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Messages - A salt rifle

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Gaming / Re: Why do most of you guys game on consoles as opposed to PC?
« on: October 09, 2015, 01:55:25 AM »
I am always late on these big debates.


The Flood / Re: Eye thread
« on: October 08, 2015, 08:51:51 AM »

The Flood / Re: God made you for something
« on: October 08, 2015, 02:41:22 AM »

The Flood / Re: Just came from AMA
« on: October 07, 2015, 03:33:41 AM »

Gaming / Re: Far Cry Primal - Announcement Trailer
« on: October 06, 2015, 03:40:30 PM »
it's interesting, open world dinosaur game, could be fun. i've had my eye on ark for a while now but fuck that i ain't got no one to play it with
it's interesting, open world dinosaur game, could be fun
open world dinosaur game

Gaming / Re: Far Cry Primal - Announcement Trailer
« on: October 06, 2015, 02:59:12 PM »
Am I just burned out on games or do you guys see something in this what I do not?

I am not interested in this in the slightest...

The Flood / Re: If I were to construct a run of the mill RPG
« on: October 06, 2015, 02:53:25 PM »
These are more words than I anticipated.

The Flood / Re: If I were to construct a run of the mill RPG
« on: October 06, 2015, 02:52:16 PM »
So yeah, continuing on from yesterday...

I'm pretty sure you already have a vision for your game, right? Plot, characters, maybe music, environment and gameplay ideas.
You should focus on one of those especially, but don’t abandon the other elements.
Assuming you use RPG Maker, use the programming boundaries to your advantage. A few pixels in the right places can tell a wonderful (or horribly sad) story to those who are looking for it without the use of words. In which, in my opinion, lies the art of some of those games.

A great example of what I am talking about is Ib:
It’s quite obvious what the focus of this game is after either playing it or watching a playthrough;
Its story. It is about a little girl, Ib, that finds herself in a painting after she went to the museum with her parents. In there she has to try to survive the treacherous dangers of the painted world, while most of the artworks want her untimely demise. Luckily enough she finds a red rose that corresponds to her current well-being and whenever the rose regains its blooming state after being put in a vase with water Ib herself feels better too. Eventually she meets other people who are trapped in the painted world… (presumably).
While there are many different locations you’ll visit in the painted world, it still follows a consistent aesthetic. Nothing seems out of place or weird in some way. (An example for a game that has a weird/contradicting aesthetic would be ‘Mario is missing’ on the NES.
Anyways depending on how you interact with the environment and other characters you get a better understanding of the situation you are in and maybe even learn some hidden truths (I mean now you can read about that stuff on the Internet but that’s besides the point).
The game is relatively slow and so I is the music. It also convey a sense of mystery of this weird world you are trapped in.
You can try it out yourself – it’s free and a single playthrough doesn’t take long.

About my points:
‘Loveable Characters’
It’s not as much as that they should be loveable, but convincing/believable.
Make a profile for the major characters of your game. What is their background, what are their hobbies, their fear, their quirks? Does it match with their design? They should always have a reason for their actions. If you plan a character out that way it’s it a lot easier for you to let him/her respond to the events of the story. For side/unimportant characters you can just look at TVTropes and use some of the tropes – I mean, of course I’d appreciate it if you take your time to plan out your side characters too.
For example a tired, old veteran, will have a rather cynical view on the world, maybe they have a fear of losing close friends, like he once did in a war, thus he shuts himself off of society. Maybe he went AWOL and now lives on the street. Maybe he has a drinking problem. And he does look the part; rugged, ruffled hair, old scars and other injuries from war.
You can take the same background but make him a man who often jokes and laughs, maybe too often; as a way for him to cope with what he experienced.
Or he’s actually finished dealing with this part of his life and can act as a sort of mentor figure.
There are many possibilities.

The player character is a different kind of calibre though. If you plan to let player explore freely then it’d be better to use a rather blank slate, and let people name the character.
Maybe plan out multiple general personalities for the PC.
If the player acts brutal in most instance make the NPC be scared and/or abhor the PC (doesn’t necessarily apply to all NPC. Some might approve of it). Maybe even take the control of the player character in scripted instances that reflect the previous actions of the player (I just really appreciate that kind of thing in games since it makes choices matter).

Gaming / Far Cry Primal - Announcement Trailer
« on: October 06, 2015, 11:51:26 AM »

Okay I didn't expect that one.
Looks rather bland to me. And nothing in the Behind The Scenes Video really grabbed me.

I just thought I'd share, hah.

Gaming / Re: Hey Verbatim
« on: October 06, 2015, 08:17:13 AM »
I can understand why'd want him to tell but to be honest: don't. Players should always discover things by themselves.

It's like I would have been told that there's a Warppipe in level 1-2 in Super Mario Bros or where to get the zweihander in Dark Souls. But I have discovered these things myself and I felt accomplished in doing so.

Friendly advice, that's all. There's some great NPCs in Old Olney that give you good starting shit.
Friendly advice should be given after someone asked for it not beforehand.
you know he's trolling yeah?
Never had any interest in Fallout at all, so I guess not.

Gaming / Re: Hey Verbatim
« on: October 06, 2015, 05:51:44 AM »
I can understand why'd want him to tell but to be honest: don't. Players should always discover things by themselves.

It's like I would have been told that there's a Warppipe in level 1-2 in Super Mario Bros or where to get the zweihander in Dark Souls. But I have discovered these things myself and I felt accomplished in doing so.

Friendly advice, that's all. There's some great NPCs in Old Olney that give you good starting shit.
Friendly advice should be given after someone asked for it not beforehand.

Gaming / Re: Hey Verbatim
« on: October 06, 2015, 05:40:33 AM »
I can understand why'd want him to tell but to be honest: don't. Players should always discover things by themselves.

It's like I would have been told that there's a Warppipe in level 1-2 in Super Mario Bros or where to get the zweihander in Dark Souls. But I have discovered these things myself and I felt accomplished in doing so.

The Flood / Re: What are the drawbacks to having sex with an octopus?
« on: October 06, 2015, 12:44:39 AM »
I mean people are shoving living octopi (no, not the tentacles that wringle around because there's salt poured onto them, but whole, living specimen) down their throat and it's considered a delicacy.
I can imagine that shoving an octopus up your bum is considered an advanced sex technique.

The Flood / Re: If I were to construct a run of the mill RPG
« on: October 05, 2015, 02:03:39 PM »
As for what I want to see in the game itself...

Loveable Characters
Nice Artwork
Interesting Combat

Gah, it's too late for me to actually find the proper expressions so you can understand what I want to say. Tomorrow I'll elaborate on that.

The Flood / Re: If I were to construct a run of the mill RPG
« on: October 05, 2015, 01:47:41 PM »

What would you like to see in an 8bit RPG? What would make you buy one for 2$$???
A quick to the point trailer, showcasing the setting and elements of the game, which also compliemnts the overall mood of the game.
Rogue Legacy:
Snappy, humorous like the game itself and showing almost all of the features that make this game special (the changing dungeon, the adventurer's quirks, the castle and the legacy system). While there's a lot of text thrown at you at the beginning, you don't feel overwhelmed by it since the important text is clearly more emphasised.

I can't really say much about it (since it just the second time I've seen this one) - it simply leaves you with an impression you won't forget so easily. And frankly it makes me want to explore this twisted world.

If trailers aren't an option try to make some screenshots that capture what you want your game to convey.

The Flood / Re: If I were to construct a run of the mill RPG
« on: October 05, 2015, 12:44:09 PM »
Gah, no clue.
Though 2$ dollars is a very, very fair price for any solid game. People are paying more for literal garbage (but that's their decision).

Go for 2$.

« on: October 05, 2015, 12:34:45 PM »
But atm Toby Fox's Megalovania is stuck in my mind.

Pretty awesome in my opinion.

« on: October 05, 2015, 12:31:20 PM »

So, now there's no need to post any more versions of this song.

Gaming / Re: Remove Halsey
« on: October 05, 2015, 12:26:29 AM »
I have never seen this meme before...

Gaming / Re: Handing out a 50% discount for Rust
« on: October 04, 2015, 09:47:03 AM »

Please send it
Steam has such an counter-intuitive way of handling these things...

Actually you have to request the item from me via this linke here ( I can't just gift it to non friends, which is kind of dumb.

Gaming / Handing out a 50% discount for Rust
« on: October 04, 2015, 09:15:38 AM »

If you are interested just link your Steam profile make a trading request via the link provided below.
The first person to post who I receive a request from will get the coupon via trade request.

Just in case if there's any confusion; this is me.

The Flood / Re: Post your childhood aesthetic
« on: October 04, 2015, 03:59:30 AM »
I was one of those kids who always ran around with his sweater tied around his waist.

They asked me how I'd make a knot that actually holds the sweater in place, but I never told them.

Betty White Tit Fuck

Oh wait, that one's actually real.

The Flood / Re: Post Common Core math problems
« on: October 03, 2015, 12:44:52 AM »
If you kill yourself, how many Nexuses will you make happy in the night before Easter?
OHHH, that's an easy one!

It's all of them.

The Flood / Re: People you used to like but you now despise
« on: October 02, 2015, 05:43:26 AM »
Elegiac seemed kind of cool to me on
I was fucking wrong.

Gaming / Re: I'm going to be entering a local League tournament soon...
« on: October 02, 2015, 03:39:21 AM »
Omega Decimators

The Flood / Re: ITT: We list people who are complete killjoys.
« on: October 02, 2015, 12:51:15 AM »

The Flood / Re: What TV shows do you watch?
« on: October 02, 2015, 12:48:43 AM »

Documentaries. In case I ever find myself in front of the TV while not playing games.

Gaming / Re: AC is getting a trap
« on: October 02, 2015, 12:42:53 AM »
It should've been one of the assassination targets.
Imagine the subsequent outcry.


The Flood / Re: Waste of a domain name
« on: October 02, 2015, 12:36:39 AM »

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