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Messages - Anonymous (User Deleted)

Pages: 1 ... 170171172 173174 ... 212
The Flood / Re: #ModBias2015
« on: January 05, 2015, 12:22:08 PM »
why does everyone obsess over kinder so much like holy shit

The Flood / Re: what is rc's problem
« on: January 05, 2015, 12:14:19 PM »
stop injecting so many marijuanas

The Flood / Re: The ocean is a terrifying place
« on: January 05, 2015, 12:13:12 PM »
It's like those tentacle things that were in like one dungeon in Wind Waker

The Flood / Re: My Resignation from Ninja
« on: January 05, 2015, 10:38:43 AM »
Whoa there, Adolf, you can't just ban people for petty infractions.
Says you.
Thing is, we're a small forum >.> We can't just turn into 343i Banpoint because that would be hilariously terrible.

Gaming / Re: What's the appeal of the Gamecube controller for Smash Bros?
« on: January 05, 2015, 08:31:07 AM »
I want to get the GameCube adaptor just to see what's the difference between GameCube controller and Pro Commander
The pro controller doesn't have input lag
I use Pro Commander dough
Me too. It's amazing!
You use the controller that looks like an Xbox controller?!
I was reading that wrong every time.

I've never heard of the pro commander >.>
I had the feeling you kept on misreading <.<

This is my bby

THAT explains why I beat you >_______>
jk bro, is it good? comfortable? would you recommend it over the Pro controller?
Yeah, I completely forgot he had that >.>

The Flood / Re: My Resignation from Ninja
« on: January 05, 2015, 08:29:34 AM »
Dislike :(

I came here to enjoy my time. Being on staff as a mod is not fun.
That's why you ban some fuckers. That's fun.

Apparently people thought you were strict? You weren't strict enough. You were a 2/10 on the strict scale, if that.
Whoa there, Adolf, you can't just ban people for petty infractions.

The Flood / Re: Ugliest cars in the world
« on: January 05, 2015, 08:14:38 AM »
*google image search*

[Tim the Bear voice] "hey guys what's going on in here"

The Flood / Re: How often do you forget to post anon?
« on: January 05, 2015, 08:07:09 AM »
only once so far because if you try to post and get the notification that someone posted as you were typing, it unchecks the anon box

got away with it though

Serious / Re: FCC will vote on net neutrality next month
« on: January 05, 2015, 12:46:47 AM »

The Flood / Re: Anarchy afterparty thread
« on: January 05, 2015, 12:30:41 AM »
It was okay until the Kinder hate train circlejerk

Serious / Re: Why I choose to support Israel over Hamas
« on: January 04, 2015, 08:47:51 PM »
I'm really alarmed that Palestine is joining the ICC.

The Flood / Re: .
« on: January 04, 2015, 08:23:10 PM »

Gaming / Re: What game lore would you say you are most familiar with?
« on: January 04, 2015, 07:42:29 PM »
Pokemon, I guess. Been playing since Gen 1 as a wee lad, so I should know a thing or two about the lore.

I quietly predicted that Rayquaza would have a Mega Evolution instead of a Primal Reversion, the reason being that Rayquaza is supposed to neutralize Groudon and Kyogre. "Primal" implies some sort of lack of control and a destructive nature, whereas Mega Evolution is sort of the opposite of that.

I told my brother and my cousin about it but they didn't believe me. *sigh* I almost didn't believe it either, because it seemed like Primal Reversion was the cool new thing that would replace Mega Evolution. Glad I was right after all :^)

Serious / Re: "The moral highground"
« on: January 04, 2015, 07:19:50 PM »
You've never Been to the region and you've not seen it with your own eyes.

I hate to be that guy, but have you?
I wouldn't have used that statement if I hadn't.
You do realise pretty much all warzones are horrible, right? That doesn't give you any sort of knowledge which I don't possess, besides local geography. You may feel emotionally closer to the human suffering in the region, but that doesn't give you the right to just assume that Israeli is wholly--or even mainly--responsible for the suffering, and judging by the fact that you went on an aid mission to Gaza it doesn't seem all that unreasonable to think you had some pre-conceived anti-Israeli sentiments prior to the trip in the first place.

I'm assuming you opposed the 2003 war in Iraq and the War in Afghanistan. Now, if I had been to Iraqi Kurdistan under Hussein and seen the misery and bloodshed, would that give me any more epistemic authority than you? Of course not. If I had been to Kabul under the Taliban, would it give me some sort of authority over your opposition to the War?

No, of course not. What matters are the facts, not what biases you feel were confirmed while over in the region.

1) All warzones are terrible, that goes without saying.
2) Actually before then I wasn't too concerned with Palestine/Israel, I was offered the chance to get outside of Europe and I took it.
3) Israel bares most of the blame for the death and suffering in the area

4) Yeah I opposed the invasion of Iraq, but the invasion wasn't about "saving the kurds", it was about "the WMDs".
5) The facts are more supportive of the Palestinians if you look at un-biased sources and history.

As for the subject of the thread, Israel is morally worse than Hamas. They have committed far more and far worse crimes than Hamas. If it wasn't for Israels actions Hamas would never have existed.
If this evidence exists, can you please reveal it or, you know, admit that you're wrong? Because this line of "reasoning" is becoming absurd.

Serious / Re: Please take my political/moral survey
« on: January 04, 2015, 04:42:42 PM »
*sigh* got signed out before I could post, lemme try to post this again without any problems >.>

I need to brush up on my politics ._. I don't like how many "don't knows" I responded with.

Also, can we get some spoilers up in here?
I'd describe myself as Democrat/Libertarian

1. Morality is objective, whether given by God or determined by humans. Answering "false" to this question essentially means that there are no moral facts, and statements about morality are a matter of opinion, emotion or sentiments.

2. There are some cultures which are objectively superior to others, the values of which should be upheld and preserved in the face of inferior cultures.

3. The Western world is, taken as an aggregate, the best place on Earth in terms of values and culture.

4. Regardless of your answer to the prior question: the Western world is currently in a state of moral or cultural decline or decadence.

5. Islamic fundamentalism is a bigger threat to world peace than any other geopolitical force currently in play.
Don't know

6. Islamic fundamentalism is the worst kind of religious fundamentalism.
Don't know

7. The State of Israel has a right to exist.

8. The Jewish people have a right to their own State.

9. Israel is morally superior to Hamas.

10. Muslims are currently persecuted/unfairly oppressed in the Western world, in a systemic manner.
Don't know

11. Europeans (Germans, British, French, Dutch) are right to worry about the influence of Islamic values and traditions over their countries.
Don't know

12. Islamic fundamentalism is more widespread than most people think/would have us believe.

13. Islam is inherently more violent than other religions.
Don't know

14. America, Israel and the West are mostly responsible for the existence of groups like ISIS, al-Qaeda, Hezbollah and Boko Haram.
Don't know

15. I can understand and sympathise with the motives behind the 9/11 perpetrators.

16. The current state of Iraq is mostly the fault of the Coalition forces' intervention.
Don't know

17. It was morally necessary to remove Saddam Hussein.

18. It would be unethical for the U.N. to try and formally declare the Iraq War to be illegal.

19. On the whole, it is a positive thing that the Iraq War happened.

20. Bashar al-Assad is heading a regime preferable to the one the Free Syrian Army would implement, if they gained power.
Don't know

21. We should not allow Iran to have nuclear weaponry.

22. It might be necessary to consider a nuclear first-strike if a fundamentalist Islamic group or government somehow got hold of intercontinental nuclear missiles.

23. A Christian theocracy wouldn't be as morally reprehensible as a Muslim theocracy.
Don't know

24. Christian fundamentalism isn't a problem in the world today.

25. It should be the right of everybody, including fundamentalist Christians like the WBC, to burn and deface a Qur'an without facing any criminal charges.

The Flood / Re: Post your shoes ITT
« on: January 04, 2015, 03:59:28 PM »
inb4 whiteflame's shoes

Gaming / Re: SSB4 Japanese Tier list makes absolutely no fucking sense.
« on: January 04, 2015, 03:56:11 PM »
  Today at 10:00:00 AM

my boy Link ranking higher than Shit Hunt

MFFW you got Rekt by somone you had a huge advantage against

Big talk coming from someone who didn't even make loser's bracket
Big talk coming from the side that had easy ass players :3
Stop talking about yourself :P
Is that a challenge I'll glady rape you in smash ;3
I'm out of practice >.> Although I did play at Nintendo World the other day.
Dats what I thought I also remember we played and my sausages hitting your face >:3
No but really I want the practice ._. playing against the CPU forms bad habits
Its your fault for playing against CPU
But whenever my brother wants to play too, he either a) wants to play alone, or b) hasn't yet figured out how to handle ranged characters like Link to put up a good enough fight

And For Glory is usually terribad.

Gaming / Re: SSB4 Japanese Tier list makes absolutely no fucking sense.
« on: January 04, 2015, 03:39:33 PM »
  Today at 10:00:00 AM

my boy Link ranking higher than Shit Hunt

MFFW you got Rekt by somone you had a huge advantage against

Big talk coming from someone who didn't even make loser's bracket
Big talk coming from the side that had easy ass players :3
Stop talking about yourself :P
Is that a challenge I'll glady rape you in smash ;3
I'm out of practice >.> Although I did play at Nintendo World the other day.
Dats what I thought I also remember we played and my sausages hitting your face >:3
No but really I want the practice ._. playing against the CPU forms bad habits

Gaming / Re: SSB4 Japanese Tier list makes absolutely no fucking sense.
« on: January 04, 2015, 03:31:27 PM »
  Today at 10:00:00 AM

my boy Link ranking higher than Shit Hunt

MFFW you got Rekt by somone you had a huge advantage against

Big talk coming from someone who didn't even make loser's bracket
Big talk coming from the side that had easy ass players :3
Stop talking about yourself :P
Is that a challenge I'll glady rape you in smash ;3
I'm out of practice >.> Although I did play at Nintendo World the other day.

Gaming / Re: SSB4 Japanese Tier list makes absolutely no fucking sense.
« on: January 04, 2015, 03:29:34 PM »
  Today at 10:00:00 AM

my boy Link ranking higher than Shit Hunt

MFFW you got Rekt by somone you had a huge advantage against

Big talk coming from someone who didn't even make loser's bracket
Big talk coming from the side that had easy ass players :3
Stop talking about yourself :P

Gaming / Re: Which Amiibos are you planning to get?
« on: January 04, 2015, 03:26:14 PM »
Captain Falcon because he has the best Mii costume in MK8

Gaming / Re: SSB4 Japanese Tier list makes absolutely no fucking sense.
« on: January 04, 2015, 03:24:29 PM »
  Today at 10:00:00 AM

my boy Link ranking higher than Shit Hunt

MFFW you got Rekt by somone you had a huge advantage against

Big talk coming from someone who didn't even make loser's bracket

Gaming / Re: SSB4 Japanese Tier list makes absolutely no fucking sense.
« on: January 04, 2015, 08:19:02 AM »
my boy Link ranking higher than Shit Hunt

Gaming / Re: Let's make a secret base team in oras fgts
« on: January 03, 2015, 10:07:19 PM »
I'm still a scrublord at ORAS features, I'll get back to you guys on that >.>

Serious / Re: FCC will vote on net neutrality next month
« on: January 03, 2015, 05:17:41 PM »
Why does everybody automatically assume net neutrality is good?

Is nobody going to question why big companies like Google support net neutrality?
I don't know, why? Public brownie points? It's not like the business is going to go anywhere because of whatever rule changes occur.

Gaming / Re: Let's make a secret base team in oras fgts
« on: January 03, 2015, 05:07:17 PM »
Let's give it a Mega Rayquaza and a (Mega) Mewtwo (Y) and an Arceus and a (Mega) Gengar and a (Mega) Gyarados and a (Mega) Salamence and laugh as we get rekt.

Serious / Re: FCC will vote on net neutrality next month
« on: January 03, 2015, 04:34:18 PM »
I have faith that the FCC will find a way to save net neutrality. Government agencies dislike being bullied by appellate courts so the guys are probably trying to devise a big workaround and middle finger for them.
The FCC are the ones getting rid of it, although a court ruling did strike down the previous regulation. All they'd have to do to save net neutrality would be to reclassify the Internet as a utility.

Gaming / Re: L4D2 Game Night Round-Up
« on: January 03, 2015, 06:51:43 AM »
Scheduled the event on Steam, make sure you join the group and comment in the discussion. I tried to send out friend requests to everyone but I might have missed a few >.>
wait what's your steam? I "might" be able to do this.
I didn't reply sooner because Steam was down >.>

Check your friend requests now.

The Flood / Re: On an honest scale of 1-10 what would you rate me?
« on: January 03, 2015, 06:45:38 AM »
it's like that thing where they switch someone's hair with their beard

sorry, forgot to turn off my 'Anarchy mode' before posting >.>

Serious / Re: I can't figure out whether to support Israel or Palestine
« on: January 03, 2015, 05:23:47 AM »
How about you don't support either? Neither side is worth supporting IMO.

They should just agree to a two state solution and be done with it, however for that to happen Hamas and the Palestinians will have to take their dicks out of their butts because Isreal has given them some very generous offers when it comes to ending the war and having two coexisting states.
Not giving land back isn't very generous
Yeah but turning to terrorism isn't the best way to earn sympathy, either.

EDIT: To clarify, I'm referring to Hamas, not Palestine as a whole.

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