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Messages - Anonymous (User Deleted)

Pages: 1 ... 202122 2324 ... 212
The Flood / Re: MAGA for Sep7
« on: January 24, 2016, 08:18:16 PM »
This is the first set of avatars done in support of making America great again. I plan on doing this to as many avatars as possible, so post if you want me to do yours before I do yours at random.









thanks <3

Serious / Re: Another thread about suicide
« on: January 24, 2016, 08:14:10 PM »
Save your condescension and sob story. I don't care. I've suffered a lot and I'm not here crying or trying to kill myself.

If you're mentally fucked up, whatever. But don't tell me I don't know what it's like. I'm not here saying "lol it's easy just man up lmao". I'm saying man up, because giving into it doesn't make anything better.
And this is why I don't talk about anything too personal on this site.
Because I'm saying giving up is bad and I don't want to be condescended to by Sandtrap? Get a grip.
Because of the flippant and insensitive way you responded to Sandtrap's emotionally sincere post. Guy writes a whole monologue on his struggle and grappling with suicide and you tell him to save his "sob story".

You're a piece of shit, bro.
Nope. I just don't care for sob stories. I don't go on here or whine to people in real life about bad things that have happened to me. Feeling sorry for yourself doesn't do you any favors.

Also, I didn't insult or belittle anything he went through. I just don't want to hear it, because it's irrelevant to the point I'm making. That you need to keep your head up and not dwell on the bad shit. Maybe it seems like I don't care or that I'm being harsh, but I have no intention of insulting anybody or making people feel like they can't share their personal lives.

I'm just saying stop making excuses for yourselves.
kill yourself
But I'm not gay.
chally will never be a black man  :'(

actual footage of chally:

Serious / Re: Another thread about suicide
« on: January 24, 2016, 08:04:39 PM »
Save your condescension and sob story. I don't care. I've suffered a lot and I'm not here crying or trying to kill myself.

If you're mentally fucked up, whatever. But don't tell me I don't know what it's like. I'm not here saying "lol it's easy just man up lmao". I'm saying man up, because giving into it doesn't make anything better.
And this is why I don't talk about anything too personal on this site.
Because I'm saying giving up is bad and I don't want to be condescended to by Sandtrap? Get a grip.
Because of the flippant and insensitive way you responded to Sandtrap's emotionally sincere post. Guy writes a whole monologue on his struggle and grappling with suicide and you tell him to save his "sob story".

You're a piece of shit, bro.
Nope. I just don't care for sob stories. I don't go on here or whine to people in real life about bad things that have happened to me. Feeling sorry for yourself doesn't do you any favors.

Also, I didn't insult or belittle anything he went through. I just don't want to hear it, because it's irrelevant to the point I'm making. That you need to keep your head up and not dwell on the bad shit. Maybe it seems like I don't care or that I'm being harsh, but I have no intention of insulting anybody or making people feel like they can't share their personal lives.

I'm just saying stop making excuses for yourselves.
kill yourself

The Flood / Re: i got ripped off today guys :(
« on: January 24, 2016, 03:53:06 PM »
hahaha get shrekt degenerate

The Flood / Re: you guys should wear camouflage condoms
« on: January 23, 2016, 09:27:03 PM »
because you're staying a virgin

The Flood / Re: Verbatim is a loser
« on: January 23, 2016, 04:07:13 PM »
>having an Internet stranger as a mentor

The Flood / Re: Good news, everyone!
« on: January 23, 2016, 12:33:51 PM »
If you don't mind my asking, where did you find this hot meme?
oops i forgot about this thread

yo, she killed Mara Jade fuck her.
Ms. Every-Jedi-but-ones-of-my-own-creation-are-trash.
TCW has it's merits. The show, in hindsight, was basically damage control for the prequels. It managed to make Anakin a likeable character, and Maul a salvageable one.

Earlier today I realized that I was actually excited about seeing Darth Maul in Rebels. TCW managed to make him a somewhat interesting character.

In regards to the Mandalorian stuff, I don't mind the new lore but I can understand why people don't like it. Personally I found Traviss' novels to be, well, masturbatory in regards to the Mandalorians.
And aspects of the old Mando lore have been recanonized. It's mentioned that when Kenobi was an apprentice the "Mandalorian Civil War" was an ongoing conflict. Sounds like a pretty similar scenario to the old Mando lore.
*reads what else Karen Traviss*

oh god you're so totally right, jeez. UGH. I'm glad I didn't suffer most of that.

In regards to TCW, I mainly disliked it for how it retconned like, everything else. It was impossible to reconcile the discrepancies it introduced. I'm sure it's probably an alright series from what I've heard, but my mind still treats it like some sort of lore-breaking, G-canon fanfiction.

The Flood / Re: Sir Ian McKellan Dead At Age 76
« on: January 23, 2016, 09:35:05 AM »
delete this thread

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon Picture Thread (Version 3.0)
« on: January 23, 2016, 09:27:43 AM »
If we hit 100 pages, I'll post a nude in Anarchy
just post one anyway

The Flood / Re: I don't ever want to interact with people
« on: January 23, 2016, 09:25:25 AM »

Gaming / Re: A shitpost to surpass Metal Gear
« on: January 23, 2016, 09:15:58 AM »
console gameplay looks so slow, lol

The Flood / Re: best fictional religion?
« on: January 23, 2016, 01:36:42 AM »

fuck Karen Traviss tho.
TBH Star Wars was probably what burnt her out on this licensed YA fiction stuff.

She wrote the Republic/Imperial Commando novels that kinda sorta continued the games. But by the time of the later novels, the second Clone Wars TV series aired and just fucked shit up. Compared to the elaborate EU that had been established for years, it was basically a G-canon fan fiction. Things got retconned left and right without any regard for, like, anything. For several reasons, between contractual ones and some impossible to follow EU changes, Traviss ragequit and never finished the series.

This was roughly around the time that Battlefront 3 got canceled too, so it just wasn't a good time to be making anything Star Wars that wasn't the TV series.

Reading Lost Stars and I'm pretty put-off by how generic it is so far. Random people fall in love and are the best at everything by the age of 16 and every aspect of the plot revolves around how they want to fuck
but it has a ton of teen drama shit in it.
especially because of the high amount of sexual content



Yeah I was very upset by it. They have sex twice, the book doesn't go into detail and we only "see" the immediate aftermath of such conduct, but it shouldn't be in a Star Wars book period. Pretty sure at one point there's something like "he had explored every inch of her body" or some trash at one point. I was pretty upset, and regretted buying an online version that I couldn't return or sell to Half Price books.
I was in such disbelief about it that I had to research it just to be sure.

There they have a heated exchange and then have sex a second time.
I'm mostly shocked that it's in a Star Wars novel of all things, and generally of the opinion that there's plenty of other ways for Star Wars to be mature. SW and sex just seem really, um, bad in my mind. And yet... I'm also a bit morbidly curious about it, too. A SW canon for like, grown-ups isn't an idea that's been entertained for... a long time, and sparingly at best.

But I'm also just yearning for more SW in general. At work today, out of the blue I was thinking back to the old prequel EU and how I gobbled up all of it that I could up to ROTS. I especially liked Jango's backstory and how it played into the larger narrative, and more recently the Darth Plagueis novel also tying a bunch of stuff together brilliantly. And then there's the ill-fated Republic Commando novels; poor Karen Traviss ragequit when the Clone Wars CG series kept retconning just about everything (it puts her Halo novels into context).

God, the Clone Wars ruined everything.
TCW has it's merits. The show, in hindsight, was basically damage control for the prequels. It managed to make Anakin a likeable character, and Maul a salvageable one.

Earlier today I realized that I was actually excited about seeing Darth Maul in Rebels. TCW managed to make him a somewhat interesting character.

In regards to the Mandalorian stuff, I don't mind the new lore but I can understand why people don't like it. Personally I found Traviss' novels to be, well, masturbatory in regards to the Mandalorians.
And aspects of the old Mando lore have been recanonized. It's mentioned that when Kenobi was an apprentice the "Mandalorian Civil War" was an ongoing conflict. Sounds like a pretty similar scenario to the old Mando lore.
>.> I'll write up a reply tomorrow, I'm sleepy

The Flood / Re: happy birthday, nexus!
« on: January 23, 2016, 12:41:25 AM »

>.> I had the most boring day at work today, so I had plenty of time to think about it.

Reading Lost Stars and I'm pretty put-off by how generic it is so far. Random people fall in love and are the best at everything by the age of 16 and every aspect of the plot revolves around how they want to fuck
but it has a ton of teen drama shit in it.
especially because of the high amount of sexual content



Yeah I was very upset by it. They have sex twice, the book doesn't go into detail and we only "see" the immediate aftermath of such conduct, but it shouldn't be in a Star Wars book period. Pretty sure at one point there's something like "he had explored every inch of her body" or some trash at one point. I was pretty upset, and regretted buying an online version that I couldn't return or sell to Half Price books.
I was in such disbelief about it that I had to research it just to be sure.

There they have a heated exchange and then have sex a second time.
I'm mostly shocked that it's in a Star Wars novel of all things, and generally of the opinion that there's plenty of other ways for Star Wars to be mature. SW and sex just seem really, um, bad in my mind. And yet... I'm also a bit morbidly curious about it, too. A SW canon for like, grown-ups isn't an idea that's been entertained for... a long time, and sparingly at best.

But I'm also just yearning for more SW in general. At work today, out of the blue I was thinking back to the old prequel EU and how I gobbled up all of it that I could up to ROTS. I especially liked Jango's backstory and how it played into the larger narrative, and more recently the Darth Plagueis novel also tying a bunch of stuff together brilliantly. And then there's the ill-fated Republic Commando novels; poor Karen Traviss ragequit when the Clone Wars CG series kept retconning just about everything (it puts her Halo novels into context).

God, the Clone Wars ruined everything.


Reading Lost Stars and I'm pretty put-off by how generic it is so far. Random people fall in love and are the best at everything by the age of 16 and every aspect of the plot revolves around how they want to fuck
but it has a ton of teen drama shit in it.
especially because of the high amount of sexual content



The Flood / Re: A is for America, which Donald Trump will rule.
« on: January 22, 2016, 07:24:06 PM »
B is for Bernie, who's a total cuck.
C is for Cuck, which is what Bernie Sanders is.

The Flood / Re: Mandalorian inspired body armor by H&K
« on: January 22, 2016, 07:12:03 PM »
If you compare the US special forces to others, we look scary as fuck.
Eh, what? Why on earth would US special forces look more scary? Look at the Danish frogmen for example. Look at this shit. That's the stuff of nightmares.

more like Cobra Commander cosplay

The Flood / Re: users who try to be funny and always succeed
« on: January 22, 2016, 01:19:39 AM »
i'm honored seeing joceph doing this

The Flood / Re: Debate: Is this sign in use?
« on: January 21, 2016, 05:58:55 PM »
The sign is telling us who acquired it and what it's purpose is (nothing of value) so therefore it is in use.

an object, quality, or event whose presence or occurrence indicates the probable presence or occurrence of something else.
oh hello there

Serious / Re: Oscar actors so statistically representative
« on: January 21, 2016, 05:57:51 PM »

Apparently I will.

Serious / Re: GOP Candidate Analysis (Updated)
« on: January 20, 2016, 10:24:56 PM »

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