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Messages - Anonymous (User Deleted)

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The Flood / Re: because nobody checks news or septagon
« on: December 21, 2015, 07:19:49 PM »
I'm pretty sure anything related to being trans against Noelle and Kiyo didn't have to do with them being trans so much as acting like utter pricks.
I talked to Noelle recently about Fallout 4

I don't want to talk to Noelle about Fallout 4 anymore. Blind fanboys/girls are the cancer of the internet.

She was on about gun control too and literally said "if they don't agree with me they're wrong". I wanted reach through and strangle her, but I just said "okay".

Haven't talked to her since.
oh god.. the arky chat was plagued by her way of thinking >_>

>you dont like what i like, so you must suck / be blind / be putting words in my mouth
It made my eye twitch
Arky kicked me from the chat for pissing on Fallout 4.

I feel like if that were true, half of the 12-page debates you've had wouldn't have happened.
what you get in a lot of those arguments is a bunch of people (at least ten) who end up asking the same questions that were asked pages and pages ago--when i say unpopular stuff people don't agree with, i tend to get dogpiled

it's just what happens--and that's why i end up repeating myself so often

this speaks nothing of my ability to actually "elaborate my rationale"
What's the definition of insanity? Trying the same thing over and over hoping for different results? I just have this creeping sense that most folks don't understand the logic you've taken to reach your positions, because it's so not-easy for folks to wrap their heads around it (ie the inner machinations of your mind are an enigma).

To cite an example, that the premise of your anti-natalism is partly because the non-existent can't consent. That seems to defy conventional logic, because a verb can only apply to something that currently exists or once existed.

by "personality fade," i'm just referring to the stress of the position
i'm just not sure how you'd handle that

see, because lots of users dropped their positions, just because the site wasn't as fun as it used to be
and i'd hate for that to happen to you as well--something tells me you'd be prone to that

in terms of your willingness to enforce the rules, i dunno, that's just mindless conjecture on my part

i could be totally wrong, that's just what i think
(Alright, more venting, not about you though.)

Honestly, that was one reason I didn't like being on staff. I didn't really know how to 'act' and felt like some stuff I wanted to shitpost that would be fine for a regular user wouldn't really be 'okay' for someone on staff (ie: a shitpost thread that needs self-moderation because it's so shitty). It was a dreadful experience.

you're still talking about me, right

because literally all i do is explain the rationale behind my opinions
I feel like if that were true, half of the 12-page debates you've had wouldn't have happened.
okay, first of all, mods enforce the rules--they don't make the rules

whether or not i'd "ban" shitposting is contingent upon whether or not shitposting is considered a bannable offense in the first place

would i lobby for shitposting to be banned? fucking hell yes i would
but i wouldn't actively crack down on them unless i was given the okay
*sigh* Okay, point taken.

Verbatim's apparent desire to religiously enforce to the rules if given power, would be liabilities.

A moderator that follows and enforces our rules? How awful.
Emphasis on "religiously." Extreme adherence to things tends to not go well.

Verbatim's apparent desire to religiously enforce to the rules if given power, would be liabilities.
A moderator that follows and enforces our rules? How awful.
i think he means that i would be draconian

i would punish people without any forethought

which isn't true, but i think that's what he meant
maybe, kind of, partly >.>

Regarding rule enforcement: From what I remember as a monitor, the rules are more loosely/questionably enforced than one would think. There was a point where I stopped doing much on my own, because there'd be a good chance that what the rest of the staff would do was very different from whatever I'd reason after talking it over with Kits. I figured it was safer to just point stuff out and let someone else handle it.

I can't really see you enjoying something like that whatsoever. Honestly, I'm a bit like you in that I like having a set of solid, consistent rules to govern logic. You won't find that on the staff.

I'm going to be blunt, here.

Verbatim's obvious temper issues, and an apparent desire to religiously enforce to the rules if given power, would be liabilities. Combine that with a lack of understanding of the basic unwritten rules of governing a forum and it just sounds like a disaster to any right-minded individual.
Obvious seems like a strange word for his temper issues given that he's explained why he gets angry over certain things. It isn't because of his temper, it's because he has to explain things to people many, many, many times. Which I sort of get.
He doesn't so much as explain the rationale behind his opinions so much as shove them down throats because he can't handle other peoples' opinions. And then still doesn't elaborate on his rationale.
And if it's a problem for a mod to have a desire to enforce rules given the power he has then there likely is a problem with the way the rule is written and not with the individual enforcing them.
True, but that's not the point I was trying to make. He's said he would ban shitposting.

(Though we've yet to see him moderate, history doesn't really paint a hopeful picture. That's really all I have to go on here, so I'd be glad to be proven wrong.)

and it just sounds like a disaster to any right-minded individual.
So then why don't you liberals support him?

also no

I'm going to be blunt, here.

Verbatim's obvious temper issues, and an apparent desire to religiously enforce to the rules if given power, would be liabilities. Combine that with a lack of understanding of the basic unwritten rules of governing a forum and it just sounds like a disaster to any right-minded individual.

I remember using those things when I went to Canada earlier this year.

My job allegedly has them but they're not in use yet, for unknown reasons. Folks keep asking all the time.

News / Re: New Mod
« on: December 21, 2015, 05:14:09 PM »
So is it a bannable offense to call her Lucina?

in his defense though:

you had oNE JOB STEVE


Serious / Re: Internet Aristocrat literally sodomizes Bernie Sanders
« on: December 20, 2015, 09:58:26 PM »

« on: December 20, 2015, 07:49:17 PM »

Everyone knows Africa's too poor to have Internet.

The Flood / Re: Why aren't more pizza delivery guys drug dealers?
« on: December 20, 2015, 07:39:26 PM »

The Flood / Re: "Hi, my name is Decimator Omega"
« on: December 20, 2015, 06:39:11 PM »
I can't wait until the site gets DDoS'd by a kid who thought Java and JavaScript were the same thing.

Goddammit Deci, you've gone too far this time

YouGov is actually one of the better polling companies around, you know.

Although I have some bias, since I actually did some work with them in terms of statistics.
>.> perhaps, you would know better than I


nearly every poll of theirs I've seen, save for about one, seems to have the most ridiculous, unreasonable liberal bias.

It's a bullshit "polling firm" that pretends online polls are scientific.

Serious / Re: Many top Pentagon officials will resign if Trump wins
« on: December 19, 2015, 07:22:47 PM »
[citations needed]

holy fuck the Daily Beast is so garbage

The Flood / Re: I'm in love with Kupo.
« on: December 19, 2015, 07:20:38 PM »
How're those briefs, Kupochu?

also kys

The Flood / Re: So bae just asked me to go out with her and friends
« on: December 19, 2015, 01:45:41 PM »
ITT: OP is a dingus

she'll probably let it slide this time, but next time you MUST go with her

The Flood / Re: I'm in love with Kupo.
« on: December 19, 2015, 01:42:30 PM »
delete this

The Flood / Re: Red three standing by.
« on: December 18, 2015, 03:16:08 PM »
red octchober shtanding by

The Flood / Re: People who have beards should not shave
« on: December 18, 2015, 03:09:50 PM »

Figured I'd add a few things I forgot to mention in the other posts.

So...just like it was before the metadata collection. Yes, the Freedom Act took away the government's ability to collect metadata; now they have to go through telecom companies, who have no obligation to store any metadata.
Actually, they do, to a degree.
Metadata analysis is what was used to determine a link to terrorists, provide evidence to the FISA court for a warrant, and subsequently gain access to more tools like wiretaps. Now with the onus being on the government to provide proof before even having access to the metadata (which was anonymous and autonomously analyzed), it's barely effective. It's like asking cops to write speeding tickets without a radar gun.
Also, the government does not need to provide 'proof,' but only reasonable suspicion, so it's not as bad as it sounds.

The Flood / Re: woo my parents just left towards Mexico
« on: December 18, 2015, 01:09:32 PM »
why didn't you go with them to your homeland?
because im going at a later day, HOMO
kill yourself

The Flood / Re: woo my parents just left towards Mexico
« on: December 18, 2015, 12:43:53 PM »
why didn't you go with them to your homeland?

>tfw the incorrect post gets more likes than the correct post

ignorance wins again


What if I told you

That the some fed knew about every Islamic plot to commit terror

They just couldn't act on them because their boss would tell them they're racist and send them to EO training again?
those damned hippie liberals are destroying America

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: December 18, 2015, 09:27:51 AM »
is everyone just going to ignore that we're at 117 pages

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