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Messages - Anonymous (User Deleted)

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The Flood / Re: Kinder's downvote protection
« on: January 13, 2015, 02:17:32 PM »
Halo 3 Bubble Shield was one of my favorite things ever.

The Flood / Re: Petition to turn Sep7agon into a hugbox
« on: January 13, 2015, 02:15:52 PM »
Fuck you.
hey fuck all ya'll that's not a constructive attitude

this is also a self-parody of my awful behavior earlier
What behavior earlier?
derailing a thread in Serious

The Flood / Re: mODS ARE NOT REAL
« on: January 13, 2015, 02:15:21 PM »
No one can prove that mODS exist.

The Flood / Re: Petition to turn Sep7agon into a hugbox
« on: January 13, 2015, 02:13:31 PM »
How about we just make Verb admin?
I'm not entirely sure what the difference would be.

Also not sure if this is a joke thread or not. <.< Normally I'd assume Kupo hadn't gone full sjw, but I just don't know anymore.
Ah I see. Phew. Glad its a parody. :P Ya scurred me.
This thread is my penance >.>

The Flood / Re: Petition to turn Sep7agon into a hugbox
« on: January 13, 2015, 02:08:04 PM »
How about we just make Verb admin?
Nuking Sep7agon would be quicker and less painful to watch
But it wouldn't be as hilarious.

The Flood / Re: Petition to turn Sep7agon into a hugbox
« on: January 13, 2015, 02:06:57 PM »
Fuck you.
hey fuck all ya'll that's not a constructive attitude

this is also a self-parody of my awful behavior earlier

The Flood / Petition to turn Sep7agon into a hugbox
« on: January 13, 2015, 01:36:13 PM »
I've had enough of these mean-spirited posts and ganging up on users, and it needs to stop. We should be a welcoming community for everyone of any background. We should change and enforce the rules to reflect that.

Threads call call out specific religions or lifestyles in a negative manner should be locked on sight. Some topics should be completely off-limits so we don't offend anyone. The last thing we want is a witch hunt.

I think it's high time we become a healthier community. What do you say, my friends?

The Flood / Re: [SIZE=60]gOD'S NOT REAL[/SIZE]
« on: January 13, 2015, 12:53:39 PM »

The Flood / Re: [SIZE=60]gOD'S NOT REAL[/SIZE]
« on: January 13, 2015, 12:51:50 PM »

The Flood / Re: You know who should literally leave Sep7agon?
« on: January 13, 2015, 12:42:10 PM »
that guy kupo is a massive asshole

I'm concerned about the consequences that will come from this sort of rhetoric
The very same kind of apologetics is used to try and justify the actions of such mass murdered. . .

"Well, if they hadn't drawn the cartoons in the first place. . ."
"If they didn't act like a Red, they wouldn't have been blacklisted"

It's a slippery slope.

Almost like I've been trying to say that from the begining. I swear half of you didn't read the first page.
Same exact argument.
Fine, if you're going to be a child about it, take a look in the mirror yourself before you tell others to do that. I wasn't throwing strawmen or ad hominems at you, now was I?

I don't see how it isn't relevant. "Here's something to prove you're loyal, and we're going on a witch hunt against everyone who doesn't comply."
Ignoring the fact that we have the moral high ground here, I still don't see how you can't find fault with people not honouring dead satirists in the face of senseless murder.

I'd be saying the same if Jews refused to honour the dead after a mass murder like that of Baruch Goldstein's.

I just see a witch hunt boiling. That makes me uneasy.

But I can't imagine how utterly deluded or just plain uncivilized one has to be to not want to participate in that moment of silence. What does it say about them that they think it's okay for adults to throw adult tantrums because they saw a drawing they didn't like? I don't want to say what I really think of them, because I'd be offending a lot of people with the comparisons, but... I wouldn't necessarily be wrong in my assertions.

Maybe a witch hunt is the only way to get them to realize that normal people don't act that way. But with a witch hunt comes the inevitability of rights abuses and all of that insane stuff that comes with it. I think there's a right to be upset about this, but it's important to realize that moderation is necessary to keep everyone rational, because this is exactly the kind of stuff that gets out of hand if left unchecked and unchallenged.

I feel like games in general suck at morality systems. Every action has to have a 'good' or 'bad' moniker attached to it, when sometimes that just doesn't really work. You rarely ever get points for being neutral. And even if you can be a dick, you're still the hero because you still generally follow the plot planned for a hero.

But I'm not. Why would you accuse me of that? Unless, of course, you're on a witch hunt, which would be proving my point.
Where did I accuse you of anything?!?

Wait what.

Is this thread just a bunch of misunderstandings?


This really is incredible. We criticize these people for their barbarism - and immediately users who know we value free speech treat us like xenophobic bigots.

Nobody says they can't disrespect the dead. We're saying they SHOULD NOT disrespect the dead.
I'm concerned about the consequences that will come from this sort of rhetoric, this thread being evidence of that. 'If God forbid you take issue with our popular consensus, you're part of the problem' is essentially what's being said here.
Supporting terrorists and murderers
But I'm not. Why would you accuse me of that? Unless, of course, you're on a witch hunt, which would be proving my point.

Show me a quote where he has said they we're not allowed to be silent. I really think you're misreading the thread.
Doesn't need to be said with those exact words. Not that you would care, you've been throwing around strawmen left and right in this thread.

See here:
Because these people you're defending would not hesitate one second in giving you a gruesome death simply for being homosexual. I understand you think criticizing them means you're stooping to their level (you're wrong, because we're criticizing them not gunning them down) but in the interest of self preservation you'd think you wouldn't have this mentality.
What place does ad hominem have in this discussion? What does someone's orientation (or any other personal circumstance) have to do with anything?

This really is incredible. We criticize these people for their barbarism - and immediately users who know we value free speech treat us like xenophobic bigots.

Nobody says they can't disrespect the dead. We're saying they SHOULD NOT disrespect the dead.
I'm concerned about the consequences that will come from this sort of rhetoric, this thread being evidence of that. 'If God forbid you take issue with our popular consensus, you're part of the problem' is essentially what's being said here.

Mildly criticizing people for supporting terrorists and murderes is now a witch hunt and trampling on their rights.
ffs really?
'mild criticism'

More like fueling the fires of civil unrest. History tells us that things like this can get out of hand.

It has absolutely nothing to do with loyalty. It's about respecting people who were murdered by fascists for drawing a fucking cartoon.
The reactions to this event prove that it has a lot to do with loyalty.
Please explain how a minute of silence has something to do with loyalty to France and not respecting the dead.
If it wasn't, we wouldn't be having this conversation.
Please explain how any of this has a single motherfucking thing to do with loyalty to France, please.
Human nature.

Mildly criticizing people for supporting terrorists and murderes is now a witch hunt and trampling on their rights.
ffs really?
'mild criticism'

More like fueling the fires of civil unrest. History tells us that things like this can get out of hand.

It has absolutely nothing to do with loyalty. It's about respecting people who were murdered by fascists for drawing a fucking cartoon.
The reactions to this event prove that it has a lot to do with loyalty.
Please explain how a minute of silence has something to do with loyalty to France and not respecting the dead.
If it wasn't, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

Because these people you're defending would not hesitate one second in giving you a gruesome death simply for being homosexual. I understand you think criticizing them means you're stooping to their level (you're wrong, because we're criticizing them not gunning them down) but in the interest of self preservation you'd think you wouldn't have this mentality.
You're agreeing with the terrorists with that sort of logic.

I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it

Mildly criticizing people for supporting terrorists and murderes is now a witch hunt and trampling on their rights.
ffs really?
'mild criticism'

More like fueling the fires of civil unrest. History tells us that things like this can get out of hand.

It has absolutely nothing to do with loyalty. It's about respecting people who were murdered by fascists for drawing a fucking cartoon.
The reactions to this event prove that it has a lot to do with loyalty.

As disrespectful as it may be, they have the right not to stand up.

Forcing them to pay respects really doesn't make us any better than the terrorists, as ironic as it may be.
I'm saying they're cunts for not respecting the people who died in the name of the very freedom they're exercising. They can refuse to stand, or speak during a minute's silence, all they like--but I won't sit idly by at such flagrant hypocrisy and moral insanity.

You know, this is the same type of argument Conservatives use to bitch out people who won't stand for the Pledge of Allegiance/National Anthem over here.
No it fucking isn't. People have died.

I am so sick of you fucking PC liberals.
Let's not forget the old Bellamy salute here in the states:

The pledge is idolatry in the name of "patriotism"
The fuck does this have to do with anything?
I was proving Icy's point.
He has no point. Pledging loyalty =/= Minute of silence
In this particular situation, they're being used the same thing. I'm just pointing that out.

As disrespectful as it may be, they have the right not to stand up.

Forcing them to pay respects really doesn't make us any better than the terrorists, as ironic as it may be.
I'm saying they're cunts for not respecting the people who died in the name of the very freedom they're exercising. They can refuse to stand, or speak during a minute's silence, all they like--but I won't sit idly by at such flagrant hypocrisy and moral insanity.

You know, this is the same type of argument Conservatives use to bitch out people who won't stand for the Pledge of Allegiance/National Anthem over here.
No it fucking isn't. People have died.

I am so sick of you fucking PC liberals.
Let's not forget the old Bellamy salute here in the states:

The pledge is idolatry in the name of "patriotism"
The fuck does this have to do with anything?
I was proving Icy's point.
Icy has no point as the first page has already shown.  ::)
I don't know how people are still bringing up the pledge as if it has anything to do with this thread.
I don't see how it isn't relevant. "Here's something to prove you're loyal, and we're going on a witch hunt against everyone who doesn't comply."

As disrespectful as it may be, they have the right not to stand up.

Forcing them to pay respects really doesn't make us any better than the terrorists, as ironic as it may be.
I'm saying they're cunts for not respecting the people who died in the name of the very freedom they're exercising. They can refuse to stand, or speak during a minute's silence, all they like--but I won't sit idly by at such flagrant hypocrisy and moral insanity.

You know, this is the same type of argument Conservatives use to bitch out people who won't stand for the Pledge of Allegiance/National Anthem over here.
No it fucking isn't. People have died.

I am so sick of you fucking PC liberals.
Let's not forget the old Bellamy salute here in the states:

The pledge is idolatry in the name of "patriotism"
The fuck does this have to do with anything?
I was proving Icy's point.

As disrespectful as it may be, they have the right not to stand up.

Forcing them to pay respects really doesn't make us any better than the terrorists, as ironic as it may be.
I'm saying they're cunts for not respecting the people who died in the name of the very freedom they're exercising. They can refuse to stand, or speak during a minute's silence, all they like--but I won't sit idly by at such flagrant hypocrisy and moral insanity.

You know, this is the same type of argument Conservatives use to bitch out people who won't stand for the Pledge of Allegiance/National Anthem over here.
No it fucking isn't. People have died.

I am so sick of you fucking PC liberals.
Let's not forget the old Bellamy salute here in the states:

The pledge is idolatry in the name of "patriotism"
Bellamy was a socialist though.
Which makes it all the more ironic that conservatives care so much about the pledge in the first place.

Gaming / Re: Would you play a remake of Diamond/Pearl?
« on: January 13, 2015, 09:04:03 AM »
Knowing Gamefreak, I'd see a Gen 1 remake happening first. They really do seem to play favourites with the first gen.
Oh jeez, I really hope they don't remake first gen again so soon, but I feel like it's inevitable.

The Flood / Re: How does one be funny?
« on: January 13, 2015, 09:03:00 AM »
hi Loaf

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