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Messages - Anonymous (User Deleted)

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Gaming / Re: will mester chef be killed off?
« on: March 19, 2015, 02:59:35 AM »


This is why I love dev mode. XD
Dev mode and dev trainers were pretty fun to mess around with back in the day >.>

They still are once you forget that they exist. This is official btw. I memorized a large chunk of the codes to enter into the terminal.
Ah, I didn't remember there being too many. Just stuff like unlimited ammo and being able to take over NPCs.

That's only 2. There's much more. I'd reveal them all, but that would ruin the fun. :P
I always loved the concept of playing as not-Master Chief but the game would always crash for me when I tried to be a Hunter  :'(

That's odd. The game never crashed for me when I played as a hunter. Maybe you had a corrupt file or a file was missing? That or maybe your machine couldn't handle it.

I actually played through the entire second level as Sgt Johnson. Each time I got a kill, he would either laugh or have some badass dialogue.
Well actually, it was a modded map (this one) with a crapton of AI, so that might have played a part in it >.>

It was many, many years ago so I wouldn't have considered that it might be a contributing factor <.< Plus, my computer wasn't exactly fast, either.


This is why I love dev mode. XD
Dev mode and dev trainers were pretty fun to mess around with back in the day >.>

They still are once you forget that they exist. This is official btw. I memorized a large chunk of the codes to enter into the terminal.
Ah, I didn't remember there being too many. Just stuff like unlimited ammo and being able to take over NPCs.

That's only 2. There's much more. I'd reveal them all, but that would ruin the fun. :P
I always loved the concept of playing as not-Master Chief but the game would always crash for me when I tried to be a Hunter  :'(


This is why I love dev mode. XD
Dev mode and dev trainers were pretty fun to mess around with back in the day >.>

They still are once you forget that they exist. This is official btw. I memorized a large chunk of the codes to enter into the terminal.
Ah, I didn't remember there being too many. Just stuff like unlimited ammo and being able to take over NPCs.

The Flood / Re: The growing problem of Christophobia in America
« on: March 19, 2015, 01:55:16 AM »


This is why I love dev mode. XD
Dev mode and dev trainers were pretty fun to mess around with back in the day >.>


inb4 lol ur just dumb and delusions

Honestly, sounds like sleep paralysis

I just realized this, sleep paralysis is a different story, you can't move or talk while being paralysis, i was able to speak and move, so sleep paralysis is out and it has nothing to do of what i witness physically.
You only said your body was moving weird. I've had sleep paralysis and my body moved/felt like it was during it too. Why were you moving you body weirdly then if you had control over it and what did you say/what did it say and did you look and see what was there?

I'm sorry but what, i didn't understand what you're saying?
You said you could speak and that it was singing and that you could look around. What did you speak, what did it speak/sing, did it respond to you speaking, and did you look and see what was there?

I was actually speaking normally while i was woke up. I forgot to add this, there were more singings when i heard it in my ear, i'm going to say this in my belief, you don't have to agree with it. Anyways in my belief, and this is taught by my family since i'm a catholic, whenever you hear signings, it's actually coming from heaven, like i said, if you don't believe it that's fine. I never said a word while this happened to me, i had no idea what was going on, all the signing just happened while my body was being weird. Sadly i didn't see what was there, however that doesn't mean that the signing was fake or a hallucination, and i heard more then just one signing. When i was saying "Jesus Christ, help me with my body" all of that weird stuff was gone, like it was nothing, like i said you don't have to believe it.
I know that I don't, I'm trying to understand what's going on here since you weren't very clear at first.

Uh, okay. Do you normally start babbling when you wake up, and do you not move or look around when you get up? Believe me, I've had my share of unexplainable/extremely unlikely events, but this doesn't sound like that to me.

Why didn't you look? Afraid, nervous, feeling like you can't/shouldn't but you kinda want to? That falls under paralysis from personal experience.

But what happened to me was real and i know the real truth behind this world and how it all began.
Okay, pro-tip time so you understand things. You do not know real truth, if you knew it then you would have something to prove it definitively, what you do have is a belief in what is real truth. Stating it as 100% I know is only something that will come off as ignorant and logically flawed. There are people who give their children bleach enemas/forcefeed them bleach b/c they "know" it will be curing their child's autism. Looking at things and not just going with "I know this to be true" is a really good thing as sometimes it can end up with really bad results, not always but it can. Critical thinking is good.

Sorry this was late, i was in a middle of being busy. Ok i could understand of believing everything, it's impossible to believe it without seeing it. However, what i really meant was the meaning behind of how the earth was made, and no it's not evolution, because where would all that energy come from. where did that big bang came from? how did cells enter the earth? are you saying that plants created animals? I'm glad i'm not an atheist because all of that sounds bullshit and it doesn't add up, plus its a theory, let me repeat, THEROY, it's not real, it's a theory, the big bang is a theory. That's why it's called the BIG BANG THEROY, it's possible that the theory might come true, but still, it's just a theory. i can give you this one video or picture that is a shape of an ark (Noah's Ark) believe me, this is real, i can show you this with no photoshop, also giants are real, so there goes you're stupid evolution theory.


So there you go, there's you're so call evolution (if you believe in it), this proves that what the Bible said was real, don't believe me, look up the date, and see if i'm wrong?

If this doesn't convince you, then i don't know what to say.
Am I supposed to believe just anything the media tells me without any pictures, scientific examination, or solid support?

That's the problem, next thing you're going to say is "this is all photoshop, it's the internet stupid" Ok but is the news supposed to be the source of all lies, no. Alright i'll give you this one but you better not say photoshop.

Convincing enough?
They could have lied, did you consider that?

Serious / Re: Netflix manipulated the Net Neutrality deal
« on: March 19, 2015, 12:32:10 AM »
I'd hesitate to label relatively isolated, and subsequently punished, incidents of exploitation as consistent and widespread.
I would have to disagree. This happens too often (once a year) and they keep trying to legally undo those rules that they keep breaking over and over again. This is too often to not be deliberate or 'isolated'.

In regards to Netflix, the only thing I can think of (because I can't speak for them) is that they hadn't recognized the threat to their business until they thought it through and had to actually deal with Comcast throttling its own network to essentially blackmail Netflix. Ideas can sound great until they're put into practice.

I'm a little confused. Where is this argument you say I have against net neutrality? This thread and article is discussing Netflix's gamble to achieve a more advantageous position in the market. They want the back-end of the network to be hamstrung while they negotiate a deal with last-mile ISPs.
Sorry >.> I've been a bit high-strung recently. I just interpreted this:
I think his point is that a lot of what this heavy-handed regulation covers are things that are not economy viable. The examples you provided show Comcast repeatedly being fined and publicly criticized. I'm not sure how your links prove anything except that there were already regulations in place to address these issues, making the decision to make broadband internet a utility unnecessary.
in combination with the last time we had a discussion about NN that you didn't like it >.> I'll back off, sorry Turkey.

News / Re: LC promoted to Grandmaster Ninja
« on: March 18, 2015, 11:35:15 PM »
>Likes Fate/Zero
GG Sep7agon
You have shit tastes if you don't.
Augh shiet not you too Kupo, fuck I need to go throw up meow

News / Re: LC promoted to Grandmaster Ninja
« on: March 18, 2015, 11:24:31 PM »
>Likes Fate/Zero
GG Sep7agon
You have shit tastes if you don't.

Serious / Re: Netflix manipulated the Net Neutrality deal
« on: March 18, 2015, 10:54:50 PM »
I like the Wall Street Journal, but their editorials on net neutrality are preposterously in favor of the telecoms and often factually challenged. This guy and Henninger (a Fox News contributor, which should say plenty about his motives) are the worst.

From another one of Jenkins' articles:
As the Internet has evolved, net-neut paranoia increasingly has rested on fears of what broadband providers could do, not what they are likely to do or have commercial motive to do.
History shows that this is completely, utterly false. (Three links there, FYI--and notice how many times Comcast shows up)

I think his point is that a lot of what this heavy-handed regulation covers are things that are not economy viable. The examples you provided show Comcast repeatedly being fined and publicly criticized. I'm not sure how your links prove anything except that there were already regulations in place to address these issues, making the decision to make broadband internet a utility unnecessary.

Regardless, the point of the thread is to highlight the influence of these companies on the decision, and much of the outcry was fabricated for a special interest group.
It proves my point (and Jenkins wrong) by stating the facts that Comcast and the other telecoms--special interest groups in and of themselves--of intentionally and consistently violating the principles of net neutrality, the principle that data travels back and forth without interference, despite the regulations designed to ensure that that concept is upheld. It is proof of why it is imperative that net neutrality exist and be enforced.

The claims of 'economic viability' are absurd and exist only to paint the illusion of a valid argument in favor of eliminating net neutrality rules.

Every incident are simply the reasons why the argument against the necessity of net neutrality (and the claim that it is somehow 'draconian') is objectively wrong. The telecoms have continually shown that they won't follow the rules. They've had their chances. I can't say I feel sorry for them at this point.

Edited to be nicer >.>

I would support mini-bans (like 15 minutes long) to cut down on stuff like that. Or maybe just some sort of cooldown period in between creating threads.

I was hoping you would say the Sibyl System

The Flood / Re: Cheat and Isara are conspiring against me!!!!
« on: March 18, 2015, 07:47:23 PM »
mods lock this

I don't know if those lower scribbles make this dirtier than it should be.

Gaming / Re: Write the story for a Halo: Combat Evolved reboot
« on: March 18, 2015, 07:41:07 PM »

It's a miracle the game is good
ha! good one
It's a good game, so is Halo 4.
I'm not debating whether 4 is good. Reach certainly isn't.
Subjectivity is a wonderful thing. Although if we were going off critics scores...
>critic scores
You do realise they don't mean anything, right?
>AV Club gave MW3 a 100

for shame

Gaming / Re: Write the story for a Halo: Combat Evolved reboot
« on: March 18, 2015, 07:36:57 PM »
I'd expand more if I wasn't on mobile right now.

Essentially, Chief doesn't send the rest of Blue Team to Reach with the other Spartans. 4 player Blue Team co-op for Halo 1.

Halo 2 has the same story, but allows for the new 4 player co-op staple of the franchise. Fred dies.

Halo 3 has roughly the same story, just told better. Arby replaces Fred as a member of Blue Team.

Halo 4, idk. I'll see when I can access a computer >.>
That's better than what I had in mind >.> I haven't read the Halo books yet so I wouldn't have even thought of that.

I would have imagined some sort of plot where Rosenda exists in Halo: Reach and Noble Six gets on the Autumn for some jolly cooperation with Master Chief. That still leaves two players without characters <.<

Serious / Re: Netflix manipulated the Net Neutrality deal
« on: March 18, 2015, 07:22:32 PM »
I like the Wall Street Journal, but their editorials on net neutrality are preposterously in favor of the telecoms and often factually challenged. This guy and Henninger (a Fox News contributor, which should say plenty about his motives) are the worst.

From another one of Jenkins' articles:
As the Internet has evolved, net-neut paranoia increasingly has rested on fears of what broadband providers could do, not what they are likely to do or have commercial motive to do.
History shows that this is completely, utterly false. (Three links there, FYI--and notice how many times Comcast shows up)

News / Re: LC promoted to Grandmaster Ninja
« on: March 18, 2015, 06:35:15 PM »
This is good news.
Master Forum Ninja title is being retired for now, and all mods will receive the IP/ban powers

doesn't this seem like a bit much though? >.> I'm not sure of the pros/cons of that.

Essentially, it means that all mods will have the same powers now.

No big deal
And if any new mods are ever brought in they have more room for error.
If/when we bring in new mods, the old Ninja title may come back into play to separate the two. But as it was, Yutaka was the only mod that wasn't a Master Ninja and it seemed a little pointless after he had served as a mod for so long and LC was promoted.
Ah, okay. Sounds good ^.^ and I agree with the Yutaka thing, it's about time.

Now the question is... is it worth upgrading from Windows 7?

News / Re: LC promoted to Grandmaster Ninja
« on: March 18, 2015, 04:39:53 PM »
This is good news.
Master Forum Ninja title is being retired for now, and all mods will receive the IP/ban powers

doesn't this seem like a bit much though? >.> I'm not sure of the pros/cons of that.

The Flood / Re: TFW you fuck up colour files
« on: March 18, 2015, 01:04:38 PM »
LOL um what

Some of these things, should not be the colour that they are. File errors, while being frustrating, can also be entertaining.
It's hilarious. What were you trying to do that made them end up like that?

I didn't do anything. I can't code files for shit, nor do I have the knowledge to. I'm just keeping up with somebody's progress reports of models they're working on.

Apparently it was a mistake in some files, a simple add on in the code that shouldn't be there, resulting in more than just armour being coloured when hit with the colour tool.
Ah, I see. >.>

The Flood / Re: TFW you fuck up colour files
« on: March 18, 2015, 12:41:34 PM »
LOL um what

Some of these things, should not be the colour that they are. File errors, while being frustrating, can also be entertaining.
It's hilarious. What were you trying to do that made them end up like that?

The Flood / Re: If Work has Taught Me One Thing...
« on: March 18, 2015, 12:24:47 PM »
That's right icy. Come to the conservative side.

Fuck immigrants.

The Flood / Re: TFW you fuck up colour files
« on: March 18, 2015, 12:23:33 PM »
LOL um what

The Flood / Re: Is this Bruce Lee?
« on: March 18, 2015, 01:48:47 AM »

« on: March 18, 2015, 01:36:08 AM »

dude, there's no money in video game development

You're an idiot.
He's really not. Good luck staying at a company long enough to get a paycheck that's representative of the actual amount of work you'll be doing--they WILL ask for unpaid overtime.

My post had nothing to do with finding a job/keeping one.
If it has nothing to do with jobs--a job being the primary source of money for someone in video game development--then what was it about?

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