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Messages - Anonymous (User Deleted)

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Gaming / Re: Microsoft possibly buying Bungie back
« on: February 06, 2015, 09:39:19 PM »
The article posted by is fake as fuck

The image of Frankie's "post" that put in their article.
Frankie's actual post.
And here's the page that Frankie's post is on from the Neogaf thread.

Definite clickbait is clickbait.
Quoted for truth

The Flood / Re: Do you believe in any "conspiracy" theories?
« on: February 06, 2015, 08:47:29 PM »
I believe you never actually went to England.

Serious / Re: Why do people give Pope Francis so much credit?
« on: February 06, 2015, 08:46:24 PM »
It is not in line with their theology to support the marriage of two people of the same sex in the eyes of God.

Expecting that to change is really just dumb on your part.
I'm not expecting that.
So, what would you expect that he hasn't done?

He doesn't look like Emperor Palpatine, he's been much kinder about gays, he's been kinder about atheists. What else is there?
Policy changes... as implied in the OP.

Serious / Re: Why do people give Pope Francis so much credit?
« on: February 06, 2015, 08:35:32 PM »
It is not in line with their theology to support the marriage of two people of the same sex in the eyes of God.

Expecting that to change is really just dumb on your part.
I'm not expecting that.

The Flood / Re: So after ten years I finally caved
« on: February 06, 2015, 07:52:52 PM »
Congrats on losing your Xbox Live virginity.

Gaming / Re: Microsoft possibly buying Bungie back
« on: February 06, 2015, 07:02:07 PM »
I would be legitimately surprised. I doubt it.

Serious / Why do people give Pope Francis so much credit?
« on: February 06, 2015, 06:14:31 PM »
The press especially likes to make a big deal out of whatever minor thing he decides to do. 'Oh, Pope Francis says "who am I to judge" gay people, look how progressive he is!' Meanwhile, he's still supporting referendums against gay marriage.

What has Pope Francis actually done to warrant such praise? What policies of the church have changed since he became Pope? Just because he's a bit nicer about the shit he says doesn't mean anything different is actually happening in the long run.


The Flood / Re: Funniest thing you've seen on here?
« on: February 06, 2015, 02:19:25 PM »
PSU's "trip to England"

"I'm not going to do something I have nothing to do with" is notable how...?
It isn't, that's my point.

I don't like Max jumping on this guy's dick for not doing something which isn't necessarily included in his duties as a government employee.
I agree. But at the same time, I didn't agree with PSU's broader implication of nobody being required to do it even if it's their sworn duty.

The Flood / Re: I sprained my ankle while Skiing today
« on: February 06, 2015, 01:55:35 PM »
pics or didn't happen

That proves my point...?
No, because this judge did not have the duty of performing marriage ceremonies.

That was a privilege extended by the judge. . .
Oh, so then what's the big deal in this thread? "I'm not going to do something I have nothing to do with" is notable how...?

I assume this is just another Serious board misunderstanding >.>

Any agent of the government, up to and including the president, is individually obligated to uphold the Constitution.
This is just patently ridiculous.

Talking about the jurisdiction of the government as a whole doesn't equate to an obligation on every single government employee. I mean, just think about what you're saying.

And if the Constitution does imply that, I have no qualms with calling that out for the sheer retardation that it is.
Every government employee is bound by the oath of office they took when they were hired.
I do solemnly swear (or affirm), that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent on me, according to the best of my abilities and understanding, agreeably to the Constitution, and laws of the United States.
That proves my point...?

Any agent of the government, up to and including the president, is individually obligated to uphold the Constitution.
This is just patently ridiculous.

Talking about the jurisdiction of the government as a whole doesn't equate to an obligation on every single government employee. I mean, just think about what you're saying.

And if the Constitution does imply that, I have no qualms with calling that out for the sheer retardation that it is.
Every government employee is bound by the oath of office they took when they were hired.

The government literally does not have the capacity to do what you're saying, because the Constitution forbids it.
The government is a collection of different individuals in different institutions which form an aggregate.

Some bureaucrat on the Council of Economic Advisers is not obligated to marry two gays if that's hypothetically the only way to exercise that specific right. There's a reason we have different positions within the government, and you can't take about it as a single monolithic entity with a united agency.
We have different positions within the government that are expected to uphold the duties laid upon them. We don't just find someone else in a different position to do a job that isn't theirs.

But it's irrelevant, because the Fourth Amendment applies to every governmental position regardless of what it may be. Any agent of the government, up to and including the president, is individually obligated to uphold the Constitution.

Individuals within it cannot pick and choose which laws or rights they want to uphold.
They can when it isn't actually their job to uphold a certain right.
The government's job is to act within the confines of the Constitution. The Fourth Amendment partially reads:
nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
The government literally does not have the capacity to do what you're saying, because the Constitution forbids it.

I don't really understand why anyone should be forced to perform a ceremony that they disagree with.

If he only wants to marry straight people, what's the problem?
If nobody in the government wants to administer rights that are legally granted to the public, then who's going to do it?

The government is not a business. Individuals within it cannot pick and choose whom they want to serve for non-legal reasons.

The Flood / Re: I am a gOD
« on: February 06, 2015, 01:17:56 PM »
This user has been blacklisted from posting on the forums. Until the blacklist is lifted, all posts made by this user have been hidden.

The Flood / Re: Scrubs or Grays Anatomy?
« on: February 06, 2015, 12:51:13 PM »
Scrubs although Grey's Anatomy has Patrick Dempsey

The Flood / Re: Ferrets playing in snow for the first time
« on: February 06, 2015, 12:42:55 PM »
ferrets :3

also here's the embed:


How the fuck was the Emperor cowardly?  After the Dominion took over the Imperial City, he planned a sound strategy that took back the city and effectively ended the war.  He only had to sign the treaty due to the mass amount of casualties.  Even the Empires leading commanders like General Tulius hint the Empire is preparing to strike the Dominion, or at least are more prepared for defense than the last time.
He sold his soul to the Thalmor and consequently put the end of the world in motion. Would you not fight to the death to save the world?

<.<  Oh yes, a man concentrating on trying to keep the Empire alive and attempt to drive out the Dominion should have been more focused on a legend saying a dragon will re-appear thousands of years after they've been wiped out.
Seeing as it was foretold by Alduin's Wall which was based upon the Elder Scrolls which dictate every possible event in the universe, I'd hardly say it's a 'legend' so much as 'cold hard fact'.


What is there to not understand? He was not right to discriminate against the Dunmer or Argonians! The 'reasons' you listed were paranoia at best, conjecture at worst. There is no basis for unjust discrimination, ever.

Ulfric's doing things under false pretenses. It's working though, because people are sheep.

The reason for seceding from Skyrim would be to protest the Thalmor and try to impede them, and it would completely fail at that. I'll repeat this: it would fail at its primary goal. There is no purpose to it and Ulfric knows it. Ulfric wants to be in charge and he'll say or do anything to achieve that. He already killed the High King for reasons that he pulled out of his ass. Claimed to use the Thu'um to 'tear Torygg apart' but really just stabbed the guy when he was down.

It's cool that you're saying things with nothing to back them up, but no matter what Ulfric's true motivation is, what he's doing is the right thing.
If he's not doing something for the reasons he says he's doing it, then he's really not doing the right thing. He's being dishonest, and you just admitted it.

How the fuck was the Emperor cowardly?  After the Dominion took over the Imperial City, he planned a sound strategy that took back the city and effectively ended the war.  He only had to sign the treaty due to the mass amount of casualties.  Even the Empires leading commanders like General Tulius hint the Empire is preparing to strike the Dominion, or at least are more prepared for defense than the last time.
He sold his soul to the Thalmor and consequently put the end of the world in motion. Would you not fight to the death to save the world?

Yeah, discrimination brought about by wartime paranoia.
Is it paranoia if you're right?
Sounds a lot like real life.
Only in the most superficial way. If you understand the cultures and politics involved it has no real-world analogue.
The Empire has 'race-mixing'
So does Skyrim? What's your point here?
and they're fine
cowardly Emperor notwithstanding.
Mede has done nothing wrong other than allow the Thalmor to crack down on Talos worship. That alone, though, is reason enough to break away. The very survival of the Mundus depends on Talos and the Towers.
Well, seeing as paranoia is inherently illogical and based on primitive instincts... I'd say it's very realistic.

The Emperor caved in to... basically terrorists. But the Empire isn't blatantly racist or hiding behind the Thu'um. Seceding from the Empire isn't going to impede the Thalmor. It's a useless political gesture. Ulfric doesn't care about Skyrim's people so much as simply wanting power.

Gaming / Re: TFW Kupo
« on: February 06, 2015, 11:04:06 AM »
yep guys i'm actually a girl

He'll give everyone religious freedom, so long as they're not Argonian or Dunmer. Equality for everyone! Just some people are more equal than others.
okay first the Argonians aren't even religious, 2nd there is no implication at all that Ulfric intends to stop the Dunmer from worshipping their gods.
Then why are Argonians pretty much not allowed into Windhelm? And the Dunmer pushed into the 'Grey Quarter' (previously the Snow Corner but changed because racism)?
This literally has nothing to do with religious freedom.

Which is also not morally the same as in real life, because again we're talking about inherently different peoples, meaning inherently different behavior and natural rights, where magic and religion are actually real.

He's also not entirely unjustified in distrusting the Dunmer, seeing as this is in the back of their cornerclub.
So what if it's not religious discrimination >.> it's still something. And the Dunmer feel neglected while the Argonians actually are neglected.
He'll give everyone religious freedom, so long as they're not Argonian or Dunmer. Equality for everyone! Just some people are more equal than others.
okay first the Argonians aren't even religious, 2nd there is no implication at all that Ulfric intends to stop the Dunmer from worshipping their gods.
Then why are Argonians pretty much not allowed into Windhelm? And the Dunmer pushed into the 'Grey Quarter' (previously the Snow Corner but changed because racism)?
This literally has nothing to do with religious freedom.

Which is also not morally the same as in real life, because again we're talking about inherently different peoples, meaning inherently different behavior and natural rights, where magic and religion are actually real.

He's also not entirely unjustified in distrusting the Dunmer, seeing as this is in the back of their cornerclub.
So what if it's not religious discrimination >.> it's still something. And the Dunmer feel neglected while the Argonians actually are neglected.
Which doesn't REALLY matter, because Ulfric is just doing what's best for his cause right now. The fact that there is support for the Empire among the community leaders of the Dunmer doesn't exactly look good. And like I said, the Argonians have to be kept out because mixing the largest Argonian population in Skyrim with the largest Dunmer population in Skyrim is a really really bad idea.

Of course, again, "muh racism" is completely irrelevant, because Dunmee and Argonians aren't human, and are inherently different from humans biologically and psychologically.

Dunmer are daedra worshippers, which would be scary to ANY Nord, and Argonians are completely unpredictable, because the Hist can take over at any time.
Yeah, discrimination brought about by wartime paranoia. Sounds a lot like real life. The Empire has 'race-mixing' and they're fine, cowardly Emperor notwithstanding.

The Flood / Re: bored and waiting for my next class AMA
« on: February 06, 2015, 09:53:56 AM »

Gaming / Soft-resetting for natures/IVs
« on: February 06, 2015, 09:50:30 AM »
I had noticed a remark about SR'ing for shininess and wanted to have a general discussion about it >.>

If you don't understand the title, it's when one soft-resets a Pokémon game using L+R+Start/Select to give the RNG another roll of the dice, for a desired nature, stat combination, or shininess.

Anyone bother to do this?

I only bothered SR'ing since Gen VI because legendaries are guaranteed at least 3 perfect IVs. I mostly just need to get the nature now because half of the stats are going to at least be excellent. But it's such a drag because it can take a while to get the Mon that I want.

The Flood / Re: So Is That Shitposting Rule In Effect Now?
« on: February 06, 2015, 09:24:18 AM »

The Flood / Re: What are we doing for blank posting these days?
« on: February 06, 2015, 12:51:29 AM »

He'll give everyone religious freedom, so long as they're not Argonian or Dunmer. Equality for everyone! Just some people are more equal than others.
okay first the Argonians aren't even religious, 2nd there is no implication at all that Ulfric intends to stop the Dunmer from worshipping their gods.
Then why are Argonians pretty much not allowed into Windhelm? And the Dunmer pushed into the 'Grey Quarter' (previously the Snow Corner but changed because racism)?
This literally has nothing to do with religious freedom.

Which is also not morally the same as in real life, because again we're talking about inherently different peoples, meaning inherently different behavior and natural rights, where magic and religion are actually real.

He's also not entirely unjustified in distrusting the Dunmer, seeing as this is in the back of their cornerclub.
So what if it's not religious discrimination >.> it's still something. And the Dunmer feel neglected while the Argonians actually are neglected.

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