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Messages - Anonymous (User Deleted)

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Do you really think they're just going to change their stance over this?

If anything it will just lead to greater polarization.

The solution is education, not punishment for thoughtcrime.
It is a political move that just so happens to be a dangerous one, too.
As I've already shown with evidence, the governors are already harming their own states with their climate denial and failing to properly prepare their own states. The available evidence has already shown that even when offered FEMA assistance, the governors in question won't use it effectively anyway.

But as soon as the fed threatens take away something, everyone just loses their minds.

The Flood / Re: Rape Culture
« on: March 24, 2015, 01:52:53 AM »
Elegiac + Rape Culture

The Flood / "Football players are dumb idiots"
« on: March 23, 2015, 11:08:45 PM »
That moment when you realize this guy:
Earned his degree in math in three years, graduated with a master’s degree in math in one year, and is working on a second master’s in math education, while maintaining a 4.0 GPA...Served as the student marshal for mathematics majors at the 2012 spring commencement.

Wrote this paper.

RIP in peace my brain

I did not generalize whatsoever, considering I lived through it. You're downplaying the severity of a hurricane.

I've lived through hurricanes too.

Um, no amount of preparations and evacuations can prevent house floodings and other property damage.

Generalizing ^

And this thread isn't about Hurricane Sandy, it's about FEMA and disaster relief funding.
As I said before, in some cases house flooding cannot be prevented. Like in Sandy's case.

But I'm not just talking about Hurricane Sandy, which you keep posting images and videos of.  I'm talking about in general. Is all house flooding preventable? No, but some of it is.
I am not generalizing.

Hurricane Sandy is a disaster and is thus directly related to FEMA funding. Sandbags won't do shit to prevent roof damage, which is extremely likely during a hurricane. Losing FEMA funds is not a sustainable course of action for any governor whatsoever.

Um, no amount of preparations and evacuations can prevent house floodings and other property damage.

Yeah um no.

Yeah, and that's one scenario. Your statement is too generalized.

"No amount of preparations can prevent house floodings and other property damage".

That simply isn't true.
I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation.

I don't think you get what I'm saying. I'm saying you generalized and that it was false. The flooding of houses can be prevented in some cases. You said it couldn't.

In Hurricane Sandy's case, most of the flooding couldn't be prevented.
I did not generalize whatsoever, considering I lived through it. You're downplaying the severity of a hurricane.

Property damage is not the exception, it is the rule.

Um, no amount of preparations and evacuations can prevent house floodings and other property damage.

Yeah um no.

Yeah, and that's one scenario. Your statement is too generalized.

"No amount of preparations can prevent house floodings and other property damage".

That simply isn't true.
I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation.


Do you really think they're just going to change their stance over this?

If anything it will just lead to greater polarization.

The solution is education, not punishment for thoughtcrime.
Loss of FEMA funds is a big deal. It will post a significant threat to any of their future political endeavors, including re-election.

As I've already proven, climate change denial is not just thoughts, it is also actions. Folks like Rick Perry are determined to eliminate education on climate change.

If the fix was as simple as education, this situation would not be happening right now.

It is more than just being uninformed. They're intentionally being ignorant. They are fully aware of what they're doing. They choose to deny it because they like to keep the conservative base on their side, and because many of them have presidential aspirations. Climate change denial is critical to any serious GOP nominee.

It is a political move that just so happens to be a dangerous one, too.

Um, no amount of preparations and evacuations can prevent house floodings and other property damage.

Yeah um no.

Holy shit you people are fucking assholes.

It's fucking disaster funding you chucklefucks, not confederate statues or shit like that.

The fact that I have to defend fucking climate-deniers is absolutely insane.
As I keep saying, climate-denying governors are only harming their states.

Here is a map indicating the stance of each state's governors on climate change. And here is a report by Columbia Law School analyzing the disaster preparedness of each state.

New Jersey: Governor Christie downplays the effects of climate change on the environment. His state is only a Category 3, while NJ's climate change-accepting counterparts are all Category 4's. This is despite New Jersey constantly getting BTFO'd by hurricanes.

Texas: Rick Perry denies climate change, and the state almost used textbooks that deny its existence. Texas is only a Category 2, despite being on the Gulf of Mexico.

Florida: Climate denial in governor Rick Scott, only a Category 3 despite being Florida.

Those are the biggest ones I can think of. It's easy to find a correlation being climate denial and a lack of disaster preparedness.

As I've said plenty of times today, climate change-denying governors are harming their states. They clearly won't change on their own, despite the years of evidence these gentlemen have witnessed in their own states. They are immune to reason in favor of political brownie points with their base.

Does anyone else have any better ideas?

I'm stupid. I should have read a bit more closely, because the details of this FEMA decision are important. (Heck, we all should have read a bit more closely before running around like ants about this)

I would like to point out that this doesn't include allFEMA aid, just hazard-mitigation aid--i.e., before the storm hits. Afterwards, FEMA will send aid. The states will not be left out in the cold.

This isn't even as big of a deal as we're all making it out to be.

If you are going to withhold RELIEF that is vital because of a governor's position on one particular matter.......that is incredibly wrong.

Say I do believe in climate change, but my elected governor doesn't. Guess what?
I'm still not getting aid. This is just a stupid attempt to get people to support climate change.
Relief will not be withheld:
The policy doesn't affect federal money for relief after a hurricane, flood, or other disaster.

Well that's still not good. You give them aid after a hurricane steamrolls the place?
There's nothing to offer aid to.

Preparations before something hits are pretty dang important.
Um, no amount of preparations and evacuations can prevent house floodings and other property damage. What do you think FEMA does if not help for disaster recovery, too?

And a lot of folks would be pissed off hearing that there's nothing left to aid. They still have themselves, and they don't plan on leaving. Even if their house is flattened, they need some sort of reimbursement. Guess what FEMA does?

The Flood / Re: Imagine
« on: March 23, 2015, 06:33:27 PM »
Forgive me if I don't agree with the vision presented in this song. I'd rather the whole of humanity not be a completely homogenized society that all worship the freaking Hare Krishna or the Cult of Lennon or something.
"Nothing to kill or die for,
And no religion too..."

His philosophy isn't so much atheism as much as it is hippieism.

Again, I restate my opinion. I'd rather not see humanity become completely homogenized, and lose every trace of cultural and religious distinction.

Peace doesn't necessitate the end of all differences or faiths.
His religious philosophy is objectively atheism. His social philosophy, you could call "hippieism" if you wanted to illegitimate his entire belief system down to a buzzword. But he's not against culture or difference, he's against differences that carry war and conflict with them. Like religion. He's not claiming that Germany and France should abandon their unique cultural identity and conform to the same one as the rest of the world.
Exactly this.

I would like to point out that this doesn't include allFEMA aid, just hazard-mitigation aid--i.e., before the storm hits. Afterwards, FEMA will send aid. The states will not be left out in the cold.
Yeah, that's exactly what I said earlier.
fuck me

The Flood / Re: Well I'm off the the Bahamas
« on: March 23, 2015, 05:25:25 PM »
I sure wish my garbage collection company would send me somewhere!

I'm stupid. I should have read a bit more closely, because the details of this FEMA decision are important. (Heck, we all should have read a bit more closely before running around like ants about this)

I would like to point out that this doesn't include allFEMA aid, just hazard-mitigation aid--i.e., before the storm hits. Afterwards, FEMA will send aid. The states will not be left out in the cold.

This isn't even as big of a deal as we're all making it out to be.

If you are going to withhold RELIEF that is vital because of a governor's position on one particular matter.......that is incredibly wrong.

Say I do believe in climate change, but my elected governor doesn't. Guess what?
I'm still not getting aid. This is just a stupid attempt to get people to support climate change.
Relief will not be withheld:
The policy doesn't affect federal money for relief after a hurricane, flood, or other disaster.

A) how do you know it'll work? justify that it's a bluff with real evidence.
If I could present evidence that it's a bluff, then it wouldn't be a bluff.

FEMA funding is a HUGE deal. Losing it would be political suicide.

It's child abuse for political gain.
No, beating and raping kids is child abuse. Don't cheapen a legitimate problem.

Well, fuck. Let's be honest. Allowing people to die for the short-term benefit--simply on the basis that they're wrong, albeit in a consequential way--is just abuse, period.
Is politically motivated and factually incorrect education somehow not abuse? Enlighten me.

Downplaying the effects of climate change will have the same effects as FEMA cutting funding to these states. But as I implied in my previous post, they don't have any intention of carrying this out because they know what the end result will be--the governors will fold. The constituency will not tolerate the loss of FEMA funding. I guarantee you, it is not a politically viable option, especially when some of these same governors have presidential aspirations.

To say that the loss of human life is justified because of ignorance is absolutely wrong. This is frightening to think that people are okay with politics working like this at all - this isn't just some political game, you're dealing with people's lives. That should never be pandered as a tactic.

Also, I think you'd quickly change your tune if you happened to be one of the people in any of these states being denied disaster funds.
Climate change denial is a political game. Pandering to the GOP base. Just as soon as FEMA does it, it's suddenly an injustice?

They'll fold immediately and this will all be a distant memory.
I refuse to believe you have that much disdain for human life.
Nothing I've said in this thread is wrong.

Because we have to put our foot down somewhere where they'll give a fuck.

I suppose we should tax people to hell just to prove a point about fiscal responsibility, right? Let's cripple the economy so people know we're right.
"Let's teach false information because a lie told enough times becomes the truth" is the crux of climate denial. It's child abuse for political gain.

By giving false information about climate change, they're setting up another generation to shill for them while making the kids scientifically illiterate at the same time. And because these kids won't believe in climate change, they'll downplay its effects and not give it the proper funding it needs, thus endangering everybody.
Nobody disagrees.

But where the fuck in there does it justify the revocation of preparedness funding?
Because it's a political game. The governors practice climate denial to earn brownie points with their base. For the most part, they're not actually that stupid to deny it. They'll fold immediately and this will all be a distant memory.

I don't see why this is bad. Someone needs to put their foot down on these idiots.

Only a liberal like you could think this is a good thing.

"They don't agree with my views... Let's withhold valuable disaster funding that could effect many lives! Yeah, that'll teach 'em! They'll really change their minds now!"
As if "let's use public education to deny climate science that will affect everybody" is any better? How dare they get a taste of their own medicine!

>Implying education and disaster funding are on the same level of effecting people's lives directly

Yeah, let's just take their disaster funding so they die in the next natural disaster! The best medicine is the kind that kills you!
gtfo midge, get banned from Serious

By giving false information about climate change, they're setting up another generation to shill for them while making the kids scientifically illiterate at the same time. And because these kids won't believe in climate change, they'll downplay its effects and not give it the proper funding it needs, thus endangering everybody.

The end result is the same.

I don't see why this is bad. Someone needs to put their foot down on these idiots.

Only a liberal like you could think this is a good thing.

"They don't agree with my views... Let's withhold valuable disaster funding that could effect many lives! Yeah, that'll teach 'em! They'll really change their minds now!"
As if "let's use public education to deny climate science that will affect everybody" is any better? How dare they get a taste of their own medicine!

The Flood / Re: What's your "in control" music
« on: March 23, 2015, 03:06:23 PM »
MW2 was Hans Zimmer's Lorne Balfe's best work.


#Invalid YouTube Link#
i edited it a full two minutes before you made your post


gg to you
I was typing my post and finding my video in that time.


well you should've been faster
stay mad
reported for being gay
no u

The Flood / Re: What's your "in control" music
« on: March 23, 2015, 03:00:01 PM »
MW2 was Hans Zimmer's Lorne Balfe's best work.


#Invalid YouTube Link#
i edited it a full two minutes before you made your post


gg to you
I was typing my post and finding my video in that time.


well you should've been faster
stay mad

The Flood / Re: What's your "in control" music
« on: March 23, 2015, 02:57:30 PM »
MW2 was Hans Zimmer's Lorne Balfe's best work.


#Invalid YouTube Link#
i edited it a full two minutes before you made your post


gg to you
I was typing my post and finding my video in that time.

I haven't listened to my iPod in ages.

The Flood / Re: kupo jacked my nameplate
« on: March 23, 2015, 02:50:41 PM »
I asked and I received. >.>

Get the fuck in here.

Are you fucking kidding me?

So it's fine for liberals (not necessarily you) to call for things like federal legislation striking down state laws blocking gay marriage, despite the fact that such would be a direct result of electing a specific governor,
Let me stop you right there. The Constitution clearly states:
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Due to that and the Supremacy Clause, it is outside of the bounds of the states to ban or otherwise block gay marriage. But because some folks still don't believe that to be the case, we need it codified in federal law to enforce that point.

but when it begins to trespass on climate change you're willing to say "que sera sera"? What about when the interests of representatives, senators and governors clash, which takes precedence? And why should you be allowed to dictate the electorate's priorities? What about the 47pc of Floridians who didn't vote for Rick Scott?

You're being short-sighted, and you probably know it.
Perhaps I am >.>

The policy forces Rick Scott, at least on this issue, to support the interest of all of his constituents, not just the shills who voted for him, and climate change is something that affects everybody regardless of whether or not they want to believe it. It makes actions have consequences for those officials like Scott who tend to be immune from such. Scott can't just ignore that 47% anymore.

The Flood / Re: >owning a cate
« on: March 23, 2015, 02:36:12 PM »

I always knew he was a closet case.

Relatively harmless budget restrictions like withholding highway funds for states refusing to raise the drinking age to 21 is one thing, but this is literally holding peoples' lives hostage.
...and being a climate change denier isn't?
Sorry, how is pandering to your political base and being an idiot even half as dangerous as withholding funds preparing for disasters. It's like withholding funding for flood defences because a specific governor doesn't believe a hurricane will occur.

Give them the money, legally require them to spend it in a certain way and let them throw their hissy fit. Don't punish the citizens by only helping them after they've been maimed.
The citizens shouldn't have elected/put up with scientifically illiterate dipshits. They only have themselves to blame.

It's difficult enough to get money from FEMA as is. At least now the governors have to face the (very credible) science before them and acknowledge that human intervention on the environment plays a part in the increasing necessity of FEMA in the first place.

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