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Messages - HeadHunter

Pages: 12
The Flood / Re: can someone please explain to me what blacks do
« on: March 31, 2015, 12:06:13 AM »

yeah brave on the internet but when 10 tyrones group up against you and run a train on that coochie you'll be crying
as if I don't already call my niggers, niggers and make these jokes anyway. Lol at least Tyrones good for one thing.

The solution for when the ten Tyrone's are about to gang rape you...

...throw em a basketball

The Flood / Re: what do you think of patty bieber
« on: March 30, 2015, 11:11:00 PM »
I heard through the grapevine that those two were banging each other.

« on: March 30, 2015, 11:00:27 PM »
United States of Africa

No, but why would you even want to there would be nothing there. What would you do when you got there? Walk around like a idiot for a few minutes then fly back. Wooooo, sounds awesome.

The Flood / Re: I'm drinking in the middle of a school day
« on: March 30, 2015, 12:34:39 PM »
I bet that was one hell of a party, odouls and mikes hard cranberry juice.

If we can go without nuking each other long enough, thousands of years from now we'll get to see Triton ripped apart by Neptune's gravity.

Your crazy

They don't know what's gunna happen thousands of years from now.

If we can go without nuking each other long enough, thousands of years from now we'll get to see Triton ripped apart by Neptune's gravity.

Your crazy

The Flood / Re: The Walking Dead Season 5 Finale Thread
« on: March 30, 2015, 02:10:48 AM »
I hope rick dies. I quit watching after he killed shane in season two. He was the only enjoyable character to watch.
I would bend over and spread my ass cheeks for Shane.

Damn right

The Flood / Re: The Walking Dead Season 5 Finale Thread
« on: March 30, 2015, 02:04:44 AM »
I hope rick dies. I quit watching after he killed shane in season two. He was the only enjoyable character to watch.

The Flood / Re: hey Muslims
« on: March 30, 2015, 01:44:40 AM »

The Flood / Re: hey Muslims
« on: March 30, 2015, 12:22:41 AM »
It says "planes will rain from the sky on the infidels."

The Flood / Re: Rape is wrong.
« on: March 29, 2015, 11:29:48 PM »
Let's face it, if no really meant no every guy in the world would die a virgin.


No really does mean no! I am sick to death of hearing that excuse of what no really means!

God fucking dammit!
No means yes, yes means anal.
Why is this hard to understand?

Amen, I took this picture in a bathroom at a bar in Baltimore.

They understand

The Flood / Re: Rape is wrong.
« on: March 29, 2015, 11:17:53 PM »
Let's face it, if no really meant no every guy in the world would die a virgin.

Serious / Re: Do you think there should be 3 pilots in a cockpit?
« on: March 28, 2015, 12:25:34 PM »
Following the tragedy of the plane crashing into a mountain, people are starting to wonder if a third pilot is needed on a plane. To be honest, I don't think there should be a need for that, it will cause some downsides, more specifically, higher costs in plane tickets to places which will put off traveling to some people. And plus, I doubt we even have enough pilots to take a third seat in the cockpit, it can maybe lead to less flights overall. I don't know much about airline stuff, but I guess these are my only points I can think of at the moment.

What do you think?

No, they should remove the cockpit doors. Christ they have been the problem for everything so far.

That or they should be able to take control of the plane from the ground. Which one day I'm sure they will be able to.

The Flood / Re: Is it gay if....
« on: March 28, 2015, 12:12:06 PM »
Is it gay if a guy sucks his own dick?

If you have to ask if it's gay.... it's gay

You know those commercials where the guy is with the starving kids? He says "for just fifteen cents a day, you can feed Tyrone and send him to college."
I'm just curious what's the cost living for like the average person? And how much is a US dollar worth over there?

Serious / Re: Should women be officers and prisons guards?
« on: March 27, 2015, 12:46:21 PM »
Why don't male guards work in male prisons, women work in women prisons. Then everyone's happy.


please, feel free to share, fellow faggots

how with cars, you put your key in a hole to turn it on

but with women they first get turned on and then they want you to put your key (aka your penis) in their hole

Serious / Re: Arab states agree to form a unfied military force.
« on: March 27, 2015, 03:35:24 AM »
It's hard to take those places seriously when they don't even have matching uniforms. Do they do call each other up in the morning. "Mai friend, weer sum ting brown today."

Serious / Re: I have thoughts of suicide quite often.
« on: March 27, 2015, 12:15:49 AM »
I sure do think about ending my own life a lot every now and then. I've been alive for 22 years and there are times where I wonder if I have overstayed my welcome in life.

Buy a street bike, cuz suicide with a razor is for pussies.
If I had to choose how to die, bullet to the head.

If I had to choose how to die, I prolly pick the same. Double tap to the head, one in throat just to be sure.

Serious / Re: I have thoughts of suicide quite often.
« on: March 26, 2015, 03:27:23 PM »
I sure do think about ending my own life a lot every now and then. I've been alive for 22 years and there are times where I wonder if I have overstayed my welcome in life.

Buy a street bike, cuz suicide with a razor is for pussies.

The Flood / Re: Vs Thread
« on: March 26, 2015, 04:36:46 AM »
Vs Threads are making a return. Let's get started.

The entire cast of Thomas the Tank Engine vs The Master Chief Petty Officer 117 John

Who would win in a fight?

Master Chief would rape those freight trains

The Flood / Re: look how insidgnificant we are
« on: March 26, 2015, 01:25:42 AM »
but can you tell me why niggers suck at math and science so much when monkeys are commonly used in lab experiments


Serious / Re: Fines and Bails Cost
« on: March 25, 2015, 01:18:07 PM »
That sounds like a bunch of bullshit. If your for that your either a millionaire or a homeless bum.
So do you believe that the fines should always be equal with no further consequences or deviations? As in, the millionaire can simply ignore traffic regulations and do 150mph down the highway because the $1000 fine he'd get is mere pocket change to him?

I see where you coming from an all. But yeah that's just what I believe. I'm not a millionaire, but they shouldn't be punished for making for more money. Same if they were going to lower it for some homeless guy that makes no money. Thats not fair. Not that this homeless guys gunna be going down the interstate in a Ferrari doing 150 mph anyway, but you know what I mean. I think it should just be the same for everyone.

Serious / Re: Fines and Bails Cost
« on: March 25, 2015, 12:49:16 PM »
That sounds like a bunch of bullshit. If your for that your either a millionaire or a homeless bum.

Gaming / Re: Speedruns?
« on: March 25, 2015, 11:24:13 AM »
Any halo on legendary is a speed run.

Pages: 12