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Messages - Anonymous (User Deleted)

Pages: 1 ... 119120121 122123 ... 212
Gaming / Re: Duck Tales Remastered
« on: March 02, 2015, 02:00:09 PM »
Oops, I was thinking Duck Hunt remastered.

Serious / Re: "You should trust police, most of them are good people"
« on: March 02, 2015, 01:57:15 PM »
wait what's wrong with the guardian?
Guardian backs idiots like Leigh "i find my articles at the bottom of the glass" Alexander AKA the megaphone.
And yet they're also the publication that published the Snowden documents. Try harder.
is afraid of offending Muslims
You're equating editorials (opinion pieces) with objective, factual reporting. I'm not sure if you're trolling or if you're really that ignorant.
ive got a chip on my shoulder when it comes to The Guardian.
i could be blinded by it.
dont care.
If you don't care about evidence and reasoning that completely and directly refutes the claim that you're making, then you're part of the problem.

Serious / Re: "You should trust police, most of them are good people"
« on: March 02, 2015, 01:37:49 PM »
wait what's wrong with the guardian?
Guardian backs idiots like Leigh "i find my articles at the bottom of the glass" Alexander AKA the megaphone.
And yet they're also the publication that published the Snowden documents. Try harder.
is afraid of offending Muslims
You're equating editorials (opinion pieces) with objective, factual reporting. I'm not sure if you're trolling or if you're really that ignorant.

The Flood / Re: one thing i hate about being a comp sci major
« on: March 02, 2015, 01:34:50 PM »
comp sci
I hope you like India, because that's where you're headed.
Oh my fucking god

Tech jobs are not going outside the US. I literally have 10 different companies I can name off the top of my head that I could work for and that's just in my small ass town. Please stop being mad because you're a non STEM faggot who will end up living in a box.
Why do you think there are so many young people in these jobs? Because the old people aren't kept around long enough to properly retire.

The Flood / Re: one thing i hate about being a comp sci major
« on: March 02, 2015, 09:58:29 AM »
comp sci
I hope you like India, because that's where you're headed.

Serious / One way to manipulate elections: redistricting
« on: March 02, 2015, 09:50:09 AM »
One problem in US elections is that every so often, the major parties engage in something called redistricting, which is essentially redrawing the district lines in a state to make it easier to win elections.

Arizona's redistricting issue has gone nuclear. There had been an independent commission set up to handle the drawing of districts instead of elected officials doing so. But Arizonan Republicans and the ever-insane Jan Brewer didn't like that, and decided to do away with the commission.

Now the issue is heading to the Supreme Court... and it's not looking good. Simply put, there doesn't seem to be any constitutional basis for independent commissions doing the work of the legislature.

It's the kind of thing that would likely have to be resolved through an amendment to the Constitution, but seeing as both major parties depend on this practice to get elected, it's unlikely to ever change.

Take a look at a congressional district map, and it can look like a madman's jigsaw puzzle. The reason is, in part, that the district lines are drawn by state legislators seeking to maximize partisan advantage. It's a process that critics say is responsible for much that's wrong with Washington.

That's why some states have tried setting up independent commissions to draw the map. Arizona voters created such a commission in 2000. But when the commission chair displeased the governor and state Senate, they tried, unsuccessfully, to remove her.

The power of the commission to draw district lines has now reached the U.S. Supreme Court, which could hand that power back to the legislators in Arizona, California, and a dozen other states.

Although the Supreme Court has viewed partisan gerrymandering of legislative districts as a bad practice that deprives citizens of fair representation, the court has also thrown up its hands when it comes to policing the practice. The reason is simple: the justices have been unable to come up with neutral and judicially-manageable rules for drawing electoral boundaries. So, in recent years, some states have been experimenting with independent commissions.

The commissions vary in form and in how much influence they allow incumbents to have in drawing their own districts.

Arizona's independent commission presents the test case before the Supreme Court on Monday. Fifteen years ago the state's voters overwhelmingly approved a referendum that amended the state constitution to put the decennial redistricting in the hands of an independent, five-person commission. Two of the commissioners were to be Republicans, two Democrats, and the commission's chair was to be an Independent.

In a state with 35 percent registered Republicans, 35 percent Independents, and 30 percent Democrats, the congressional map the commission drew after the 2010 census had four safe Republican seats, two safe Democratic seats, and three competitive districts.

"Some of the most competitive races in the country are in Arizona now, and I attribute that directly to the commission's work," says Commission Chair Colleen Coyle Mathis.

Even before the map was completed, however, the Republican who was governor, Jan Brewer, fired Mathis, backed by a vote of the Republicans in the state Senate, who had a two-thirds majority.

The controversy ended up in the Arizona Supreme Court, which held a hearing and took just two hours to overrule the firing. The unanimous ruling was that there was no sufficient cause for removing Mathis as chair.

Having failed to block the commission's work that way, Republican state officials went to federal court, to challenge the commission as unconstitutional. Their appeal has now reached the U.S. Supreme Court.

At the heart of the case is the Elections Clause of the Constitution, which says that the "times, places and manner of holding elections" for Congress "shall be prescribed in each state by the legislature thereof."

Those words resolve the issue, says former U.S. Solicitor General Paul Clement, now representing the Arizona State Legislature in the Supreme Court.

"We make the radical claim that when the Framers used the word 'legislature' they meant the word 'legislature,'" says Clement.

Not so, says former Solicitor General Ted Olson. He contends that the founding fathers were "actually very suspicious" of state legislatures and wanted to have "the people" hold the ultimate power over legislatures.
"We looked back at the definition of 'legislature' at the time the Constitution was written and it didn't mean a particular body, it meant the entity or collection of individuals that made the law," says Olson. And that includes the people in Arizona who created the commission there.

Olson and Clement served, one after the other, as the top legal advocate in the George W. Bush administration. But in this case they are on opposite sides.

Olson filed a friend-of-the-court brief on behalf of Republican former governors of California who pushed for the creation of that state's independent commission. He argues that leaving redistricting to the legislature means that in the age of computers, the party in power can manipulate the drawing of district lines to be "whatever they want it to be." And the result is self-perpetuating, polarized districts, where incumbents are guaranteed re-election and are accountable only to the extremes of their party to fend off primary challenges.

The Framers, he argues, wanted the people to be able to extricate themselves from this sort of gridlock, to experiment and have wide authority over the election process.

"What California and Arizona have done," says Olson, "is simply to try to fulfill the goals of the Framers to make a system where our elections are reasonably competitive, and that the people then have a choice and aren't boxed in to one particular party or the another."

Clement counters that the Framers did not believe in direct democracy.

"The whole idea of the Constitution was that we're going to form a republican government, that we can't have direct democracy," he contends. "They didn't give this authority to the people at large, they gave it specifically to the state legislature."

Olson rebuts that proposition, pointing to the second part of the Constitution's Elections Clause. That clause gives Congress the power to make laws to alter state election regulations.

And Congress, he maintains, did just that in the early 20th century when it adopted a statute allowing states to be redistricted by referendum instead of by the legislature.

That statute, as amended, permits redistricting "as prescribed by the law of the state." And the law in the state of Arizona, he argues, is the state constitutional amendment enacted by referendum giving the power to redistrict to an independent commission.

Clement dismisses that argument, calling it "just a red herring."

"The one thing the second Clause doesn't give Congress is the ability to rewrite the first Clause," he says. "It's not the people who will formulate these election maps in Arizona. It's five unelected state officials as part of this commission."

Indeed, Arizona's state Senate President Andy Biggs complains that the Independent Redistricting Commission leaves the state legislature all but impotent in the redistricting process.

"We're just totally irrelevant to the process other than at the beginning where you have slight participation," says Biggs, referring to the legislature's mandate to pick commissioners from a slate of vetted candidates.

Of course, the legislature does have the power to put the redistricting commission on the ballot again to get it repealed. But Biggs confesses that effort would likely be futile. So what would he tell the voters who seem to like the Independent Redistricting Commission?

"I would tell them, 'I understand your cynicism and skepticism, but the reality is the U.S. Constitution says that the legislature's supposed to draw the congressional lines,'" he says.

Now the Supreme Court will decide whose reading of the Constitution will prevail.

The Flood / Re: Smoked for the first time in six years tonight
« on: March 01, 2015, 11:44:40 PM »
OP is six years old


Serious / Re: CA expected to pass vaccination law
« on: March 01, 2015, 10:39:29 PM »
Public schools are terrible anyway, but it's a shame that this essentially means many parents will be forced to give up their children's right to bodily autonomy.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, fuck California.
Eh, I disagree really.

Measles was declared completely gone in our country at some date (I'm too lazy to look it up) but is now coming back because (some) parents are listening to some former playboy bunny who got her degree on Google.
I won't argue that vaccines prevent illness. Given a choice I'll take a vaccine any day.

That said, I don't think the state has any business telling people what they can, cannot, or, much worse, must, put into their bodies. Much like I do not believe circumcision should be legal without the patient's informed consent, I do not think anyone has any business fucking with another person's body.

The only reason I'm not up in arms throwing molotovs is that this is for public schools, which the state runs anyway. However, I think the state already has too much control over education, and there should be more readily available alternatives to state-run education. Homeschooling and private school are not sufficiently accessible to poor families.
I'd say the difference is that in regards to vaccines, simply breathing the same air as an unvaccinated person does puts everybody at risk. At least with something like circumcision (which I generally don't think should be legal, for the record), to spread anything that one would get from not being snipped would require... well, very deliberate acts.

Gaming / Re: Bracket Coming Soon [SSB4 Tourney]
« on: March 01, 2015, 10:25:59 PM »

i've had like zero time to practice these past few days >.>

Gaming / Re: The brilliant fighting game community
« on: March 01, 2015, 10:15:19 PM »
how did they neglect some Leffen salt tho? -____-
I can't stand that guy, he's just a cocky douche.
ye >.>

his haircuts are cute tho not gonna lie

Gaming / Re: The brilliant fighting game community
« on: March 01, 2015, 10:03:01 PM »
how did they neglect some Leffen salt tho? -____-

The Flood / Re: an observation on ryle
« on: March 01, 2015, 08:22:50 PM »
it seems my switch to second person is due to my own expectations that ryle will undoubtedly post in here, which really quite says a lot about my self
He's too busy fixing his Cheat detector.
actually im quite busy liking my own posts
oh you >.>


The Flood / Re: We Need A New Mod, A Tru Mod
« on: March 01, 2015, 05:52:42 PM »
We should instate a TruSkill Ranking System to determine the MLG level of each user.

The Flood / Re: 1% battery
« on: March 01, 2015, 05:35:21 PM »

The Flood / Re: Прощание.
« on: March 01, 2015, 05:32:14 PM »
I don't want to take this too off-topic and take away from Desticle's goodbye, but staff != ninja. The mod squad has their own separate chat for that stuff (there're 2 chats for Ninjas and 1 for non-Ninja staff).
The two other folks in question literally don't have any power anymore. It's pointless to keep them on board.

This ties into the bigger problem that... there doesn't seem to be many good reasons behind the mods doing what they're doing. Taking too long to ban users like Kinder, keeping redundant staff members... what's the point of it all?

Gaming / Re: I don't like Pokemon
« on: March 01, 2015, 05:28:52 PM »
Or biblical knowledge of young boys.
I'll talk to Rocketman if I need an expert on how priests like little boys, thanks.

tfw you discover Lemon is a Catholic Priest in England.

On topic:

I enjoyed it as a kid. But I'm not into it anymore personally.
Into what? Priests?

I'm glad you don't actually need me to spell my responses out for you.
If you did.........that would be unfortunate.

That's a ton of pokemon good golly miss molly!!!!

damn that's missing like 200 pokémon
it's from gen 4 m8y

i know it is

im wondering why no updated version

it would need to be the official art i guess because gen vi doesn't have sprites on-hand

Gaming / Re: I don't like Pokemon
« on: March 01, 2015, 05:27:06 PM »
Or biblical knowledge of young boys.
I'll talk to Rocketman if I need an expert on how priests like little boys, thanks.

tfw you discover Lemon is a Catholic Priest in England.

On topic:

I enjoyed it as a kid. But I'm not into it anymore personally.
Into what? Priests?

I'm glad you don't actually need me to spell my responses out for you.
If you did.........that would be unfortunate.

That's a ton of pokemon good golly miss molly!!!!

damn that's missing like 200 pokémon
it's from gen 4 m8y

The Flood / Re: Прощание.
« on: March 01, 2015, 05:25:33 PM »
As time has gone on and drama has drama'd, this community has slowly turned into a massive clusterfuck. It's pretty poorly moderated for the most part and repeat offenders come back time and time again. It took Kinder two times of posting my personal information for him to finally get perma'd. People who repeatedly harass others with malicious intent (Verb) or people who literally only troll and shitpost (Dustin) remain unpunished while calling Kinder fat at one point was a ban-worthy offence.

I'll just address this bit here.

Yeah, we are a bit too lenient. Part of this stems from the fact that this is a relatively small offsite, we don't have a massive turnover of users like a developer's website does (I.e, Bnet) so bans aren't something given out lightly.

What I think is a valid concern is the repeat offenders, there is actually an already established precendent/system for dealing with users who pull this shit and it's probably time it was dusted off and brought to the fore a bit more >.> I'll link it below.

This was brought out to deal with some serious drama llama infestations, and it worked at the time. It's a bit too medieval to be used as vigorously in my opinion, but if we set a certain threshold of warning points at which this will apply then there shouldn't be an issue.
There's still 'issues' so to speak like non-mods being in the staff chat.

>.> and a small site doesn't mean the mods should turn a blind eye to persistent behavior.

The Flood / Re: Прощание.
« on: March 01, 2015, 05:07:27 PM »
As time has gone on and drama has drama'd, this community has slowly turned into a massive clusterfuck. It's pretty poorly moderated for the most part and repeat offenders come back time and time again. It took Kinder two times of posting my personal information for him to finally get perma'd. People who repeatedly harass others with malicious intent (Verb) or people who literally only troll and shitpost (Dustin) remain unpunished while calling Kinder fat at one point was a ban-worthy offence.
1) Agreed.
2) le #blogposting ecks dee XD
3) Cupofcoffee? Smash Bros.?

so is this like a parody thread or did verbatim actually send this from banadu?

The Flood / Re: >getting perma'd from 4chan
« on: March 01, 2015, 10:39:57 AM »

I find that unethical and immoral are often used in different contexts, I feel immoral fits this context better.
Immoral implies that there's some social evil about it. I have trouble believing that there isn't some Judeo-Christian aspect to your case, because you said before that:

Such attitudes simply enable unethical behavior, allowing it to spread, and ironically, affect others.
I'm pretty certain that there is absolutely zero empirical evidence to support that claim.

Is this supposed to be a counter argument?
I doubt you're being serious >.>

Being against the degradation of women=/=being an SJW

Kupo pls

Well while we've changed the subject, if it's degrading for both genders, or if they're doing it on their own accord, is it really degrading at all?
Of course I'm being serious. I'd disown my daughter if she was such a whore.

It's degrading. It doesn't matter whether it's willful or forced.
Like I said in a previous post, it's only 'dishonorable' because people like you make it so. You haven't actually refuted that yet.

I've still yet to see how it's 'unethical' though, like what Napalm claimed. He doesn't seem to be able to defend himself, which is why I thought you were trolling.
It's not that I'm unable to defend myself, it's that I'm tired of this debate.

I absolve myself of this matter.

I can understand how some would see it dishonorable, but unethical just seems like a bit of a stretch to me.

Is this supposed to be a counter argument?
I doubt you're being serious >.>

Being against the degradation of women=/=being an SJW

Kupo pls

Well while we've changed the subject, if it's degrading for both genders, or if they're doing it on their own accord, is it really degrading at all?
Of course I'm being serious. I'd disown my daughter if she was such a whore.

It's degrading. It doesn't matter whether it's willful or forced.
Like I said in a previous post, it's only 'dishonorable' because people like you make it so. You haven't actually refuted that yet.

I've still yet to see how it's 'unethical' though, like what Napalm claimed. He doesn't seem to be able to defend himself, which is why I thought you were trolling.

Gaming / Re: New Pokemon game announced
« on: February 28, 2015, 10:17:24 PM »
wow, that's so relevant
It's hilarious because you're such a sore "winner"

Gaming / Re: New Pokemon game announced
« on: February 28, 2015, 10:09:41 PM »
Alright, just end the shit now. ffs plz.
Can we PLEASE post on this Web site without being harassed by him, and can the mods actually NOT slap him on the wrist yet again?

Do your job.

Gaming / Re: New Pokemon game announced
« on: February 28, 2015, 10:08:23 PM »
except i literally admitted to knowing it was an exaggeration
but i didn't give a fuck, because it was a shitty exaggeration
Good heavens, something that happened didn't meet your own arbitrary moral standards! Get a grip, kid.

Remember what you said earlier? kek
Trolling--but instead of banning him, i want you to scrape his face off with a piece of sheet metal and let him bleed to death

Gaming / Re: New Pokemon game announced
« on: February 28, 2015, 10:04:15 PM »

That was hyperbole.

Don't start derailing this thread over made up definitions or whatever.

His hyperbole is not the subject of discussion.

hey, guess what


no, listen


how about--LISTEN

how about you read the posts above
and notice that we've already fucking established that, kid

was that so hard
You're the only one here who hasn't gotten that message yet.

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