lipids are comprised of hydrocarbon chains, hydrogen and carbon atoms arrayed in myriad configuration. CO2 only explains part of hydrocarbons, there's no mention of Hydrogen. If they were trying to dupe people with pseudo-science they could have at least said urine does the other part of the work (even though it sounds ridiculous). 

You sure know your stuff.

Not really though :\

Gaming / Re: Oblivion is objectively the worst TES game.
« on: December 18, 2014, 12:41:53 PM »
I haven't played the other ES games besides Skyrim and Oblivion, so I can't talk about them in relation to the others. But I can relate them to each other.

I thought Skyrim expanded on the world, in terms of size and concentration of content from Oblivion (I can already hear the Daggerfall fans laughing). This content gets repetitive and is for the most part generic. The main questline of OblivionI thought had advantages over Skyrim's. I felt as if the content in Skyrim was designed for sampling. Quests were cursory in general, just when the action seemed to get started it would fizzle out. In Oblivion the faction quests felt much more substantial (mainly DB and TG), and I think the main quest was less generic than killing a world ending dragon. You had to stop a Daedric Lord from another plane of existence invading Tamriel (and perhaps Nirn as a whole). While this concept isn't wholly fleshed out or exciting (looking at you, Bruma battle), I think it had a bit more dimension than Skyrim's story.
I tried elucidating further, but besides premise I realize they're similar games
Spoilers ahead...
The situations you encounter are parallel, meeting the Storm Cloaks and Legion instead of the Blades upon the mandated prison escape, trying to stop another enemy from buggering the world like Alduin or Mehrune's Dagon. Both feature invasion with Oblivion gates or the Thalmor along with the Legion (indiectly) or the dragons (directly), you engage in subterfuge with Baurus or Delphine (who might be the same character, now that I think about this), go to the enemy stronghold in Cameron's paradise or the dragon temple, then defeat the bad guy with some heroic or divine assistance.

My god, Bethesda used a similar formula to squeeze money out of its fanbase, this is a shocking development!

The Flood / Re: I made a picture of Meta on Casual Friday
« on: December 18, 2014, 12:14:10 PM »
I think we need an expert opinion on this MLG'ified work.
>Ryle input required

The Flood / Re: How many fags are here?
« on: December 18, 2014, 12:11:37 PM »
Can someone explain Cupiosexuality to me? I'm looking at it now and almost tempted to...

The Flood / Re: Who else here is a loser?
« on: December 18, 2014, 12:06:24 PM »
Well, I'm not succeeding


The Flood / Re: Any Writing You're Working on?
« on: December 18, 2014, 12:04:22 PM »
I'm working on writing the story for a Fallout New Vegas mod I'm planning to make
That sounds awesome. What's it about?

The Flood / Re: what anime does to people
« on: December 18, 2014, 11:55:46 AM »
If some people choose to do this knowing what they're sacrificing, I don't see a problem. Who am I to tell them what's best in life? What authority could I possibly have as a forum goer who procrastinates daily, spending their hours scrolling over thread titles instead of doing any projects I have in mind currently?
yeah whatever

It starts becoming a problem when people--people who know how much I hate anime--start talking about anime with me. Start asking me about it. Start telling me things about it. Use reaction images of it towards me.

I wouldn't do something like that. Well, I wouldn't try or do it on purpose.
That's understandable. It's like someone trying to ask and tell me about reality TV. Ijust don't care about it.

The Flood / Re: Cheat is the best mod ever; and you exhale fat
« on: December 18, 2014, 11:52:18 AM »
There are two problems with this immediately, one being that they insinuate fat doesn't give you energy, and the other being that there's no explanation for what happens to Hydrogen which comprises lipids.
Fat has about twice the energy of carbohydrates due to equidistant electron placement between atom bonds in molecules (nonpolar nature). This distance the electrons must travel to any one atom within a carbohydrate is greater than the placement of electrons in polar bonds (where electron distribution leans closer to one atom) which have less space to move, less work to be done, and ultimately less energy to be expended. Organisms use fat as energy storage for times of scarcity. If these people think lipids don't give you energy, they surely don't think carbohydrates do.

Also, Carbon dioxide, as they claim, explains why fat is converted into "thin air."
Lipids are comprised of hydrocarbon chains, hydrogen and carbon atoms arrayed in myriad configuration. CO2 only explains part of hydrocarbons, there's no mention of Hydrogen. If they were trying to dupe people with pseudo-science they could have at least said urine does the other part of the work (even though it sounds ridiculous). 

The Flood / Re: What instruments do you play?
« on: December 18, 2014, 11:36:05 AM »

The only one I still play

Triple Ocarina

Ah, for the nostalgia?
It's a unique instrument, and that brings in a lot of cash. Most people don't even know what Ocarina's are.
It has an ethereal sound, and I appreciate that.
Changing the volume also changes pitch, which is disappointing.
I know several Legend of Zelda songs

Interesting, where did you find it? Online?
Yeah, it was on
I decided I wanted it so I could enjoy the instrument and make money from it in the future. I'm pleased with my purchase

The Flood / Re: What instruments do you play?
« on: December 18, 2014, 11:32:09 AM »

The only one I still play

Triple Ocarina

Ah, for the nostalgia?
It's a unique instrument, and that brings in a lot of cash. Most people don't even know what Ocarina's are.
It has an ethereal sound, and I appreciate that.
Changing the volume also changes pitch, which is disappointing.
I know several Legend of Zelda songs

The Flood / Re: what anime does to people
« on: December 18, 2014, 11:28:58 AM »
If some people choose to do this knowing what they're sacrificing, I don't see a problem. Who am I to tell them what's best in life? What authority could I possibly have as a forum goer who procrastinates daily, spending their hours scrolling over thread titles instead of doing any projects I have in mind currently?

The Flood / Re: What instruments do you play?
« on: December 18, 2014, 11:18:31 AM »

The only one I still play

Triple Ocarina

The Flood / Re: The Sep7agon Awards 2.0 (Most British? Best Weeb?)
« on: December 17, 2014, 04:56:15 PM »
Why isn't there a Special Snowflake award?

*Zips up flame suit*

The Flood / Re: Which of these sounds better
« on: December 17, 2014, 02:12:10 PM »
I'm a fan of "Ogres"

The Flood / Re: It's Been Quite The Year
« on: December 17, 2014, 01:55:20 PM »
We still have another 14 days

Serious / Re: What makes a friend?
« on: December 17, 2014, 01:48:18 PM »
Someone who would do the same for you as you would them.

Serious / Re: Is anybody truly evil?
« on: December 17, 2014, 01:44:02 PM »
I don't think evil really exists. Evil doesn't exist on its own, it needs humans to define and apprehend it. Most people agree on a definition of evil, and I think this is in part socialization. Individuals who don't receive "love" and affection, people who don't learn what humans conventionally see as "good" in childhood can become sociopaths who might acknowledge how others think of evil to exploit them, but never internalize it. They don't conceptualize evil, and for them it doesn't exist.
At times it's necessary to restrict reality, and at those times I'll say something is evil if I want to progress a "moral" agenda.

Does this mean I can actually get Cuban Cigars with ease?
American travelers will also be allowed to import up to $400 worth of goods from Cuba, including up to $100 in tobacco and alcohol products.

Serious / Re: How low can a person get?
« on: December 17, 2014, 11:48:46 AM »
Something I've learned from depression is that there is no lowest, only lower.
This guy just sounds like an all around ass.

The Flood / Re: How smart do you think I am?
« on: December 16, 2014, 08:19:09 PM »
I don't know you well enough to judge (nor do I want to... judge, that is).
Are you just curious to see what people have to say, as in how you come across?

« on: December 16, 2014, 03:59:38 PM »


Now I'm not saying you're biased or anything...

The Flood / Re: your favorite anime theme songs?
« on: December 16, 2014, 03:51:44 PM »
This is one of them
And this is another

The Flood / Re: Any Writing You're Working on?
« on: December 16, 2014, 03:27:19 PM »
Whoo boy. Finished that story of mine couple minutes ago. 10,200 words and a nice 78 pages. All done and wrapped up. Early christmas present for a friend coming up.

Think I nailed the bugger.
How do you produce your work quickly?
I'm slower than snail-injected depressants.

The Flood / Re: Sandtrap made a good point
« on: December 16, 2014, 03:09:54 PM »
There's a mixture for myself, and some confusion besides.
I regularlye ideas I receive are fantastic.
Humans, despite my oscillating distaste for them, are fascinating. I come here to assess how people perceive reality and if it confirms notions I have about our species as a whole.

Sometimes I just come for talking about games.
I suppose this also explains why I'm a more "serious" poster.

Yes, there's a rather peculiar generalization on this place.

Stance on homosexuality: It's alright

4Chan, Tumblr etc.: Who cares?

Anime: It's the devils work that has base in Korea, but here's my list of animes that I like.

Daily life: I'm lonely and bored, but here's something that happened.

Most of the threads are similar in a considerable aspect, and preferences and the like align in a thin intricate line that is difficult to pin-point. Find the line, and you find where it leads to.

Is this the result of the line guiding us, or people of similar preference finding the line good looking?
I'm trying to find trends like how people conceptualize morality and necessity of social structure, if people are frightened to break normative sentiments, what their stances on care and help are, etc. I'm partly fascinated by it, enraged, mortified, etc. but I'm also trying to see if my definition of idiocy pans out.
The trends you mention are probably all means to coming closer to understanding my questions. I hadn't really considered them before... thanks.

The Flood / Re: Sandtrap made a good point
« on: December 16, 2014, 02:56:14 PM »
There's a mixture for myself, and some confusion besides.
I regularly converse with maybe two people offline (and none are family members), but I don't acknowledge my loneliness consciously. More so, I care to be validated, because as a person throughout the course of my life I've only seen people as a source of invalidation.
The persona I exhibit online might not reveal this quality, but it exists despite my best efforts to bury it.
I also come here for your inputs, asking questions and coming up with solutions in a more efficient way than working alone (sometimes). And sometimes the ideas I receive are fantastic.
Humans, despite my oscillating distaste for them, are fascinating. I come here to assess how people perceive reality and if it confirms notions I have about our species as a whole.

Sometimes I just come for talking about games.
I suppose this also explains why I'm a more "serious" poster.

Edit: And sometimes I'm convinced I come here to waste time, but I'm not entirely sure about this.

The Flood / Re: Sandtrap Brought up an Interesting Point
« on: December 16, 2014, 02:44:44 PM »
Seriously, it's a forum...
Snip for emergency discussion >_______>

The fuck is going on here.
You didn't snip it?
I snipped it out because it unfortunately disclosed several details about users who may not have wished that to have happened. It wasn't anything malign at all, but I'm just erring on the side of caution here. Playing it safe and removing it >.>

Sandtrap made a very good point with it though.
That he did.

The Flood / Re: Why do so many people take this forum seriously
« on: December 16, 2014, 02:42:40 PM »
I suppose it's because people have personal issues and use this place as an outlet.
I know I do.

The Flood / Re: Sandtrap Brought up an Interesting Point
« on: December 16, 2014, 02:36:07 PM »
Seriously, it's a forum...
Snip for emergency discussion >_______>

The fuck is going on here.
You didn't snip it?

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