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Messages - A salt rifle

Pages: 1 ... 252627 2829 ... 60
The Flood / Re: Do you have facial hair?
« on: December 17, 2015, 03:43:46 PM »

I couldn't even keep it down if I tried. I just trim everything at this point. Bad picture with a black sweater on, but whatever. Most of everything below my face in that pic is just facial hair anyway.

You look exhausted.
Story of his life, tbhfam.

The Flood / Re: Think of one user before entering this thread
« on: December 17, 2015, 03:23:55 PM »
Sandtrap seems to be a suitable Jedi name in and of itself.

Single, green or purple saber.

Gaming / Re: Hey Verbatim
« on: December 17, 2015, 03:19:58 PM »
I am hungry now.

The Flood / Re: YLYL thread
« on: December 17, 2015, 08:23:41 AM »
How is Jester not banned already?

How is that fair? Just because he's autistic we give him special privileges to ruin things for people? Please ban him or I'm leaving the site for good
Fuck man, got me already.

The Flood / Re: Buy a Christmas gift for the user's avatar above you
« on: December 17, 2015, 08:20:42 AM »
A bundle of sticks.


I don't get it.

If there was anything you wanted to convey in the first place, of course.

The Flood / Re: Do you have facial hair?
« on: December 17, 2015, 05:37:35 AM »

Gaming / Re: Good job 343 all of your new Matchmaking maps are broken
« on: December 17, 2015, 04:47:02 AM »
Well for once you finally stopped referring to them as 3fail3.

The Flood / Re: When Will We Get Microtransactions?
« on: December 17, 2015, 04:43:48 AM »
Can't wait for my Sep7agon GoldTM.

Gaming / Re: I would love to play GTAV online again
« on: December 17, 2015, 03:43:01 AM »
Nobody here seems to have the pc version :/

Funnily enough I am actually coughing.

Gaming / Re: Dunkey's Banjo-Kazooie review
« on: December 17, 2015, 03:41:15 AM »
too bad banjo tooie is better
Actually that's good.

A sequel improving on its predecessor... how often does that happen today?

Gaming / Re: GOTY 2016
« on: December 16, 2015, 03:30:06 PM »




Feminists: 1
Misogynists: 0
But the Supreme Court in Japan just upheld the law that when married, women have to change their surnames
Misogynists (in Japan): 2
Feminists: 1
Verbatims rage: unquantifiable

Gaming / Re: And 3Fail3 butchered forge's controlls
« on: December 16, 2015, 03:24:25 PM »
So is it actually bad or is it just different?


Halo 3
Halo Reach
Halo 4

Which forge is it most like?
Uhhh... Far Cry's.

From what I've seen it's just overwhelming since it has a ton of options - changable terrain, lots of possible scripting and misc stuff.

Eh I wasn't a big fan of that, it was a bit of a mess but that might just be 10 minutes I spent in it <_<

This Livestream here should give you some impressions. At around 5:00 forge mechanics are shown.

Gaming / Re: And 3Fail3 butchered forge's controlls
« on: December 16, 2015, 03:19:05 PM »
So is it actually bad or is it just different?


Halo 3
Halo Reach
Halo 4

Which forge is it most like?
Uhhh... Far Cry's.

From what I've seen it's just overwhelming since it has a ton of options - changeable terrain, lots of possible scripting and misc stuff.

The Flood / Re: What would your life be like without the Internet?
« on: December 16, 2015, 02:06:06 PM »
I wouldn't have a lowkey addiction to memes.

Always visiting backalley websites in incognito mode for my daily ration - but I always crave for more...

Gaming / Re: And 3Fail3 butched forge's controlls
« on: December 16, 2015, 01:56:46 PM »
I think whatever controlls the language center of your brain needs a tune up, slick.

That or you need to stop typing when you're ina hurry or pissed off that thray fo thray is braking canoos.

And I think the part of your brain responsible for killing yourself needs to be turned on

It already is. I'm just better at controlling it, unlike your poor language center.

I'll be honest. Watch your spelling man. It really sticks out like a sore fucking thumb. It's only amplified further when you're going on a rant or filing a complaint against Galo and 3Fail3. I don't want to come across as mister douche here.

But the first impression I get of you when you make derp slip ups and horrible puns when you're pissy about Halo is some wee little bastard child spazzing out over the sprinkles on his doughnut not being perfectly aligned. It's much, much better and nicer to read through somebody's complaints when you're not imagining that they're doing this when they're making them.


Then again, it might just be me.

Love you, Sandtrap.

Gaming / Re: A weapon to surpass Metal Gear
« on: December 16, 2015, 09:58:02 AM »
Rood tbh, Ender.

Since I hardly ever post here except for a select few days I want to make every single one of those count for something. I want to improve on my posting so I'll be deserving of your likes.

The Flood / Re: This is it, I'm finally going to do it this time.
« on: December 16, 2015, 09:51:48 AM »

The Flood / Re: I regret you, Sep7agon
« on: December 16, 2015, 09:44:38 AM »
Some of you are alright, most of you are not.

Don't come to sep7agon tomorrow.
Gee wiz.

It's not like this was already posted.

Ah shit, I'll just go kill myself now

The Flood / Re: I regret you, Sep7agon
« on: December 16, 2015, 09:43:48 AM »
Here I thought you'd actually not make this kind of thread again because it seemed you have coped with everything just fine till now.

And here I am proven wrong - it seems to inevitable.

The Flood / Re: I regret you, Sep7agon
« on: December 16, 2015, 09:41:00 AM »
Some of you are alright, most of you are not.

Don't come to sep7agon tomorrow.
Gee wiz.

It's not like this was already posted.

Gaming / Re: A weapon to surpass Metal Gear
« on: December 16, 2015, 08:42:29 AM »
Also, Spoilers?

Gaming / A weapon to surpass Metal Gear
« on: December 16, 2015, 08:40:18 AM »

Stealth Rocket Launchers

Gaming / Re: 2015 has been a pretty crap year for gaming
« on: December 16, 2015, 08:31:46 AM »
mp is whatever
That's the issue. Campaign isn't the longevity of a game, especially if it's only averaging around 5 hours. We all know why people get games like Halo and Call of Duty, and it's not for the SP.
Say that to me.

Had parties for years since I first had my X360, always replaying the campaigns with a group of friends.
Halo 4 was by far the best Co-op experience - except for that godamn Ghost race, fucking hell.

I couldn't have cared less about the multiplayer with the exception of a fair few select custom gametypes in Reach.

Gaming / Re: GOTY 2016
« on: December 16, 2015, 08:21:38 AM »
Compared to the other MG games? Nah

You're joking, right?

What do the other games have to do with best soundtrack this year?

Additionally. . .

MGS and MGS3 are the only games with above-average soundtracks, and they don't have the consistency MGSV's does (not that MGSV's is better, per-say, but at least it suits the mood Kojima was going for). It would be like comparing John William's Star Wars score to his Jurassic Park -- yeah, Star Wars has really good fucking songs, but as a collective, it pales in comparison to Jurassic Park's.
Aside from like 4 songs, MGS V's music just doesn't stand out to me in the slightest. Mainly because nothing ever PLAYS.
The Witcher 3 had an AMAZING soundtrack
Literally dimensions better than mainstream song lyrics.

I am only on page six and using Quick reply™ so this reply could or could not be relevant anymore but you should sometimes just take a step back and try not become that godamn angry.

Take a breather or something. Stuff like this and the consequential discussion on here seems to not be advisable for your mental state.

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