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Messages - Anonymous (User Deleted)

Pages: 1 ... 161162163 164165 ... 212
OP probably resents the fact they mutilated his penis. Now he's taking it out on everyone else. I think circumcision is pretty stupid. It doesn't surprise me that so many people look at an uncircumcised penis as disgusting. This is that power complex I was thinking about earlier. People want to erase things from their conscience that make them upset, like circumcision, so they treat uncircumcised penises as gross. This is how society works, when they want to make something normal to compensate for their insecurity.
Because worm dicks are disgusting. Seriously, you ever have one in your mouth?
Have you?
Is that a serious question?

OP probably resents the fact they mutilated his penis. Now he's taking it out on everyone else. I think circumcision is pretty stupid. It doesn't surprise me that so many people look at an uncircumcised penis as disgusting. This is that power complex I was thinking about earlier. People want to erase things from their conscience that make them upset, like circumcision, so they treat uncircumcised penises as gross. This is how society works, when they want to make something normal to compensate for their insecurity.
Because worm dicks are disgusting. Seriously, you ever have one in your mouth?
Have you?

OP probably resents the fact they mutilated his penis. Now he's taking it out on everyone else. I think circumcision is pretty stupid. It doesn't surprise me that so many people look at an uncircumcised penis as disgusting. This is that power complex I was thinking about earlier. People want to erase things from their conscience that make them upset, like circumcision, so they treat uncircumcised penises as gross. This is how society works, when they want to make something normal to compensate for their insecurity.
Because worm dicks are disgusting. Seriously, you ever have one in your mouth?
Have you?

Lol this is even better than a console war thread
tyger pls


I made that thing up about my grandpa
I never even knew my grandfather
rip in peace  :'(

Lol this is even better than a console war thread
tyger pls

The Flood / Re: Now
« on: January 12, 2015, 10:09:12 AM »
something something sounding like Sting

The Flood / Re: Gatsby still hasn't delivered
« on: January 12, 2015, 10:05:38 AM »
What the fuck man? You people need to forget this asap.
we will never forget

for we are legion

ITT teenagers who think they know better than medical professionals because they read stuff on the Internet
Depends on which medical professionals you ask. It's hardly a settled debate.

ITT: Americans being ignorant

Way to live up to the stereotype guys.

Also you're talking about a bunch of dicks.
Confirmed uncircumcised worm dick

Brah I don't even give a shit about what people do to their dicks. I'm just pointing out American ignorance on the subject.
Yet Europe is still poor and shitty. I'm sure Europe's opinion on the U.S. is really fucking important seeing as their such a great example of a first world country.
>a country

You're really scraping the bottom of the barrel here, aren't you?

The Flood / Re: Did you know?
« on: January 12, 2015, 10:00:32 AM »
copyright a shit

sucks when companies hire Buzz Killington as their lawyer

Wow I seriously can't believe someone necrobumped my alt's thread and caused this much of a shitstorm over cutting your dick off.
I needed some keks today.

Um, yes actually.
then you're not very intelligent or perceptive

i don't tend to make blind absolute statements, shithead

But that was the implication.
if you honestly thought i was even IMPLYING that
Um, yes actually.

yeah, that's exactly what i said, good job

"i have heard of it one time on the internet once so that means it happens all the time"
"enough times for it to be a big issue"
"except probably not"
But that was the implication.

The Flood / Re: Want 2 join anonymous bro?
« on: January 12, 2015, 09:38:20 AM »
i can't wait to post some le ebin memes with pr0 h4xors xDDDDDD

The Flood / Re: Weeb translator?
« on: January 12, 2015, 09:36:30 AM »
moshi moshi kupo desu

i'm not for or against circumcision by the way

i think it's a "who gives a fuck" type of issue

i do think people who are against it are overreacting though
The problem I have with that is that it's essentially a casual endorsement of circumcision. Circumcision a rather binary topic without much (if any) room for neutrality. I say that because while I suppose there could probably be a nuanced middle-ground argument, I've never actually seen or heard of one.

Gaming / Re: Fav Black Ops weapon
« on: January 12, 2015, 09:27:52 AM »
The one where you trade-in to GameStop

I haven't played Black Ops for more than 20 minutes. I didn't like it for some reason.

The only people who should have a say in the circumcision debate are women and fags, and we all agree that a nice cut looks better than a god damn earthworm turkey baster looking thing.

Cutfags - 1
Europoors - 0
>dried out glans
>skin bridge
>scar tissue
>hardened coronal ridge

>looks better

Boot pls.
>trying to use words to say that one thing looks better than another

Anyway, most women agree that circumcision is preferable to non-cuts.
Europe and South America and most of Asia say hello.
"unjustifiable in the Western world"
You were talking about females' opinions on it. Don't change the subject because you're still wrong lol
Europe's opinions don't count because they're not a part of the western world.

2) That was never part of the premise of your statement.

The only people who should have a say in the circumcision debate are women and fags, and we all agree that a nice cut looks better than a god damn earthworm turkey baster looking thing.

Cutfags - 1
Europoors - 0
>dried out glans
>skin bridge
>scar tissue
>hardened coronal ridge

>looks better

Boot pls.
>trying to use words to say that one thing looks better than another

Anyway, most women agree that circumcision is preferable to non-cuts.
Europe and South America and most of Asia say hello.
"unjustifiable in the Western world"
You were talking about females' opinions on it. Don't change the subject because you're still wrong lol

The only people who should have a say in the circumcision debate are women and fags, and we all agree that a nice cut looks better than a god damn earthworm turkey baster looking thing.

Cutfags - 1
Europoors - 0
>dried out glans
>skin bridge
>scar tissue
>hardened coronal ridge

>looks better

Boot pls.
>trying to use words to say that one thing looks better than another

Anyway, most women agree that circumcision is preferable to non-cuts.
Europe and South America and most of Asia say hello.

Okay then, what else should we ban because the only reason to keep it legal is for aesthetic reasons? Hair dye? Razor blades? Spray tans?
lol, didn't I already explain how those aren't comparable?
"It's not comparable" is a one all end all copy and paste argument I've seen be used for everything. All you've been able to accomplish here is saying that circumcision should be banned because it's not natural, which is honestly quite hypocritical coming from a homosexual.

Okay then, what else should we ban because the only reason to keep it legal is for aesthetic reasons? Hair dye? Razor blades? Spray tans?
lol, didn't I already explain how those aren't comparable?

unjustifiable in the Western world.
>acting like circumcision is some kind of horrible evil thing
>acting like it's really that big of a deal

Just because there are few reasons (aesthetic, minor health issues) to keep it legal does not mean it should be made illegal.
Yes, yes, and yes it does.

Hasnt this been argued over in serious.
yes but this is humorous

I remember my circumcision, it was...

Oh wait!

My grandfather had phimosis as a teenager so he had to get curcumcised then, and said it was horrible. Why would I want my kids to be subjected to suffering they will remember over one they will cry about for 3 minutes and then just want to suck be fed and sleep?
>implying everyone who has a foreskin would have phimosis

I never implied that actually. Do people get flu shots because EVERYONE will get the flu if they don't? Do people put on sunscreen because EVERYONE will get cancer if they don't? It's precausionary
And thus wrong to force upon someone.
little kids don't want shots either yet parents force those upon them
But shots also benefit the general public at large, due to how easily it is to transmit most of those diseases and how deadly those are. Circumcision provides largely personal benefits from things that are either 1) rarely life-threatening in the West and non-transmittable, or 2) only transmitted through sexual contact, at which point in a person's life if they're old enough to consent to sex, they're old enough to consent to circumcision.

>Being upset about the Human anatomy.
Shouldn't you complain that women should cut one of their breasts off too, because that's aesthetically pleasing or some shit?
So essentially you're saying is that we should ban ear piercings, nail clippers, razors, haircuts, and shampoo because it's wrong to modify your body for an aesthetic reason?
No, it's wrong for someone else to modify your body for aesthetic reasons.
Okay, so children under 18 should be banned from getting ear piercings, manicures/pedicures, and dying their hair different colors?

Great job butchering that poor code.

Those are temporary at best, but they're hardly comparable to amputation.
Unless your dick was the size of an arm or leg when you were young, circumcision is no where near comparable to an amputation.
Circumcision is an amputation by definition, pretty much.

Same with ear piercings, faggot
>equating an ear piercing with outright removal of the ear


this is bad logic even for you
Except a circumcision is not a big procedure, in fact it takes less than a minute.

Okay, here's a hypothetical for you. A child is born with 6 fingers on one hand. The extra finger isn't harmful for the child, but he thinks he would look better if he only had five. By your logic, he shouldn't be allowed to have the surgery solely because it's an amputation for an aesthetic reason on a child.
A normal part of the human anatomy is hardly comparable to a deformity.
2) that's hardly applicable here anyway
You're saying we should ban circumcision because it's not natural, so yes it does apply.

Not because it's unnatural, but because it's unjustifiable in the Western world.

I remember my circumcision, it was...

Oh wait!

My grandfather had phimosis as a teenager so he had to get curcumcised then, and said it was horrible. Why would I want my kids to be subjected to suffering they will remember over one they will cry about for 3 minutes and then just want to suck be fed and sleep?
>implying everyone who has a foreskin would have phimosis

I never implied that actually. Do people get flu shots because EVERYONE will get the flu if they don't? Do people put on sunscreen because EVERYONE will get cancer if they don't? It's precausionary
And thus wrong to force upon someone.

>Being upset about the Human anatomy.
Shouldn't you complain that women should cut one of their breasts off too, because that's aesthetically pleasing or some shit?
So essentially you're saying is that we should ban ear piercings, nail clippers, razors, haircuts, and shampoo because it's wrong to modify your body for an aesthetic reason?
No, it's wrong for someone else to modify your body for aesthetic reasons.
Okay, so children under 18 should be banned from getting ear piercings, manicures/pedicures, and dying their hair different colors?

Great job butchering that poor code.

Those are temporary at best, but they're hardly comparable to amputation.
Unless your dick was the size of an arm or leg when you were young, circumcision is no where near comparable to an amputation.
Circumcision is an amputation by definition, pretty much.

Same with ear piercings, faggot
>equating an ear piercing with outright removal of the ear


this is bad logic even for you
Except a circumcision is not a big procedure, in fact it takes less than a minute.

Okay, here's a hypothetical for you. A child is born with 6 fingers on one hand. The extra finger isn't harmful for the child, but he thinks he would look better if he only had five. By your logic, he shouldn't be allowed to have the surgery solely because it's an amputation for an aesthetic reason on a child.
A normal part of the human anatomy is hardly comparable to a deformity.
2) that's hardly applicable here anyway

I remember my circumcision, it was...

Oh wait!

My grandfather had phimosis as a teenager so he had to get curcumcised then, and said it was horrible. Why would I want my kids to be subjected to suffering they will remember over one they will cry about for 3 minutes and then just want to suck be fed and sleep?
>implying everyone who has a foreskin would have phimosis

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