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Messages - Anonymous (User Deleted)

Pages: 1 ... 172173174 175176 ... 212
The Flood / Re: inmendham pics thread (verbs mentor)
« on: December 30, 2014, 05:10:22 PM »
Who even is this guy?
if you actually listen to what he says, he makes a lot of sense
Yeah, and this picture proves the Earth is flat.
wow that was even funnier the second time you fucking posted it

not really though
But that's exactly how you think, though. Beliefs that fly in the face of all evidence to the contrary.

The Flood / Re: inmendham pics thread (verbs mentor)
« on: December 30, 2014, 05:06:48 PM »
Who even is this guy?
if you actually listen to what he says, he makes a lot of sense
Yeah, and this picture proves the Earth is flat.

« on: December 30, 2014, 01:30:03 AM »

456123, of course

The Flood / Re: Oh yeah, sort of forgot <.< Sherrif is back in town m8s.
« on: December 29, 2014, 10:15:00 PM »
I didn't even know 'vigor' could be spelled that way.

The Flood / Re: tupac isn't dead
« on: December 29, 2014, 07:27:10 PM »
He's currently hidden away on an island with Elvis and Heath Ledger.

Gaming / Re: A question about Pokemon
« on: December 29, 2014, 06:55:55 PM »
Online battling and trading is now done through something called the Player Search System, so no more guessing which room in the Pokemon center you need to use.

Effort Values are values you get for battling Pokemon, and they factor into your Pokemon's stats. You can now manipulate EVs directly through a mini-game called Super Training.

Individual Values are basically Pokegenes that are one of the factors that determine your Pokemon's stats. IVs are inherent to the Pokemon and cannot be changed, although they can be passed down through Breeding.

Mega Evolutions require held items Mega Stones and an item to interact with them. You won't need to worry much about them until the game introduces them to you. (The only exception to the Mega Stone requirement is Rayquaza, which partly why he is insanely OP.)

There's also the new Fairy type introduced in this generation. Some old Pokes have been retconned into Fairy types, including Ralts. With only two weaknesses (Poison and Steel) and an immunity to Dragon type moves, it's a fairly good type but the Pokes themselves are good but not great.

Welp, have fun with OR, it's an excellent remake. Make sure you add us on 3DS :3
Ah, thank you! So, to get Pokemon with the desired IV's I pretty much have to just keep catching the same one until I get them?
You're welcome :D

Yes, either catching or breeding. Legendaries in Gen VI games are guaranteed at least 3 perfect IVs.

There's a new feature in ORAS called the DexNav. It can seek out specific species of Pokemon, and it gets better at that the more you encounter that Pokemon. Pokemon caught with it can have up to 3 guaranteed perfect IVs and if you're lucky, and rare move such as an egg move that can otherwise only be obtained through breeding.

Gaming / Re: A question about Pokemon
« on: December 29, 2014, 06:01:45 PM »
Online battling and trading is now done through something called the Player Search System, so no more guessing which room in the Pokemon center you need to use.

Effort Values are values you get for battling Pokemon, and they factor into your Pokemon's stats. You can now manipulate EVs directly through a mini-game called Super Training.

Individual Values are basically Pokegenes that are one of the factors that determine your Pokemon's stats. IVs are inherent to the Pokemon and cannot be changed, although they can be passed down through Breeding.

Mega Evolutions require held items called Mega Stones and an item to interact with them. You won't need to worry much about them until the game introduces them to you. (The only exception to the Mega Stone requirement is Rayquaza, which partly why he is insanely OP.)

There's also the new Fairy type introduced in this generation. Some old Pokes have been retconned into Fairy types, including Ralts. With only two uncommon weaknesses (Poison and Steel) and an immunity to Dragon type moves, it's a fairly good type but the Pokes themselves are good but not great.

Welp, have fun with OR, it's an excellent remake. Make sure you add us on 3DS :3

The Flood / Re: Why did noelle actually rage quiT?
« on: December 29, 2014, 05:42:05 PM »
I don't think this is a valid topic of discussion on this site.

ask on skype lol

Gaming / Re: Just destroyed my cousin in pokemon ama
« on: December 29, 2014, 05:39:36 PM »
Did he jump the border or did you guys meet with you on one side of the fence and him in the other and played infrared/wireless?
It was online
They have Internet in Mexico?!

>mfw I'm not even a beaner
Luis plz everyone knows Luis is a beaner name
But I'm Dominican :c
Ssh no more tears
I'm sorry  :'(

Gaming / Re: Just destroyed my cousin in pokemon ama
« on: December 29, 2014, 05:34:33 PM »
Luis had no problem understanding the intent of the question. You're embarrassing yourself by *trying* to be condescending.
yes, every now and then, you take a risk, and nothing bad happens
that doesn't mean it's smart to take risks

you're embarrassing yourself by speaking
at all
Verbatim, by your logic, this picture:

proves the Earth is flat.

You're the only person who would take issue with something so petty and then try to accuse someone else of being petty.

Gaming / Re: Just destroyed my cousin in pokemon ama
« on: December 29, 2014, 05:26:20 PM »
there actually is an NPC that'll tell you in vague terms whether or not your IVs are perfect or not, but i don't know where he/she is
That's what I had in mind, or at least whether he plays competitively, not that you would care to realize that.
it's just silly to even assume people know what IVs are in the first place

it's only the most esoteric thing ever
Luis had no problem understanding the intent of the question. You're embarrassing yourself by *trying* to be condescending.

The Flood / Re: Have you
« on: December 29, 2014, 05:25:25 PM »
Here and there.

Serious / Re: MundaneMatt explains Patriot Act 2.0 for dummies
« on: December 29, 2014, 05:22:23 PM »
Or you could have just posted this in one of the other two threads you made on this same topic
I will have your attention if it means getting banned.
You're probably the reason why they have so many government agents scouring this forum
But if you're not doing anything wrong, why would you care about that?

Gaming / Re: Just destroyed my cousin in pokemon ama
« on: December 29, 2014, 05:21:28 PM »
there actually is an NPC that'll tell you in vague terms whether or not your IVs are perfect or not, but i don't know where he/she is
That's what I had in mind, or at least whether he plays competitively, not that you would care to realize that.

Gaming / Re: Just destroyed my cousin in pokemon ama
« on: December 29, 2014, 05:11:05 PM »
What were your teams, natures, IVs, etc?

Gaming / Re: The Xbone's UI is absolutely terrible.
« on: December 29, 2014, 04:13:40 PM »
It's garbage.

Gaming / Re: Defending TLOU (Xbox fanboys, come here please)
« on: December 29, 2014, 04:04:30 PM »
I actually just got TLOU with my Christmas money, time to play it tonight! Yessssssss

Gaming / Re: L4D2 Game Night Round-Up
« on: December 29, 2014, 03:46:26 PM »
Should the game night be this week or next week? CIS and I would prefer Friday, btw >.>

The Flood / Re: I have a kitten asleep on my shoulder ama
« on: December 29, 2014, 03:22:53 PM »
pics or didn't happen

« on: December 29, 2014, 01:52:50 PM »
I'm good.
You're actually fucking American, you cannot seriously support a bill allowing such excessive domestic spying.

I don't.

I'm just not going to sign a petition.
If you do not do everything you can to help stop this, you are enabling the violation of the constitutional rights of not only your fellow Americans, but yourself.

If signing an online petition is "everything I can do", then you aren't getting anywhere.
it isn't.

This website is run by the white house.

Actually, it's run by lowly White House staffers, who likely have zero direct contact with President Obama.
b-b-but muh 100,000 signatures requiring a response by the White House  :'(

« on: December 29, 2014, 01:45:42 PM »
le dustin ecks dee
If that were true, we wouldn't be having this debate in the first place. Edward Snowden would like to have a word with you.

PSA to all users:

For those curious, here's the exact text of Section 309 from

    (a) Definitions.--In this section:
        (1) Covered communication.--The term ``covered communication''
    means any nonpublic telephone or electronic communication acquired
    without the consent of a person who is a party to the
    communication, including communications in electronic storage.
        (2) Head of an element of the intelligence community.--The term
    ``head of an element of the intelligence community'' means, as
            (A) the head of an element of the intelligence community;
            (B) the head of the department or agency containing such
        (3) United states person.--The term ``United States person''
    has the meaning given that term in section 101 of the Foreign
    Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (50 U.S.C. 1801).
    (b) Procedures for Covered Communications.--
        (1) Requirement to adopt.--Not later than 2 years after the
    date of the enactment of this Act each head of an element of the
    intelligence community shall adopt procedures approved by the
    Attorney General for such element that ensure compliance with the
    requirements of paragraph (3).
        (2) Coordination and approval.--The procedures required by
    paragraph (1) shall be--
            (A) prepared in coordination with the Director of National
        Intelligence; and
            (B) approved by the Attorney General prior to issuance.
        (3) Procedures.--
            (A) Application.--The procedures required by paragraph (1)
        shall apply to any intelligence collection activity not
        otherwise authorized by court order (including an order or
        certification issued by a court established under subsection
        (a) or (b) of section 103 of the Foreign Intelligence
        Surveillance Act of 1978 (50 U.S.C. 1803)), subpoena, or
        similar legal process that is reasonably anticipated to result
        in the acquisition of a covered communication to or from a
        United States person and shall permit the acquisition,
        retention, and dissemination of covered communications subject
        to the limitation in subparagraph (B).
            (B) Limitation on retention.--A covered communication shall
        not be retained in excess of 5 years, unless--
                (i) the communication has been affirmatively
            determined, in whole or in part, to constitute foreign
            intelligence or counterintelligence or is necessary to
            understand or assess foreign intelligence or
                (ii) the communication is reasonably believed to
            constitute evidence of a crime and is retained by a law
            enforcement agency;
                (iii) the communication is enciphered or reasonably
            believed to have a secret meaning;
                (iv) all parties to the communication are reasonably
            believed to be non-United States persons;
                (v) retention is necessary to protect against an
            imminent threat to human life, in which case both the
            nature of the threat and the information to be retained
            shall be reported to the congressional intelligence
            committees not later than 30 days after the date such
            retention is extended under this clause;
                (vi) retention is necessary for technical assurance or
            compliance purposes, including a court order or discovery
            obligation, in which case access to information retained
            for technical assurance or compliance purposes shall be
            reported to the congressional intelligence committees on an
            annual basis; or
                (vii) retention for a period in excess of 5 years is
            approved by the head of the element of the intelligence
            community responsible for such retention, based on a
            determination that retention is necessary to protect the
            national security of the United States, in which case the
            head of such element shall provide to the congressional
            intelligence committees a written certification

                    (I) the reasons extended retention is necessary to
                protect the national security of the United States;
                    (II) the duration for which the head of the element
                is authorizing retention;
                    (III) the particular information to be retained;
                    (IV) the measures the element of the intelligence
                community is taking to protect the privacy interests of
                United States persons or persons located inside the
                United States.

The Flood / Re: And here's where I'd put my sex life. . .
« on: December 29, 2014, 09:49:57 AM »
stop triggering me OP

The Flood / Re: Wow I feel like Meta when he's trapped in Serious
« on: December 29, 2014, 09:46:24 AM »
Going to Serious is sort of like being sent to the Shadow Realm.

The Flood / Re: every post you make in this thread
« on: December 29, 2014, 02:28:14 AM »
Every post you make, I'll be watching you.

Gaming / Re: Defending TLOU (Xbox fanboys, come here please)
« on: December 29, 2014, 12:37:56 AM »
Rented it on Redbox one night and was blown away, I need to finish this game ;_;

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